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Evan_Divine (6 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-06)
[at] Rook

And I get down voted just for that? I didn't say anything offensive, did I? I can clearly see I didn't from going over what I said earlier. Unless there are some people on this site that get offended when it comes to religious aspects or anything like that. If that's the case, then that's not my problem. I just said what I know I needed to say. Plain and simple.

To be honest, it wouldn't be very surprising for a storm to carry negative energy and for these poltergeists to actually be evil or dark (as I have already explained why).

I can somewhat imagine it being hard to take things that one says at face value, like for anyone on the Internet. However, it's not like I made baseless claims on what I said. I at least explained to a small extent. And if those in here want to know more and ask, then of course, I will gladly explain further.

Looks like Zishu pretty much explained it in the way I was going to...

I'm saying that these shadow beings are dark or evil simply because lost souls (or in layman's terms, "ghosts") normally don't have the spiritual power to affect things physically, let alone even be able to work with manifesting energy. Now if these beings are lost souls who are much darker than usual, then that dark energy is able to manifest, which gives them the ability to affect the physical. Shadows are dark. You can tell, because, well... They don't omit any light. In some cases, such beings have eyes that you can see, most of what I have heard and read having red eyes. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't just trust a stranger (especially with red eyes) I can't talk to with minimal interaction just being in my home out of nowhere and not being able to make it leave, especially someone I can't see and hear, only watch as they screw around with my stuff.

All I'm saying is, when it comes to the spiritual, it's always best to be vigilant.
ZiShu (281 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-06)
Evan Divine is right on
Rookdygin Last I check with most people I know, they tend to say storms bring negative things besides their obvious destruction. Storms can very much carry negative energy. The main point is demons or dark beings can use that to their advantage.
There are people who cry and supposedly cause storms because of their particular sadness. The average person is in a negative mood because of storms.
Evan directly said poltergeist are demonic mainly in this case. Saying "spirits" is too loose.
For one thing no neutral or good nature spirit would want to cause trouble.
I am wondering where you get the idea of poltergeist coming from people themselves? That isn't always the case anyway. My friends that can see spirits physically actually see demons being the main ones to move things around and especially toss them everywhere.

Bbydoll, These demons have long been under your thumb to the point where they learn to hide their negative energy from you and pets under normal occasion. The fact that you say you feel their negativity when they are mad which can lead to them throwing things around shows specifically they are demonic.
Do you ever get sleep paralysis and nightmares?
The main cause of demons being around is people being negative toward each other having your own mental and possible physical attacks. They feed on your negativity. They can also cause various sickness and accidents to others.

You should meet these shadow "people" yourself before you make a full on opinion about them.
It turns out gremlins are a type of dark being from my experience with them. For one, if anything likes to prank for the purpose of putting fear into someone, they in turn get to feed off the negative energy their person releases. That makes them a dark being.
I have met Fey (fairies) before, and they look nothing like shadows. Me and many others I know come across shadow "people" all the time. The reason why they appear as shadows is because they normally do not have enough energy to manifest their true form.
When they do show their true form, it is usually what humans would consider terrifying.
I have friends that can see shadow "people" in their true forms while others can only still see their shadow form if everyone is to see the same shadow being. They are very much demons.
What you call "ghost", I like to call lost souls. Those are human spirits. Human spirits normally do not have enough power to appear physical enough. They can either appear as small blue orbs, transparent body parts, or full solid physical humans.

And also, that is a terrible idea to suggest her to get the names of these spirits. That is because knowing their names (doubtfully they will give true names) will give them more connect to the person and cause more havok. You can simply call a spirit by thinking their name which can be dangerous if it's a bad spirit. Connecting to spirits like she describe will only lead to worst situations because they can manifest more physically and also in her dreams. In fact I am very positive that they would like for her to know their names.
If you read enough stories on here, you would know from stories like ouija boards, names only give more power for the demons to cause more chaos.
I am just saying from experience from myself and fellow spiritual friends.
vasway4210 (16 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-06)
Evan: First I'd like to say that I have to disagree with what you said. This does not sound like an evil entity or demons. From the little that I've learned (mostly from this website), I believe that shadow beings can't be lumped into one group. And therefore not all shadow beings are dark, evil, or demonic. I think that some shadow beings are ghost without enough energy to manifest into a full apparition ghost, while others might be beings from another dimension, & yes every now and then some might be negative entities or even demons. In this situation it sounds like these entities might indeed be gremlins (although I'm not sure that's the exact name) or Fay, something with a prankster nature.

Bbydoll, I mite be way off with this suggestion and so for those who have more knowledge and experience please correct me if this seems like a bad idea, farfetched, or completely ludicrous: but since you are curious as to the name of these creatures perhaps you could simply ask them out loud what they call themselves & let them know you're leaving a blank piece of paper & pen for them to use to be able to answer this question. From what i've gathered they seem to have a private/ mysterious nature and probably would not follow your request but I don't think this could do any harm. However, you know best what upsets them, so if you believe this could anger them or cause y'all harm then please totally disregarde this suggestion.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-05)

Me thinks you got 'voted down' for your blanket statement concerning storms containing negative energy. How can I say this and not sound preachy... How can storms be full of negative energy when what they do is cleans, rejuvenate and bring LIFE giving water to the Earth?

Do storms carry energy...YES...but like all's neutral until used.

Poltergeist need not be 'small demons' they can be a spirit (s) attracted to an individual going through puberty (most common) that use the extra energy generated by the human body as it develops. Or 'they' my just be 'bursts' of that same energy directly emitted by the individual... No spirits involved. It may even be 'outbursts' of strong emotion energy from stressful situations... Again either from an individual or a spirit that has been attracted by the high level of energy.


bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-05)
i just noticed it says I won't participate in the conversation, I am sorry I must have checked the wrong box, I am more than happy to answer questions and feel free to look me up on facebook through my email.
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-05)
evan, thank you for your comments, I have long given up getting rid of them, they cause no real problems and I don't feel any negative energy from them unless they are mad. My animals seem to be ok with them also.
Evan_Divine (6 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-05)
Uhhh... Not sure why I got down voted for what I said earlier. However, like I said, you can try praying still. Of course, it does take consistent effort and faith especially.

Already told you what they are from what I know...

Just my thoughts: It seems more to me like you don't mind having them around from some of the things you're saying. Just to warn you though, very dark and evil spirits will try to gain your trust so that they can have the upper hand over you in wanting to control you. I won't say this for EVERY spiritual encounter/ghost encounter, yet it happens this way more often than most people are willing to believe (simply because evil spirits have noticed how much we like to contact loved ones through rudimentary means over the years and they now take advantage of these opportunities almost every single time [which is why using a ouija board is definitely not recommended, regardless of whether or not you know what you're doing, and extremely risky, as you'll get a bad spirit about 98% of the time]). Just wondering... Are you really sure you want to rid yourself of them? From what I've read you saying in previous comments, it just seems to me you may be unsure. When it comes to ridding yourself of these kinds of things, you must be absolutely sure with the utmost resolve. Otherwise, your attempts to do so will conflict with your mindset and possible uncertainty which will lead to your attempts failing. Anything spiritual requires strong will and faith, even if it's just faith in yourself sometimes, it still works. This includes prayer.

Hope this helps at least a tiny bit, as you're in my prayers.

Good luck and God bless.
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-05)
One other thing, if you make them very mad and I have a few times, so have a few select other people. They will throw or slam things but as this is rare and has to be pravoked I don't see it often.
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-05)
They are quiet most of the time, but if upset they will take keys, wallets, phones, coffee cups, just anoying stuff, and you find it in the starangest places, like the freezer or bag of flour, always somewhere you would not have put it. Like I said they have been with me my whole life literaly, for a while I tried to get rid of them and that was just asking for trouble. They love it when we burn sage and have no problems with any thing god related, so as long as you don't tease or make fun of them things are good. I was just wondering if any one had ideas on what they might be or if any one else has friends like this.
Spockie (8 stories) (203 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-05)
My advice to you is this. If they aren't bothering you or causing you real trouble, I would leave them alone. Ignore them as much as possible. If you try to get rid of them, you might stir up a pack of major trouble.
Evan_Divine (6 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-05)
Well, most paranormal groups will tell you that you have a case of poltergeists. However, these beings are actually small demons. The reason why I know they're demons is because you describe them as shadows. They are active during storms because they are evil/dark beings, since storms carry negative energy and they can feed off that and the negative energy emanating from humans involved as well. You're going to need to do more than burn sage. Pray to Our Father to send angels to protect you and drive them away. Archangels will help, like Archangel Michael. Have faith and pray for them to help you.
Andrewnator6 (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-05)
I don't know how big three feet is is that big or small? 😕 also what kind of stuff do they take?
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-05)
They hate it when I paint, we just try to keep balance they respect me I respect them. It is way easier than working aghnst them. There are way to many stories to post but I will try to post a few and always feel free yo use my email to look me up on facebook if you have other questions.
Teenwolfforever (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-04)
Wow! That definetly is crazy! I assume whatever the entity is is attatched to you. I'm confused by you saying when these gremlins 'paint' Remember not to let the entity have power over you. Make sure they listen to you not opposite. Stay updating 😆

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