This 'supposed' paralysis that happens within my sleep has been continuing on for years. My first encounter began when I was about the age of thirteen; however, I was very awake, bored, and staring at the ceiling. All of a sudden I figured out that I was unable to do any movements with my body and how I couldn't really breathe. After finding myself in such a state, the bed sheets began moving at my feet with the weight of a ten pound kid crawling onto the bed. My arms were tucked at my sides, I tried to shout yet had no voice; so in my inability to get my body to do anything, there was a thin veil-like thing across my face and this child-like thing, that was in the strange form of shadow, just sat on my stomach and stared me down. As it stayed on top of me, I felt helpless, scared, and thoroughly angry; the last option I had left was praying straight to God. I prayed for the good Lord to assist me into telling it to let go of me. My prayer was answered once I managed to say," Let go," in a barely audible whisper. Again, the covers started to shift while the light weight got off from me and left the room. I was inhaling and exhaling normally, moving around my legs that seemed like they were tingling and still had my eyes wide open. I was so awake that I stood up, went into the bathroom, turned the light on, and stared at my reflection in the mirror for a decent ten minutes.
Another experience in which I had 'sleep paralysis' was being gradually dragged towards the bottom of my bed. In advance of this instance's occurrence, I was sound asleep but having an extremely disturbing...dream: At the top of some random set of stairs I looked into the darkness and began to walk down the steps. So, I stopped in the middle of the staircase to find I didn't like how dark it was getting. When I was turning around to go back towards the light, something abruptly took hold of my ankles and dragged my paralyzed body. At that moment, I woke up somewhat half asleep to see that something was pulling me across the bed. Yes, I was sort of frightened, but I got very grumpy and said a few colorful choices of words at it. Without any hesitation, I was released and I quickly crawled up the bed and held onto the person next to me: My brother. After a while, my arm was hurting from having it underneath his side, so I rolled over. When I awoke the next morning, I finally realized what had very much happened to me.
A third occurrence is also when I was fast asleep. At first, the dream didn't happen to seem disturbing. Neither was I expecting it to suddenly take a turn such as that. I was in High School, sitting at my assigned desk in US History class. One of my favorite teacher's was taking attendance with a monotone voice. It went scary when, instead of hearing my Us History teacher's voice, there was an eerie, unfamiliar one that called my name then laughed. I opened my eyes to figure out that it was morning and my body, once more, was paralyzed. As I was stuck in this sort of state which has frustrated me to no end, there were those baritone vocals, which still laughed sinisterly, at me in my ear. Though it's quite uncomfortable for me to spill out, though, I felt like this evil thing was trying to rip my ribs a part. This fourth time, however, my thoughts were too incoherent to form out a prayer. Eventually, it left me all by my lonesome, thank God, to wonder if this really did happen.
These events have not happened all in a single week, month, or year. No, the experiences that I've summarized for you readers have occurred along my teenage years: When I was thirteen to maybe even now. Now, I am a Christian and I believe in there being a spiritual war going on for every soul. Whenever I have told most of my family, my friends, even a religious leader once in a blue moon, and they all look at me like I'm a crazy person. My dad's side of the family tends to believe me with my encounters a lot more than my mother's, for a majority of them have went through many a spiritual battle.
The reason on as to why I am posting this up from all these years is due to, well, last night. Immediately, at twelve o' clock during the night, I was awake with my body put in paralysis. Over the years, I have found out that if you move your fingers or toes the sleep paralysis can wear off. Even though nothing really occurred, I felt as though something was just watching me, waiting in anticipation, wanting to get at me. There was pure terror rushing through me when my room was feeling way too cold while there was a very reliable heater beside my bed. I knew I was shaking, my teeth chattering, and I bet I had goose bumps all over, but though it was probably sluggish and incomprehensible, I was saying for whatever being there to leave in the name of Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit. After some time, I was able to get out from my bed and turn on the lamp across from where I slept.
So with that said, I say to you my fellow readers," Why me? Why is it that I just can't sleep in peace"? I'm desperately hoping with all of my heart that it's simply this sleep paralysis which is playing with my head. If it is sleep paralysis, what should I do to avoid it? And if not... Give me some advice anyways.
Thank you for reading this.