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Demon In The Closet


After I had already been away for work for several months, my wife had to move us to Virginia. She found a pretty house to rent, almost lavish by our standards and plenty of room, very modern. Well she would call me while I was away and say she was having bad dreams and felt like someone was staring at her from the bathroom, closet area. Also our daughter was pushed so hard she fell down and thought my wife had done it. But she was sitting on the couch ten feet away. So I made the usual prescription when we had run into this before. I told her to put a very powerful crucifix in the room blessed by the Pope and told her to shield herself with white light before going to bed.

I came home about a month later and immediately felt a presence. It did not take long to figure out that the presence was in a large closet area which adjoined the bathroom and faced directly towards the bed in the master bedroom. The closet area never got natural sunlight and was extremely dark at night. I could feel that something was watching. The crucifix seemed to keep it out of the room but it still stared from the closet. So I did the usual "get out, this is my house," "I command you to leave." I felt that this thing was not going anywhere, that it was not scared at all, it was not moving. Not long after that we found a picture of our children on the floor and it had been smashed in the middle of the frame like something was thrown at it. One night while watching TV my wife left for work and I saw a rather large shadow fly out of the bedroom and out towards the car as she was leaving, almost as if it was chasing her. Not long after that she suffered a stroke and a major car accident, both of which left no lasting injuries.

I was again traveling and when I returned home I learned that the landlord was kicking us out. I was glad and realized that we had to get out quick to not be followed. But my wife severely scratched her eye while moving and that slowed us down. The last day as we were moving both my wife and I were out on the back lawn under the window not far from the closet, and we both heard a tapping on the window. No one was in the house. I knew what it was the whole time due to the strength of the presence, that it was a demon. The last night as I left, a neighbor stopped me to talk and I could see this shadow flittering around the yard.

Unfortunately it followed us to the new house, but it was full of sunshine and good karma. It opened doors and I saw it a couple of times in the hall. It also bothered my son who saw it in the basement. I told him to ignore it, do not feed it with fear and you will basically bore it into leaving. I have seen, run into, ghosts and the like. But this was different, very different. The only option is to get out so fast that it cannot follow. This thing could travel. It was crazy! So in short it has stopped bothering us and life is normal again, but it is a learning experience that there are something's that you cannot will or scare away and that will do some major damage to you if you are not aware and able to leave before tragedy happens. I would be interested if anyone had similar experiences.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Templar, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ChemicalChaos (3 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-01)
One of the few stories on here that actually freaked me out. Congrats.
So how did you get rid of it?
MaskedPsycho (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-28)
Wow, that is terrifying!
I hope it never bothers you, or your family again.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-02)
That WOULD be interesting to note, Templar.
If you really DO, would you mind sharing? Just as I am curious, no other reason at all.
Thank you.
Templar (1 stories) (24 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-02)
Thanks for all the comments. I would like to add a few things. I have felt many ghosts, even ones that are disturbed, maybe malicious. But this one felt different. More like a animal than a human spirit. It was very happy we left. That was when I saw it almost happily flitting around the yard. And very strong, unlike a ghost which reacts to the human voice. If you are sensitive you will eventually know the difference. The next door neighbor, also sensitive would not even go into the house. I have to ask more as to why and see if our theories jibe.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-01)
we can have this discussion where ever you would like. It would have been a better choice of words to say bound to a location rather than the material aspect of the home. I should also say 'most' not all follow this pattern. But it is what I have seen. It is like there are so many possibilities for each situation without being there it is hard to give correct advice. I do agree that I wasn't very clear in my description. I should write down my views sometime so people can read them
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-01)
I would SO have to disagree with you, Red, to a point.
This was NOT "his" closet. This was a hiding place. It had not been "his" closet since the last day "he" MAY HAVE lived there.
There is no straight up indication that "he" DID "live" there.
That IS moot point, as the author himself stated that he is just sharing.

I also have to disagree with the point made about ghosts being bound to a home. If that were the case, every time a home was destroyed, or torn down, THOSE entities would simply have to go...where? Are you saying they instantaneously are zapped into the Other Side with the elimination of their EARTHLY home?
No. Not always. Material items DO attract ghosts, but do not enslave them.

In Respect, is it alright for us to have this discussion on your page, Templar?
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-01)
Doesn't matter what is was. It was HIS closet. How would you like it if someone moved into your house? I would act the same or even worse. Ghosts are bound more by their home. If it was a ghost and the family moved out it wouldn't have moved with them to taunt them. It would have won in it removed the trespassers. Energetic beings such as demons and "bad" spirits have more ability to move around, they are not bound to locations. That is why I would choose demon (which is just an energetic being). But we all don't know for sure since we were not there in person. But it is all water under the bridge at this point since he left and the family is now at peace.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-01)
Exactly, robertar.
This is NOT a demon, but a negative being. Thank you for your words of support in that.
robertar (223 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-01)
How was the house "his space". Demon don't pay rent. They are bound by law too.

Re demons: if book of Enoch is true, it appears demons are disembodied children of fallen angels (nephilim). Who were purely evil, have no resting place and sentenced to roam earth until judgement. If true, it does not matter who believes, they are stll there.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
perhaps, it is only because you had children running around the house, that this thing seemed to cause so much trouble. The pushing of your child... All the problems your wife had, I thing some is related to this thing. Glad to hear your fam is ok now.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
Templar, I really do not give Demons much credence for several reasons. The main one being that MANY times what someone believes to BE a demon is really only a very negative being. I believe that ghosts retain a bit of their human personality at their death. If a person was a meanie head in life, generally they carry that over.
Personally, this does not sound like a demon to me.
What it SOUNDS like is a simple ghost that does not want to go forward. The closet almost sounds like a "safe place" for it. Like it "found" a hiding space.
It really makes sense, if you are looking at it logically. The children in the home, a wife on her own for periods of time. What that sounds like, to me, is someone who had an issue with a Female figure in life.
Have you tried splashing some Holy water into the closet? This time of year, you should be able to go to your Priest (or Pastor, whichever) and have that Crucifix re-blessed. If this happened in MY house, the Female figure would be the one splashing the closet, as it seems to effect HER the most.
Wado (Thank you)
Templar (1 stories) (24 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
That is a very good suggestion, no I have not had the cross blessed ever. It had much more power when I was younger. I will look into it. Do you really think Demons want the space to themselves? And not that they are just evil and like to mess with people? Where do they get their energy from. I had an air cleaner that charged the air and when I ran it I noticed a lot more activity. I am wondering like ghosts, do Demons derive energy from electro magnitized air... I am just curious since I have never run into a Demon before. Can you destroy them?
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
I have a very serious question for you. Believe me, I am not asking in meanness, I really want to know.
You wrote "...I made the usual prescription when we had run into this before" and had her used a Blessed Crucifix.
When I use MY tools, I have them cleansed and blessed periodically to basically recharge them. Do you do the same for the Crucifix? If not, is a Priests Blessing considered "permanent"?
Thank you for sharing this. You have a lot of really good advice, if one truly takes in the words of this story.
Wado (Thank you)
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-29)
I am very glad your family found peace! Your poor wife, the things she had to endure! Lucky she is stiill alive from the sounds of it!

Thanks for sharing your story with us!

God Bless!
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-29)
Well he shouldn't have followed you to the new house. That is YOUR house and you had every right to make him leave. As for the first house you moved into HIS space. He was obviously very offended by this and gave plenty of warnings before doing damage. Because he moved with you I would say that you were in fact dealing with a demon. In my opinion he was punishing you for invading his space. So he was going to invade yours. I am happy that he finally left and you can be at peace again

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