This experience happened to me six or seven years ago, I lived in Castlegar BC Canada, I remember the date vividly, October 2, nothing unusual or out of the ordinary happened that day. An ordinary day pretty much. When I went to bed that night, around 9-10pm I didn't suspect that EXTREMELY crazy up stuff was going to happen. I fell asleep normally, within half an hour I woke up having to go to the bathroom, still nothing strange. So I lay down to go to bed, around 2:30 in the morning. This is the part that gets totally out of control.
It felt like just when I closed my eyes when My heart accelerated within Seconds to what felt like 200 beats per minute, (probably less but still) I couldn't move my arms or my feet, I could still look around. Four Pale Soulless Things were, floating over me. They didn't have teeth, eyes or ears. They had waxy pale skin stretched over sharp facial bones, where their eyes should be were just black holes. All I could hear was this terrible screaming of a thousand voices in agony, I could "hear" them talking inside my head, they "talked" very fast and in a language I couldn't understand, I felt like I'd heard it before. Like it should have been very familiar with me, in unison they traced a symbol on my fore head. The feeling of their skin was like every cry of pain ever screaming concentrated into one single catastrophe. One pulled out a syringe like thing from out of its smoky black robe, the robe looked like it wasn't made out of a material but black smoke, and it slowly put the needle into my left eye and injected something into me. My heart beat slowed down and I went numb.
My parents crashed through my door and starred at me, they were saying that I was screaming for the past couple minutes, I couldn't think of anything to say but, I just had a nightmare, but to this day I know that It was a real experience and that it wasn't a dream.
I am still waiting for the next time when I am visited by the Soulless beings in smoky suits.
So you had demons, acting as aliens, which are really demons in disguise. They must be confused, or bored of playing the same roles so they mix it up for fun. At least they didn't rape you.