This happened to me when I was about 4 years old on Christmas day.
As with most 4 year olds Christmas is the best time of the year, however this particular Christmas is one that ill always remember.
I went to bed really excited on Christmas Eve looking forward to waking up the next morning. When I did wake up the next morning I turned over in my bed. I had a table in my room, and sat on top of the table was my 'dad'.
The thing I saw was the spitting image of my dad. My parents were divorced at the time; however my dad always slept over at Christmas time. I was shocked to see my 'dad' sat on my table smiling at me, and saying 'merry Christmas sweetie-pie' so I got up out of bed and said merry Christmas, I went over to him to give him a hug, and as I put my arms around him, he vanished.
At 4 years of age I was really confused and scared and thought to myself why has my dad just disappeared and felt scared. I went down stairs to see if my mum was up and when I got down stairs lying fast asleep on the couch was my dad, I was terrified I wondered how he was in my room when he was asleep downstairs. But the fact that the 'image' of him in my room faded was the most frightening of all.
I have talked to some friends and family who are really big believers in spirits and supernatural experience and some suggested maybe my dad had an outer- body experience and I saw the image of his spirit. Others have said maybe it is somebody close to me who died and didn't want to frighten me so they took an image of the person who I turn to when I am scared.
My dad's dad died before I was born and my aunty showed me a picture from when he was younger and he looked very much like my dad. She believed that he was watching over me and was there that morning when I woke up on Christmas day.
I am really interested in what people think of this and if anyone wishes to write a comment feel free too.
But since that day I have wondered... Was it my granddad or was my dad having an outer body experience?