This story takes place about 5 years ago, before I moved to Florida. At the time, however, I lived in Claremore, Oklahoma.
It started as a usual night before bed; I took my dogs out to go do their business, came back inside, and tucked myself in for the night. I honestly can't remember exactly what time it was, but sometime in the wee morning hours I was awoken, because I was freezing under my blanket cocoon. I also had a weird feeling, like I was being comforted by my mom. I was half awake by this point, about to fall back asleep, until I felt something touch my forehead, resembling the feeling of someone pecking you on the cheek, or in this case, the forehead. This was the end of the happy, comforting feeling, however, because as soon as I felt the touch, I had just exhaled, and couldn't seem to breathe. Out of fear, I kept my eyes shut for a while longer. The whole ordeal seemed to last around 10-20 seconds. It probably seemed like more, considering I was scared and couldn't breathe. Just as I opened my eyes to see what was going on, I was able to breathe again. I also saw something dark leave my room and continue through the hallway. Keep in mind it was dark, so I could not make out any details of the figure.
The next morning, I asked my mom if she had come into my bedroom for whatever reason, but she said she had been asleep the whole night. Of course, when I told her about the ordeal, she brushed it off and didn't want to talk about having a possibly haunted house.
Now, to the topic on having a haunted house.
The house was brand new, and we had only been living in it for a few years. I have kept in mind that it may be the land, however, as I had encountered odd occurrences before.
The figure has not bothered me further, beyond that happening, but I would still like your opinions as to what it was.
I would appreciate any feedback or similar occurrences.
Thank you very much!
Now, onto the subject of it happening upon waking up- Does it also have anything to do with ending dreams? The REM stage is the dream state, and this stage increases as the cycles repeat, which, if I remember correctly, shorten the final stage of sleep. Do the chemicals from REM stage have a role in it as well?
This is a pretty neat topic. 😊