I moved into my flat back in January of this year, there are 3 flats situated in this house that was built in 1860, my boyfriend lives in the middle flat, between my flat and his, there are 2 small sets of stairs and a small landing area with a window in between. When I first moved in, my boyfriend told me that the house was haunted by 3 ghosts, we have researched the house and its previous owners and we believe that the resident ghosts are part of the first family that owned the house when it was first built. These ghost are said to be most active between the 3rd and 16th of May for which reasons we don't know. That's something I have to look forward to.
But here's what we have already experienced and the reasons for thinking they are all part of the same family. Sometimes we see a man stand near the window, he is dressed in Victorian attire and he has a sad look on his face, he seems harmless and sometimes we speak to him, we think that, because of his attire, this is a Mr Langbourne that is said to have died in 1922. There is also sometimes the laughter of a child that can be heard in the hallway. Mr Langbourne had a daughter that died when she was 7, the girl is also sometimes seen with a lady in a maids uniform, we think this may have been one of the Langbournes' servants.
The house was the last of a row of terraced houses and back in its day, it was a rather wealthy family's house. The road as it is now used to be called Piano Lane as all the houses had a piano in the front room (which is my front room now). When we sleep upstairs in my boyfriend's place, we can hear a piano playing faintly downstairs.
Other things such as electrical equipment disturbances, things disappearing then showing up where you last left it, footsteps in the early hours in the hallway and knocking on the walls, phone receivers being taken off the hook when we are in bed and heavy objects being knocked over, these things seem to happen more when we discuss the spirits, possibly just them letting us know there are there.
All the spirits seem kind enough but the man on the stairs seems very sad, he may need to move on. It is very close to the 3rd of May and already the activity is picking up.
Should be a fun month.