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Real Ghost Stories

My Daily Horrors


In recent months many things have happened to me. Much too many to name so I'll just explain some of the major things. For those of you who have read my previous stories, the house in New York where the incident with THE MAN IN MY ROOM occurred things have started to happen there again.

I was taking a shower when I visited there a couple months ago I was alone in the house. My brother was riding his bike with his friends and my dad was at the store. I heard a male voice shout "Tori!" At first I thought it was it was my dad because I didn't hear him leave. But I thought it was odd for him to call me Tori instead of Victoria. Because only my friends in Florida call me Tori. I got out of the shower wrapped myself in a towel, and checked around the house but there was nobody there

A few weeks ago I was at the local theater for a show that I was in. I like getting there early so I can relax in my dressing room or get a jump start on my hair and makeup. I was sitting on the stage texting my friends asking them when they'd get here. I heard a female voice call "Hello!" from the house. (Where the audience sits.) "Hey" I replied. I looked up there was nobody there. I checked the whole theater I was alone.

There have been a few incidents where I got the feeling that there was someone there in the room with me and my friends but I ignored it most of the time.

One time I got this feeling was when I was in my friend's house for a party. Like I said before I tried to ignore it. It worked. Last night at a party my friend was talking about how there's a ghost of a little boy in his house and, I realized that's the presence that I felt that night.

I've seen a few psychics about my ability. One time I went with a friend for a past life reading. The first thing she said is you can see things. This has confirmed my belief that I have a gift.

Thank you for reading my story. Comments are appreciated.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, vicuttie8, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

BinghamtonParanormal (19 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-29)
Hi Tori!

What an excellent story you have shared on this website. I have a paranormal investigation group based out of Binghamton, New York. And with these stories happening in such recent time in the state of New York has sparked the interest of my team.

We would like to extend an invitation to you and your family currently in the house. With the claims of your personal experiences of the paranormal our team would love to conduct an investigation at your house. We do not use psychics or mediums but use scientific equipment to record our entire investigation and recordings. By doing this we will be able to present our findings to you so you can have evidence of the paranormal or possibly what we may debunk there.

We are extremely interested. Please be in contact with us shortly.

Conducting and investigation and when we reveal the evidence, it will bring a calming and better understanding to the situation at hand.

Please email me at: binghamtonareaparanormalsociety [at]

Our website is:

Thank you so much for your time!

vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-12)
Thank you all for reading my story & takeing the time to write comments. I will try out that psycic website. As for the Ouiji Bord I'm that worried anymore I'm not useing it anymore. Thanks again.

Tori ❤
Rhys (15 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-11)
I can (and have) seen them but I can't see good... Just evil (i.e death). For me it's not seeing realy but feeling and it hunts both ways. In fact it was so bad last night (11/07/2010) that I was hiting my laptop for the on button. Am not the only one in my famly to have this my mum is what Icall a see'r (am a feeler) she saw the past and deaths to come. I wish you all the luck in the world, and may god speed. 😊
Kelly_2_ily (1 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)
Thats an amazeing gift! Just make sure you use it wisely and don't tick any spirt off,.,:]
Jitow (362 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)
There is a link above at the top of this webpage for psychic experiences and they talk a lot about the different gifts that they feel like they have and how to best use them. It is a sister site to this one. Try it out as well.
shinigamivixen (25 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)
Vic trash the ouija board burn it, bury it or throw it on the ocean just get rid of it! >.< Some ghost are better left undisturbed.
Aya-Love-Carrots (150 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)
Heck! Did you just say your using ouija? 😆 that's kind of crazy! No wonder your attract some spirit! 😐 don't use ouija:e arrghh... I wonder why you didn't find the explanation to yourself... XD

JimD (431 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)

I agree that you are gifted, but these incidents are prett clearly demonic testing. They are experts at psychological warfare, and very evil. They often target those among us who are sensitive, which is a gift from God.

I recommmend use of Catholic Holy water, especially in your bedroon and at night. If Catholic, frequent receipt of the sacraments and Holy Rosary also helps a lot.

Consider saying "Jesus, Mary and St. Michael the Archangel", either verbally or mentally, if something else occurs. Watch the result. God bless you.
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)
Well I have been in a situation with an Ouiji bord where it communicated with us. I've tryed to communicate with other spirits but they get to scared to reply most of the time.

Tori ❤
23_Chantelle_23 (84 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-10)
i also agree, I think your blessed to have this gift, have you ever communicated with any ghosties? I think as long as it doesn't scare you too much and they arent harmful then you have good company 😊
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-09)
Yes I agree with you completely. I'm not afraid of these spirits but I just like to explain to other readers here that there not alone & that all this stuff is actually normal & happens everyday.

Tori ❤
Bloodmoondream (16 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-09)
I wouldn't worry about those kind of things. It seems the spirits notice you, but if they don't hurt you or purposely scare you, I would just welcome them and not be bothered. If you need any type of help with the paranormal, especially demons and poltergeists, I can help. I study all topics of the 'supernatural' This goes for ALL you YourGhostStories readers. Contact me at legends101 [at]

Sincerely, The Blood Moon Dream
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-09)
Well Pjod. The title means all the things that I have to deal with on a daily basis. These are just some major things but I see or feel things almost everyday.

Tori ❤
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-09)
I'm confused, reading the title of your thread, and the content... Have nothing to do with each other. Sorry if I'm nitpicking here... Just not sure why you would use that particular thread title.
shinigamivixen (25 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-09)
You might want to train in using White light just in case. I'm also stuck with the gift and its always useful to have a little defense in case you attract something that supposed to be avoided at all cost. But I suggest you try to contact if using meditation and find out what it wants and why its following you. And whatever you do avoid using the Ouija board! But the best you can do is offer them prayers it might not be much but it helps 😁

Best of luck with your gift!

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