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Scary Bad Man


Here is my story in short. I'm not going to use my sons real name I will call him "Billy".

When my son Billy was about 1 he would set and gabber towards the ceiling (this happened all the time) my husband and I thought nothing of this we thought maybe he could see angels that we couldn't. But when Billy was almost 2 things got weird. He would be setting playing with his toys and just talking away to "no-one". Then one day I asked "Who are you talking to" Billy said "the people". I was a little freaked out but he didn't seem scared, so I wasn't either. Then when Billy was 3 he was talking and playing when all of the sudden he comes running to me wrapped his arms around me and is shaking like a leaf. I keep saying "baby what's wrong" Billy whispered in my ear "mommy the bad man is here. I was freaked I started crying. When my husband got home that night I told him about it and he just gave me a "whatever" look. I even tried to explain to my husband the fear on Billy's face and that Billy could even describe what he looked like and what he was wearing.

Then a few days later I was in the kitchen cooking and my son was in the front room playing when all of the sudden he let out a horrible scream. Billy came running to me holding his back. He just keep saying "he hit me, the bad man hit me" and was crying again. I was SO SCARED! I scooped Billy up and ran out the door and swear I was never going back. (Needless to say my husband the non believer told me to come home when he got home from work.). That same very night my husband and I were laying in bed and Billy was between us (yes he sleeps with us). Out of the blue Billy says "the bad man is here" Billy is staring across the room and follows "the bad man" with his eyes from our closest around the bed and out the window. I looked over at my husband who looked like he was finally going to believe me. Now I am not a catholic, I am a Christian, but everyone that I spoke to about this told me to have a priest come to my house. So I thought what harm could it do to call. Got the # from my husband's sister and called. I told the priest my story... Here's what I was told: "We can come to your house and do a cleaning of your house, but 1 of 2 things are going to happen either it will leave or it will get pissed off. Needless to say can't take that chance.

A few days went by and nothing happened. I wouldn't let Billy out of my site not for a minute then the BOMBSHELL. Billy and I were playing with figures at the bottom of the stairs. Billy suddenly quit playing and was staring right past me like he seen something behind me. He whispered "mommy he's right behind you". I was so scared that I was frozen. For a few seconds I was too scared to turn around. Then anger set in and I stood up and started kicking and punch the air, ran... Grabbed the bible and opened it and laid it at the foot of the stairs and yelled leave him alone then ran out the door and did not go back until my husband got home. Now I have a daughter and I'm scared for her.

Any ideas on what was going on? It's been awhile since it has come back.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sweety, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sweety (1 stories) (18 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-22)
This is more of an update then a comment:Its been 7 years SINCE WE LEFT that house. Chase (his real name) is now 12 years old. Yes he still sees things we can not see, but he is no longer scared of them. Chase and his Aunt Wendy are members of the Paragon Paranormal. At first I was not sure but Chase wanted to do this sooo bad. He really loves doing the investigations and has no fear anymore. He was recently actually asked to go with Indiana University students to STEPP Cemetery in Bloomington to do an ingestions (he was excited). He is what some would call a "sensitive " ghost are attracted to him is what he was told by the PARAGON Paranormal psychic that is also on the team. It still freaks me out when he says stuff like" mom do you see him/her" 99% of the time I'm scared to look thinking I won't lol. BUT HE IS DOING GREAT
migelito23 (32 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-03)
Move out of that house immediately. Thats freAking scary. If I was you I move out immediately to protect my kids from seen evil ghosts
dorothy9998 (8 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-16)
i can't help but think that it could be a demon I don't know for sure but to me the first think that came into mind was its a demon
CSAofficer (1 stories) (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-24)
I had a ghost who used shake my bed while I slept. It left me alone when I pulled out a machete. I always keep one by my bed. Y'know in case of intruders.
XTROLLA1 (5 posts)
15 years ago (2010-09-21)
Hello sweety, how have you been, I hope that my advice worked for you, please tell me if so.
KenMikaze (13 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-29)
Have you tried the Jericho march? I know of a friend who done it once to her house when it was haunted by some evil entity. When she did that, the house's walls litterally shook.
HardToScare432 (1 stories) (72 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-27)
Either move or I am not sure what to tell you. I am young, but I know enough that if you use a Ouiji Board (especially if you don't know how to properly use it or what could happen) or hold a seance it could make things worse.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-26)
Sorry. It was just that your comment was right over mine so I thought you thought I was fighting.

Ok I have read the other comments and zzsgranny seems to have the best advice here for you.
sweety (1 stories) (18 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-26)
*rashidah**I was not directing that to you at ALL. You are fine I need all the help that I can get with this. Please if there is something that may help me out feel free to tell me. I just don't want to fight over which faith is what. You are FINE
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-26)
Honey I was not fighting 😕
I just asked xtrolla some questions.
Is that wrong?

Pardon the interruption of your page for asking a question on a particular name.

It would not happen again.
AxelZBONE (1 stories) (5 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-26)
actually yeah a spirit can be directed towarrds people depending on the kind of spirit and it can follow even visitors that have nothing to do with the house
sweety (1 stories) (18 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-26)
xtrolla1 **thank you I will give this a try. I wish I would have found this site a year ago. Thanks for ALL the help EVERYONE ❤ ❤
sweety (1 stories) (18 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-26)
NO MORE FAITH BATTLES PLEASE! I believe that**The first commandment is to have no other gods before Him. Catholics pray to idols of Mary and a few others I am not certain. They pray to others besides God, including the Saints, who have nothing to do with Jesus. They were good followers of the Lord, but can do nothing for you. In revelation an angel appeared to John, and he bowed down to the angel, but the Angel said he should not. I also believe you should not. I am not downing anyones faith, but this is why I kind of see a difference that's it... I could go on and on about Christian's vs.Catholics. Years ago people died so that we could choose whatever faith we wanted and be free to worship. PLEASE please PLEASE no more faith battles on here. ❤ ❤ ❤
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-26)
"TE TRA GRAM MA TON" is one of the powerful names of god.

Can you please inform me on how you came up with that name? As in what books did you read? I am familiar with those books.
XTROLLA1 (5 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-26)
Pendragon (6 stories) (296 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-26)
Sweety - Troyarn was not trying to start a fight - he was pointing out a fact. Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ is labeled a "Christian", therefore, there are several branches and breesd of christianity, from Catholics, to Jehovah's Witnesses, to Evangelists. It would be nice if you could clarify which branch of that faith you are.

As for your daughter, she could be energy-sensitive, as I am. It's easy to cope with after this long, me being almost 20 and having this "gift" since I was about 4 or 5, but it will take time for her to adjust. I mean, I can't even set foot in a cemetary without getting nervous. It's like walking into a funeral with neon-coloured clothing on. Everyone looks at you, and sees you, and focuses on you. Those of us that can sense ghosts are like lighthouses in a storm for the spirits. Just tell her there is nothing to worry about.

And I agree with BJJ - just lay down the rules with all of the ghosts that visit. Maybe tack up a "Letter to all Other-worldly Visitors - PLEASE READ BEFORE STAYING" on the wall, or a bullitin board, may help. Like I said, being energy sensitive is a difficult road, but it is tolerable.

On a side note:

I'm not trying to start a fight or debate. Now, I am a breed of Paganistic (I'm not Wiccan, just for the record), but I was raised as a Catholic. From my experiences growing up, I was always told that, as a CHRISTIAN and a CATHOLIC, I was not allowed to believe in spirits, as when people died, they went straight to Heaven or Hell, and that, even if they did stick around, nothing, no demon nor evil entity, could harm a Christian.

Also, in Christian societies since the dawn of time, psychics, clairvoyants, and, ediums have been considered witches. Heck - they were burned at the stake. Mayhaps someone in your family has waning faith, and it is drawing spirits to you. Who knows. Go to your church and have a prayer said for "special circumstances". Heck - it worked for a possessed garbage bin.

Penny 🤔
sweety (1 stories) (18 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-26)
1.Im not going into the which faith is which with anyone. I don't judge anyone because IM not the one you have to worry about in the end. Faith is Faith as long as you have it god will bless you.
2. Please don't turn this into a argument, I don't want to be put done on here I'm just asking for information. 😳
robertar (223 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-26)
I used too fear being closed in bathroom alone too. Just a childs fear. Not about ghost. My little girl freaks if left sometimes too.

This comment from troyarn is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
15 years ago (2010-08-25)
sweety: BadJuuJuu makes a lot of good points, and I totally agree with her...Also, sometimes a spirit will do what ever they have to, to get some one's attention, including hitting, pinching, poking, etc... And it's true, the more attention you give some of them, the more they'll want... I think it's because they know you know they're there, and maybe they want or need your help...BadJuuJuu's method of explaining the way to the light is very good, because some may not even know where to go, or that they've died...

It's a good sign that your son hasn't had any more run-ins with the "bad man"...If he's still having experiences, there's a really good chance he'll continue... Just be suportive, as you already are 😊...

Your daughter may be afraid because of your son's experiences, but I don't think so... Just keep an eye on her, and listen in on her play while she's alone... See if she seems to be listening to some thing other than you or the tv, etc... I wouldn't bring it up to her, until she does... Maybe get her a little necklace with a crucifix or an angel, to help her feel safer...

And keep the faith!😊...That's probably the best thing for all of you... ❤

This comment from jellybellycandies is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

chatterboxx20 (2 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-25)
The last thing that you want to do is do anything to piss it off. To me, it doesn't seem like an evil spirit, more of a demon. And if what your son said was true about "the bad man" hitting his back, then that is most likely a demon. But I can be wrong, it could be an evil spirit. But don't cuss at it, be mean to it, and don't be negative towards anything or anyone in your house. Evil spirits or demons feed off of negative energy.

Ever since I was about 11 years old, I am twenty now. I have had an evil entity follow me around from house to house. Or anywhere I go. I have been hit, scratched, and it has talked to me. I was possessed by it twice, which is a very scary experience. One time I don't even remember what had happened, my mother told me what happened. And I remember the other time. I have learned to stay try as hard as I can to not fear it, and to not be negative about anything or towards anyone and the paranormal activity has slowed down. Just do the best that you can with it honey. All I can really say.
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-25)
Never underestimate the ability of Cold Iron to ward off evil spirits:

Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-25)
good day I do have fairly extencive kowledge in dealing with such unruly entities sage is and easy protective burning sage and a process called smudgeing in wich you allow the smoke to emerse the childrens bodies second miss I recomend if you are realy concerned your daughter may come under attack there are several charms that can be used for example a cachina doll or perhaps a line of salt at the door of the childs room I recomend you look for exorcists other then catholic in any case I would offer my services but regretably I am in oregon good luck and please keep me informed I will help you any way I can
sweety (1 stories) (18 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-25)
SAULGOOD Hello I did pray and so did my husband and my mother and all 3 sisters and anyone else that I ASK to do so. I am a VERY stronge beleiver in GOD I love HIM more then anything ever! If I had no faith I would have never stood up and swung and kicked in the air and opened the BIBLE up in the area that "IT" was was! But never-the-less WE have something going on with my kids. I say WE cause I need lots of help and info. I am not scared anyone at the moment. BUT who knows what the future has instore for us! 😁
Saulgood (1 stories) (1 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-25)
I'm far from what you'd call an "expert" but I do have my opinions on the matter. I noticed you listed that you were/are a Christian, I am too. Take hope in the fact that God can whip this creep flat, and that He'll be there for you and your family. The Bible also says the most powerful thing we have is His word and prayer. So pray for your kids whenever you can, and do it often. When your eating, when your walking, when you wake up, and when you go to sleep (and anytime in between if you can) Know that you aren't alone. I'll be praying.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-25)
He probably is just getting used to it. Just be there and be open for the little ones when they need to talk it over. Usually a child's awareness will fade as they get older. Sometimes the awareness will stay gone, other times it will show back up when the child is a teenager. If it reappears in a teen, it pretty much stays for life.
Sensing spirits does tend to run in families, so that is likely what's going on with your daughter. In time, she will probably get used to picking up those extra feelings. Eventually, she will confide her experiences. Just be supportive of her, not that I need to tell you that lol. You seem willing to do whatever it takes for your kids, even attacking an invisible presence, and that's something to admire. That attack seems to have gotten the point across to the bad man to stay gone lol. I'm the sort that says "Whatever works for you" and shadow-kickboxing apparantly works for you 😁.
sweety (1 stories) (18 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-25)
WOW. Badjuju I can't believe I have never thought of this but it really makes since. She is MY only female child and with my Grandma's abilities my mom has always said that it runs in the female side of the family. My daughter might be sensing or feeling strangness, but not inderstanding it. I due believe that she might be to young still to understand even if I tried. I will give her about 10yrs on thiat.

Now my son *I KNOW HE SEE THEM* but as of right now he seems to be ok with the ones that come and go (and yes they do come and go.). The BAD man has not came back after my "shadow kickboxing" at the stairs.LOL! It seems to be less and less that he see's them or maybe he is just not telling me as much as he use to. Maybe he is use to it? I'm not sure I never push this issue with him. I feel that if he is ok with "them" I am too!
BadJuuJuu (guest)
15 years ago (2010-08-25)
The sort of attention you give the presence makes the difference. Trying to actively communicate, such as asking questions "Who are you?" "Why are you here?" will encourage it to interact with you. Being afraid or angry can actually feed a negative presence, so try to keep fear reactions to a minimum. Saying "Go away" and then going on about your day like nothing is there is your best bet to make it leave for good.
Your daughter may simply be going through a sort of skittish phase. Or, it's possible that she isn't seeing things, like your son does, but picks up feelings instead. It's tougher to explain feeling something than seeing something. I wouldn't push the issue with her just now. She will tell you what's going on when she feels she is ready. It's also possible that she has heard your son describing his experiences, and is simply afraid if she's alone she will experience something too.
sweety (1 stories) (18 posts)
15 years ago (2010-08-25)
one more thing I have also been told that the more that you acknowledge this"thing" the more "it" can come through. IS THIS TRUE? The only reason I am asking is my daughter (5) is scared of everything. She won't go to bathroom by herself and when you go with her (in our home) she won't let you shut the door. Will not be in a room by herself. But has never mentioned anything like "men, ghost" nothing. My children don't watch scary stuff (they do watch family guy) 😆 When I ask her why is she scared she never gives me a reason she will just beg me until I go. Should I push the issue with her. Or is that bad? IM CONFUSED I don't want to make things worse if they can be!

By the way my son (now 7) Is acting ok. He still see's "things" but he seems to not be scared. I don't waNT TO FEED THIS THING BY acknowledge IT! I NEED INFO

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