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Ghost Stories in Category: Non Human Entities: Page 1
Unexpected Visit's by Indigoalien
I need to know something. I see and have seen ghost and I have seen and heard angels as well as demons. The other night 3 black winged what I believe to be demon's flew down to me. They said nothing they were about 60 yards from me. I just had one of the least good day's of my life. I did not appr...
A Terrifying Encounter From The Distant Past by MAK_Khi
Assalamu alaikum and greetings! This incident was narrated to me by my late father and happened sometime in the early 1960s. I would like to give a bit of background about my dad, who was born and bred in Hyderabad Deccan and was a medical doctor by profession having graduated from the Usmania Univ...
Black Hooded Shadow Figure And Two Black Cloaked People by Aquamari
On two separate occasions, I have recently seen things. The first thing I saw was on the street around the corner from my street. I was driving and stopped at the stop sign. I looked to the left. Right there on the road but to the side was a shadow like figure. It looked like a stick figure with a h...
I Think I Saw My Father's Doppelgänger by theyluvdea
My name is Deasia, I'm 15 but I was 14 when this happened in January or February of 2023. I know I wasn't hallucinating or having delusions, I was sitting on the couch it was around 10 or 11 pm. All my family members have gone to sleep and I'm always the last one to fall asleep in the house. I remem...
I Met My Grandpa's Doppelganger by reinzta
This happened to me back in the year 2022 when I met my lolo's (grandfather's) doppelganger. It was a very cold night and the time was 2:30 AM in the morning. Let me explain so you can understand it clearly. My grandfather was in an inuman which is like a drinking event here in the Philippines wh...
The Flash by Spooderman
I'm Spooderman. You may have noticed my comments in many ghost stories and as you can see, this is my very first time sharing an experience on this site. The incident is very recent and I can tell you, everything that I'll be writing is of real experience and nothing related to hallucination. I ...
A Sighting Of Some Sort Of Carcass Eating Entity by FarEndofSpectrum
It's been a while since I last submitted here. This is something that I came across fairly recently, so I thought might as well come back with this. This is going to be short because I think this was an isolated encounter. I'm studying at university right now, and I live in an apartment with some...
The Place Where The Bad Spirits Dwell by AussieRedDog
I got lucky for I scored a pretty damned good job on a remote cattle station in Central Australia and when I say remote, holy crap I really mean REMOTE. Fair dinkum, it takes a day and half just to get the mail and a two-day drive into town. That's how far I was living. Okay, the cattle station. It'...
Possible Non Human Intelligence Contact In 1997-ghostly Hand Squeezes Mine As A Child Part 2 by Aros
Forgive the long story as I am going to use it as a sort of "Catch All" for several experiences that tend to be related. As stated in my other stories published, I have had paranormal experiences for much of my life. I have especially been drawn to the UFO/ET phenomenon ever since I can remember. Wh...
An Unconventional Goddess by dontbeme
Marriages are a great deal in a country like India, with all the varied rituals and traditions getting together relatives, friends and family under one roof. Indian marriages involve a lot of prior and short events which demand a lot of effort and takes a heck load of family and friends for its succ...
Nightmare In A Deserted Club House by Satyabrata2009
When I was a kid, I loved cricket a lot. We had a nice group of players and a Cricket club. Initially we used to keep our sport accessories with one of our friends called Lulu, but his parents started complaining after he scored a very poor percentage on his Board exam. Cursing cricket they threw al...
Red Eyes! by ledoux69
I'd like to say, that I am pretty disturbed about my subject and since the internet has come about, I have been looking for some kind of answer to explain what I saw and to this day no one seems to have an answer! I see that some people (very few) have seen almost exactly what I saw but, that is whe...
Demonic Entity Outside My Window by SylverioSanchez
In 2004 on October 31st I witnessed a very disturbing image that still haunts me even today now that I am 25 years old. I was 9 years of age at the time and on that day I spent the entire time at home with the whole family watching movies and eating chocolate candy. We never really celebrated Hallow...
Catlike Humanoid by Solveig
I have always hoped that I might get a glimpse the others. Those beings from fable and fairy tales of my childhood. Call them fairies, pixies, fay, elves or whatever, they are around... And I was lucky enough to get a peek. This incident happened about ten years ago and every word is truth as I rec...
The Ordeal by omerta
The experience started when I was a teenager. I was at 9th grade and my sister at 7th grade at the time when it happened. Still living with sister alone in our house by the way. I was cooking at our mini dirty kitchen for supper and she was watching this Korean drama while folding the laundry fro...
The Devil's Fire - First Of Many by ax10s
So this experience of mine happened when I was about 9 years old, I'm 23 by the way. I lived in a Sitio (village) which is located in the mountains. Lot of stories relating to paranormal beings, entities and demons surround our little village. To properly share my experience with you guys, I nee...
Runs Back And Forth On Roof Between 2am - 5am by ManInBlue
I was recently was recalling things from my past whem an strange event came flooding back. First of all, forgive my writing as I was never good at it. When I was younger, around 15, I was living in Kenya, east Africa. One night around 3-4am I heard stomping on the roof. I was living on a farm so ...
I Saw A Witch And A Goat Man by Fishallmighty
One night me and a couple of my mates went fishing. We would always go stoned so it kind of makes the story a little discredited, but I know I saw what I saw. This story is 100% real. Anyway after we tried and fail at a few spots we thought to try out a local pier. Once we got there we proceeded ...
A Ghost In The Form Of Goat by Srinivas108
Hey guys this is Srinivas from Hyderabad, India. Now coming to the story this happened some 60 years ago. Roughly somewhere in 70's and the victim was my maternal grandfather. My family was a below middle class family at that time and there was some family function and many people turned up, and ...
Small Green Man Inside Classroom by Estelle
I was born in Port Elizabeth and lived with my mom and siblings in Holland Park until the age of 8. We were all enrolled in the local primary school around the corner from our house. The school had those temporary classrooms back in 1989 when I was in Grade 1. One evening after a function at the...
The Bold Ghost by Kitcait121
I should start by saying, this was not my first ghost experience, however, it was my most profound and definitive. My story starts in the summer of 2005. I had just turned 18 and graduated from high school. At the time my days consisted of working my job at the pizza place and spending almost all ...
Faceless Gray Creature by Thelawshh77
One night my family and I were eating dinner and my back was to the kitchen. It sounded like a cutting board fell out of the cabinet behind me, and I didn't think much of it. However my mom looked over and screamed, so I turned to look, and hunched on all fours between the island counter and the cou...
The Banshee by Iman
Let me explain what a Banshee is. The banshee is a predictor of death. If someone is about to enter a situation where it is unlikely they will come out of alive she will warn people by screaming or wailing, giving rise to a banshee also being known as a wailing woman. I live in Canada, and back w...
Aswang - Life Changing Experience by StaceyK
This story is about my grandmother. This happened several years before I was born. I heard about this story while my mom and her sisters were bonding together reminiscing about their childhood particularly about my grandma. She is the same grandma in my previous story "Displaced Entities." When m...
Creature In My Hotel Room by Junglecat
This story happens exactly one week after my first story which I posted this morning. It may be connected because it contains a similar creature as the second creature that I encountered in Dad's house on the day that I left. But as I reported in the previous story, it was difficult to identify more...
Watchers "fallen Angel's" by James_sightings
One night about 2012 in the middle of summer, which was different than any other in my life. I was living alone in a camper on my parents homesite in the western Florida panhandle, an acre surrounded by woods with no neighboring lights visible, total darkness!. I woke around 2am, tea candle long bur...
Can Reading About Entities Cause Them? by sedward
I'm not very good with those long/rambling introductions, so I'll just "get down to business". Yesterday, I was hanging around my room the whole afternoon, with nothing better to do and alone, so I began reading those Tobias & Guy cartoons - 'cause, you know, it's funny, right? The idea of a big,...
A Strange Puppy In Our Backyard by deyanna
This happened, I think somewhere around 2016. We have neighbors that are into pets, especially those cute ones. We have a neighbor who has a Dachshund, Shih Tzu, American pit bull, Chihuahua and Japanese Spitz, so it's normal to see them around especially roaming around in our backyard. But what hap...
Elementals Who Hated Loud Noises by fence_sitter
I believe that some elementals hate loud noises and I have three stories to support this. I live in a small, rustic community located along the northern suburb of Dumaguete City in the island of Negros in the Philippines. Our place is actually a rural subdivision that still had a lot of big frui...
Strange Man In The Woods by FNoblesse
My name is Glady Mir, 23 years old. I'm Born and grew up in the Philippines. But now, I lived in Canada with my parents. This is a story when I was 6 years old. I was in the Philippines and is taking vacation at my grandparents house in province called Aklan. Me and my parents usually live in Ci...
Entity And My Aunt by majarlika012
This story is somewhat related to my previous entry "Was It Magic?" [] Last week, I accompanied my aunt (the same aunt in my previous story) to meet our pastor. She wanted to be delivered from the entity that keeps on following her....
Tricksters At Night by jerem1_asd
Hey, its my first time here and I would love to share this for others to be aware that they are everywhere and can appear at any time. This particular experience occurred last August of this year in our own living room. Our living room had an airconditioning unit hence my sister and I would some...
The Little Blue Man? by Creepy-Crawler911
I recently started on a painting to hang over my bed not too long ago of a little blue fairy. My mother, when she saw what I was painting, asked me what I was working on. When I said that it was a fairy she told me it had reminded her of the tiny blue creature she had seen while she was pregnant wit...
Visit From Unwordly Beings by LadyBelle
This happened in the state in which my body sleeps but my soul is awaken and aware of everything. They came one night and just passed through my bedroom door. There were three of them. They stood there at the door and were watching me for a short period. They were shining with this golden-yellow ...
Phantom Car? by Cuddlebear
Greetings one and all! This is my first posting, and I may make a few others depending upon how this is received. If I may be permitted a few words about myself. I am at heart a skeptic as regards matters of the supernatural. I believe that most people who tell these tales and relate these experi...
Blue Brownie by Tweed
Back in March, it was either the 16th or 17th, late at night I walked into our bedroom for some reason. You know what, I don't know what the heck I walked in there for and that's bugged me ever since. Also, for the first time in ten years, I had the dreaded flu. It knocked me sideways for about a we...
Tall Stalker by SharkBoi
A couple years ago I was living in a trailer where me and my two brothers shared a room. One night, I was asleep and began to have a nightmare of something I've never seen before. A tall (like 7ft or something like that) scrawny manlike thing was chasing me down a hallway on all fours while ripping ...
Ghost Octopus by darklight99
I have had experience with an Octopus entity here in my hometown of Limerick City. It all started when my Grandmother died. It was 3 days after she had died and I was lying in my bed when this ghostly figure started hovering in the corner of the room. It had tentacles and for a minute it looked ...
The Wendigo by Artesthesia
There is no easy way to tell the tale of facing a wendigo. I won't give my name away so my name will be Alex due to the severity of this story. Before you read on know one detrimental detail, this story is 100 percent true without over-exaggeration. So please without further wait, let's begin my hor...
Forest Encounter by Artickpiggy
My grandparents used to rent a house in a little mountain village for three months in the summer and I used to go there every summer since I was 5 until I was 14 with my sister, which is 7 years older than me, and my cousin which is 3 years younger than me. I really liked my time there so when I gre...
Confuse A Gnome by Tweed
This is a follow up to our resident brownie (home dwelling gnome). In the second week of November I was exercising in the lounge room. It was the first time I'd done a workout in the lounge room, as I normally do it in the bedroom. I don't know why it never occurred to me before to do it in the l...
A Choice To Be Made by EmmalineTexas
This story is personal to me. I'll merely present what I experienced and leave any judgement up to the individual reader. I believe that both evil and good are very real forces in our universe. I'll be happy to chalk it up as something that is non-supportable as far as evidence but I thought it migh...
A Few Weird Creatures by Mandee
The first experience I will describe today is the strangest thing I have ever seen in my life. I still don't know what it was but this is what happened. My daughter and I were on the way to my parents' house on a Sunday afternoon in early October. It was approximately 7-8 years ago but I remember...
An Encounter With Monkey Man by Vikraal
Although people have called the happenings around 'Monkey Man' of 2001 a case of mass hysteria, I would like to disagree by narrating the story of my true encounter with this beast. I am Pranav Bhati. The year was 2001. I was living in Abu Road (Sirohi District, Rajasthan) at that time. I was in ...
Was It A Man-Beast Spirit? by roylynx
I was tired last week working until late. I met up with my close friend and had a drink or 2 of gin lime and went straight home. We parted after walking awhile together, me to my flat and my friend to her home. I was really tired that I literally just dropped asleep on my bed with all my dirty cl...
Up In The Sky by majarlika012
This is actually my mama, late grandfather, and uncle's experience in the year 70's. Back when the houses in the metro were still blocks away from each other. If my memory serves me right, as told by my mama, she was 6-7 years old then while my tito [uncle] was a year younger than her. The story...
Midnight Snack: Attacked By An Aswang by ColdSoul
It was summer of 2013, I was 17 years old at that time when I decided to visit my older sister Lauren in her boyfriend's house where she lives together with his family, she was pregnant at that time and I decided to bring her some fruits and planned to stay there for a few days if they would allow. ...
Friends Of Other Sides Or Other Dimensions by Ceci
I'm from Bolivia, sorry my bad English, I found this beautiful page and I want to share my history with you. I always have my perception very sensitive, for that I had a lot of kind of experiences with entities, feeling them, sometimes seeing them in colored shapes around me or listening voices o...
Go Away! You Can't Have Him! by Miracles51031
I always hesitate before sharing something that is out of the norm, at least for me. This is another one of those moments. A few years ago, the teenage son of a family I know was in the hospital. One night during his stay, as I was meditating, I placed a shield around Zane, asking that he be kept...
Vision Of A Gnome by Yee
I'll start this story by saying its a pretty short one and that I have no idea why this happened, so without anymore talk here's what happened: It was pretty late at night and I wanted to go to sleep. Just right about when I put my head on the pillow and closed my eyes I immediately had a vision of...
Ode To Trees by Tweed
My husband has American roots. In 2013 we were staying with some of his friends in Los Angeles. This was the first time I'd ever been to this family's home, but I'd known them socially since 2009. My husband had been to their place many times and hadn't experienced anything odd. Their house is a ...
Happenings In Churches by RCRuskin
Two churches, actually, both in New York State. Over this past weekend, I attended a seminar/retreat/presentation at church discussing the development of worship, and the speaker mentioned as an important point, we should always be aware that in church we are in Heaven with all our loved ones around...
Demon At The Window by MK2019
My earliest memory of the paranormal was when I was about 5 years old. This story is definitely in the top 2 of my very very strange experiences. My sister (who was 6 at the time) and I were travelling up to Darwin for a couple of days with my dad. We ended up staying in a hotel half way throug...
Two Angels by Enlightened1959
When I was just 15 years old, I met my future husband. It was back in the "hippy" era. My boyfriend/future husband had a reputation of "the Fonz" and dressed like "Billy Joel". He was a supervisor over a group of men, (including my brother) at a state park so my parents were comfortable with letting...
Black Magic By A Neighbour by Anam_1234
Thank you for your posituve response on my first story this is another incident I went through. This story is about my friend Pratiksha, she lives with her mother younger brother and 2 kids one (8 months) and other (6 years old) nearby my house like hardly 1km. Well this story is a bit long so pl...
I May Have Seen Fairies by Wardo
I have only shared this story with a very limited number or people due to how strange and ludicrous it may seem. I am a believer in the paranormal, and have had several experiences (also documented on this site), but this is by far the strangest thing to happen to me yet. I just wanted to set the pr...
He Was A Ghost, At First by lulu333
When I was around seven or eight I saw a ghost in an underpass while in London with my mum. Since that day I have come across something which makes me wonder the true nature of what I saw. I'm no longer sure that he was a ghost, it's possible he was 'something else', I'll explain... Firstly for t...
Was He An Angel? by trentinray
I am not sure what I believe in regarding paranormal activity and such, but I do have an open mind and like to do as much research as possible before making any firm decisions. This experience happened in November of 2010, a month after having my youngest. I had just had a procedure, to remove a kid...
Witch's Curse by Monty998
It all happened to me a few years ago, I am a trained wizard and the knowledge has been passed down. Few years ago one of my close friend was attacked by something otherworldly. I will refer to my friend as D. D was in serious need of help and was on the verge of life and death. Every time D will go...
Alien Creature by BrittBass01
Hey! Just some introduction here, I've always been interested in paranormal things. This story happened recently. I've always believed in aliens but never came in contact with one. I've seen things like lights in the sky before but nothing spectacular. Well one night about 11, me and my boyfrie...
The Very Beginning by Levy-chan
In my dreams, I had two creatures that always present, in every dream, I felt them. However, they didn't limit themselves to my dreams. I'm being "haunted" by two things; I don't know what. I was six when I first dreamt of them, at fourteen I started feeling them in real life. At sixteen, I start...
Could They Be Pixies Or Sprites by Qen
We used to live in a remote farm up in the highlands of Tanjay, Negros Oriental (Visayas Region). I was young about 6+ years old. One day, we were harvesting peanuts with my mom and siblings. It was Sunday. This is also the day where by father and big brother went to Amio, Sta. Catalina to buy some ...
My Grandmother's Village by royalbitchnesss
This story take place when I went to my grandmother's house Kota Tinggi, Semenchu at Malaysia. It was a December Holiday, so my family and I make a plan to go to my grandmother place since we never been there foe quite long. My siblings and I were excited to go to the Kampung (Village). So we goi...
An Animal Growl by PriyankaMenon
This experience is something different related to an animal. I can't really say whether it was really an animal but it was an horrible experience for me. The first incident related to animal happened almost 3 years back. That time I was staying in college hostel. It was noon and I was sleeping i...
Fairies... Maybe? by Briannalynn
So this experience didn't actually happen to me personally. This happened to my friend but she would never come on here and submit it. So I'm doing it because I am curious if anyone else has witnessed anything like this! She was sitting outside with her kids, her niece, and her nephew just enjoy...
Late Night Hooting Or Chartter? by Sanchez_92
First of, I do not remember much of this experience but I have enough information regarding it from what my mom has told me when she would also experience it a long with me. This was a while ago back in my country El Salvador. I was around 4-5 years old when we still lived over there before movin...
Be Killed Or Fight by illumi_zoldyck
I've been reading some stories from Philippines about the aswang/ghouls, and I happen to have a experience with those night creatures. I was 15 that time and my aunt (my mom's cousin) was 7 months pregnant with her first child. My aunt lived with me and my maternal grandparents since her husband ...
Stray Dog Or Werewolf? by GuineaPig
Yesterday, at about 9:00 at night, I got up to go feed the crows. It was stuffy inside and I had been watching movies since 5:00 (my parents were out at a neighbour's wedding anniversary party) and I feed crows regularly as I find it relaxing. I don't have any siblings and so no one was with me to s...
Tree Giant by MysticFrance
The story occurred in year 2012, during on of my community outreach activities with my students called "immersion". The students have to stay for three days and two nights in one community/village with the host families assigned by the teacher and field coordinators. Host families were chosen by the...
Fontana - Southridge by Allforone702
My mom bought a house on the corner of Woodcrest Drive. My brother, my sister, my brother-in-law and I have all had unexplained happenings unfold in that house. The one experience that is most prominent in my mind actually occurred to my brother. His name is "D". "D" specifically recalls seeing ...
Fly High by MysticFrance
My hometown is rumored for witches, or in Filipino terms "aswang". Though my mother and brother said they have experiences of hearing and seeing "tiyanak", a newborn baby witch, I wasn't afraid and have second thoughts if they're really true. Because in my opinion, the very reason why my hometown is...
It Smiled At Me by Crimsonhope
I am 27 years old and I live in Ontario, Canada. I lived in a semi-detached house with my father, mother, little sister and baby brother. We moved to that house 17 years ago, and everything was going great. I was as happy as I could have been, finally in a house with a backyard to play in, grass tic...
The Tree by juanthropy
When I was a child there is a tree in our community which I and my friends frequented. This tree (Aratilis) is located inside an abandoned house. Every day we would sneak into the property and climbed the tree. I had a nanny then who told us not to go there because the tree is home to unseen creatur...
My Own Domovoi Spirit by Zanzibar
I've read many stories of people encountering supernatural things or just something that can't be easily explained. For me most of them looked like stories about a house spirit. In Slavic mythology there are special protective house spirits or demons called Domovoi. They care about house, family ...
During Our Christmas Caroling by chetchet17
My scary experience happened during my last year in high school. As a tradition during Christmas in our school, my teachers organize caroling to raise funds for some of school activities (for those who don't know, we go house to house, sing Christmas songs and the house owners give us some money, bu...
The Little Girl On The Swing by TJYAKI
In Calgary, Alberta. This happened about 10 years ago. I was 14 or 15 at the time, and working night shift with my mom delivering papers. I was having a lot of unexplainable things happen to me. One place we delivered to was beside an old park that no one played on anymore, and I always saw a lit...
Faerie Visitation by Nambocttr
Not a ghost story but still a tale of spiritual entities so hope this is still relevant as I have been searching my whole life for an explanation of the following. I have submitted this event to a few sites and forums, I have read a few books on such subjects but have never read of another similar e...
A Walk With The Fae by LunarSage
I was maybe 14 at the time, and obsessed with the occult, more specifically demonology. I'm gifted, and blessed with what is commonly called astral projection aka the ability to have an Out of Body Experience at will. That night I did the usual preparations for leaving my vessel with the intent ...
The Thing With The Scissor Legs by shellzy
It has been some time since I have submitted a story. Not much has really been happening lately up until this morning. I thought I would share this experience as, to be honest, I am not sure what I encountered. I live in Australia in Melbourne on the beautiful Mornington Peninsula. It is summer ...
Corner Creeper by rachelylala
From youngest childhood, as long as I can remember, I had this thing that lived in my room. I was the only one who could see him (it was distinctly male - I knew just by the feeling he gave me) but others would feel his energy and it creeped them out, or in a few cases frightened them so badly they ...
In The Woods by Irshaad96
Dear readers, I am back again, after a long time and today I'm going to share another experience that I had with the world of the unseen. The unseen world of the Jinns/shaytaan (devil) has always been an important subject which has brought up a lot of debates in the Islamic world. One thing that sho...
Past Demon Returns by niaavea17
Editor's note: Taken from poster's profile "I just write my stories on Facebook under my real name: Tuavevea Veisenia Tauveli". Either A Shapeshifting Demon or A Skinwalker Not Sure Posted 9 months ago by Tuavevea Tauveli It was two nights ago on Friday 19, 2014. I looked at the time that w...
The Strange Object In The Woods by JerryB
I'm sure you will agree that encountering a ghost ranks right up there on the Richter scale of scary as one of the most bizarre, metaphysical stories we might come to share huddled around our campfires on a chilly night. With your permission, I have another story to tell, arguably not the same as a ...
Laughing Birds by beautifulSoul
This experience happen one night when me and my friends went out for some drinks. We went to a local club downtown and I remember I told my friends I was going to wait for them in the car. I was feeling a little bad already. It was around one in the morning, the club was almost over so I just go...
The Karate Classes! by Fariya
This is my second experience. It happened when I was 6yrs old. My mom, aunt and uncle are karate masters. My aunt and uncle used to teach karate at a nearby hall. It used to start at 6pm and end by 8pm. I used to go with them. One day it was my break time around 7:45 something and I was standing...
The Dog Next To Me by ImmortalisAnimae
To start this off, I have had numerous experiences with paranormal/ghost activities and welcome more to invade my space for communication. Let me tell you a bit about who I am and the reason for my fascination. The thing about ghosts is that parents tend to tell scary stories and it raises the ...
The Green Imp - A Demon Tale by Czech-Mate
This story takes place in 1975, at the time I was only 5 years old, but this event has been burned into my memory and don't believe I shall ever forget it. My parents and I had taken a road trip to California to see my mother's aunt and uncle who lived in Fresno. This trip crosses long stretches ...
Gnooooome by Tweed
As children my best friend and I lived in each others homes. Her Mum quickly became friends with my Mum and our families were very close from 1987 until 1999 when her family moved. In adulthood my friend and I grew apart. We'd become very different people. We never fell out, we simply drifted apart....
Ghost Kuyang In The Tree by Pintit
My ghost experiences was happening at Central Borneo, Indonesia. I was native in Borneo as we are called Dayak people. This experience happen when my age was 15 years old, when we move to our new house in Kuala Kurun Central Borneo. I have older brother he is already 17 years old. When we move o...
Chalk Man by Tweed
Decided to submit two stories back to back, as they happened in around the same year and at the same house. Chalk Man, is the third ghostly encounter I remember in this house. -- Must have been aged 4-5 when this happened. Occasionally I'd wake up in the middle of the night when Mum and Dad we...
Autonomous Toy Creatures by Tweed
Decided to submit two stories back to back, as they happened in around the same year and at the same house. Autonomous Toy Creatures are the second entities I remember in this house. -- There's a story in my favourites list called "Puppet People". This person's experience echoed with striking ...
My Unwanted Follower by Ang90
I have read many stories about peoples' experiences, happenings and occurrences in search for an answer to mine and have not come across any similar to this. I am now 25 and for the last 10 years I have always had a dog following me. It's not a real tail wagging dog. He looks like he was set ali...
The Cadejo by jaderae
This incident happened to my husband, a long time ago before he met me. He gave me permission to share with you. This story is unusual for him, because Ramon is from a small city in Nicaragua, and grew up hearing stories about supernatural beings such as Chupacabra and La Llorana. However, with a ci...
Flying Through The Night by iambec
Although being Filipina, I grew up in California. There came a time during my childhood when my parents decided to buy a house in the Philippines for them to live in when they retired. In 1998, at around six or seven years old, I lived in the Philippines for a few years. English was my first lan...
Our Protector by chowy23
This story happened when I'm still 2 years old. This story is about the white dwarf "dwende" in our old house in Bicol. My parents are both working so me and my older sister and brother (ate and kuya) was left in the house with our nanny (yaya). But are nanny keeps on hurting my siblings when are...
The Face In The Tree by Manafon
A couple of YGS members were interested in my account of an incident I had with what I believe to have been an elemental or nature spirit--so here it is! This incident took place around eighteen years ago when I was thirty or thirty one. At that time I was living with my wife in a coach house in...
My Imaginary Friend Who Hung From The Ceiling by Annalee420
So when I was 21 and engaged, I brought my fiance to my family dinner where I expected to be made fun of with silly childhood stories. BUT THEN... My mom asks me, "do you remember Kay Kay (or kk) who hung from the ceiling or chandelier and drank Pocher/Pocker (sp?) wine?" And I, having ZERO idea wha...
Possible Contact With The Malevolent Entity by Parabol
I have yet more stories that take place at my ex-friend's severely haunted property. Quick recap of backstory for those who haven't been keeping track: These stories take place in a more rural part of Pennsylvania where there is more open and unused farmland than there are houses and people. I belie...
Hotel by naialexa
I stayed with my family in this hotel for a night. It seemed comfortable and nice at the beginning. As we settled in, someone was trying to open our door. My mother thought it might have been some other guests who confused our room with their room but it felt odd to me. We went to bed and I slept in...
The Messenger Of Death by AnswerzInTheDark
As this is my first experience I am sharing on the website - or any in that case - and I plan on sharing all of them as my time allows, I would like to preface my story with a bit of background regarding my experiences. In the past 10 years, ever since I was about 15 years old, I have had some profo...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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