As a child I had an invisible friend, who I have come to believe was a poltergeist. I was abused as a child so there was a lot of negative energy. I was also very sick. I think sally was a culmination of that energy.
One day in particular stands out for me though. Even as a pre-teen Sally was around. I thought that she would have gone away by the time I was 12. I was walking down the steps on the front porch when I felt 2 hands on my back and for some reason my legs didn't want to work until the last moment. I was pushed off the last step and my legs tried to save me... But I stepped down wrong and as a result, my ankle was broken. There are many other times when she has TRIED to hurt me but couldn't. I think that the reason she was able to this time was because of the fact that I hit puberty and during that time my mother was being EXTRA abusive.
I was the target for my mom's abuse for many reasons that are only known to her. The first time I saw sally was when I was about 4 years old. My sister had just been born and my mom was angry that another relationship didn't work out for her. I was lonely too. Sally also tried to hurt my sister. She threw toys into her crib, and put her in the trash can. How many 4 year olds do you know can carry a 5 month old 50 feet? Especially when they are sick so much that they are in and out of the hospital.
There are more times that sally got me into trouble, but these are the most memorable.