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The Black Oak Drive Ghost 2


As I said in my last story it took us awhile to notice things. Several times we heard the pots and pans move in the kitchen. At first it lasted a few seconds (making us think that the pot and pans just knocked over themselves).

One evening however, we (my Uncle Ricky, Mom and us four girls) were all watching TV and we heard what we thought sounded a lot like they were stacking themselves. While debating on who was going to go and check it out - it stopped and there was one loud knock on the backdoor - and then what sounded like footfalls on the back porch. My mother grabbed daddy's walking stick (he would use this when walking in the woods) and ran out the front door to catch whoever was on the back porch and my Uncle ran out the back door, thinking that he could catch the intruder. Mom and my Uncle meet back in the front after running around the house - seeing no one. After they come back in, both puzzled - because whoever it was - must have ran very fast because there was no way they could have gotten away from my Mom's and Uncle's quick action. Once they were inside and we were all talking about the little excitement when me and my sisters brought up the pots and pans - of course my Mom and Uncle had the logical theory that it was more than likely a mouse or the pots just fell over in the cabinet. My sisters and I thought otherwise - but did not argue and soon went on to bed.

Nothing happen for several weeks, then one evening mom and dad went to a church function and I was babysitting my sisters. While I was lying on the couch talking to my boyfriend on the phone, our front door flew open hitting the wall. I hung up the phone jumped off the couch and ran to the door - no one was there - I slammed the door shut and put the door chain on - the way the door opened unnerved me bad. Then the knocking started - but not on the front door - there was knocking on the side of the house and on the back of the house - none of the knocking was at the doors just on the sides and back of the house. By this time my baby sisters were crying and running throughout the house. I got my baby sisters quiet and hid them behind one of the living room chairs. Bonnie and I ran upstairs and looked out the windows to see who was doing this - we did not see anybody but the knocking continued. I grabbed the phone and called my Uncle Ralph (who lived about 5 minutes from us) and told him that someone was trying to get into the house. (I was crying by this time - scared out of my wits). My Uncle said he would call the police and call my parents (they were in Douglasville - it would take them 45 minutes to get to us) and then he would be on his way over to our house - told me to sit tight that help was on the way. Meanwhile, while we were waiting on help, we heard the passenger door open on the wrecked station wagon that was parked in our yard. (The door was making this awful noise because it was wrecked on that side). Bonnie and I ran back upstairs to see who was in the car. We saw a figure lying across the front seat of the car - the figure did not move it just lay there. We ran back downstairs and grabbed our sisters and sat in the middle of the living room waiting on the police and our Uncle.

We soon heard the sirens of the police and about this time we heard the door shut on the car and the knocking stops. My Uncle and the police arrived and begin questioning us - I told them what had happen and they went to investigate - after a few minutes the police come back and questioned us some more but in a way like we were making up the story. They were asking us did all this REALLY happen or were we making this up and that our imaginations were working overtime. The police were mocking us and I got mad - I started crying and told them that we heard everything I told them that we were telling the truth. Now here is the creepy side of the story... We had only been in the house for a little over a year and a half and when we moved in there was not one blade of grass in the yard - so we had been trying to get grass to grow in our yard and that was going pretty good - but there were still a lot of dirt patches here and there around the house and there was a huge dirt patch right beside the car. Well, it had been raining all week and it was drizzling that night. The reason the cops did not believe us was because there were NO FOOTPRINTS anywhere. My sister and I still talk about that night to this day - and all we can figure out was that it was a ghost (or a couple of them) playing with us and it scared the crap out of us.

A few months later Bonnie and I were talking to some of our friends who lived two houses down the road from us and they told us that for about a week they had noticed a white looking fog (walking/floating) going up the road in front of their house and passing our house then get to the hill and then come back down the hill and that it happen around mid-night. We were laughing at them -thinking they were just pulling our legs - but they swore that they were telling the truth and if we did not believe them we should see for ourselves.

Our bedroom window faced the road - so that night we decided to see if our friends were joking - Bonnie and I took turns watching out the window. Mid-night came and nothing - we continued watching TV and having a conversation how our friends just told us a huge lie and how we were going to get them back. Bonnie decided to look out the window once more before we went to bed (it was about 12:45) She all the sudden turned and looked at me - her eyes were so big and she said "Cheryl, come here and look". I got up off the bed and went to look out the window and sure enough there was a white mist floating up the road right in front of our house and as the mist reached the hill of the road it disappeared for a second then reappeared and started to float back down the road - this really freaked us out. The next day we told our friends that we had seen the mist and wondered what it was. My friend told me that she had mentioned the mist to her grandfather and he told her that he was not surprise--that the whole neighborhood was built on an Indian burial ground. He believed that was an apparatus of an Indian. Bonnie and I talked about the night of the knocking to our friends and wondered if there was a connection to that night of terror.

After living in the house for ten years - there would still be sightings of the black spot dashing around the corners of the house - even after I married and move out of the home - my sisters told me that they would still see these spots every now and then - But then my dad got sick and died - after his death - my mom and my sisters said they never saw the black spot anymore - I often wondered why.

My mom lived in that house for another 20 years after dad died and never experience anything unusual. Mom sold the house to a young couple and moved from the house. About a month after the couple bought the house they abandoned the house - we do not know the reason why - just kind of made me wonder if they started seeing things in the house.

I just want to add that my dad was a good Christian man and I just don't think anything evil was connected with all of our experiences in this house but it does have me wondering why it all stopped after Dad died. As far as the couple who bought the house then abandoned the house - I have not a clue to what might have happen and why they would do this.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, applerose, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-02)
Thank you, applerose.
Interesting. Makes me wonder many a different things now about these Shadow beings. I thank you for allowing me to pick your brain. I do so enjoy getting many peoples personal views.
Thanks again! *Skipping off the set**
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-02)
Whitebuffalo: I reread your question - and I can honestly say that the form was more solid then wispy. It was not like a fog or a mist- it was dark and solid.
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-02)
Whitebuffalo: -I'm sitting here - closing my eyes and trying to remember the shape we saw. - All I can tell you - is that the passenger door was open and there was a black form laying across the seat. We (my sister and I) were so scared at the viewing of this - that we took off running - we did not stand there and look at this for long - I'll say maybe 30 sec. Enough time for our brains to register that there was someone/something in that car laying across the front seat. I don't know if I'm blocking out the details or not - we were pretty scared that evening. I know I'm repeating myself - but all I remember is the black form laying across the seat of that car-the form was not moving (of course we did not stand there long enough to see if it would) I would think in order for me to give any more detail-to that whole evening-I would have to be hypnotized. When reliving this story and as I was typing it - it came back to me in flashes - I hope that makes sense.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-02)
So... Would you say that it resembled a blanket thrown across the front seat of the car (you know, you toss a blanket, and it leaves a "form" as for the fact that you did not "pat it down" to make it flat), or more of a "wispy" kind of puddle.
The people that I have been in contact with said that their changes form. I was just in e-mail with the wife, who claims that hers (used loosely, of course. She does not "own" it) would seem to change shape in what would seem to be changing thought processes.
I have gained her permission to share this:
When they FIRST saw this being, it seemed to "chase" them down the road while they were out on their 4x4 checking on their herd. They were out working, passed by a "cool" spot that they basically ignored, as it could have been normal. They live in a wooded area, and were driving through a dense area. When the first 4x4 went through, the husband turned to look at his wife (who was right behind him) and he SWORE he saw the shadow kind of "break up" as he drove THROUGH it, and it then "clung" to the vehicle as it continued passed the shadow (like when you run your finger through a drop of liquid on the counter top). The wife, noticing this...problem, swerved to the left, avoiding it all together. When SHE looked back, as she lined up with her husband, it had "swirled" back to it's shadow form, and "smoke followed" them (as when you run through the smouldering smoke from leaf fires).
They assumed it was giving chase and sped away.
The SECOND time they saw a similar thing, it was a "pile" on the ground just like any of the other brush piles. The thing that drew their attention was the fact that the twigs looked "blurry". It seemed to mimic the appearance OF the brush pile. When they went passed it, and "ignored" it (the husband KNOWS they are under a LOT of stress and attributes IT for the sightings) only glancing out the corner of their eyes at it, it appeared to "rise up", as if someone "pinched" a blankie off a sleeping child to tease them awake. You know how it makes that "tee pee" shape?
Neither one of them has EVER noticed this thing, or his brothers, while they were alone, or at least alone for long.
I heard of another couple, who I have NOT received permission to share from, who had a similar being playing with THEIR truck, and then again watching from the road side. The difference in THAT one was, the wife was alone for ONE visual, the husband was for the SECOND. But they returned to EACH OTHER for confirmation (as opposed to calling a friend, and saying WTFountainview? Or continuing on to work as planned).
It is just very interesting to me. Thank you for not minding answering the questions. I LOVE gaining new insight, and every vision from a personal view helps.
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-01)
Yes it was!- There was not a definite shape to this - and it was black - that's all I remember - thank you so much for helping me out on this whitebuffalo.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-01)
And this thing that was IN the front seat was more of a "blob" like shadow?
I am seriously trying to get a good read on this shadow as I recently heard a similar story, to an extent, of a being seemingly curious about automobiles. When the experience FIRST happened, the people involved truly thought this thing was wanting to harm them. After stepping back and looking at it, though it was scary as what, they determined that it must have been curious as to the OTHER things it did.
Just wondering. Thanks again!
robertar (223 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-01)
Theory: as a father myself my only concern about dying is no longer being able to protect my children knowing he would not be there, I suspect your father asked God to protect you and God did exactly that.
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
Whitebuffalo: The window was over the driveway - and we could see the car clearly - we could see through the front windsheild of the car.
Thank you so much for your input - I have read one of your stories (long - lol) but very interesting. The comments I have yet to finish - got some moving to do (YUK) - but hope to continue to read your stories in the next few days. Again, thank you for your comments.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
Yes, Ma'am. Sure could have been. Your Father was a sick man. And they were his extra comfort. Just for the record "black" symbolises "male".
I was just trying to visualise the angle of the window to the vehicle in the yard. We have two windows in each of our rooms up stairs. My Life Partner parks across the street. When he comes home and the lil' guy is waiting on him, we run from window to window to catch that FIRST glimpse of his FACE (it is a little game of ours to test reading expression). HE drives a pick up truck. His SON always sees him first.
BUT...The headlights of the vehicle. Taxing your brain here... Were they FACING that window you were looking out of?
There are many authors I could point out. There are a few very knowledgeable people on line. Tilda Long Soldier is a good one to present things in bite sized pieces. Tiana Bighorse, Left Hand (really. His is Son of Old Man Hat). On line, all I can say is make sure you can ask questions. πŸ˜‰
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
Whitebuffalo: I wanted to add-that my sister and I went out the next morning - to do a little investagating ourselves - we wanted to know why the police did not believe us - we did not see footprints in the mud - so we assumed that was the reasoning behind them not believing us.
Now, looking back - I can understand that the police thought we were just children alone in the house with active imaginations.
It was very dissapointing that the police did not believe us as it was very real and terrifying to us.

I'm very green when its comes to native spirits - I will be looking into more information on that subject - are there any references that you can give me?

Another question... (remember I'm green -so don't laugh) My dad had some indian blood in him (my great grandmother was full Cherokee) would these black spots been his guides?
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
Whitebuffalo: Thank you for your comment. To answer your question on how we saw something in the front seat of that car - I can not give you an answer. This happen 30+ years ago -and I told this story based on a childhood memory. I just know what we saw and heard and I remember being very scared at the time. I did want to explain that my uncle was 5 minute away and that our parents were 45 minute away - sorry that I was not clear on this.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
You have me perusing you story as I noticed AFTER those comments that this is a part 2.
Something about the knocking that a reliable source just reminded me of. The buildings that WE lived in were not solid. When BUILDINGS became part of our existence, we could not understand the "knock" and tested it, frequently. We were curious, so we tested the WHOLE building.
But I have a very nagging question. In that third paragraph of yours... I just can not wrap my mind around your description, I guess.
You say your Uncle who is 45 minute away was sending out the police. You heard the car in the yard as it's door squeaked open. So you and Bonnie ran UPSTAIRS to see who was in the car and you clearly saw a figure laying on the front seat.
You say that it was raining that whole week, and that the police did not believe you because of the lack of footprints.
Having worked with the Police before, I can see why the questioning would appear to mean that they did not believe. The footprints SHOULD have been in the mud, but with vast amounts of rain, the footprints would have been filled in. The lack of footprints could not possibly have been their "sign of deceit".
I would have to think it was more along the lines of a group of children being home alone at the time.
As far as the black dot and it's absence with the death of your Dad. Those dots could have been his Guides. Some strong Spiritual people have visible signs of their Other friends. Even if THEY are unaware of them.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
No, my dear, you should hope that it is Native Spirit-FULL. 😊 I could wish for no better Protector.
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
Thank you Miracles - for referring this to Whitebuffalo. I wanted to tell you that the mist that my sister and I saw - was too not a clear figure it was also a billowy shape. I'm sorry that you had such a bad experience that you can not share - I do understand - there are just some things that can not be explained - nor want to be relived to tell. I only hope that it is not haunting you still. I want to thank you again for all your comments - I really respect your input.

Whitebuffalo: Thank you so much for your comment - this really explains alot. Newnan, Ga. Has a lot of history.
In the early 1800's, the western part of Georgia was still Indian territory. The Creek Indians, named by the Scotch-Irish settlers because of the area's numerous small creeks, inhabited the area from the Ocmulgee River to the Chattahoochee River and were led by a chief named General William McIntosh.
During the 1820's, the Creeks ceded their land to the State of Georgia and five counties, including Coweta, were formed. Coweta County, named for the Cowetas or Lower Creek Indians, was officially created by Legislative Acts of June 9, 1825 and December 11, 1836. Bullsboro was the first county seat for the area, but the City of Newnan, the current county seat of government, was incorporated in 1828. Newnan is named for North Carolina Native, General Daniel Newnan, who was a soldier and later became Georgia Secretary of State and a United States Congressman.

Hope you did not mind all the info on our history. Our house was on the western part of the county - we were approx. 45 minute from the Ala. Line. I still live in the western part of the county today - we are moving this week into an apartment (still in the western part of the county - seems I just can not get away from the west part of the county - LOL) -- I can only hope that it will be indian spirit freeπŸ˜‰.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
This is DEFINATELY going to be a LONG response... Please believe that I am trying to give you a well rounded view, but I am a little closer to ONE SIDE of this thought process. 😊
Georgia has a few State and Federally funded Native burial sites, and NUMEROUS undocumented, past, paper (yep, meant that) and present burial sites. The thing IS, we are basically a private people when it comes to the internment of our loved ones. We do not so much go and "visit graves"-'Cause they, our loved ones, ain't there.
So what WE do, is basically Honor an Ancestor with Guardianship. It is the Guardians job to protect those resting there, and the possession that they will carry to The Summer-lands. Now, for MOST people, that would be kind of freaky, because a "ghost" is wandering and chasing away, but FOR US it is the SAME thought process of when Mama is taking a nap, and does not need to be disturbed as she has a LONG work day ahead of her. Someone makes sure those in the home are quiet, do not play in the hall outside her room, and prevent someone from waking her by knocking on, or walking THROUGH her door.
We see NO DIFFERENCE as the ONLY difference WE see in the Spiritual world and Real Time is in ONE of those places, the inhabitants are life impaired.
MOST Natives that might wander into a Burial Site, do so with Honor. There is a certain ceremony that must be preformed before, during and after, and a gift is given the Guardian. Most NON-Natives have no idea why someone would gift someone who is dead, or do not know the process, and in walking into the Site TAINT it with "worldliness". If it is "tainted", that is when SOME of the Non-Natives would jump to the "haunted" side of the thought process, NATIVES appoint another Guardian, and cleanse the land. There should be NO worldliness in the realm of the Spiritual, and a Burial Ground is Spiritual.
IT is in the Birth of the Spirit.
Knocks OUTSIDE the house are GOOD. What that means is that they CAN NOT come IN. It is logical, really, when you think of it. MOST Natives that are in Grounds did NOT enter ANY ONE'S home, save for by invitation. EVER. MANY, in the past, thought of buildings as a confinement. Think of THAT. When our Ancestors were moved to "safe land to live freely on", we were "given" trading posts, ammunition's buildings, churches and schools, and appointed burial grounds (as for the documented State, and Federally funded ones that you can research on the Internet). They were FORCED to utilize these places, though they never had a need of them.
When those who had no idea what the Traditions were moved in, they inadvertently made the land dark. They brought in sicknesses, mental issues, modernisation, conflicting views TO the Natives. We can not fight to preserve our past, if we are fighting progress.
Just as in ANY ancient Peoples, the Modern world is going to save us all from the err of our ways. We see no err, save for the addition of certain forced NEW ways.

I do believe this sounds rather like a Guardian. What I would suggest is Cedar above the doors (saw dust is just fine) and windows, lavender or lilac planted outside the FRONT of the home, (or painted just inside the door frame in oil form) if your family uses ground coffee, sprinkle a bit of it outside the back door. I would wait until after the coffee is made, and lay it out there still wet. If you have a strip of real leather, I would place a "tie" of it on every entrance door.
Wado (Thank you)
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
I'm with Miracles on this one. I don't know much about American history (I'm an aussie) but I'd like to see what whitebuffalo has to say on this. Shes a very knowledgeable lady on things such as this 😊
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-31)
applerose - I had a terrifying experience when I was 16. It left it's mark on me too. It's one story I won't be sharing on here. Too much controversy, I'm afraid. So I completely understand the fear and the tears. I was 33 before I told anyone what had happened. There are very few people that I've shared the story with. Enough about me though LOL!

The only time I've ever experienced a true mist was in 2002. I believe it was the same thing you experienced. The wispy, floaty white thing. Mine didn't have an exact shape to it, just a billowy sort of shape. It, too, disappeared. Pretty much in front of my eyes, right after it passed me.

As for indian burial grounds. I could tell you what I've read and watched on TV, which would be pointless because you've probably seen and read the same things. What I will do, though, is tell you someone who DOES know. Whitebuffalo will be able to give you information about this. She's the only one I know who KNOWS and it isn't what is seen on TV.
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
Miracles: Thank you for your comment - When I wrote this story - I had to relive that night of terror (I actually found myself shaking and tearing up) - that has been the worst of all my experiences. I never want anything like that to ever happen again. When the police accused me of lying - it really made me mad - but as a kid I could not nor did I know how to prove to them that I was telling the truth. Also, I wanted to ask you about the mist and about indian burial grounds - do you know anything about this type of spirit?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-29)
applerose - you asked about knocking. Most of the knocking that my kids and I experience actually occurs on the OUTSIDE of our home (s). We lived in one trailer that I would have sworn someone threw a basketball against the outside of the trailer. That's how hard it was hit. I immediately went outside to check. There was no identation or anything. We lived too far off the road for anyone to have thrown something while passing by and there was no one outside. Talk about freaking out😨

We've had knocks on doors: no one there. This happens almost everywhere we have lived. I can only think of once (I'll have to check my Journal though) that the knocking was actually inside the house.

Your experiences would be very frightening for an adult, let alone a kid. And to make it worse, to not be believed. That is what infuriates me. It's bad enough to be scared to death, but to have the "protectors" question whether or not you are telling the truth. It's no wonder kids are afraid to tell anyone what they see and hear.
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-29)
...biblefreeme - I did want to add - that it is comforting to think that my dad protected us - from anymore of the hauntings - when dad was alive - he was very protective of his family and especially his little girls. And your comment makes a lot of sense - thank you for your input. 😊
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-29)
No, the house is still vacant - it is now rundown - due to the fact that no one is taken care of the property.
I did find it strange that the experiences did cease after my dad's passing.
I still ponder about the mist that my sister and I saw - was it an indian spirit? -and what really struck me odd - was the knocking on the outside of the house - when you hear about other people's experiences - they usually happen on the inside of the house - don't they? - If anyone else has had any simular experiences such as this - I really would like to know - this may have happen years ago - but it still bares heavy on my mind.
biblefreeme (2 stories) (137 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-29)
that sounds awfull for you to have lived through and I think once your dad was in spirit he was then able to protect his family more hence the lesening of experiences. As for the people who bought the house it does make you wonder withought having protection from your father it probably did resume for them it must be somthing serious to buy a house then abandon it was it bought again after them

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