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Ghost stories from Canada: Page 8

The Child Ghost by virgo_girl_16

It was my second apartment. It was a fair size, nice building and a large and very beautiful court yard. For the first few months it was quite peaceful. Then one night I heard a crash coming from the hallway in my apartment. My boyfriend was asleep so I thought it was my cat. I walked into the hallw...

Dark Human-like Silhouette by binder1967

We moved into a home in Palmerston Ontario Canada. This home is one of the oldest in the town: Originally built by a doctor around the year of 1883. We moved in and shortly after began seeing black human-like figures looking in the window at us. One night my wife, Christine, and I sat down to tu...

Malicious Ghost Amongst Others by TaraSian

This is my first post on this website so I'll try to keep it related to a specific location. Well first off I've grown up with a family very open to receiving different kinds of experiences. As long as I can remember I've had relatives and family members relate experiences to each other. I have alwa...

Was This An Old Hag Or Sleep Paralysis Or Neither? by BeautifulParanoia

This is my first time posting here and it's nothing extravagant or anything, I am just curious as to what this was. Ok about 2 months ago, I kept having a reoccurring experience. The first time it was a dream, where a strange girl grabbed my left arm and I was no longer able to breath or move. Af...

Doppelgangers? by miri_chan

I recently had two experiences with doppelgangers, and that was the first time I've ever seen them before. The first time I was at my house, home alone, in my bedroom. My bedroom door is always closed, as is my window. I was looking through my bookshelf and sorting things, when I saw my cat dart ...

Mightnight Marching by ThreeFootDong

My grandfather was once a tail-gunner in World War II, and finding it to his liking, subsequently spent his entire working career in the Air Force. He was a man proud of his station - Warrant Officer - and the posts he'd held. He often said he had no interest in becoming an officer; he enjoyed the c...

Fort Garry, Room 202 by Alicebathedinblood

The city I live in has a rich history of ghosts, one of the most famous is the cloaked ghost of a woman residing in the Fort Garry Hotel. It was built in 1913 as a luxury hotel for train passengers that had an overnight stop in Winnipeg. My hobby is researching ghosts and stuff like that, and I get ...

Something Following Me? Poltergeist? Doppelganger? by crimsonghost

Soooo, where to begin? I'm going to apologize in advance for the length. I'll begin by saying that I moved to my apartment in a historical district of a very old city. Most of the buildings were hundreds of years old and I can't imagine some of the stories that must have come from inside the wall...

Ghostly House In Edmonton by IrbeFan4Life

In 1997, my family and I moved into a nice little home in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It was a well-located, very nice house in a very nice neighbourhood. Fortunately, we have experienced many, many ghost experiences in there since we have moved in. I have had ghostly experiences since childhood, so ...

My Sister? Or Not by marilynm

Strange things have happened around me most of my life, nothing really paranormal, just things falling over in empty rooms, hearing things and random stuff like that. When I was staying at my parents for a bit, my sister and I were watching a movie in the living room. I was 20 or so and she was 15 ...

Ally Wouldn't Say Good-bye - A Tale Of A Cat Stuck Between Worlds by Smokeykins

When I was 10, we had four cats. Now, I won't go into detail for these cats, but I will tell you the haunting story of one cat that wouldn't let go. Ally was our 13 year old alley cat who was having some troubles in health. My mother took her to the vet one day, and she never came home. I was di...

Ghostly Footsteps by Princess

This isn't really a scary story, but I think it's worthy of posting. This past Spring Break (2009), I slept over at my friend's house. It usually takes me forever to drift off, and even longer when I don't have my nightlight with me (I'm 16, but still afraid of the dark). I was lying awake, waiti...

Camping Horror by Ribbons

In August 2002, my dad took me out camping for the first time when I was 11. He chose a smaller campground called "Waterways" along the Rideau River. It was a bit off the beaten path, which my father liked and my mother resented because it didn't have a landline telephone, supposedly. Regardless,...

A Bad Spirit Is Tormenting Me by TormentedSoul

Before reading this please read my previously story It's been about a year after I posted my problem and I have tried a lot of what you guys have suggested and it did not really help at all but thanks for helping out. It got worse I started to see the man when I am in sp. I was too concerned...

My Guardian by bLaCk_TiArA16

Ever since I was seven I have had a ghost or spirit watching over me. I can't prove it with pictures, I can't prove it with videos or voice clippings, and nobody else seems to see him but me. He has always been there watching me. When I was living with my mom he would walk between my dresser and...

A Creepy Warning by pringles123

Before I start I'd like to say that I have my own my experience, my aunt's experience and my mom's experience. This happened just last week on Thursday. You see we live in a small town that is a reserve. I won't tell you the name though. It all started when my aunt Susie was on her way back from ...

Orange Eyes In October by Vore

I'm twenty-one years of age and female. My story takes place on Prince Edward Island, Canada. I was born and raised there... A very quiet place. I lived in the country with my mother and father... Let's see. Three or four years ago now, it must be since we lived out in the sticks, so to say, it was ...

It's A Scary Thought by SamanthaAlexaRoberts

A couple of years ago my grandma passed away. We were really close. She passed away in her own bed, and we still have it at my grandpas. When I was sleeping on the couch, I heard a whispery "Don't go with her." I got freaked out so I went to bed right away. In the morning I got a phone call. My frie...

Rachael by inutaru

Ever since I was little I've had paranormal experiences that I cannot even begin to explain. I am currently convinced that our house is inhabited by a poltergeist that I have come to name Rachael. We moved into our current home when I turned three, ever since then Rachael has wanted to play. I w...

The Graham House by Deckar

I was about 7 years old when this happened to my family. I am now 33 and still get goose bumps driving by our old house. We moved in to a new house in a small town in northern Ontario. At first everything was great. This was a huge house with lots of room to play and explore. One day my older ...

The Visit Of My Grandmother's Dead Friend by Kaitlyn001

Whenever I visited my grandmother I'd watch TV in the basement, I'd always have this weird feeling of being watched, I always felt sad whenever I went down there. Here is my story. It was New Years and my family and I were sleeping over at my grandmother's house. My younger brother and I were...

The Old Woman by ZackandChelsea_forever

We moved about five years ago. I was nearing the end of grade six at the time. We didn't move very far - about a 10 or 15-minute drive away. The new house was not in fact new. It's about 40-50 years old (I think?). I'm not sure of the exact age. But apparently there was an elderly couple that liv...

Random Ghostly Events by miri_chan

Lately, more strange things have been happening. The mirrors on my bedroom wall are nailed to the wall. They don't move, and I never open my windows. I have a fan in my room but it never faces the mirrors and it is a very small fan. But a few days ago, the mirror images were shaking violently. Not ...

Unbelievable by TheLightBeforeDawn

This is not my story but my mums. Before I was born my mum and dad lived in a trailer in northern Ontario. It was a night some time in the summer. My mum and dad were sitting on the bed when my mum got a call. The store where she worked had been broken into and they wanted her there for moral suppo...

Highway Ghost by TheLightBeforeDawn

My name is Sierra. I live right next to a major highway. One of my chores is to take the dog for a walk. A couple of weeks ago I was walking my dog down the highway when I heard a huge screech of tyres and a scream that lingered in the air before fading away with the sound of the tyres. Now, as soon...

The Old Family House by NicholeNightmare

I have some stories to share, some from me, my father, and my friend (who I did not know lived there until like 3 months ago) who also lived in that house after me, which was the first time someone other than my family owned that house. My family has owned this house since the late 1800's, it is ...

Yes Mommy, The Boy Without A Face by mom2aseer

I started out as a true skeptic, just to be honest. I believed there was "something else" out there but was just too busy to look or care. That is until my youngest child was born. I cannot remember how old she was when it started or even how the first episode played out. I just know that even at th...

The Fingers Of A Ghost by Yukari

I have a really hard time sleeping after my dad goes to bed. I don't know why, but I feel so much safer when he stays up and watches TV, then when he goes to bed and leaves me up by myself. I was feeling really uneasy that night and went to bed before him. I fell asleep almost instantly, but somethi...

The Floater 2 by gloriavox123

As I stated in my story that preceded this one, my home was only about 20 years old when I moved in. The previous owners were a family of four we never had the chance to meet. My parents never experienced anything paranormal and deny it exists. A few things have happened since the first story I ...

Kingston And Fort Henry Haunting by gloriavox123

Being able to see things otherworldly have only come to me recently, but I try my best to not get scared. Still, though, I sometimes do. For example, the night in Kingston. Because the people who experienced this with me do not want to be identified I'll call them by aliases. So, I was going to K...

The Floater by gloriavox123

I moved into my house about 5 years ago. I had never seen a ghost before or experienced any type of paranormal activity. It was only about 20 years old, as well, so I wouldn't have expected it to be haunted. It was. I didn't live there full time until December of 2007 so I wasn't there enough to ...

In Bed With A Ghost by Azumizai

I have written previously about how I am visited by wordless apparitions that tend to appear in the corner of my room and say nothing. But this experience is far different than the last ones, and one of the few times where I felt in danger. Yet again, this takes place in a home that I had only li...

The Wordless Children by Azumizai

I am a nineteen year old, still early in this life, and never once lived in a place that had any sort of long history to it. It never matters where I go, or where I live, this always happens a few times within the year. It is a strange phenomenon where children, of whom I've never met, come to me in...

Shadow Ghost by miri_chan

This is the third encounter I've had and it scared me a bit more than the other encounters I've had. This took place in my apartment in a town called Glace Bay. First of all, let me describe this apartment. It is only about ten years old and is slightly small. The previous owner was the father o...

Skeleton Ghost And The Man With An Axe by miri_chan

This is my first submitted story and the first two encounters I had. (This will be fairly short, sorry) The first time I saw a 'ghost' I was about 3 or 4 years old, so I don't remember that much. All I remember is I was sleeping and I woke up in the middle of the night. My mom and some of her fr...

A Pushing, Stealing, Cutting Ghost? by someone111

I don't know if this is necessary, but if this information is needed, I am a female seventeen year-old. Next year is my last year of high school. Well, first of all, I've always hated ghosts. I don't care whether they are the "good" kind or the "bad" kind. I have never wanted to see one let alone co...

Smiling Orb And A Short Story by Jal1515

My story is I live in Canada, Ontario, although my ghost stories aren't frightening at all but they mostly consist of orb photo's that I plan to submit later on of course. My mom and my dog Diego are 2 people that have passed away that were very close to me and my old dog Miel that was a family pet...

Dark Presence And Sleep Paralysis by SpiritusMoJo

About 18 years ago, I was living in a small town in Ontario as a missionary. My missionary companion and I were eating dinner with an Italian family. There was a young teenage boy in the family who was being bothered by a shadow for many years. The shadow seemed to be around the boy a lot, not just ...

Friendly Ghost by canadian123

This is a non fictional story that took place in the country during the summer when my mother was just sixteen years old. (Now, seventy years old.) She decided to walk to the store and buy some groceries as a favor for her mother. Well, on her way back home it was just almost dark outside. She sta...

My Son's Story - Houses by redsun32

After a string of odd encounters/occurrences, I moved in with a classmate of mine with my three kids. At that time my daughter Mary was seven, my son Ty was five and my youngest son Adam was just over three. My classmate was living with her two-year-old son Max in a giant four-bedroom house and was ...

Walking In The Hallway by christyg

I'm not even sure where to begin! I think that there may be something following my son and me, but I'm not too sure. When my son was 4 years old, we went to a cottage on an island with my friend. My son woke up in the middle of the night screaming that he could see a "little man" wearing coveral...

Ghost Chair by Lilypad5596

My friend and I volunteer at a ranch a couple miles down the road. We got there one day, following our daily routine with our other friends, such as feeding the pigs, chickens, ducks, bunnies and hamsters. As we continued our day with feeding the horses, and tacking them up, bringing out trail rides...

Strange Humming And Odd Feelings by Addy64

I have read quite a few interesting stories of paranormal on this site and would like to share a few odd experiences myself and perhaps someone may have had the same experience also? Back in October 1982, my best friend and I were just out front the steps of my parent's home, which had huge hedges o...

Daddy's Home... To Stay? 4 by paranormal

My goodness... It has been almost a year since my father has passed away. His antics have slowed down in number, but not in the intensity. We are still in the renovation stage of the house and I am sure that this is still causing him unrest. The first major change of the house was to pour a new gara...

My Personal Paranormal Experiences by NiteowL

There have been unexplained events in my life that I consider to be paranormal. I cannot find a logical or natural explanation for these encounters. Here are but a few examples. I would say the first event happened when I was 8. I remember my father asking my sister and me to sit down; he had some...

Children And Dogs See What We Don't by fox42

In The summer of 2007, a friend of mine (Jess) and her 2 and a half year old daughter (Miley) came to visit me at my parent's home. I own a small dog named Brandy. We were all sitting around and Jess decided to run to a nearby store for some junk food. She left me to baby sit Miley. I was sittin...

Watson's Mill by treasureseekers

Back on Nov 1st, 2008, there was a public investigation with a local ghost hunter group over at Watson's Mill in Manotik, Ontario. They made their investigation open to the public, so that those who are interested in the paranormal can see what it is that they (and similar groups) do. We bought o...

My Dear Cousin's Goodbye by AndieMTL

One of my cousin was diagnosed with cancer but it was too late for treatment, she lived only few months after the diagnosis. She was only 35 or 36, not sure, would have to check. She had a rough life, had problems finding jobs and when she had one, her co-workers were not nice to her. She had a litt...

Lights On Then Off And Faded Light by tallguy

I am not sure what going on in my house. Tonight I have gone on this site to try to get some help on what's going on upstairs in my house. While I was sleeping around 9:55pm in the darkness in my house, with my dog by my bed (I'm glad I have a dog) the dog suddenly leapt up growling and barking....

Early Morning Wake Up Call by sarah12375

It was about 4:10 am when I woke up. I had no idea why at the time so I just thought to go back to sleep. I tried to roll over on my other side because it started feeling really cold all down my back and along my waist. I just thought it was because my blanket rolled off. But than it started to get ...

Linen Ghost by LaurenB

I'm glad that you enjoyed my other story! I'm pressed for time at the moment, but I've decided to tell one story that I don't tell many others. The house that I grew up in is a side-split, which is typical of the houses in my neighborhood. When you come in the main hallway, there are two staircas...

Someone Watching Me by sarah12375

I'm going to make this as short as possible. I live in a 3 bedroom house in Montreal, it's always been generally quiet but a couple of months ago; I started to feel like someone was watching me. (I know this is quiet boring and is most likely going to be but bear with me) I have never seen it but...

The Unseen Person In The Girls Locker Room by NicholeNightmare

This story happened last Friday. I was messing around in the locker room with my friend, who we'll call Izzy. Anyway, first of all it was lunch so we had nothing to do and everyone was outside but it was freezing and it was also snowing so we didn't bother going out there, meaning no one was in the...

Haunted Tours Of Ottawa by treasureseekers

I have been a lurker to this site since the beginning of November, 2008. Only now do I feel comfortable enough to post here. I consider myself to be a skeptical believer in spirits. I believe that they do exist (both good & bad), but I need concrete proof that they are in contact with me. For exampl...

Erotic Dream Turns Real by Aviendha

A hand caresses my arm, just below my shoulder. Seconds later, a hand grabs me, while yet another massages me, I feel a nip on my neck, and I succumb to the exquisite sensation of the entity as it thrusts into me. At first it all seemed an excellent erotic dream, before I realized that I wasn't ...

A Soldier's Story by shypo

This story takes place at my grandparents' home in a small town of Moosehorn, Manitoba in 1984. My grandparents had nine children in all but only two lived at home now as the others had grown and left home. My grandparents bought a smaller farm and moved to a new house on the property. My u...

Seeing My Momo by tobgirl22

Hey... Well I haven't written anything in a long time. So I have lots more to share. The last story I submitted was about my brother "Halen" seeing my Momo, who has passed away. And now that my little brother "Locke" is 1, he cooperates better and listens, but if your trying to talk with him, or pla...

Did I Really See It? by ghostlover3000

I'm new to this site. When I was 5-6 years old, I was always woke up earlier then everybody in my house. One morning well I was eating my cereal, (which I think was fruit loops but it could have been something else) I felt like I was being watched so of course I looked up and I saw a "thing". I a...

Crows And Shadows by MontrealAJ

For quite a while I have been able to "see" certain signs of a family member's passing before they actually do. I can't explain it, my sister has the same ability. Apparently it is an Irish trait. My mother believes us, she also has some of these abilities. This story is not the first experience tha...

Being Held Down In Bed? by ccherwinsk

Last night while I was sleeping over at my boyfriends, something very weird happened. I was having trouble sleeping, kept waking up from horrible dreams. Then at about 4 am I woke up from another dream in a panic just to find out I couldn't move my arms or my chest. It felt like I was being push...

Hamilton Apartment Poltergeist by Kinger

In 2006 I moved into a high rise apartment building in Hamilton at the intersection of King Street East and Emerald Street North. The building was built in the 1970s and it served since then as a facility for government subsidized housing. Most of the tenants were on government support and many were...

Strange Noises And Ghostly Images by Kated9

I'm back and the Demon Boy is too. This time it's freaking me out. One month after I posted the Demon Boy 2, I moved back in with my mom and my two brothers, because I was always constantly sick. So after I moved back into my child-hood home, I thought everything would be better, and it did get ...

Eyes Above My Bed by Goombagirl_79

This is something that I remember from when I was only 4 years old. As I mentioned in a comment (re: twisted creature) I think I am prone to hypnagogic hallucinations. To this day I've seen odd bugs on my bed, or strange creatures standing nearby, and once I have heard something whisper my name in m...

Good-looking Ghost In My Mom's Townhouse by Amy262

My parents have been divorced for twelve years now, and we've been living in a townhouse for eleven years. Shortly after we moved in (two-three months), I sensed something was different about this house. Something didn't seem to be quite right. I brushed it off as being nothing, but a few months...

He Called Me Dintzie by Leanne

I come from a fairly large extended family. Especially from my mom's side. She is one of 16 children and I have over 200 first cousins. Lot more second and third cousins. We had many family reunions that were well over 1000 members (my dad's side of the family was also there because of a few marriag...

Aunt Stella by Ghostgirl24

My Aunt Stella was a funny woman. She loved to smoke her cigarettes, and have a good game of cards with a glass of rum and coke. She worked in the kitchen of the children's hospital where I stayed for a burnt foot. When I was 11, my Aunt Stella was diagnosed with brain cancer. She became very si...

Looking For Rum by Ghostgirl24

My Uncle Gary bought the home his grandparents once lived in. My great grandfather Michael built the home back in the early 40's. Michael and Nelly were my Grandmothers parents and in this house my Aunt Mary, my Uncle Joe and my Grandmother Teresa were born, My grandmother had 3 siblings the younges...

Ghostly Face In The Window by Leanne

First off I would love to say I am very grateful to have found this wonderful site. I had many unexplained experiences through out my life and have always been a seeker to explain what I've seen personally and heard from others. The only time I have experienced a ghost/apparition when I was fully aw...

A Visit For A Little Girl by Ghostgirl24

This story was told to me by my mom, When I was 3 years old my Uncle Gary and Aunt Lorraine took me to spend a night at their house, They made me a bed at the bottom of theirs and there I fell asleep. In my Uncle Gary's house there are two doors one on the right side of the house and one on the left...

Last Message by Ghostgirl24

Since I was three, maybe a little older I could communicate with the departed. My Mom would stay up with me until the early hours of the morning listening to what I was saying and trying to understand what I was seeing and going through. If it wasn't for her I think I would have gone insane. Whe...

Grandpa Visits His Funeral by Ghostgirl24

My poppy died on a Tuesday June 13th 2006. The whole family was devastated because we didn't think he was going to go so fast. We all got ready and went to the funeral home where my poppy was resting. Before my poppy passed away he was sick and frail. He looked like he was 90 when he was only 58. Wh...

Poppy's Visit 2 by Ghostgirl24

It has been 2 years since my Grandfather passed away. Since his passing myself and my family have been experiencing what we call visits from poppy. One evening my aunt Rhonda went to the cemetery to visit her dad; she does this a lot especially when she is sad. When she got home she went into he...

Poppy's Visit by Ghostgirl24

My grandfather passed away in June of 2006, at the time I was pregnant with my daughter, who is now almost 2. A few months after my grandfather passed away my family and myself have been noticing a lot of strange things happening around our homes. In September 2006 my grandmother decided to sell...

Daddy's Home... To Stay? 3 by paranormal

After the funeral, it was now time for the real work. As I had mentioned in my previous stories, my father had built his "retirement" home on the farmstead on land that we have had in the family for 120 years. He had built the home in the late 80's, and although it is a very well built home, it was ...

Ghost Saves Life And House by spore1989

Something happened to me about 2 years ago that I can never forget. I was home alone one day watching television. I got hungry so I decided to make pop tarts (breakfast bars). I wasn't really paying attention to what I was doing since I was still a little sleepy because it was the morning. By acc...

Small Town Specter by D

Though this story may seem grand to some, this story is as true as I am. When I was 17 my Mother moved to a small town in Choiceland, Saskatchewan. The whole story begins when my mother and her partner bought and cultivated the yard next to their house. While my Mother was tilling the soil they ...

I Keep Scaring My Girlfriend by nativejowe

A couple of nights now my girlfriend has told me that when she wakes up to use the bathroom, she tells me that I am staring at her with a smile on my face. But I have no recollection of doing so. Now when she goes to the washroom she is wakes me up, so that she doesn't open the door and sees me star...

Strange Happenings In My Apartment by mamatokar

I moved into my own apartment when my daughter was just under a year old. All the time, it felt as if I was being watch, or not even watched just that something was there. When we first moved into the building we were in a one bedroom suite, so we shared a room. After about a month strange thing...

Update On Hauntings by lilblackpom

I haven't been to the site in a while because I have a lot on my plate at home right now. Though, I did find out a few things regarding my first story posted here "A Haunting Hallway and Paranoia" and (2) the noises in my home at present. You can read my stories "A Haunted Antique Coat Rack?" and "H...

The Girl With Green Eyes by char1y

I had this experience about 7 months ago. I'm in no way new to seeing, hearing, feeling, or even smelling things that I myself cannot explain but this experience has changed the way I see everything. It was about 4am, I got up to get a drink of water nothing out of the ordinary. I crawled back in...

My Day Of Unexplained Events by ps2

To start off this story I want to say that nothing like this happened to me before. In early May of this year I went to bed early watching a TV program. In the middle of the show my TV changed the channel; I thought a commercial came on. This being said I took the remote off the table, I found my...

Out Of Control by oldsoul21

A few years ago my sister and I just finished watching the movie, White Noise. After watching it, my sister had the idea of trying to initiate contact through a recording device, specifically our answering machine which was all we had. We tried it together, but we couldn't hear anything so we gave u...

Daddy's Home... To Stay? 2 by paranormal

After the initial experience with my father on the morning of his death, I expected that I would have other incidences. I should disclose that two of my brothers and me have never seen "eye to eye" and we have been at odds for some time and were only sociable for my father's sake. The farm home (...

Daddy's Home... To Stay? by paranormal

I come from a 4th generation farming family in central Alberta, Canada. My father's pride and joy was his farm. He always joked "The only way I am leaving this house is feet first!" Little did I know that that statement would not come true! In the last few months of his life, he had been hospital...

Mysterious Happenings by metalhed16

As you may have read in my previous story, I just recently moved back to Canada with my fiance Gera-Lann (Geri, as I like to call her). And if you have been following all of my stories you would know that Geri is pregnant. She is going into her 5th month, and is doing very well. Thought I would just...

My Son's Story - House by redsun31

In the fall of 2001, my three children and myself moved into a recently finished basement apartment. When I had gone to view it, I wanted it right away, simply because it's location: around the corner from the school my two oldest kids attended, a few blocks from the college I was attending and the ...

Factory Protector by Reaper666343

Now... In my past stories except for the ones about my pets, the entities I have encountered are and have been dark and creepy. This one seems different. I just recently started a new job in a factory, and for privacy reasons I will not specify which company. This spirit is a prankster. I am not...

Ghosts Of Shaunavon by metalhed16

July 2007, I went to my fiancés hometown of Shaunavon Saskatchewan, to visit her family. Shaunavon is a town of maybe 2000 people. Could be less for all I know. I remember her telling me about the two hotels in the town that were really haunted, both of them are not in business anymore. However ...

Haunted House On The Drive by lilblackpom

This is a story about a haunted house in Southwestern, Ontario. Two of my friends and I rented this house when we were in our early 20s. It was 1980 when I moved out of my parent's home to adventure on my own. I knew I was on my way to rent a house with two of my girl friends. This was exciting! Whe...

Just A Dream Or Something More? 2 by Toxicwaste

This is updated information and a continuation of "Just a Dream or Something More?" If you haven't read the first part, then this may seem confusing to you. More and more things keep happening. One night I woke up with a cut on my hand, and I thought it wasn't a big deal. Then I saw my MP3 player...

Wedding Ghosts? by babydork

Lately, we have felt a presence in our house. First we heard footsteps, then it graduated to hearing people whispering in our hallway. Everything seems to happen upstairs where all the bedrooms are. One night, I was in bed, lying there awake. About three am I felt a hand touch my face. I was start...

Midnight Visitor by metalhed16

I haven't had any time to write any stories for you, because I have been busy moving. I moved back to my hometown, Calgary Alberta. Geri and I are so excited to be back. Now, since we've been home, there have been a few scares. Some time in July, a few weeks after we have been back in Calgary, we...

Disturbed by lilblackpom

For the last couple of months we have been experiencing noises in our home. We have never had these noises before. I have wanted to write about this, but feel a little embarrassed to. So now I finally am. The noises appear to be on my French doors in the kitchen going out to the deck. It always h...

Just A Dream Or Something More? by Toxicwaste

If anyone has experienced something called sleep paralysis then you know what the feels like to be awake and not being able to move, it is said people will experience this 1-2 times in your life time, but I've experienced 12 times now, and each time I literally feel pain in my head when I wake up du...

Attacked During Sleep by tarrin92

I am only a 16 years old girl, and my family seems to be continuously haunted by more than one presence. It happened last night, at 4:30AM. I was wrapped in a deep sleep, dreaming about a beach when instantly my dream flashed into my living room. My body has the ability to mix the sounds of the ...

The Disguise by lilblackpom

I am writing another part of my earthly adventures with my brother Chris who passed on January 31, 2006. My stories with him are too many and have been experiences in my life that's for sure. I am just fortunate they are with him and not any other ghosts (except for the antique coat rack)! Chris ...

My First Meeting The Sexual Ghost Or Demon by HellsingGirl

It was about a few months ago when I met him in my room. I was in my bed when I had a weird feeling. I looked up and I saw someone at the end of my bed. I figured it was nothing but a dream so I closed my eyes again. About a few minutes later I felt something on me and when I looked up it l saw t...

My Home, The Church by Cdn_Tinkerbell

In my 32 years I have come in contact with a few spirits. I am logical when things happen and look at every aspect to see if something could have caused the situation. I moved to a very small town in Alberta about 2 years ago. My husband, Mother-in-law and I rent a renovated Pentecostal church. ...

More Strange Things At The Museum by wanderer

I have written a few stories about my work in the local museum and the strange things that happen there. Since then the activity has picked up. I have been keeping a record of the activities trying to see if there is a pattern or explanation that I hadn't noticed before. These are some of the things...

Did It Follow Me Home? by scaredshitless14

First off, thanks for the comments on my previous story, My Neighbor's Haunted House. Now for you people who have read that story will know that my neighbor's house is haunted. For those who haven't read it you will need to. This story is something that has happened to me in the past week. For t...

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