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Ghost stories from Canada: Page 2

Voices In The Factory by Kindly_refrain

An account entitled "Unfamiliar Voices and Other Odd Things" submitted by Enlightened1959, has prompted me to submit this account as they have one area of similarity. In the early 1980s I worked for the Carnation Milk Company in Aylmer, Ontario. The factory was built in around 1905, I believe. So...

Table Tipping by Kindly_refrain

Over the last 15 years one of the fire halls I performed maintenance on had garnered a reputation as being haunted. There were strange swirling globes of light, odd sounds, smells of cooking, and even an ethereal figure of a woman, from the waist up only, that faded away after turning and looking at...

Ghost In My Bed by colettestenhouse

This has happened two nights now. The first night I awoke to the feeling of something holding down my arms and legs, not being able to move. It finally let go. I was terrified. I felt like there was something still there. I then started to feel the hands walk slowly up my legs and hold them down aga...

Fire Spirit In Fire Pit by Honshu

I was invited to my Wife's cousin Pat cottage located in on a small island in Honey Harbor, ON. The small island has two cottages, the other one belonged to Pat's father Bill. It was a week's vacation there in the last weekend of August 2012. It was beautifully hot, and humid. You can jog around the...

The Moving Chair by Kindly_refrain

Until I was 9 years old I lived in a turn of the century small bungalow with my parents, two brothers and one sister. Our house was on Haven Road, a couple of blocks from the corner of Dufferin Street and Lawrence Avenue West in Toronto, Ontario. It was about 1966 or 1967 when the event happened. ...

And So It Goes On Continued by GhostlyGirl1983

So, after my mom, brother and sister moved up north I went and lived with my other brother and our dad. It was located in a neighbourhood that was built in 1948 and has been known to be the first project in North America. Anyway we lived on the 13th floor (yes there was a 13th floor) and everything ...

And So It Goes On by GhostlyGirl1983

If you haven't read my first story please do, as this is a continuation. So, as I stated in the first story we lived in this building and after mine and my mom's experience with the shadow man things only seemed to get more intense. In this story I will combine all the things that happened until we ...

My First Experience With The Paranormal by GhostlyGirl1983

This building we lived in is OLD and was built (after I researched and found out) on an old huge mansion and a park was there before the mansion. The funny thing is I now live in this building again with my fiance and my mom lives a couple floors down as well. My great-grandma lived two buildings ov...

Just A Little Diy Advice by DandelionQueen

We've been living in our current home for about a year. I fell in love with the house at first sight; it felt like it was meant to be ours. But something really surprising happened here about a week ago. First I should say that this is not the first peculiar experience I've had here, although it ...

Alarm Bells In The Hospital by Kindly_refrain

This account, as my last one, involves strange goings on surrounding my mother. Some might consider the following as merely a coincidence but I find the odds of that being so, astonishingly small. While not strictly "ghostly" I believe that it was orchestrated by those not in the physical realm. ...

A Night At The Dub by skeletonsRIOT

I work at a A&W to start off, when I started my supervisors told me about the building apparently being haunted by a ghost, I thought I'm the newbie and they're just messing with me. I am now a supervisor and have a key to close up and open the Dub* (short for A&W), during the summer time I was clos...

The Scream by shadow17

First to start, my story may sound like a dream or an illusion of some sorts, but it's not, I have no idea what it was but I know I was fully awake and conscious. This happened a couple years ago (not exactly sure) but it was the middle of the night, when everyone in the house was asleep (just to ...

Homemade Ouija Board by brooke1378

So on August 18, 2016, me and my friends were texting back and forth about random things, like we always did everyday. Then somehow in our conversation the topic of ghosts and demons came up. One thing in particular regarding ghosts and demons... Ouija Boards. So we started joking around and sharing...

I Think My Place Was Haunted by Nusa33

Few years ago I used to live in a lovely lakeside apartment in Ontario. The place was new. Since I moved in with my 2 kids, I never had any problems. Until one day I decided to buy a Ouija board. I tried several times to use it but it never worked. So I decided to keep it in the closet. I also u...

Backseat Driver by TwitchyMind

Hey guys! I'm really happy that I stumbled upon this site. This is my first entry. I have so many stories to share and they collect more and more every day. I'm excited to learn about what everyone else has experienced as well I wanted to share one of my experiences on a car ride home alone one n...

Indonesian Black Magic by 1emotecinebu

I was reading another story here about black magic, which reminds me of an incident occurred almost 20 years ago. It's probably not as scary as other stories on here, but it's definitely odd. My family immigrated to Canada when I was 9. Years later, I was living with my mom, brother, grandma, cou...

Come Here, Ruby 2 by GSDLady

This story is a continuation of my submission entitled "Come Here, Ruby" regarding my experience hearing a disembodied female voice in the upstairs hallway calling my dog, Ruby, in the middle of the night. Ruby heard it too and reacted by quickly raising her head and wagging her tail after being rou...

Drips, Steps, And Hold On by canadatradesman88

Where do I begin... I guess it all started at the age of 5ish with me chasing an invisible entity out of my house. I heard something in the other room and I figured I'd surprise it. In a moment, I jumped out of bed and took off toward the sounds I heard. I saw the front door open by itself and slam ...

Eldridge Terrors: Are Demons And Ufo's Related? by theprodiffenon

I have been aware of otherworldly influences in my life as far back as I can remember. One particularly unnerving experience that stands out from among the rest involves myself as a latch-key kid. Moments after arriving home from grade school each afternoon I would make a wild dash to the upstairs k...

The Approaching Footsteps by mm

I'd never had a firsthand experience of the supernatural until then. To be honest, you won't probably find it scary at all since it lacks originality of imagination and chills of the movies. It is simply a hand-me-down kind of horror experience of many others that I got to experience at one point of...

Oma's Denial Of A House Guest by Kindly_refrain

This account involves me, my children, my sister and my mother. It took place in my mother's home in a small town near London, Ontario, Canada. I grew up in that house since I was 9 years old and while it is not the main story, I did have one odd, repeated occurrence, that happened to me. Of...

The Ghosts Of The Graveyard - Three In One Experiences by CrimsonFlame

Decided after hanging around for a while, to post my own story. First off let me say - supernatural experiences are not by any means uncommon in my family. Some of us welcome it, some of us ignore it, some of us think such sensitivity little more than a curse. I'll mention a few standouts quickl...

The Tree Fort And My Invisble Cousin by Kindly_refrain

I need to preface my story with an explanation, hopefully, to fend off suggestions of "copycat" or plagiarism. My childhood story so closely resembles a recent posting, called "The Tree" that some may doubt that mine is an original story. I assure you that it is. Others may not think of it is as ...

Fort George by Kindly_refrain

I have submitted 3 stories to YGS. My story of the Olde Angel Inn spurred a reader to ask more about Fort George, which I mention in that story. So here it is. My previous stories have been personal accounts; this tale however, consists of two events recounted by family members. Fort George was b...

Possible Encounter? by Harleybutton

I'm new to this website so bear with me. So I don't suffer with sleep paralysis, I don't know if that would change anything at all? Last night I was in bed lights off etc and I was half awake but I could feel that I wasn't alone. So while I was laying there I could feel a big weight on my chest ...

It Smiled At Me by Crimsonhope

I am 27 years old and I live in Ontario, Canada. I lived in a semi-detached house with my father, mother, little sister and baby brother. We moved to that house 17 years ago, and everything was going great. I was as happy as I could have been, finally in a house with a backyard to play in, grass tic...

The Girl At The Foot Of My Bed by 32sami

A couple nights ago I woke up and saw this young girl standing at the foot of my bed, it scared the hell out of me. Her clothes seemed a little dated, but not. It was all quite confusing and caught me totally off guard. She appeared to me to be around 8-9 years old, maybe a little more. She seemed f...

The Olde Angel Inn by Kindly_refrain

This is my third story submitted to YGS. I have previously submitted occurrences titled, My Blackberry and My Mom, and also Eldon House Shoes. In 2004, my wife and I were at the (now discontinued) One Minute Film Festival in Toronto, Ontario, where we had a couple of video entries up for public a...

Crying In The Night At Camp by TJYAKI

It was the summer of 2003. I was 11 or 12 at the time. I remember being very happy and excited because it was our annual year end girl guide camp. The year end camp is when all the girl guide units in the city come together for a big weekend camp. At night we sleep with our unit but during the day w...

My Blackberry And My Mom by Kindly_refrain

I am encouraged to submit my second ghost story to YGS, since people have been very kind regarding my first submission titled, "Eldon House Shoes". This submission is not the same level of encounter by far and some may even discount it completely. I will let you decide on that. This took place in Lo...

Eldon House Shoes by Kindly_refrain

After reading many stories on YGS over the past couple of years, I have been encouraged to tell you one of mine. I don't have many and thankfully none happened at my house. I wrote this shortly after it occurred so that I would not forget details of it later. I added the last paragraph today to comp...

Visiting My Daughter by TJYAKI

These are a few things that have happened to my daughter. While I can't be 100 percent certain that these are paranormal, the timing of each of these is to coincidental. Our daughter turned 2 at start of the year. I wasn't ever home when these happened, so this is my husband telling me. First ...

Beach House Ghost by Trout130

Greetings everyone, I'm back again today to share another one of my paranormal experiences. This story takes place last summer when my family and I were vacationing at a beach house in Manitoba, about an hour away from where we live. Grandma rented this beach house for us and, truly, we had a gre...

Mr 10:30 by TJYAKI

Short story This happened on my 16th birthday. October 30th. I was working nights with my mom. Got out of the van to put papers in a box. This particular box always creeped me out simply because it was in a old neighborhood and the street lights often didn't work. So I would always look aroun...

Nothern Lights From My Brother by TJYAKI

On July 12th 2013 my big brother decided that living on earth with the rest of us wasn't worth his pain. It was the HARDEST time of my life. I don't think I'll ever forget that day. About 2 weeks prior to my brothers death, I found out I was 3 months pregnant with my daughter. He was the first pe...

The Little Girl On The Swing by TJYAKI

In Calgary, Alberta. This happened about 10 years ago. I was 14 or 15 at the time, and working night shift with my mom delivering papers. I was having a lot of unexplainable things happen to me. One place we delivered to was beside an old park that no one played on anymore, and I always saw a lit...

Nan's House by Jodie_S

The events I am about to share took place at my randmother's house in Orillia, ON. Some of the experiences I will relate are my own, and some are things that my Nan told me. Both my grandparents were very kind, loving people. Solid Baptist background, active within their church and community, and...

My Daughter Is Terrorized By Shadow People by Bonshaw75

I am hoping that Fate led me to this website, because I am running out of ideas. I Googled "why is my daughter seeing shadow people?", and an old thread on this website popped up. A story similar to ours. So hopefully we will find some answers here. This all started for us back in 2009. My daught...

Seeing A Demon During Sleep Paralysis by Jay011

I've started having this terrifying series of sleep paralysis. As I am typing this, I've experienced this 4 times over the course of two and a half weeks, all of which that apparently a demon is wanting to torment me. The first time this happened, I awoke from my nap and suddenly felt a chill engulf...

Lost From The Light by nicksandra

This is a true story. My name is Nick and I am a medium. I have been living in Liverpool NS for most of my life. Me and my wife and two kids have been renting for most of our time together. We have been together for 12 years at this time so we thought it was time buy our own house. As weeks went ...

Ghost Officer At Old Fort Henry, Kingston by rusty_s1085

In 2010 I took my family, which consisted of my wife, our 1-year old daughter and myself, on a trip to see Old Fort Henry in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. This fort is known for ghost experiences. I have had many "ghostly experiences" in my life so maybe I'm more sensitive to things than others but tha...

A Demonic Being Followed My Family Across The Continent by Chill244

My cousins have been dealing with freaky things happening from the very beginning. They first lived in an old farmhouse where mildly scary things happened semi-regularly, lights flickering, footsteps, etc. At this point it was just my aunt, uncle and their oldest child who was just a toddler. Th...

Childhood House Haunted? by bilbo8933

This is the first story I've ever submitted so please forgive me if I'm not the best story teller. These events took place when I was a young kid (not sure how old but I was going into the 6th grade when we moved from the house where the events took place). So my family and I lived in this house ...

Blue Glowing Hollow Circle? by 1301143

It was just before 3:00am-ish when I was still wide awake reading books on my iPod. It was a comedy book so at one part it was too much to handle so I clicked my iPod off and started to laugh. After some wheezing and calming myself down, I was about to pick my iPod up again but something unexpec...

Suffocated While Sleeping? by Anny_Reece

I've been living in this house for almost two years now, and there has definitely been some paranormal happenings going on. Although I'm not going to get into them, I was just giving some background information. I was sleeping in the same bedroom as my 9 year old, younger brother. We were sharing...

Come Here, Ruby by GSDLady

I live in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada with my boyfriend, Graham and our 2 German Shepherds Maggie and Saxon. We also have an American Pit Bull/German Shepherd cross named Riley who I have nicknamed Ruby. Our home was built in 1870 and we have been living here for approximately 1½ years. I have had...

Hooded Spirit With No Face by Jennnn

My daughter is 3 years old, she has mentioned things she has seen in the past and I can feel that she is in touch with the spiritual side. Recently she slept at my parents' house and had a meltdown in the morning when she woke up. She told me later that she woke up and saw a black ghost. I don't...

My Recent Paranormal Experiences by Horrorfan85

Not too long ago I wrote about seeing my grandmother, 'nanny', at my grandparents' old house. Don't worry if you haven't read it, it doesn't apply to this. I was so pleased and blown away by the kind responses I received. I guess I'm so used to being called a liar or other things online when I try t...

Small Town Haunting by Lealea1991

So I grew up in a small town called Clifford in Ontario. The house I grew up in was a historical home, it used to be the town's doctors office and temporary morgue. There was actually a square section of concrete on the wall in the basement where the 2 morgue drawers used to be and the front door ha...

A Strong Presence by eetanam

I am a firm believer in ghosts, spirits and the supernatural but I have never really experienced anything like that until the past couple nights. A little description: I live in a three bedroom townhouse the rooms are upstairs. In the one room is my son in a crib, the second are my two daughters...

Visit From Grandmother by Horrorfan85

Place of origin: PEI, Canada Hello, I can't remember for sure when this happened. I know it was when I was either 17 or 18, for an important story you'd think I'd know for sure but time has a way sometimes. My grandmother passed (from now on I'll call her nanny cause I always did) a couple years...

Cat Ghost by Blue_Daisy

I have been having experiences with, what I suspect, to be a ghost cat. For example, while resting one day, I felt my cat jump on the bed, pad over the bed and then lay on my feet. I even felt the sensation of purring vibrating on my feet. I thought it was so sweet because my cat rarely does that. I...

Reassurance From My Sister by PoliexterLy

I had a sister named Johanna who died in 2010. I have written a story about her awhile ago talking about my last encounter with her (or so I thought). I had been dating this guy since the beginning of last year. I thought he was so sweet and amazing. Really what every girl thinks about a serious...

First Time by slenapayne

Last night, October 6th 2015 I had the most terrifying experience of my life. I was sleeping next to my boyfriend and I believe daylight started to show through the blinds, maybe not I was so sleepy and terrified I can't exactly remember. I woke up suddenly, and was facing towards my side of the...

A Demon Following Me My Entire Life, Now Wanting To Kill Me by EasyC

I do not know anything about demons, however I have experienced some paranormal activity, starting when I was a child, but my mother taught me that it was just a friendly spirit, not wanting to do any harm and she told me to ignore it. It wasn't until I was a lot older that I found out that her and ...

Church Street Ghost (part 2) by GSDLady

I have another 100% true story to share with you regarding the same house on Church Street as well as my former neighbor Charlie's house. One night around 11:00 p.m., I had completed my usual routine of locking the doors and closing the windows in my old Victorian home before going to bed. As I ...

The Playful Ghost by Trout130

I think I've lived in my house for about 6 or 7 years now. I was around 9 years old when we first moved in and am turning 16 on January 1st. When I was little, things would go bump in the night. But I would brush it off as one of our two cats. (We have four now.) Lately, weird things have been h...

New Home New Experiences by Courtney_blaise

So I am originally from England, born and raised up until about 4 years ago now. Now living in the beautiful country of Canada. Just kidding it is beautiful but it's not home, you know? Anyways I'll jump right in. I've been in my current house for about a year now. It was good for a couple month...

From Dream To Reality by miabopia

I know you don't publish dreams on this site, but I am only doing so because it is a preface to what I believe was a ghost or demonic entity speaking to me. What started out as a dream became terrifyingly real... Or so I think. I was around 12 or 13 years old when this happened. I was having ...

New House Haunting by Kierrabrook

Everything began happening when we moved into the new section of a small town not far from our old farm. I was only about 9 at the time when we first moved so I hadn't heard the stories about the bones dug up to make room for the new development of houses. Anyways, I was a 9 year old girl excite...

Somebody Came Into My Room by Melintina

This story happens a few years ago when I was about 13 years old. My parents had separated a few years before and they now live in separate houses. I had always experienced something weird in my dad's new house. I am going to talk about one of the weirdest and most fascinating ones I have had. ...

Ghost Girl And Hauntings by 1_2_3_A_B_C

Very recently I have been experiencing 'ghostly' happenings. So a couple days ago, my friend (lets call her O) has been having weird 'visions' of a girl around our age. She a long brunette hair and wears a white cardigan. As she was explaining her, my hair started blowing around and we both got shiv...

Anguish by Blue_Daisy

Since it is pertinent to my experience I must share some personal themes. My husband and I were married December 2001. We waited a whole year to decide to try for a child. At this point I was already 29, so better now. Well, we had a hard time conceiving. When I did get positive results I always ...

Ghost Emergency by holdyourbreath

I have had many experiences at the house I am going to talk about, but one in particular I feel sums up the types of events we endured while living in the house in question. I lived in a house in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, back from 1998-2001. Many weird ghostly things happened like noises, f...

A Moment Of Comfort by Blue_Daisy

I miss my grandma every day. I spent as much time with her as I could. Even as an adult I would drive over an hour to visit her at least once a week, sometimes more. The day I dreaded came. She was dying. I sat by her for a few days. It was physically and emotionally draining and painful to watch...

Something Upstairs by Maglor

One year ago, I had a truly strange experience. I was 16 years old at the time and it was a nice, spring day. At about 4:00 PM I got home from school and went into my basement to relax. The entrance to the basement consists of a door on the main floor with a stair case leading to the basement direct...

Apology And Farewell by lady-glow

Although there is not a ghost in this story the only way it can be explained is through the ability of the spirit to transcend the barriers of time and distance to amend an old mistake. After graduating from university in the year 1988 I began working in the clinical laboratory of a hospital in M...

It All Started When I Was Younger-shadow People by Plshelpiamlost

Since I was about four years old I have always had strange things happening to me. I wasn't the average baby either, I never wanted to be held or comforted. I always played by myself as kid. And I also had night terrors. That's where everything started. I don't remember them very well because I was ...

Threatening Presence 2 by Glowinthedark89

It has been a year and a bit since my last post, and things have begun escalating quite a lot in that time. Some changes have occurred, like my boyfriend moving out in December for work reasons and since his absence my room and the house has become a very tense atmosphere. There have been a few new ...

The Ballerina Girl by MikeArcAngel

This experience mine happened roughly about 2 years ago while I was visiting my then girlfriend. We were getting comfortable on the couch watching some TV when I saw movement out of the corner of my eyes and I looked to the left. At first all I saw was a shadow but then I slowly started to see the a...

Small Family Big Trouble by wadewilson2772

It all began when I was about 9 or 10 years old. We were a family of 5 and I was the youngest of 2 siblings. The oldest was my sister who was 4 years my senior. At the time my sister was big into witchcraft, Ouija boards and stuff of that nature and since I was younger she would drag me into a lot o...

The Haunted Guelph Town House by Honshu

It was July 1, 2012. My family and I were looking for a townhouse to rent. I found one and surprisingly it was really cheap. We started to move in on this date. It was a three bedroom townhouse, two bathrooms, a small lobby, a good sized kitchen, and a dinette, living room, and a 2nd floor balcony t...

Childhood Terror by SaltnVinegarChips

These are numerous ghostly things that has happened to me since I was 5 years old in the house I lived in pretty much my whole life in Thunderbay ON until I moved to Vancouver two months ago (currently 23 years old). The very first thing I can remember was every single night me and my sister had ...

Haunting At Guildwood Inn by Honshu

This is my Ghost Story; It was on the cusp of the new millennium, while I and my girlfriend decided to stay the night together in a hotel. To celebrate our 1 year anniversary and New Years, it was hard to find a good romantic hotel that was not full or had a waiting list. I wanted one in the City...

Childhood Hauntings On Margaret Street by robindockree

This is the first post that I have made on here, please don't judge it lol. Most of my experiences with spirits and the paranormal are from when I lived in my old house, and so I was 12 years old or younger. Please only good feedback, but feel free to submit your thoughts opinions and explanations. ...

No Bump In The Night by PandaCinnamonBoots

At the time, I was in the eighth grade. My old bedroom, which was far smaller than my current one, was square shaped and painted purple. It was cozy in many ways, especially when the sun shone in during the day and I got to curl up in my little reading chair. However, at night certain aspects of my ...

Camera by TWDSPNlife

Hey guys! This is my first time uploading a story, so yeah don't judge if it sucks. Canada, Ontario, Durham Region. This was during the summer of 2013, early June. I was chilling in the basement on my computer working on an assignment I got from school. I had to create a Draw My Life video which ...

Why Did You Change Your Clothes? by DandelionQueen

As a child I had a few weird encounters in my parent's house, the house I grew up in, but nothing ongoing, or that made me believe the house was "haunted". Well, there was the basement...ooh, that basement. Always freaked me out as a child, but mostly I think it was just my imagination at work. As a...

Calling Spirits... Can They Come Back? by Shells15

This is my first time telling my whole story. I've told a few family members bits and pieces; however, refrained from telling all of it. Maybe I was ashamed for what we did. For lack of a better word I'll simply say we were stupid teenagers. Watching too many scary movies put ideas in our heads. One...

Ostrander Haunting by NesserV

My parents, twin sister and I moved to a little village called Ostrander when I was 10 years old. They had bought a vacant lot and moved a house that was going to be demolished (to build a new home) from a different location to the lot they had bought. It was a lengthy process, moving the house ...

My First Experience - The Only Good One by PsychStudent

Members of Your Ghost Stories, I found this site about a month ago as I was interested in finding stories and experiences similar to my own and have been reading a few small stories a night. I have really enjoyed the majority of what people have shared on here and decided for the first time ever ...

Demonic Possession? by xoBrokenAngelxo

Here I am, 5:19 am, not able to sleep due to not a "night terror" as I would LIKE to use as a term; however, not quite sure if that's what it might be, of my own, rather of my best friend's. Yesterday night, my friend woke me up in a panic. For a good minute, I wasn't able to get any words from ...

Why Did They Choose Me? by SleepySniper

So for as long as I can remember, I have been around ghosts/spirits in my everyday life. Why? I don't know, but out of everyone in my family I've had the most paranormal encounters (although we each have our fair share of encounters). But nowadays it seems as if I'm the only one who is still seeing ...

Apartment In Toronto by Miztee

I've finally decided to create an account to share my story. I hope you enjoy it, though it probably won't be as intense as some of the other stories here. So this is a true story that happened to me when I was about 12-14 years old (I can't really remember exactly how old I was). My mom and I h...

The Girl Who Caught Fire by melodie31293

When I was twelve my parents got divorced and my mother and I moved to a three bedroom house that was for rent. The rent was "dirt cheap" and my mom just getting divorced, naturally jumped on it right away. The house was in the middle of a huge field we would see moose and deer all the time it's act...

My First Shadow by melodie31293

My first experience with the unknown that I can remember for myself was at about nine years old. As a kid I was always really afraid of the dark and being alone so when I would play I would lock my two cats in my room with me. I don't know why exactly but cats' presence has always calmed me. And...

Never Tempt Evil by MikeArcAngel

Ever since I could remember I have had a fascination for the supernatural. Seeing a ghost for the first time only strengthened my look towards it, but that's another story for another time. This is my account of why I got exactly what I asked for. It was a normal Saturday night for me. I ate dinn...

Need Help, I Don't Know What Is Going On by ghost_girl_2430

I feel like I am being haunted or my houses are haunted. I started to believe in paranormal stuff a while ago before everything happened. So what has been happening, I always been getting feelings at my mom's and dad's place that someone is watching me. When I would walk down the hall, it feels ...

A Maritimer's Unfinished Haunting by Corginator

The following story is a recollection of experiences and encounters I have lived throughout my childhood, until the latest experience 9-10 years ago. The stories and events that I share with you are not fiction. In the beginning, I believed I did not know better and interpreted strange lights, s...

Glass by Lauren_Kub

When I was 6 years old, my family purchased a house that was built on an old run down farm property. Behind the newly built fence in the backyard sat an old manor that was probably over 100 years old. A family temporarily lived in that house, until suddenly one day they packed up and moved away leav...

How Did You Find Your Courage? by Katiekhaos

I posted a story a few days ago involving all of the paranormal experiences I have been having my entire life. Since I have posted that, the dark feeling in my home has become more apparent. I would like to think that a good part of that is paranoia. However, my grandmother was here babysitting ...

That Black Man There by Katie2000

I want to share my experience with what I'll call "black shadow man" for now. Two days ago, my parents went to their friend's house together and I had to look after my little brother for the evening. I had my boyfriend staying over because the house always has that kind of eerie feeling. We just ...

A Sign From My Grandfather by Mary_123

Growing up I've always heard stories of others experiences with the paranormal and I've always been fascinated by them, wishing that I could have been there or had an experience of my own. For example after my aunt passed away my uncle would experience odd occurrences happen in the house. Such a...

Too Many Years Now by Katiekhaos

I'm not sure entirely where to start. I'm not even entirely sure I want to spill my guts either. I guess I'm afraid that finally voicing this will make me even more susceptible. I have had so many experiences, I'm only going to write a few in this for now. Here it goes I guess... The first time ...

Living With The Incidents by TeilyBrianne

I've only told a few people in my life about my experiences. But having to share it with other people who also had these experiences comforts me I'm not alone. In 2001, it all started when my family and I moved into a new home at the time I was eight. The house was a nice blue colour, a two-stor...

The Dog Shadow by paranormalbeautyx

This experience I've had happened in 2013 over the winter. My mother and I were sitting in my room on my bed bonding and talking about whatever there was to talk about. To give you an idea of my room: Once you enter, my bed is up against the left wall, I have my dresser right beside my bed, my close...

The Dock, Be Water by notjustme

"You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend." - Bruce Lee I found this q...

The 'don't Wash' Ghost by Dontwashmebro

The events of what I consider to be my only real experience with what I could only describe as 'supernatural' took place in my parents home (and mine at the time), one Saturday afternoon during the summer of 2010. My girlfriend and I had been out shopping that morning and had arrived back at my p...

Billy Was Here by Chatham_Mann2012

Growing up, my family moved around a lot, and my dad would come in and out of our lives. I used to think it was because my daddy kept hurting mommy. It wasn't until recently while I was visiting home for the holidays that I found out the real reason why we moved so consistently. Before I delve in...

Haunted Cottage - Where Do Spirits Go? by marko88

Firstly, this is more of a question pertaining to the existence of a spirit once their place of haunting is destroyed. But I will include the back-story... My family formerly owned a property on Lake Muskoka in Ontario that was known by several extended family members and old family friends to ha...

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