It all happened to me a few years ago, I am a trained wizard and the knowledge has been passed down. Few years ago one of my close friend was attacked by something otherworldly. I will refer to my friend as D. D was in serious need of help and was on the verge of life and death. Every time D will go to sleep the bed will shake, started seeing images and pictures in the mind etc. D was very scared and knew that the only way out is death. There was a time when D started puking out live worms even if D was not infected (backed by doctor's report and detailed examination) D felt the worms were originating from the throat and were crawling inside the head. I knew I had to do something about it or else lose D forever. I cannot go into the details of what I did but I managed to neutralize the threat and D is safe. I was engaged in a long battle (months) and was completely drained. The fight was both physical and astral, it was against demons and multiple other entities. I am just glad D is ok. I also took few photographs of the images that were appearing on D's window as an evidence. Its not condensation because the figure is not covering the entire window as you can see. You can also see a face of a demon. There were various other figures that appeared on the windows and I managed to capture only few of them. D could see live snakes and monstrous figures and was possessed as well. The recovery took more than a year before D could return to normal life.
A lot of you may not be familiar with this but it turns out that a witch put a curse on D and wanted to kill.
And Scottish shops. Definitely not taken in America. Aberdeen is definitely not in America.