Friday night walking back to my room, my roommate was gone for the night. When I walked in my room I just felt something was wrong. I was getting a strange vibe. Never felt it before. I ignored it so turned off the light and went to bed. After couple minutes I saw two dark shadows standing by the wall just looking at me. I freaked out. Ran out of bed to turn on the lights. I thought it was my imagination so ignored it so lights off and went back to bed. Another couple minutes later I saw them again. This time one was above me like sitting above raising his hands as if he was going to touch me. The other one was standing right beside the bed and he had something in his hand. It was white sort of like a ticket shape. I was really freaked out. I slept with the light on the rest of the night. I knew it was real after seeing them twice.
Another one was a dream that I had. So strange it was. Friday night I just felt sick all of the sudden, had the heat on high and 3 blankets but yet I was still so cold. I fell asleep and I had a dream, don't remember it all but I know it was so peaceful and saying, "I never want to leave this place" after that I awoke because something hit me hard in the back and I was pushed half way on my bed. I couldn't believe it I was still wondering did that really happen? Getting sick all of sudden and freezing falling asleep dream being punched that the force was strong enough to push me half way on the bed. I have no idea on this at all.
If you have any info for either story I would really appreciate it.
But yes, if you encounter the Shadows once you'll be likely to encounter them again because what once attracted one will also attract others. I repeat some advice posted earlier; show no fear, never open a door when one is outside and never go out to one (sometimes those in hallways or outside doors try to draw you to them) no matter how strong the temptation, unless you're very well protected.