I had some sort of strange experience the other day. It was about 7:00 in the morning and I was woken up by a man yelling. I turned on my stomach and tried to go back to sleep, but then I felt like someone was like, picking at my blankets. I got sort of freaked out but then it felt like someone was lying on top of me. I struggled to move my arms and open my eyes but I couldn't. I was so terrified. The feeling was the strangest thing ever, like a dead weight I was tingly and sweaty.
Has this weirdness ever happened to anyone before? My husband said that I experienced sleep paralysis, but I was fully awake and felt someone messing with my blankets. I am so scared. I had to sleep with the TV on this morning after my husband left for work at 6:30. I won't sleep in that room alone without the TV or lights on anymore. And I had the dog lay with me last night before my husband came to bed.
Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I've heard of it happening to others but this is the first time I had an experience like that. I'm so scared that it will happen again and this time I'll see something. Or something is after me and won't leave me alone. All help and comments would be greatly appreciated in solving my dilemma.