This story happened about 7 years ago, I was coming out of the bathroom, turned off the light, and then when I was going to go in the kitchen I saw a hand in the door to the kitchen, sort of like telling me to go there, I thought it was one of my brothers but as I came in the kitchen I realized I was alone in the house, there was no one else. I was so scared. But after a while I sort of forgot about it. That is until 2-3 years ago.
Next to the kitchen is the living room, and sometimes I stayed up late doing homework. This particular day it was 4 a.m. My family all had gone to bed, when I felt someone pass by, and a chill ran up my spine. At first I thought that it was someone in my family, but 1 hour passed and no one came back so I got up and when I got near the bathroom I realized the light was on, and no one was there. I freaked out more.
The next day, I was again in the same place doing homework again when suddenly I felt it again, and almost everyday that I stayed up until that hour around 4:00, I could always feel like someone was watching me.
Beside me, no one seem to feel, or see anything. People who lived there before had said that they saw fire, or that someone threw coins at them, so I never knew exactly what it was.