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Ghost In The Prom Dress


Caution some of this story has personal description of actual death and may offend some people.

2004, it was a fine spring morning, my daughter and I had loaded the car and were heading south for about a 2 hour drive from Sydney. My daughter was representing our district in the under 15 state basket ball championships. We were both excited about the trip, cruising on the freeway with the music playing and both of us belting out word for word. Mischievously, my daughter switched on her mobile camera and was recording whilst I drove. We were enjoying the moment feeling good about the games ahead and the town that we were driving to.

I won't mention the road we were on but what I will say it was well renowned for accidents. Coming around the corner the traffic had come to a sudden halt... About one minute prior two cars had a head on collision and it wasn't a good looking scene. I told my daughter to stay in the car whilst I go to see if I could help. As I started walking toward the scene I could see about 30 feet in front of me a person laying in the middle of the road, flat on their back. I could sense this person was in a lot of trouble. The other driver was out of her car screaming hysterically, the person lying on the road was a young lady.

As I got near, the person lying on the ground was a young lady. My first thought that went through my mind was, that this is someone's daughter. About five or six people were standing around her, the general consensus was not to touch her and wait for the ambulance to arrive. Her leg was badly broken and disfigured, something was wrong with her neck and a protruding 7 inch gash just above her left eye (not bleeding) which suggested to me that maybe her heart was not beating. (I am not a qualified doctor but I've had basic training in first aid) She was lifeless although the people standing around me were advising me not to touch her. Instinct told me to at least check for a pulse.

I got down on my knees, the road a mess from metal and debris, the smell of oil and fuel mixture was strong, a stain and odor that lasted a while on my jeans that I was wearing, (not that I minded) may be a relevant point later in my story. I put my two fingers very gently to her neck searching for a pulse, but as soon as I touched her neck I could tell it was badly broken and there was no pulse.

This poor young lady was dead. She was not wearing a seat belt and was thrown out of the car on impact, death was instant. Walking back to my car all I could think about were the parents of this young lady and how devastated they would soon feel. After hugging my daughter, as traffic was been redirected, I had an overwhelming feeling of guilt. Could I have done more? It stayed on my mind until we got to basket ball, where both of us were taken away to be counseled... An ambulance officer, whom I spoke to, reassured me there was nothing else I could do and phoned his fellow colleagues who worked on her at the accident, to find out the extenuating circumstances.

What he told me was that on record she died on arrival at the hospital. Although they knew she had died at the scene. Because of her age 18, they preformed CPR as standard procedure. I guess they were hoping for a miracle... Later that night thinking about her parents I wondered if they had known the truth, as a parent myself, I would be torturing myself about how, or if she suffered. What was she thinking etc, I decided to ring the crash investigation unit and ask them to pass this message on to her parents? I was there in the first minute of the accident, your daughter did not suffer and the people that were there were dignified about your daughter's circumstances, my heart and condolences go out to you and your family.

One night about two weeks after that, I was in my room where most of the apparitions appear to me I was sitting on my chair (ironically wearing the same jeans) when suddenly I could sense someone was there. Since I lost my dad and saw him outside my room, seeing and sensing other spirits was becoming more frequent than ever.

It had been difficult and occasionally scary, to accept what was happening with these unexpected visits. I went through a few different phases in ways of dealing with them. I went from being frightened, praying to the Lord for them to leave me alone, to being quite angry on occasions throwing pillows, punches and even swearing at them to stay away. One night I woke up and there was an apparition of a man standing in my room just staring at me, I had no idea who it was. (Confronting the fear factor I guess) I decided to get up and walk straight through him, (not a good idea) the transposition left me with some chills as I crossed his path. (Brought back a memory from another story not yet written) From this night on though, my understanding and acceptances of these spirits would forever change.

I finally realized most are lost or confused souls who are just trying to connect or get a message across to a world where they once belonged. At this time about four feet in front of me I could start to see an apparition appearing in a color formation. Soon it formed a shape of a dress it was purplish blue color and looked like something one would wear on a special occasion (I don't have the best fashion sense) I later described it to my wife as a prom dress.

I couldn't see her face or body but I knew it was the girl from the car accident. I don't know why this young lady was now standing there in front of me. My physic ability just doesn't allow me to communicate the way I would like it to. I was not frightened and subsiding all my fears, explained previously I could connect a feeling of sadness about her. I presumed this child was lost and the only thing that came to mind was to ask her to go into the light. I said this couple of times and prayed that she would, I could only see the dress for about 30 seconds, it soon disappeared and so did she.

When I was 18, I was in a serious car accident. My cousin was driving and I was in the front passenger seat. I was not wearing a seatbelt. He lost control of the car and hit a solid tree head on at about 45 to 50 mph. About 10 feet away from the tree something happened which had nothing to do with my physic ability.

A white flash of light surrounded most of the car that I could see, and then everything went into slow motion. It would have only been a split second in reality, but to me it was like 5 long seconds. It gave me enough time to embrace for impact I could see the tree coming and my timing on collision had to be perfect. The collision had some tremendous force had to be perhaps (800pound psi of pressure) my arms had to sustain during impact (remember no seat belt) I should have been thrown out of the car and probably seriously hurt or killed.

I understand the physics of adrenalin, may explain part of it. But I believe this was something else. I have no doubt a higher force saved my life on that night, as I walked away with just a couple of minor injuries. I didn't even go to hospital. In respect for whoever saved my life? And that poor young lady that's death would have been prevented had she worn a seat belt.

I finish this story with this strongly intended advice. Please wear your seat belt at all times. Tell your friends my story and pass this message on. I welcome your thoughts and please excuse me if my description of the dress is not what expected, but it was how I described it to my wife at the time.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, aussiedaz, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2016-09-19)
Yes Melb, at the time I was swimming in guilt from walking away wondering if I could have done more however her fate was sealed from the impact of the accident as logic eventually pointed out. I only ponder on the despair of being her parent and hope they took some small amount of relief in knowing it was quick as the pronouncement of her death was declared upon arrival at hospital which was not actually true and it's not something you forget all that easy, I can still see her face now when I shut my eyes and think back. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my story.

Regards daz.
L_Melb (220 posts)
9 years ago (2016-09-08)
aussiedaz, yes, I am woefully late getting to read this experience of yours.
The way you talk of that poor young kid - (I think of myself at that time of life and I was a tall baby!) gives an impression of a person who cares and is not ignorant of the pain of others.
It must have been an awful scene to encounter - one certainly not brushed off in an afternoon!
Logic surely tells you she was beyond any help, although logic doesn't stop us swimming in guilt looking at ways we could have saved all!
Apart from the small chance that you may read how touched I was by your words, I too wanted to say a word to encourage others to wear their seat belts, they weren't installed for looks 😁
I'm sure many have heard a story of the seat belt working against safety, these are far and away the exceptions (and most likely why remembered and told to all).
Forgive the length, however, you show your worth in the words you share with us and anyone bothering to read, don't take your safety for granted, it could prepare great pain for a loved one, thanks, L
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-22)
Daz, I'm sure that poor lassie's parents found solace in your message. It is bad enough to loose a child to illness... After years of treatment and suffering... As we did; but to loose one in a tragic accident... Must be mind shattering! Truly a parents worst nightmare!
I commend you for your actions!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-22)
Yes it was true the paramedics couldn't do any more, her neck was broken fairly bad, she was dead on impact poor girl, but it was on record to have died in hospital of which prompted my actions to pass on a message to her parents the way I did... Thinking about it now, she probably came to my home to acknowledge me for doing that... I think the only consultation for her parents was to know she passed over quick, not much of a consultation but perhaps spared them some grief in some small way... A parents worse nightmare never the less!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-22)
[at] aussiedaz, you are not guilty of anything! You did all you could at the accident, no human could do more... Even the paramedics could not save her.
Surely, you must have felt some vindication, when you told her to go to the light? In my opinion, you did an awful lot for her! To me... You are one of the really good guys! 😁
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-22)
[at] Fergie, Thank you, I did feel some guilt for not doing enough, just an awful tragedy and the poor lass was only a child. I can still picture her laying there all these years later poor lass and in regards to walking through a ghost, it's something I don't recommend at all, funny thing is though. My mother has hugged me from spirit, less those chills I'd previously described with a stranger... So perhaps the fact that I was carried around inside her for 9 months and shared a special bond as mother and child do had something to do with that, well maybe?... Anyway, thank you for your comment Fergie, it's much appreciated.

Daz 😁
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-22)
[at] aussiedaz, your sentiments are very noble. I agree that in a head-on collision, seatbelts may save lives!

I forgot to compliment you on a great narrative. Also, your thoughtful actions at the accident scene, and afterwards. 😁

I have never walked through a spirit, so I can't empathise with you on that one; only been touched, prodded and 'jumped on', which was a surprise... Not chilling or scary.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-22)
[at] Fergie,we'll have to agree to disagree on the seatbelt issue, I think you'll find plenty of professional opinions supporting they do save lives anyway thank you for your comment.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-31)
Good story aussie, thanks for sharing. But, I beg to differ on the seatbelt issue. My aunt went over Van Reenen's Pass, literally. If she had been wearing her seat-belt, she would have gone to the bottom of the pass with the car. Instead, she was flung out a couple of meters from the road! My husband watched, while his best friend burnt to death in a capsised car. His friend could not get the seat-belt unfastned, & the heat was too scortching to get close enough to help! Sorry to pee on everyone's batteries. 🤔 😕
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-02)
Thank you Katherine, although evil energies do exist... Often our experiences are miss interpreted... But if you do believe it is evil... Removing the fear element, will reduce the negative energy that it needs to sustain input in your life (stay calm)... There are also good energies around us as well, that sometimes make us feel uncomfortable, but not for the reasons we think... This message in my story I'm glad was received and appreciated LOL... 😁 ❤
EmeraldAngel (4 stories) (319 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-30)
Wow I already understood what most ghosts go through but just how you said placed a type of serenity on me and I've been really on edge since of a evil being that haunts my house now I think I can deal with it more calmly I thank you God bless you ~Katherine~ ❤ ❤ 😳
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-29)
Thank you for your kind comment clairakb, may you have a long and prosperous journey throughout your life as well. 😁 ❤
claireakb (1 stories) (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-04-06)
"I finally realized most are lost or confused souls who are just trying to connect or get a message across to a world where they once belonged."

WOW. I got goosebumps reading that. That statement will definitely help me through my journey with the paranormal!
honey91 (15 stories) (80 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-07)
Its okay haha I should have read the comments. 😁 Don't feel bad.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-05)
Sorry honey, I was only kidding about changing my name, I was refering to how I agreed so much with devious angel on her comment and that I was starting to sound like her parrot, as I have been agreeing with her a lot lately, sorry again.
honey91 (15 stories) (80 posts)
15 years ago (2010-03-05)
If you change your name, will you still be on my favorites list? Like will it still recognize your account?
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-24)
Thanks doggz, you know mate you picked up on a good point and only the other day I was watching the veiw (sad I know)...this medium can't think of his name but his behind the tv show ghost whispers, he was asked a question how do we look when we pass and he replied how ever you want, that is so true my dad was 20 years old when he got married and that was how I saw him outside my window, I do believe there are other amazing things in the next dimension we can project to reality, the clue to how it works is in our dreams? Which is the strongest aspect of my ability, saved my life on a few occasions.

My friend granny and co always give me good advise
Cheers mate

Thank you for your comment
doggz (1 stories) (11 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-23)
Hey aussie, I've read your Augusts story and found that very touching, thank you for sharing such an awsome story. I've always been in the belief that not even death can keep true love apart and your parents had that, its not something everyone gets a chance to have or experience... Anywho back to this story, I'd have to agree with Granny and say that the girl came back to you to say thank you for checking on her at the scene of the accident, while everyone else just stood there. And I'm sure she was thanking you in letting her family know that she didn't suffer, as that would've brought some comfort to her parents. From some of your stories it seems to me that you are a powerful medium because you seem to have a strong connection with the other side life. Oh as for the prom dress she was wearing, it could be that that is how she prefers to come across, spirits tend to project themselves in what would've been the best moment in their lives, in your other story your dad came to you as his younger version of himself. Anywho, that's my personal opinion... Have a good one mate and hope to read more of your stories, peace out.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-23)
Thank you very much, aussie. ❤ I appreciate that. And the same with you as well! Your insight and wisdom are very beneficial to everyone here.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-23)
DeviousAngel,I think your right about the prom dress, there has to be some significant reason, as to why I could only see her in that dress. I often thought about contacting her family, but the fact she never returned I decided not to. I am so glad your father survived, not many do with out a seat belt. Thank you for your kind words, let me say to you this site needs your wisdom, you have a good rational view and make some excellent points. I enjoy your comments on other post keep them up, thanks again.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-22)
Honey91,Thank you for your warm comment, sometimes when I close my eyes I can see her laying there on that road, I can see her face like it was yesterday... Excatly how it was on the day she died. It is not a haunting vision in any way, it just breaks my heart that this poor young child will never forfill her physical life, my daughter is now 19, like you she is going to college to be a preschool teacher. I pray every night for her to be save, like I hope you are honey, god bless you girl.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-22)
Thank you for sharing this story. It has a very strong meaning behind it as well, and one that I take very seriously. I never, EVER get into a moving vehicle without a seatbelt. If there is no seatbelt for me to use, I will not ride in the vehicle. My dad got into an accident when I was young and had not been wearing his seatbelt. There was a pen in the visor above his head, and upon impact, his head snapped forward and the pen went into his forehead, not enough to breach the skull but left him with quite a scar. He did not go to the hospital either but came straight home where my mother took care of him. I remember screaming and crying because I could just imagine how much worse it could have been, had he been going any faster. I think that was what made me ALWAYS wear my seatbelt.

I think it's possible that the girl appeared to you in a prom dress because at that time, she was imagining herself in a situation she would never get to experience because of her death, or it's possible that she may have been on her way to pick up her prom dress at the time of the accident. I think she wanted to thank you for trying to help her and for helping her parents with the call you made.

You are a truly wonderful person, and I do believe that something kept you alive precisely for that reason!
honey91 (15 stories) (80 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-22)
This story brought tears to my eyes... I think someone saved you for a reason, I think that you are here for helping people. Youre awesome!
❤ ❤ ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-19)
Thank you, Darkness, cosmogal and granny all three of you make some good points, the dress must have some significant reason and I think it was a type of thank you, as I never saw her again after that visit, thanks again for your comments.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-02-17)
Aussie: I think she visited you to say thanks for the message to her parents, and for being the only one to check on her after the accident...I'll tell you, I can't bring myself to travel in any car without a seatbelt... It scares the daylights out of me!...It's a good habit to get into, and it takes a second to click in... One second that could save your life!

Thanks for the story ❤
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-16)
That was such a sad story. I'm wondering if the girls parents buried her in her prom dress. So young to meet such a tragic end. I'm sure she came to thank you for trying to help and sending that message to her family. Thanks for sharing another one of your stories. Take Care 😊
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
15 years ago (2010-02-16)
Hi aussiedaz what an incredible story I can't understand why people don't wear there seatbelts isn't it a habit to most people, an automatic thing you don't think of doing once getting in to the car? I do hope the girl has found peace, and maybe even came to you in a form she loved best to maybe even say thank you for what you had done for her, your thoughts and condolences to her family.

Thank you for sharing


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