This is very recent and it was last night. Got back from active and later I noticed from the side of my eye I would see something instant rarely, but it was nothing. Last night I was in my room and I heard the dog whimpering and standing by my door, I figured he was ok. Hour later I still hear him and he is doing the same thing so I let him in and he laid by the door in my room. I got to thinking I caught pics before of spirits in the military so this could be the same type of situation. I randomly took pics around the room and got nothing so I was like hmmmm. I tried something different. I took pics behind me and I got one with bluish dark in the air like a wave by the wall. At first I thought it was the back of my shirt so I experimented for 30 minutes and it was not my shirt. If it was the top of my shirt on the top my back would cover the camera so no way my shirt could be on top of the camera from a distance and be a dark bluish. I always try to be rational until I can't and this was one of them. I will post the pic up too and send your email too if you want the pic and I be happy to share it with you.
My other experience:
I went through 3 rooms in my barracks in Okinawa.
4th floor: I woke up with my closet open... Didn't think of it to be anything then one night I was talking to my girlfriend. It cut out and said "shay shay naw." I was like, "what the hell?" Now it was interesting and it got worse fast. Pounding on my desk, pulling my blanket up at the bottom of the bed, lights trying to come on fully while off, so I got to switch.
3rd floor: I heard constant whistling sounds and again I was like, "what the hell?" Not too much happened there but touched my shoulder literally and EVP said. "sleep so softly sleep" I assumed it was a woman.
2nd floor: Again, not too bad but one night the vibe was off in the room and I took pics and very soon I got a pic with 4 faces in it.
Again, if you want the pic let me know and thanks. Hope you guys can help me out and especially the blue mist.