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Ghostly Experience At Funeral


Ghostly Experience at Funeral

I'm 44 years old and my paranormal experience spans over 41 years. There is so much for me to write and truly by the time I'm finished writing I'd probably have forgotten just as much all of this is true and I will tell you as best as I can remember.

My first experience was when I was 3 years old I was at my grandfather's funeral. He died in 1968 I remember not really understanding what was going on and I found myself standing alone at the back of the gathered mourners, I remember seeing what I would describe as a very short dark person or child he was running very quick, probably about 25 meters away from me. He stopped all of a sudden behind a headstone.

What happened next did frighten me; he tilted his head from behind the tombstone and looked straight at me. I remember crying and running to my mother, that was my first ghostly experience, I won't forget that one.

Guardian Angel

When I was about 7 years old I remember going to bed about 8 pm and like most children I slept with the light on. I shared the room with my two brothers and that would explain why my bed was directly under the light. I remember laying flat on my back my face was now in align with the light when suddenly I felt these hands come under my armpits and pick me straight up very urgently, my legs were still flat my top half was upright. Then about 3 seconds later, the light bulb exploded and landed exactly where my face previously was. I don't know who that was but it was the first of quite a few times I cheated death or serious harm.

Holy Ghost

I think those who have felt the presence of the Holy Ghost will know what I'm talking about here. It happened only once in my life, I was about 16 and I guess my faith was at its highest point. I'd just finished reading scripture and was spiritually reaching out when I felt a most wonderful spiritual uplift, hard to explain, I remember years later just after I lost my father, my mother who was not practicing religion was very depressed.

She explained a similar experience, one night when she felt like giving up, some type of spiritual entity reassured her and made her feel better. Over the years I have questioned my beliefs and at 30 years old went into denial and became a skeptic. I know some of you are looking for answers, I don't proclaim to have them, but its interesting mum and me having a similar experience with different beliefs.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, aussiedaz, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)
Hello Lady-Glow,

The snow would definitely help. It will melt like AussieDaz says into much needed water.β›²

I agree, this thread is very interesting.

Thank you for the links AussieDaz. Very interesting indeed.

Goodnight from Australia🐨 πŸ›Œ πŸ’€
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)

I'm so glad to hear you're safe. Hopefully your fire fighting family members are safe. The little bit of drizzle we had today is helping in a small way.

Hide and I always got spotted because I picked the same spot to hide every time. A lack of imagination I guess. πŸ›οΈ

'What would I say to my higher self'? I would say, 'As much as you care for every living soul, you can't save the world'. I try and help all the wildlife here. So many beautiful birds and possums. Just recently a small dog needed my help. I'm going to adopt him as soon as he gets all his inoculations and as soon as his holding period has expired with the RSPCA. He's just the cutest little fellow.

Anyway, time for cup of tea.🍡

Best wishes,
😘 ❀
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)

I should add, it's not an easy question to answer and by no means am I trying to deflate your last post, you seem like a wonderful caring mother if the god source was a gender it would no doubt be more like a woman due to the undeniable love women have for their children... For mine, it wouldn't be easy letting go of the self and resigning yourself to something greater... As a five year old and adult, I would probably play hide and go seek lol!

Regards Daz
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)
SWS, We have a home in Sydney and one on the Central Coast fortunately for us both of our houses are fine, however we do have family fighting the fires down in the danger zone, so far all is good with them.

What would you say to your higher self if it asked you to let go of your ego so it can move onto another adventure?


The snow would be nice... We could convert it into water lol

Regards Daz
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-06)
Hello everybody.

I wish I could send some snow to Australia... I'm sure 70 cm would be more helpful there than they are where I live!

There was a power outage that lasted 3...yes, 3 days! I have a lot of catching up to do, specially digging out some things from under the snow. I'm visiting YGS during my brakes and following this interesting thread.

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2020-01-05)
Hello again AussieDaz,

You have explained that so well, that even I understand what you're trying to explain.

What would I say to my 5 ear self? I'd start by saying that life is wonderful and make the most of it. Don't automatically trust people. They need to earn that trust. I'd continie, love is magical when you are lucky enough to find the right person. As for childbirth, get an epidural! Lol.
Seriously, I spoke to my children like they were my equal and still give them that same respect, within reason of course. I kept it PG. πŸ‘§πŸ‘§

You are right, it's hard knowing how Information is too much information and you just have to be guided by common sense.

Thank you for your response.

I hope you are safe and out of the fire danger.

I'm located on the East coast and we are fine here. My heart goes out to our farmers, fire fighters, and those who have lost their homes.😭

Best wishes,
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-05)

It is hard to fathom how our higher self may be a multi personality spiritual entity absorbing your individual experience (ego) and other (ego's) over many lives on it's road to greater enlightenment, I'll make this analogy... Imagine if the 5 year old you
(in duality) was standing before you right now? How would you explain who you are? Imagine trying to explain child birth, love and everything else?... The five year old you wouldn't be able to process it all?

Imagine when it was time to say goodbye to the five year old you?... When realising you are too evolved to let this five year old you steer ''the ship of wisdom'' a progress in work that has probably taken you many century's to evolve to...well, to your higher self, the adult you, is like the five year old child when trying to make sense or understand the bigger picture of what we are doing here, you'll understand more when that time comes and most likely, you and your children will plan a return somewhere down the track... You will be connected to them no doubt about that... Would I want to be aussiedaz forever? ''Oh please no'' I think it's my turn to come back as a rock star who lives past 50 y/o...lmao

They do have a sense of humour over there.

Regards Daz
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2020-01-04)
Hello AussieDaz,

OMG! I know I've said this before, but I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts and comments.

I learn so much from your knowledge.

I laughed my head off at your last sentence.🀣 'Please give me a rest and half a century to get over this life and haunt a few bank managers and politicians who annoyed me along the'

As for me, I'd wouldn't to come back as anyone else other than myself.πŸ’œ I love my children and family and wouldn't trade that to be a millionaire or popstar.

Thanks for such a good read. I'm going to Google the names you've quoted and click on the link you provided. You've gone to so much trouble and you always do. I'm not going to waste your efforts.πŸ€—

Best wishes,
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-04)
Hi Caz

I guess on this website we need to be mindful of other religious beliefs systems before going down that road of what created us, so I'll try very carefully not offend anyone's belief system here by making this statement... ''that my own conclusions and theories are exactly that''.

There are probably three or four different possibilities behind the fundamental nature of our existence. People laughed at Elon Musk when he made a serious comment in regards to our universe being an computer simulation perhaps created by an advanced human civilisation many millions if not billions of linear years ago.

The notion was actually brought up in 1977 by a science fiction writer Phillip K dick, who actually lived a very paranormal life making the claim that he was visited by an extraterrestrial of human nature who told him his movies are not that for away from the truth. Here's the 4 minute link of Phillip back in 1976, you'll actually witness a person trying not to laugh at him, however he was very serious about what he is claiming...

Then you have the respectable Nick Bostrom, who presented the simulation argument and then there are many other clever philosophers and physicist making the same claims due mainly to the facts that at the core of our universe, information are in bits of 1'and 0's and it also appears via the double slit experiment, microscopical atoms collapse into a wave function when not being observed, would that be typical of some super quantum computer simulation that triggered off a big bang creating the physical illusion of our reality?

Nick Bostrom simulation arguement...

I can't rule it out, that once upon a time there may have been a base reality where matter was actually matter and not atoms acting all weird and mystical where perhaps a civilisation... To keep itself from going extinct, created some sort of the Matrix we are living in being the result of some sophisticated quantum computing by technology not yet discovered? Although the A.I enthusiast are quite positive the potential is with in the next 100 years or so.

Then you have the research of Michael Newton of which I have an abundance of respect for. The spiritual realm basically had no beginning it always existed in a realm that makes quantum mechanics seem extremely finite as to the science behind it's existence... Each of us are basically children of light born from the God source and no, you don't need two to tango lol... Apparently there is a section in the after life where new souls actually have a beginning, if this is true, then one could subscribe to the notion of a creator however not a grey bearded man sitting on a throne IMO.

As spiritual beings we all have different gifts and some of those gifts involve the ability of flying to uninhabitable planets and creating physical life according to Dr Newtons research and Yes, if you think we are alone, you need to be informed that with in our galaxy, we have about 39 million planet earths of which our galaxy is like a grain of sand at the beach, compared to the total number of galaxies in our universe.

Alan Watts once quoted, Imagine living a life as a king doing all things you can ever imagine possible. Imagine if you lived many lives doing other things, would you want to try something different? There is a button in front of you and if you press it, you'll go to sleep for about 80 years always knowing when that dream was over, you'll end up back where you began and that 80 years of joy or hell was like one nights sleep to a being who is eternal?

I'm reasonably confident our universe was no random act of a natural phenomenon, we are not alone and their are dimensions all around us. Although I detest the notion of coming back to the earth matrix and doing it again...''PLEASE NO''...I however do surmise we exist in duality of the Matrix as spiritual beings... And when we wake up after death we return home to where we truly belong and the ultimate decision will be up to the higher evolution of my own being... I do believe there is a life between lives and perhaps our earth ego continues on for a period of time however in the end we surrender it to the realisation we are something more greater than a famous pop star and what might that be?

What would it look like to never be angry again period? How wise and enlightened would one need to be to have total control over negative feelings?. Maybe the Earth Matrix is designed exactly for that? To teach us lessons, can I forgive others? Can I live in the moment? Can I forgive myself? Karma is not about revenge, perhaps we bring it on ourselves to experience perspective?... What would it feel like to be a spiritual being who has lived a thousand lives, would you want to be a pop star in every life? How enlightened would that soul be, I believe this is what drives us to come back and do it again?'s all about spiritual growth in a place where shiat happens, however please give me a rest and half a century to get over this life and haunt a few bank managers and politicians who annoyed me along the

Regards Daz.
Caz (342 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-04)
Hi Daz,
I've known about this matrix for some years now, but it's rarely talked about, so I was delighted to see you had mentioned 'the Earth matrix' in some of your comments on people's stories. I've watched the links you've posted with interest and the scientists have done a great job in showing us and explaining how it all works, so thank you for posting them.
However, what people don't know is 'Why are we living in a matrix when we have been led to believe all our lives that God made the planet Earth?' I believe I know something about this, but I'd appreciate your thoughts. I have to go now, but hopefully I'll have time to get back to you tomorrow! Thanks again!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-04)

When Michael Tablot wrote his book the Holographic Universe back in the 90's, mainstream science never gave it a first glance let alone took it serious until another brilliant Standford professor in Leonard Susskind entered the arena with his own mathematical hypotheses on an Holographic Universe, so great was his work and his battle with Stephen Hawkins who had his own Black hole theory, the winner was Susskind... Hawkins in the end conceded to the work of Susskind of which is a pretty big deal in the world of these geniuses.

Basically Susskind is making the same claim as Tablot in regards to our Universe being Holographic however he precisely structured in the mathematics to his theory. According to Susskind, Black Holes are two dimensional projecting our 3 dimensional existence into it's reality... If you were in a spaceship and fell into a black hole basically you would as be flat as an 2 dimensional object... Reminds me of the movie, interstellar.

Leonard Susskind lecturing on his Holographic theory

Susskind has a stack of scientific awards that basically validates the genius he is.

I believe a huge part of the awakening is the realisation of who you really are and what you are doing here... All of the information is out there to absorb. It may take you years to find it providing you can keep yourself interested enough to take the time of processing it... I have been researching for around 10 years and I'm still finding new material. Sometimes the more you know is the less you
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-03)

From my own experiences and research, there seems to be two types of OBE's...type A, is where the experience has full recall for the individual having the account such as Michael Tablot and myself... I have left my body many times over the last few decades and I always remember every detail of the account.

Type B, are those who have accounts they can't quite remember in detail however they do remember something?... As you stated, it felt like a dream to you right?... A few years ago, I saw my wife leave her body as she laid next to me in our bed, she only hovered just above her body staring straight at me, I asked her to get back into her body.

A few hours later when she came back from the toilet, I asked her if she remembered any thing strange? And she said yes...she'd remembered floating out of her body and hearing my voice, however she couldn't recall herself looking directly at me,btw, near to validation for me, however not quite conclusive beyond all doubt,hmm... If only right?

Here's my own theory as to why both of you didn't quite have the same detail as the observers of your account... As Bruce Lipton pointed out, we are all little mini me earth rovers receiving a signal most likely from our higher selves in the 5th dimension as
our physical self, is the little player carrying the world on it's shoulders making ends meat day in day out.

I do surmise we don't enter into these realms with all of our energy at any given time? Why? Because it would probably make us all too psychic and defeat the purpose of being here to experience and grow. IMO, A psychic may transfer energy into the earth body around 85 percent thus giving them the ability to communicate with those on the other side and we see a few them around the joint.

Other folk transfer in with about 40 percent of spiritual energy of which basically keeps them asleep for their ride and those peeps, are usually your hard core materialist, sceptical of anything that seems to exist outside their objective reality and wouldn't see a ghost ever, not always the case, however we do need a balance to keep this physical illusion functional.

Perhaps the reason some folk can't remember all details of an OBE or they do have some vague recollection of it might come down to the energy transfer between the two dimensions at any given time. I believe I was looking directly at my wife's soul however in duality her physical consciousness couldn't quite grasp the whole ordeal and remembered it differently and this may be the same for you Maria.

You'd remembered it as a dream at the time your mother saw it differently, keep up the good work staying off the smokes, you go girl, running out of time I may come back and say some more later.

Regards Daz
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-03)

I have notes going in all directions and I don't really know where to begin. I'll focus on the interview with Michael Talbot.

It is very exciting to me that a scientist who (in my opinion) seems to be respected and logical speaks the way that he does about ideas that are not taken seriously by mainstream. I am talking about what he said about his out of body experiences. His account of leaving his body and finding his neighbor's library book is very much like some experiences that I have had. A few months ago, I submitted a story to YGS, without really thinking that it was purely psychic phenomena and it was not accepted. I will try my best to paraphrase it here:

I am a runner; it seems to be an effective form of exercise for me but I really wish I had easy access to a swimming pool because I hate running. This is a terrible place for running, this town; it's conditions have made a, somewhat, negative impression upon me.

Early one morning, my mother saw me running up the street. I ran past her in the driveway and when she came inside, she saw me sitting at the table outside. She started playing a game on her tablet. After some amount of time, she realized that I never came inside. She walked into my bedroom and found me deeply asleep and I was wearing different clothes (pajamas).

After I sat up in my bed, I remembered that my last dream was of me running up the street and I wrote it in my dream diary. She saw me outside and it was a surreal experience for her. This is not the only time that this has happened with me.

The thing that Michael Talbot said about the laboratory rats seems like it should somehow apply here (I think) because the tests showed that their memories of running the maze were not stored in any particular area of the brain. This might be another one of my "associations" but, whatever the case, I am not "too good" to compare my own brain to that of a rat. This association seems to parallel what Talbot was saying about the universe being catalogued within each of our minds.

I would also like to say something about placebos. His account of the man who, unknowingly, was the cure of his own tumors by virtue of his strong belief that he was taking a miracle medication is a very familiar notion to me. I have worked in various pharmacies for the last twenty years; there's no way of knowing how many cases that I have been personally involved with that have been amazing cases of mind over "matter".

More than anything in all of the things you have said here or in all of the links you have provided to me has been more affirming to the case that "there is no matter" than what I already knew of the placebo effect as a cold hard fact. It makes me think that, since I do know that modern science has accepted the placebo effect, that they also will be soon willing to concede to more. I had never before even thought of placebos in this way. It's something like an awakening.

He also mentioned that his childhood home was a place of strong Poltergeist activity. In the summer of last year that was also the case in my house; the associations that can be made here have put my experiences in this house into a comfortable perspective.

Also in a comfortable perspective now is my earlier troubles with the thought of oblivion; one of the first things that I ever said to you was that "I can't understand 'nothing'". I feel better now that I am in the process of banishing my fear or aversion to the thought of "nothing". Thank you.

- Maria

* Two unrelated side notes:

* 1.Β  I haven't started smoking again; I won't. This house, however, is really trying my patience. Both, my mother and stepfather, are retired and never go anywhere; they live in a perpetual state of "cabin fever". I think that they actually LIKE b***hing at each other for anything. It's always been like this; they need hobbies that happen away from each other for part of the day. It didn't really bother me until I stopped smoking; I used to have patience for this. In fact, I have had to watch all of these videos and make comments while sitting in the backyard. I'm not really complaining; this is just another case of going from Point A to Point B.

* 2. Jeffrey Mishlove looks like Bob Odenkirk but with different hair.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-02)

I watched the first link already and he is right: just making your bed first thing in the morning can be all it takes to start for yourself a chain reaction; such a small action can change your mind for the rest of the day!

I came back home ten minutes ago and walked in my bedroom and there it was: my bed in perfectly diagonal disarray. Kind of a mild disappointment but it will be different tomorrow.

As for the smoking: I am at two successful days. I will not fail this. I have never even made a New Year's resolution ever in my life before now because I don't swear oaths or promises lightly.

I won't smoke again. I want to stay healthy; my parents practically cough up a lung each evening and it's very sad to me. I want them to feel better and I dare to think that I may be some kind of good influence upon them. Also, I'm tired of smelling like an ash tray. People in the world notice that kind of thing and make judgments accordingly.

Thank you for the link to that motivational speech. It does apply to the world around me!

- Maria

Also, after I left my house earlier I bought some nicotine patches; if they are helping me then I don't think that I want to know what it's like without them!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-02)

Good luck with giving up the smokes, hang in there and stay strong, I'm convinced both of my parents lives were cut short due to the fact they both were heavy smokers. Ironically, I'd only watched this inspirational link this morning to help me on my own new years resolution... It may inspire you as well?


''My new year resolution'' is to find the peace with in and to let go of all fears, pretty much as Bruce and Tom were discussing... Working as an Union official in a big city, one has to deal with a lot of fear at any given time. Btw,
Imagine if you were able to conquer anger?
Imagine if you were able to conquer jealously or envy?
Imagine if you were able to conquer the fear of failing?
These emotions are just fear based and created with in ones own mind so imagine what it would it look like to master them all? In a first step, if you conquer the habit of smoking you have kicked a goal.

Here is a short link on quantum entanglement you'll may find this more interesting than the double slit experiment...

Michael Tablot wrote a book in the 90's called ''Holographic Universe'' it sold many copies from memory?... With in this interview, he gives an account of himself astral projecting of which you may also find interesting.


Regards Daz
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-02)

One of my favorite movies is "Donnie Darko". There is a part of the movie where a teacher is trying to get her class to recognize the difference between actions that are made from fear from actions that are made from love. I wasn't able to like that particular character in the movie but I completely embraced that idea; the idea that the root of any action must come from one of the two is still obvious to me.

I like the way that Bruce Lipton talks. I would think that he is very good at speaking to people at the layman's level because he is good at making comfortable analogies. I think his way of speaking bridges the gaps in the comprehension of general audiences; an example of that would be his "olive sandwich on rye bread".

In fact, I am pretty sure that I have seen him and heard him speak before; he seems familiar to me.

I made notes. I always take notes and read them later; whether it's a documentary that I'm interested in or whatever. One wall of my closet, before I moved to South Georgia, was predominantly black and white in it's color scheme for all of the composition notebooks. In a notebook from two years ago, I was fascinated with "pareidolia". I feel that the phenomena of pareidolia fits in nicely with the fear/love idea.

I have notes from watching these videos and would like to keep talking but I have to go to work. I wanted to let you know that you were right; that interview was more than interesting to me.

I quit smoking for New Year's and have been a grouch for the last thirty nine hours (even in my dreams) but after I finished watching that interview, I felt better.

- Maria
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-01)

When you have a chance to watch this interview with Bruce Lipton and Tom Campbell, you'll find it even more interesting than the interview with Donald Hoffman.

Bruce Lipton has been a biologist for 45 years, one of the first ever to work on cloning stem cells. In this interview, you'll hear how he went from being a Strict materialist reductionist even to a point of lecturing it to his students... To having an epiphany when realising the complexities and nature of our 56 trillion cells that make us human of which according to him, are just receptors picking up an external frequency inside the matrix.

Tom Campbell was a Nasa physicist who wrote a book called ''My Big Toe''. He basically lectures all over the U.S.A, his hypothesise is based on the premise we are all living inside a virtual reality,'' growing up as he puts it''.

Both of these gentlemen offer an intriguing insight to our existence, worth watching.


Yes, I'll come back to you if I find anything worth noting and thank you for your kind words.

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2020-01-01)
Hello AussieDaz,

Thanks for coming back with all that information. It's very sad to think that little child ghost had a poorpers burial.πŸ˜ͺ

If you do get around to investigate it further, I'd be interested in reading more. I love your posts.πŸ–ŠοΈ

Best wishes,
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-31)

Hoffman is great, he realises the importance of bridging mathematics to the realm of consciousness whilst maintaining his credibility... I could write a book on consciousness however it wouldn't be taken serious... When people like Hoffman,Lanza, Tom Campbell and co put their reputation on the line it makes a huge difference to our evolution.

Happy New Year to you too Lealeigh and I hope the awakening you're seeking in 2020 comes into fruition.

Cheers Daz!
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-31)

I have to say that I'm really impressed with the things that Donald David Hoffman said in that interview!

I really like where he went when he was talking about infinite consciousness. It's about an hour and a half until midnight here in Georgia and I have promised to "party down" with my elders on the patio. I have more to say on consciousness in the near future.

I hope 2020 brings that "perfect vision" that I was hinting about the other day; for you and for everyone else on YGS.

Happy New Year to you!

- Maria
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-31)

We should ask ourselves these questions when drawing down on our own conclusions?

What is the science behind the spiritual realm?

How do we see ghost wearing clothes, holding objects, fighting battles... Ghost planes, ghost cars etc? If we accept the spiritual realm is not physical?

How do we even dream, what to heck is going on there? Some of these dreams can turn into a physical reality and yes, I have had a few of them?

What's the deal with a Poltergeist? How does a home come to life and start haunting it's occupants? And then we just brush it off to a couple of angry young teenagers feeling hormonal and not ask the question Why?

Where did we come from?

Is our reality by design?

Do the facts around these scientific experiments give us some deeper insight to the mystery of our existence?

IMO>>Consciousness has to be fundamental in all dimensions for anything that appears to be physical... In some near death cases they talk about seeing beautiful fields and flowers. How are they seeing and feeling those flowers in the spiritual realm if some form of physical construction is not coming from their minds?

String theory suggest there are 11 dimensions, I believe consciousnesses is fundamental in all dimensions and necessary for the illusion of separation via physicality for any entity interaction.

I'll probably flunk science myself here answering your question on what is Reempe? They used to think an atom acted on its own, however each atom has it's own disposition of electron with empty space in between... So the orbital is referred to as Reempe, however I may be wrong. You may need to post the link to let me look at it in context.

I'm also convinced not everyone can wake up to the truth otherwise what's the point of being here,I'm not saying I have all the answers however it's almost an obsession of mine to figure it out.

Regards Daz
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-31)

51 years ago to be exact and I can still remember the account reasonably well. Actually quite a number of times over the years, since publishing this account, I have been back to the same spot and pondered on that event back in 68.

Although it has never crossed my mind to try and locate the exact headstone of which this small being, child stood? Interesting enough, not far from where I stood or close by under a tree, lays the burial ground of a small infant.

It may have been a paupers funeral because it just seemed to be done so cheap and out of zoned to the rest of the community. Do I believe it's related to my account? Probably not, however, next time I'm out there... Out of curiosity, I might read the names of those in the vicinity of where I believe it hid.That's a good point you have made and warrants investigation however, my intuition leads me to conclude with a little more wisdom 10 years down the road, it was deliberately trying to stay out of sight, because it knew I could see it. Fear and the way I reacted was not an unexpected reaction for a three year old child.

Hi Curious Dee

A few days after my father died I went down to see my mother obviously concerned for her well been just like any child would. We sat down around 10 am sharing a cup of coffee and grieving over our loss when she said something to me of which immediately drew me back to this account I posted here.

She said: A strange thing happened last night, I was laying in bed, just wanting to die knowing that your father is not with us anymore. (she loved him that much Dee)...when suddenly, I felt this presence of undesirable warmth and love just surround me and fill my heart with joy.

I am paraphrasing the actual words here because I did write about this in one of the other stories. However you grasp my point.

Who or whatever these angelic beings are they do watch over us and reach out if need be, my mother was not a religious person so I don't put it down to her imagination, the similarity to my own account is uncanny... There are some amazing tapestry's of unconditional loving energies out there in the astral... It's happened to me a few times over the years, although I have never had a near death experience, I do resonate with the common description of unconditional love they feel when crossing over usually going over a life review before being chased out of paradise and sent back to the grind. Lol

Happy New Year to you all.

Regards Daz
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-12-31)
Hello AussieDaz and Curious Dee,

It's been such a long time since I've seen you on YGS CuriousDee. I hope you are well and Happy New Year.πŸ™‹

AussieDaz, I would like to know more about the child ghost who tilted his head and looked at you. Do you think he was trying to draw your attention to the toomb stone he was standing behind? (It was a long time ago and you probably don't remember but I thought I would ask anyway) πŸ€”

You were lucky the light bulb didn't break on you. The glass is fine and causes intense damage when it contacts the body. The cuts are fine and glass goes in deep.πŸ€•

I'm glad you are ok.

Thank you for sharing your experience.

I hope you aren't in the fire zones. Happy New Year.

Best wishes,
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-31)
Hi Aussiedaz!

I haven't been on YGS in quite awhile, and a dear friend recently suggested I read your experience. First, thank you for sharing ❀ The child at your grandfather's funeral does sound unnerving, but based on a previous comment may have a deeper meaning (I look forward to reading about that).

Your guardian angel experience reminds me of astral projection or OBE. I've experienced it and the way you describe the feeling are very similar. I also wrote about an encounter my son had years ago with what I believe was a guardian angel too.

Very interesting read, I look forward to reading more. Thanks again

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-31)

I really think watching A case against reality with Donald Hoffman might help you grasp it a little easier.

A case against reality:

''Even if I convince myself that the granite counter-top in the kitchen only exists in my mind, banging my head against it would be enough to remind me that its hardness is much more than just my imagination.''

Oxygen alone won't hurt you, nor will hydrogen, however, combined together they turn into H2 water of which can kill you, especially if you can't swim... Consciousness is fundamental to our existence along with the base atoms of our reality combined together they create objects that can hurt you just like a granite top kitchen. With in the Matrix the granite top kitchen holds it's suspended presence in the space time continuum through the macroscopic processes of physicality, however, our eyes only pick up on the light it transmit to our brains. Our brain deciphers the colours etc.

Granted it's very hard to process when Newtonian principles will put a fool in a coffin if they start thinking they are just a figment of the universe's imagination, then again, in my opinion a poltergeist with in a home where we see objects flying all over the joint may lends a clue as to how the mind interacts with objects and emotions when things go pair shape

All the best for 2020 to you too lady-glow!

Regards Daz
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-30)

Thanks for sharing all those links, I will read/watch them little by little.

At this point, I still have trouble wrapping my head around the idea that "everything we see and experience right now, your body the walls, the ceilings of this room are an active process occurring in your mind, everything you think is out there is a construct happening with in your mind there is no out there'' (: Robert Lanza"

Even if I convince myself that the granite counter-top in the kitchen only exists in my mind, banging my head against it would be enough to remind me that its hardness is much more than just my imagination.

In the meanwhile, I'll need to dust off all those scientific terms that made suffer so much during my university science classes... What the heck is a reempe?

Wishing you a wonderful 2020.

Best regards.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-30)

Yes, no one yet has resolved the connection between observation and the rise of matter via the double slit experiment, however quantum mechanics (Phones, Computers,TV's etc) were basically born from the mathematical equations that have transpired through the study of it's probabilities.

The problem is, we have been stuck in a paradigm for about 300 years where science has been built on the premise that only ''materialism'' is at the foundation of our universe. However, in the last two decades they have made some progress and the idea of an objective reality, within the time space continuum, is dying a slow death of a thousand knives.

The Higgs Boson doesn't really offer us much in the sense of understanding reality, it takes a very small step in understanding the beginning of a material universe, even with the Higgs Boson it was created by smashing particles of out of nothing? It may one day lend us some knowledge in creating our own parallel universe once our technology peaks to a point where that action may be possible?.

If you have some time watch this link with David Hoffman talking about the case against reality,you'll find it really, really interesting, he is once scientist attempting to build mathematics on consciousness to a point it will explain the after life... He is a professor of cognitive science who works at the University of California. A pioneer willing to take that step in explaining the unknown.

A case against reality...

If consciousness rises from matter or directly from the brain, it's game over for an afterlife in my view, it has to be the other way around. In drawing my own conclusions, along with my own paranormal experiences... Mind don't belong to body, body belongs to mind, it's like you are in a virtual reality playing a game, when your character dies, you the player don't...dying is like waking up from a dream and after a while in the spiritual realm you get over the dream pretty quick.

Regards Daz
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-30)

My last comment makes me think that we're all part of a collective that creates matter for ourselves; not that we really know that we're doing it.

I'm not trying to say anything blasphemous here but maybe God isn't what many people think he is. Maybe he has a lot to do with us or even is us.

I may be making strange associations here and that notion wouldn't be new to me. My mind thrives on making strange associations.

- Maria
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-30)

I've watched the Double Slit Experiment video a couple of times (I also laughed at the end because the notion was funny). Now I understand what you meant in the past when you made a reference to "wave function" before The Big Bang.

The atoms that everything is comprised of were acting randomly before then because they were not being observed? I agree with your question: Why does it matter whether or not the atoms are being observed? It makes me think about how some people only work while they're being watched. I guess that's why Jim Al-Khalili said that there's a Nobel Prize waiting for the person who finds an answer to that question; no one has an answer yet.

It makes me want to think that each atom that becomes part of a construct has an awareness of being watched or they are governed by something that puts them together. Is the Higgs Boson supposed to be the "glue" that holds things together? Do they call it "The God Particle" for that reason?

I guess it seems good (or efficient) to think that things only exist because we're here to see it. If I keep thinking about it, I will find myself caught between two mirrors, reflecting each other; we're here because someone is watching us and so on.

Am I beginning to understand what you were saying when you said that there is no "matter"?

- Maria

Also, thank you for the link to the book, "Journey of Souls". I have already begun reading it.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-29)

Your father is correct...''time does not exist in the way we know it'' and I believe Albert Einsteins theory of relativity has been proven to support his claim a couple of times:

''Einstein meant that time is relative and flexible, and the dividing line between past, present, and future is an illusion. So, reality is ultimately timeless. This sounds pretty bizarre from the viewpoint of classical physics, but from the view of consciousness and spiritually, it fits perfectly''

They fixed two clocks to the exact time and sent one on a plane around the world and when it came back there was a time variation between the two clocks, so basically it's all about motion that presents the illusion of time thus as his theory states... The Orch orr theory basically states our lives are like a movie film where we have about 40 conscious moments per second creating the illusion of time being the present moment.

So when you hear reports of those who have had a near death experience claim they seen their lives flash before there eyes? Literally they are watching back their own life movie in the next realm.

Another detail of the near death experience, is the euphoric amount of unconditional love they feel on the other side, so intense it is, they don't want to come back.

That feeling you felt on the day you had this conversation with your father, was the extension of that love transcending through our dimension into the core of your soul... So what or who was behind it?

Perhaps your spirit guide? Perhaps an angelic being/holy ghost?
Some entity of light and love was reassuring you,you'll be ok... After all, we are in a pretty tough school of knocks in the Earth matrix, these beings watch our back and often do reach out and comfort us.

It's great that you feel the need to reach out and seek any information to help you on your own path ''so why do we subject ourselves to the physicality if we are unconditional loving spiritual beings?'' in a nutshell, it's because we can and we seek contrast to the all perfect realm of the God source.

If you are in a white room, with white walls roof and white floor, how do you know what the opposite is until you experience the dark?

Anyway, start of with the double slit experiment and watch it over and over if need be. How to heck does observation play a key role in conforming matter?, keep in mind 99 percent of the universe is made up of atoms, however during this experiment they collapse into a wave function of energy when not being observed.

Double slit experiment:

Come back with any question on this experiment if you don't quite grasp it... Let me make the analogy relating to water.

A water molecule has three atoms: two hydrogen (H) atoms and one oxygen (O) atom. That's why water is sometimes referred to as H2O. A single drop of water contains billions of water molecules.

Water needs both types of atoms to be water otherwise it's just hydrogen or oxygen, our reality needs observation to conform in to a macroscopic material world otherwise it's a wave function of empty space.

Consciousness is fundamental to our existence, that feeling you felt on that day is really in a sense the only thing that is real, we have 56 trillion cells with their own antenna's picking up the spiritual realm where are real home is... We are spiritual beings having a physical experience.

The best book I can recommend to read is journey of the souls, Michael Newton pretty much gets it right in my opinion.

Journey of the Soul:

Regards Daz

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