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Ghost Stories in Category: Apparitions / Voices / Touches: Page 56

Seeing Shadows And The Aboriginal Burial Site by freaky_deaky

For about one year just every couple of months I would see a person all dressed in white, very pale skin and with long dark hair. They would just be standing in the hallway or in garden out the window or something. Then one day I went to dads. I had never seen one of these apparition's at my dad's b...

The Frail Old Man by sanjubhat

In the late eighties, my father was transferred from Mumbai to Lonavala, a Hill Station, around 120 Kms from Mumbai. I was in the 9th grade. My mom my elder brother and me would visit my father during our summer holidays. My cousin Parag, who is a couple of years older than me stays in Lonavala a...

The Bathroom Disturbance by PlaydoughMaster

It was like any other day just sitting with my step dad, watching TV when we got a call that my mom was sent to the lock up. My step dad left to place bail while I waited. My younger sister was at a friend's house so I was happy that I had the apartment to myself. I got a call on the house phon...

Terrifying And True Experience by benk22

I am 22 years old now, but when I was 17 I had an extremely terrifying experience that has stayed with me ever since. I was always getting in trouble when I was a teenager, kicked out of two high schools, ran away multiple times, and made life hard for my parents and myself. It was the summer and I ...

Singing Ghost by 4d

I had a job as a parking attendant once, and I wouldn't finish work until around 12:30-1:30am. Nothing unusual would happen at work. Instead it would happen on my drive home. I would be pretty tired by the time my shift was over. I needed to find different things to keep my mind active so I would...

Dark Hand, Red Orb & A Sense Of Being Watched by yungav

I need help I believe I have an evil spirit or demon after me ill start from the beginning. When we first moved in I had a room upstairs that was once one room then we made it into two for me and my sister. I stayed up there for awhile then I would see a shadow move in the corner of my room it k...

Watched By A Presence by pheebence

I'm always feeling a presence around me like there's someone behind me just watching me and it doesn't feel kind, there's always this feeling of evil and when I'm alone, their energy is so strong that I just expect to see them. When I'm sleeping and my lights are off, a bit of moonlight comes in...

The Cobbler by katematex

When I was 7 years old, every night whilst I was lying in bed I could hear whistling. At first I thought it was something normal like the wind or radiators but after a couple of weeks I noticed it always started at 9:00 and went on for a good 15 minutes. It was around about this time when I dec...

The Guardian by monkey

First off, let me say that this has occurred in a couple of places, not just Missouri. What I'm telling you today, I've told to only a handful of people due to scrutiny, but it's true. Everyone talks about guardian angels. How they help you when you're in trouble, if you're sick, etc... I just re...

The White Lady by katematex

It all started when I was about 12 years old when my mum, my little sister and me went to visit my nana and granddad at their house after school. We walked through the door and my granddad was sitting in his chair he looked very ill and pale. My mum asked him what was the matter with him, but he...

In Bed With A Ghost by Azumizai

I have written previously about how I am visited by wordless apparitions that tend to appear in the corner of my room and say nothing. But this experience is far different than the last ones, and one of the few times where I felt in danger. Yet again, this takes place in a home that I had only li...

Prep School Ghost In Rome by Carpediem

This is not your average ghost tale as while it was happening I did not know that I was indeed talking to and taunting what turned out to be my proof of the afterlife. This is indeed a true story and I swear by it on the souls of all those that I love that have passed before me. It happened over 25 ...

The Wordless Children by Azumizai

I am a nineteen year old, still early in this life, and never once lived in a place that had any sort of long history to it. It never matters where I go, or where I live, this always happens a few times within the year. It is a strange phenomenon where children, of whom I've never met, come to me in...

Little Boy In Baby Blue Pyjamas by MaChrista

I come from the Netherlands where people don't believe in ghosts. Only a few do so, that is why I'm glad that I found this site. My experiences started last year in October last year. It started early morning whilst waking up. I was sitting on the edge of the bed trying to wake up (I was still sl...

Little Girl In My Baby's Room by Rosalie101

I don't really know when this began but my husband and I bought a house. It is a two storey house and it's beautiful. Well we just had a baby who is now just about a month. We put her room or as you would call it the nursery on the second floor next to our room. One night I heard my baby crying,...

Being Followed By A Ghost by ParanormalGhost

Key West is one of the most haunted places in America. These experiences happened in Key West, Florida on April 17, 2009. When I came back from work at 6:00 PM, I will usually start up the gaming console to play a quick game. It was 6:42 and I fell asleep in the chair. When I woke up, the bathroom ...

Remaining Ghostly Boarder 2 by princess2

You may have to read the first story so you will know what's going on. Recently I talked to one of my brothers that is tearing down this old house. He said after tearing out two old fireplaces and a lot of paneling, they found some old letters and some old newspapers dating back to the 1930's. Whe...

Heavy Breathing, Tinkling Beaded Curtains & The Creaky Boards by aliish_is_scared

My family and me are currently living in a one storey house that has five bedrooms, one bathroom, and two living areas. We have been living in our house for five years. As far as I am aware nobody has ever died in this house. I am also afraid of the dark. I am only 14 years and afraid of the dark. I...

The Girl Kneeling Beside My Bed by morg639

I haven't had much experiences with ghost or anything supernatural wise but one encounter that separates itself from the very few is this one that happened about 6 years ago at my mom's ex-boyfriends house. It was short but it scared the hell out of me. It was Saturday so I slept in until around...

Need To Make Sense Of This by muneca913

When I would stay over my boyfriend's place, I would always have these weird things happened. For instance, I would be in the room watching TV and all of a sudden the TV in the living room would turn on. Then there would be times where I had this eerie feeling of someone watching me or following me....

The Struggle & Two People Fighting by cjkint

I grew up believing in ghost and the paranormal. I've never had anything happen to me. Nevertheless, ghosts have been a big part of my life. I have gotten few EVPs that is about it. I lay in bed last night as I normally would have. I was on my stomach when I heard a noise. As I went to roll over ...

The Toys, Touch-lamp & The Mans Face by ghostsarereal2

I am 14 so I don't now if this is just me and an over active imagination but I am going to tell you my story anyway. About 3 years ago we moved into a new house. From the first week of moving into the house I felt weird, like someone was watching me. Things only started happening a year later wh...

Running On The Staircase by Rosalie

So I am new to this site, and I am hoping to find some answers. My experience isn't exactly scary, I am just curious as to what's going on. Before I start I'll give you some information about my home. I live in a two storey house in Sydney with my parents. My bedroom is upstairs next to the stair...

A Haunted House Or A Haunted Life by hauntedexpress

When I was a child, our family moved into a semi-detached house in a village called Rossington. I was born a few weeks earlier when we moved. The trouble didn't start until I was seven when a dark shadow appeared at the corner of the front bedroom. I screamed and ran downstairs... The shadow followe...

Don't Let Elka Get You by needsanswers

This story is very recent and I am curious as to why it happened. I was trying to get to sleep one night but wasn't very tired. I was lying in my room which has another spare room next to it. The door of the spare room was open and I was staring at my large bear collection trying to sleep. All of...

Haunted Hallway In My High School & The Little Blonde Haired Girl by blackrose149

What I am about to tell you happened a few days before Christmas. But first let me give you a little background: I'm currently a freshman in high school. It's a pretty big school with tons of classrooms, a library and a huge gym! It's about 15 minutes from where I live, because I live in a neighborh...

The Heavy Sigh Of A Lady by Blondie95

I have been living in my house in Gloucester in England for 8 years with my mum, dad and my older sister. When I moved in here I was only 5 but I can remember looking up at the stairs and feeling anxious about going up their. My sister who was 10 at the time felt the same way about the stairs. No...

Is It Me Seeing Things Or My Cat by JessOx

I was sitting at my computer desk one evening, also accompanied by my cat, Tink. I heard some rustling behind my mother's cupboard. I just stopped for a while to reassure myself I wasn't making the noise myself and I most certainly wasn't. Then my cat started flipping her ears back and hissing at so...

Dark Figure Of A Boy by BlueSRT4

I stumbled upon this site today and was astonished and some of the stories I read that specifically relate to my personal experiences. I couldn't believe it. For so many years I hated sharing my experience because so many people don't believe in ghosts, my own parents refused to believe me, and frie...

Am I Crazy Or Is This Real? by ilovearcher

Every so often, strange things happen in my house. This is the first year I've ever seen a spirit or heard unexplainable things. No one else seems to see what I see, and they think I'm crazy! When I was brushing my hair, before I went to bed, I saw a small, cat like figure. It was white, and foggy...

Working With Ghosts by 4d

I worked as a kind of early morning restock clerk at this supermarket near where I lived. My first day on the job I arrived about 25 minutes early to impress the boss. When I got there it was dark and apparently the only other person working was the security guard at the back entrance. He let me in ...

Strange Man, And The Man On My Bed by whitewolf1234321

I was 18 when my grandfather passed away. My niece was down at my house conferring me. It was raining on and off when I decided to go for a walk around my town to calm down because my grandfather and me were so close. We turned to go down one road when I saw something in a yard walking. I nudged my ...

Warm Gust Of Air by Surya

Saturday 4th April 2009 my brother said he would be back to watch some films. 12 midnight, I was still waiting for him. Unable to keep my eyes open any longer, I decided to hit the sack. My boyfriend was up anyway, and if I knew my brother he would turn up around 1am, both my boyfriend and my brothe...

Swaggering Clone? by Vintage

I went to visit my good old friend just a few days ago. While we were jumping on the trampoline, we were making each other laugh so hard that we both had to pee. So she took the upstairs bathroom & I took the downstairs. I went upstairs after I was done. While going upstairs I looked out of the w...

Travelling Spirit? by sjg0531

This is my first submission! I've had many experiences, but this is one of my most disturbing. I feel like it should have been something in a movie, but it wasn't. Let's start off by being frank. I have a hard time with the paranormal. It's not that I don't believe in it (I've always been somewh...

Where Is The Nearest Funeral Home? by Justly4

For some reason, and it has always been like this I have seen things that no one else can. Some things are images of demons, and some are of nice spirits checking up on there family and close friends. But this one experience has got my mind going crazy for a long time. I was at the beach last sum...

I Swear Boo, Dad's Not Home Yet by snowflake

This isn't my personal experience. It's one from my 12 year old son. Before I share it, I'd like you all to know that this experience took place before McKinley Park, but after my friend's passing. I'm not sure if any of my experiences are directly involved with my son's story. One night about 10...

The Unforgettable Experience by paranormgirl005

This one happened when I was already at U.S. I used to live in the Philippines but I moved to the United States when I turned 13. I didn't want to leave but I had to so I did. Anyways, here's my story. My family and I stayed at a hotel, which was rumored of being haunted, the first week we arrived...

Something Harrassing My Sister by amkoreann

First of all I want to start this story saying by saying that I am a Christian and so is my family. This story started when my sister and me came back from a spiritual retirement, we both returned blessed and closer to God. I am currently 15 and my sister is 12. During the camp, my sister was ...

Ghostly Voice Calling My Name by princess2

One night after my husband and I went to bed I awoke in the middle of the night hearing what I thought was a female voice calling my name. I sat up in bed and looked at my clock it was 3am. I sat there for a minute and listened thinking maybe I was dreaming. Then it sounded like a ball bouncing outs...

Apparition Of A Lady In White - Am I Going To Die by Cassie

My experience was around three months ago. I have had this feeling that this year I will die since the first day of the year. So I have not been feeling myself. I have always been a believer in Ghosts/spirits although I had never seen any. I am catholic. One night when saying my prayers I as...

A Childhood Of Paranormal Experiences by immortalsoul

When I was young I had many experiences I and others believe to be paranormal. This first one happened when I was only one years old. My mom and many others in my family tell me this same story. I had a play tent and I would go in there and talk to someone, and I would come out really annoyed. My mo...

The Woman In White by Enchantress

So usually what I see is shifting energy / aura or basically an outline of the entity and my mind tells me the rest, is it a man, a woman, etc however this one night it was very different. I had a friend who was 21 and still very young in mind, she was going through a rough time with her family a...

Am I Crazy? by hazzardsyndrome

Have you ever had the feeling of being watched? That extreme paranoia that makes you jump at every noise and flip your head round whenever a shadow passes the corner of your eye. Well I never used to have it, especially not in my childhood home. Unfortunately, I'm plagued with it now. If you've r...

Life At Our New Home & The Black Blur by MissAnimeOtaku

A little over a year ago, my mother and I moved from Concord, CA to Aptos, CA. We had to move out of our apartment because my mom quit her job and was not able to find another one. Things became really bad for us financially. Eventually, my mother turned to my grandmother for help, and my grandmothe...

One Of My First Experiences With An Entity by amellon

I have had many experiences with ghosts/spirits both kind and evil; I am a magnet for some reason while years can go in between these experiences they tend to come in groups. I am a Baptist so while I believe in demons I believe that I am protected from harm thus they can try to scare me or even tou...

Friendly Ghost by canadian123

This is a non fictional story that took place in the country during the summer when my mother was just sixteen years old. (Now, seventy years old.) She decided to walk to the store and buy some groceries as a favor for her mother. Well, on her way back home it was just almost dark outside. She sta...

White Male Apparition by jmreyesiii

This story just happened yesterday, and it is not my own experience. Rather, my father-in-law was the one to see the apparition, and he related his experience to us last night. The city is one of Chicago's southwest suburbs, about an hour's drive from downtown Chicago, and my father-in-law (I'l...

Music Birthday Card - Happy Birthday by no_average_angel

When I was five years old (I'm 13 now) my parents bought a single storey house near New Haven, Connecticut. It was a pretty small house, and the weird part was that my parents bought a lot of furniture but the small house still seemed empty. Other then that, to me it seemed normal. In fact, for the ...

The Voice, The Lady Dressed In Red & White And The Reaper by xXelliemayXx

Hey everyone! I have posted a few times on this site but this isn't anything like my other posts... I have only so far posted about my family but I also see other spirits/ghosts... Which sometimes is a burden to bear but I don't mind it. First of all I have seen this lady in my room a couple...

A Spirit In My Parents House? by spblanco

I have a couple of different but related things that I would like to share and maybe get some advice on. To start out a few months ago when my parents and siblings were being paid to clean out this house. The people who had lived there had taken off leaving half of their stuff inside the house. One...

Do I Attract The Dead by happy

My dog jazz died in 2005, she had a brain tumor. She was a staff by breed and a Sofie by nature, very friendly, loved children. The exact date she died was September 23rd. I remember it very clearly it broke my heart because she was only 6 years old. I believe in the paranormal it's basically my lif...

Guardian Angel by adullin

This happened when I was very young and to this day it still sends shivers down my spine. At time we were living in Temperance Michigan, my childhood house. One night my mom was sleeping when she was awoken by a woman standing by her bed. The woman stood there and said check on Aaron quick. My m...

The Faceless Woman by gHosTmAgneT_03

I am sorry if I am not able to share my story in a more correct manner. I'm not good in sharing stories. So here goes my next story: Ever since we moved to another house I started to see this woman. The first time I saw her was when we were moving our things inside the house. I was with my sister...

Hot Uncanny Blonde Lass by llcoolclint

t was sometime in may 2008 late at night. I was 17 years old at the time. I was getting a drink of milk I think. As I waltzed in I noticed hot blonde lass. Wondering how she got in there, as I was the only one in the house I felt I could risk communicating with her without a prayer of protection. ...

Ghost Boy? by gHosTmAgneT_03

It's my first time to share a story so my apologies if I'm not able to share it well... This happened a day before our school elections... So here goes... I was very busy this particular day because the next day were our school elections and I needed to prepare presentations and a lot more... So ...

The Knock On My Forehead by kittythatsme

My name is Katie and I am new to this site. I am 29 years old. I have been reading stories for a while tonight and decided to start posting some of my own... Enjoy This is the first experience I have had- At the age of 6, I was spending the night at my grandparent's home; something my brothe...

Haunted Teddy Bear And The Black Thing by InvisibleRaider

I decided to post my ghost experiences. It was long ago, when I was about 4/5 years old. The first is about my teddy bear. I woke up in the morning. I was searching for my teddy bear but I lost it. A normal reaction is to look under the bed. So I did. My teddy bear was under my bed. Against the w...

My Auntie's Story by Vikki

Apparently me and my Auntie are "sensitive" to the paranormal, and I'll post a few of her ghostly encounters When my auntie was young and in college around 18-20, she was still living in her parents' house. My Nan's current house, the same one when my Auntie was younger is really creepy and I'm n...

Shadows 2 by ghostboy001

Many people think of a shadow entity as a dark figure but that is not exactly true. My other shadows story dealt with a dark shadow reaching out. A few months after the experiences I had in my other stories my grandpa had just passed and I couldn't believe what happened but I tried to believe his...

The Face, Mirror Shadow And The Voice by Kira

This first starts on Tuesday March 4th 2009. I was standing in front of my sink in my bathroom cleaning up some toothpaste I dropped. As I bent down I felt a weird and unfamiliar presence, I decided to ignore it. I looked back at the mirror and I saw my reflection then my reflection changed and ...

Knock Knock by ghostlover0541

This happened last year. I was 12 and my brother 13. We both were in my mom and dads room. We were watching television when we both heard a very loud knock on the back hall door. My brother asked me to go see and who it was. I told him no, and that I had a bad feeling about this. He called me a ...

Ghost Or Dream? by buckeye

With this being my first story, I will provide a little background information my house. My house was built around 80 years ago by my great aunt and great uncle who also died in the house. Another couple (who were friends of the family) owned the house before we did and moved down to Florida about 1...

Whispers In The Night by raingrl01

I live in a very small town in New York. The house I live in is reportedly one of the first built in my town. At one time this house was a saloon and then a school house. I tell you this because it may be relevant to what is happening in my house. It all started one night when I slept in the room t...

In My Room by zacksawyer

This happened way back in 1993. I was a teenager living alone in a 1 bedroom house in Antipolo. The house sits next to my uncle's, who also serves as my "lookout" reporting any mischievous thing I did to my parents who at that time were abroad. It was 10 in the morning when a friend came over and in...

The Mystery Girl by Mickeyticky123

At school we were having a concert for our band one night in the cafeteria. I was in the "video crew" and we were there taping them. It was like 7:00 P.M and my teacher told me that I could go on break and get some fresh air outside. I stepped outside with my friend Jazzie and we were sitting on the...

The Green Man And The Shadow People by Ladywaldorf

This happened in my old house, back in Jakarta, Indonesia. I was the only child until I was 10, until the arrival of my little sister. Mum decided that I was old enough to make good use of my own room, because I would sleep with my Mum every night. My room was on the second floor while my parents' r...

The Nice Ghost In My Life by midnightdreams

This was about 2 years ago. One day, me and my cousin Charley, went to our school on Saturday to play at the school play-ground. I heard a small, child-ish laugh coming from inside the school. Charley looked at me," Did you hear that?" She whispered. I looked at her and walked up the school stairs...

Back And Forth Through The Hallway by Dantheman

The is my first post here on this site. My name is Dan, and I am 18 years old. My story begins with me home alone on a Wednesday night. My parents usually go out so I'm used to being home alone. I remember I was watching TV when I heard the distinct sounds of someone walking through the hall...

Fitzwater Cemetery And The Girl On Tombstone by grannyfry

This happened around 1953 in Upper Dublin Township, Pennsylvania at the Fitzwater cemetery, Twining Road. This cemetery has a large stone wall around it about 4 to 5 feet high. I was riding my horse past the cemetery as I was heading for home like I normally do. I lived up the hill from the cem...

Little Girl And The Ambulance by Kt10930

My name is Katie Molloy; I'm 18 years old and live in Blackpool, England. When I was 3 - 4 years old, I was standing in my bedroom staring out of my window. We lived across from a park, so there was plenty of activity going on for me to lavish my attention on. Suddenly out of nowhere I saw a litt...

Why Just A Hand? by shandi

So many people it seems have seen full bodied apparitions that are as clear as day. Sometimes these spirits interact with the living and sometimes it is like they are trapped in time doing the same things over and over again. Well I have never been lucky enough to see anything like that. I have ...

Freaky Looking Ghost? by bruxinha

This experience happened about 5 years ago and can be hard to explain. I know it sounds like this was just a dream but too much says it isn't. Before I start my story, I want to make clear: It happened to me, and it's TRUE what happened! It was not a dream I was very much awake. When I was ...

Figure At The End Of The Road by hazzardsyndrome

I'm back and with my strangest submission yet, (and things have been getting pretty strange lately). This one, however, happened away from my house. It was Saturday evening and after work I had arranged to visit a friend's house as she was having a little get together. It's quite a walk away but ...

Shadows by ghostboy001

In my past story I told you about two unknown entities. The story I am about to tell is about one entity. This experience happened some where around 2004-2005. One night, as I usually did, in winter I had an electric fireplace going while I was playing some video games (as a small kid I was addi...

Early Morning Wake Up Call by sarah12375

It was about 4:10 am when I woke up. I had no idea why at the time so I just thought to go back to sleep. I tried to roll over on my other side because it started feeling really cold all down my back and along my waist. I just thought it was because my blanket rolled off. But than it started to get ...

Shadows And The Solemn Faced Girl 2 by EdgeOfFear

All of the incidents since I last reported have just been getting stranger and creepier every time. The first event I remember started with me sitting in my hotel room reading. I heard a small bumping noise directly to my left. I turned around slowly and saw a distinctly human shaped shadow about th...

There She Was by six_lives

It goes like this I don't want it to sound like a story because it is all true! I was having a great Thanksgiving about 2 years ago and you know how turkey makes people sleepy well anyways, mind you I can't sleep well for about the past four years because of all the things that have happened to me. ...

Mountain Ghost by hydee

When I was young my parents owned a couple of airstream trailers that were set up near the Sequoia National Forest. I don't know if that mountain community had a name, I never noticed. There were four or five blocks of houses, big rambling blocks up steep streets. On the edge of one of these blo...

Here Kitty Kitty by hydee

I was living on my own for the first time in the year 2000. I had one roommate. We lived in a fairly new two bedroom 2nd story apartment. On Overland Rd. Between Cole and Curtis in Boise. We had been living there for nearly nine months without anything strange happening. One night my roommate was ...

Linen Ghost by LaurenB

I'm glad that you enjoyed my other story! I'm pressed for time at the moment, but I've decided to tell one story that I don't tell many others. The house that I grew up in is a side-split, which is typical of the houses in my neighborhood. When you come in the main hallway, there are two staircas...

The Bloody Figure by Webbstain

This story is going to start like any other ghost stories do, it was 2008 Feb. 22, 2 days after my birthday, things had calmed down a little and the only people left were 2 friends and my girlfriend. We were all sitting in the lounge watching something (Black Hawk Down, I think) as we heard a low w...

The Little Old Woman And The White Cat by AussieRedDog

It was the summer of 1987; I was 19 years of age. Fresh faced from a hippie commune and found myself a job in the main town. I was lucky because I struck gold with a lovely house that was built in the 1920's and on a leafy street, very middle class. I moved in with a woman and her four screaming kid...

My Friend's Birthday by blank

This happened on the eve of my friend's birthday. We wanted to surprise Joe and got some booze and a cake and were planning to go in around 12 am to surprise him and wish him a happy birthday. He was staying in an apartment with his elder bro. His bro knew the plan before hand and we had it planned ...

Is Ignorance Bliss? by hazzardsyndrome

For the last couple of months I have been submitting my personal encounters here. Even as I read through them I can see patterns of when they seem to occur. Usually being when I'm home alone I was in the kitchen cleaning at around 5pm (getting darkish), my boyfriend was at a friends and the dog wa...

At Paul's Place by blank

After some quality time at Paul's house I headed back home, it was dark already. I had my motorcycle and within a few minutes I was halfway through. Thanks to my Yamaha I was able to make it up fast; I paused for some tea and cigarettes. A cold evening and the hot tea and cigarettes were soothing. T...

Is My School Music Room Haunted Too? by anne_k92

This is my first story. Please forgive me if some mistakes occur. This is real but it's up to you guys to believe it or not. It all happened three months ago, when I was in Form 4 (Malaysia Secondary School standard, or as you could say, I was 16 years old back then). I still remember that day as...

The Moving Door Beads And The Face Of A Man by Sparkle_Dawn

Me and my cousin were at her house. I was 14 years old and my cousin was 15 years old. We were staying up late one night because our favorite show was on. "Pimp My Ride". We went upstairs to her bedroom to watch the TV show. She has a beaded door. Well about ten minutes after we got comfortable ...

Aulita - Love, Nature, Bravery - The Funeral Ground by Hassan

This is the most frightening experience of mine. Every time I remember it, I get so scared. It happened in 2004, when I was a Senior High School student in an Islamic Boarding School in Semarang, Central Java. We had a formal organization called AULITA. It's all about love for nature and bravery. An...

Floating Tissue by cisco711

I work as a clairvoyant healer and counselor, as well as a medium. However that does not mean I have a lot of ghost experiences, although I have some. I see this as a ghost story, not a medium or psychic story because I was not working at the time and was as scared as anyone might be. I think that s...

Sleep With One Eye Open by whatkilledthecat

My name is Josh, I am 23 years old and I recently moved to Tampa, FL. I only started considering the possibility of there being another side here last fall when my dad was raving about the show TAPS. I listened, but it was all too much for me to swallow at first. Apparitions and EVPs; what kind of b...

The Unseen Person In The Girls Locker Room by NicholeNightmare

This story happened last Friday. I was messing around in the locker room with my friend, who we'll call Izzy. Anyway, first of all it was lunch so we had nothing to do and everyone was outside but it was freezing and it was also snowing so we didn't bother going out there, meaning no one was in the...

The Attic Doll by Sakura

This was a paranormal experience that I experienced over the summer. My siblings and I were sent to my grandparent's house, because the painters needed to finish working on the third floor of our house, where our bedrooms are. Not to be in the way we stayed at our grandparent's. The last time...

My First Experience by SpiritMagnet

It's a bit long, but I wanted to be sure I included every detail to help you to "see" the story. I was 15 years old. On Christmas Eve, I was home alone. My parents and my cousin (who was living with us) were at my grandmother's house for a celebration and I was getting ready to be picked up by my g...

The Possessive Entity by DPez

A few months ago (November) I was viciously attacked by an entity which I've posted already on YGS (The Night Strangler). Since that night nothing of such prominence has happened in our house that would warrant extreme worry. I've been wearing a medallion as some users on YGS have suggested, so that...

The Man Dressed In A Revolutionary War Uniform by libertybelle

When I was fifteen, my family moved into a house in Philadelphia that, at the time was approximately eighty or eighty-five years old. It's still standing (or was, at any rate, the last time I was in that neighborhood several years ago), and was the site of something which I, to this day have never b...

Two Ladies In White by michellemarie713

The first thing I ever remember happening to me was when I was 6 years old. My parents went out to eat and my Granny was babysitting us. Our bathroom was across the hall from my bedroom; I went to the bathroom while everyone else was in the family room. When I came out of the bathroom, I saw a lady ...

Pale Faced Man With A Scar by ghostgirl445

What I am about to write about is something I thought I would never experience. My parents and my two brothers had gone to the store and I decided to stay home and get my homework done. While I was doing my homework I suddenly heard a loud slam which sounded like my family had returned home so I...

Scary New Beginnings 2 by BYLUYSTER

Finding out I was pregnant, after suffering two miscarriages, was a dream come true. I know our house reeled with the joy of it all, but as the intensity of the spirit presence progressed, so did my fear. Not so much for myself or my husband, but what about the baby? Since the bookmobile stopped rig...

The Phantom Knocker Strikes Again by AshleyHalliwell

For this story to make sense I need to describe something to you so bear with me. In my room I sleep on my couch which is directly across from my doorway. I say doorway because I don't have a door, so keep that in mind. I'm back again and this time it's got nothing to do with an Ouija Board. Anyw...

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