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Short Black Shadow Person


For the first time in my adult life, on Friday June 14, 2013 shortly after 10:00 p.m. I saw a 4 foot (give to take a few inches) solid black shadow person. My children were in their rooms playing computer games and my pets were with my children. I had been in my bedroom all evening reading and what not when I decided to go into my kitchen to get a glass of water. The only lights on were the ones in my bedroom and in my children bedrooms.

I walked through the hall in my dining room which was dark and made a left into my dark kitchen and this is when I saw it. I was facing the wall about 10 feet away from it, where my fridge, washer dryer, freezer are located when this four foot two dimensional solid black shadow came from the left that is where my sun-room is. It was hovering a few inches off the tile floor. It turned its body into a 45 degree angle then it turned again facing the door which leads into my basement. It zoomed and it vanished at the door.

At that moment I was too stunned to feel any fear, I rubbed my eyes in the dark in disbelief. This thing had no features but I could see the outline of the right arm in some long sleeve. It was wearing something long and loose and I couldn't tell if it was male or female. The head was not round and defined and I think it had something over the head. This thing had a kind of triangle shape to it. The door leading into a small landing which goes into the basement was half closed and this thing vanished at the door.

My kitchen is in the center of the house so there aren't any windows leading to the outside. There are 3 walls; on one wall the door leads to a landing, garage, straight down the stairs to the basement. The other wall has a glass door that leads to my sun-room. The sun-room is in the back of the house facing my back garden. Behind my sun-room there are no streets or roads or vehicles, only gardens. The kitchen was dark but this thing was way darker. Like I said I didn't feel any fear at that moment. So I turned on the lights and I tried to find a logical explanation to no avail. My goodness the thing was fast.

The next day, I search websites for information and there are many theories and I read something on smudging. On Saturday I bought some sage, burned it in a candle dish and I walked through every room, closets and garage. Nothing major has happened since but I am spooked. What on earth was that thing?

I remember when I was around 4 or 5 years of age, I would see shadows on the walls changing shapes at night which terrified me so I stopped looking at the shadows and I tried to convince myself that it was all my imagination. These shadows didn't fly across the room though.

Looking back at my life I realize that I had some paranormal experiences and I used denial as a coping mechanism. I didn't want to believe in it because it terrified me and I avoided anything paranormal. I didn't tell my children about the black shadow because I don't want to spook them but my husband knows. My husband and I will be using Rook's cleansing method this week and hope and pray that it works.

Now I am having nightmares and my own screaming woke me up this morning around 4:00 a.m. My heart was pounding and I was scared but I couldn't remember the dream. I used to enjoy sleeping in a pitch black room without a night light, which used to scare my ex-husband, not anymore, I can't even walked through dark halls anymore. We still hear someone moving about the house but the loud bangs have stopped, I hope and pray that it doesn't escalate. My cats jump 2 feet into the air when we make an abrupt movement or noise. I had cats all my life and I have never seen cats this frightened.

I will be so grateful for your opinion and advise. Thank you for taking the time to read my story and God Bless.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Amihet, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

cmeibooth (1 stories) (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-11)
In response to Amihet's post on 2014-04-26:

I have also seen a woman with a mist like figure. I described as more of a smokey apparition but it is comforting to know that someone else experienced something similar. In my case her face appeared in purple smoke and she was screaming without sound.
Amihet (5 stories) (94 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-26)
Hi Havegreen:

I have told her to go to the light, we also have told her that she is not wanted here. I also told her to go to God and be with her family. We also prayed out loud. We cleansed using sage and so far nothing has work. She is a very negative spirit and the only thing left is to leave as soon as possible.
HaveGreen (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-26)
Amihet, the spirit of the woman needs to be told that she is an unwanted presence in your home and she needs to head for the "light". You might have to get a medium to perform a cleansing to send the spirit along.
Amihet (5 stories) (94 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-26)
Hi everyone:
A few more incidents have occur which I will post in the near future. We have decided to sell our home because this entity is affecting my whole family in a negative way. My son and I are the ones that feel it the most. The original owner died of cancer in my bedroom where I sleep. When I spend a lot of time in my bedroom, I am filled and overtaken at times with the feeling of death, gloom, desperation and torment. She also has attacked my dog many times. The poor dog yelps a loud yelp and runs and hides. We have all witnessed this. My husband and daughter are very depressed and they also feel the doomed feeling. I bought this house with the intention of retiring here so we put a lot of money renovating the house. Its a beautiful home but we are getting the hell out here as soon as we find an apartment large enough for us four and our three pets. Last summer I was away for three months, I felt at peace, relaxed, happy and hopeful. As soon as I came back to my home the doomed feeling, the anger and the torment came back. My husband did get a glimpse of this woman. He was in our bedroom and he heard a noise coming from the bathroom, so he looked and he saw the misty form of a woman standing in the bathroom doorway. She was transparent and she was the height and size of the previous owner's wife. Her presence doesn't scare us what scares us is the fact that my son and I can feel her torment, pain and anger. She didn't want to die that we know for sure. We have no joy in our home and we have no choice but to leave. Before we move out I would like to bring a ghost investigator with the hope that if he collects some sort of evidence I will gladly share it with your folks. My husband didn't believe in ghosts and I was on the fence but now we are one hundred percent sure that it does exist. We are in utter shock. What keeps us sane is the fact that we pray, pray and pray some more for God to send his angels to protect us.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-25)
Shadow people...bad...? Umm maybe it's just a spirit that only had enough energy to manifest in a 'shadow form'. Just saying...

I will agree that there are SOME things that choose to manifest as a shadow... But all Shadow People being 'bad'...I do not 'buy it' to many variables.


HaveGreen (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-04-25)
If you see a shadow person, run. From what I've heard they're quite bad.
Anonymousghostseer2 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-04)
I had a similar experience too I went outside with my mum while she was drinking tea and from the inside of the house I saw a small black solid shadow stood next to my dad who was asleep on the sofa my dog walked in and went bazerk the little shadow thing went zooming into the wall and I haven't seen it since. Xoxoxo 😜
Fearless (18 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-17)
Hey! That thing is famous in my family too at my moms old home my dad and his bros, sises And cuzins saw this thing and it shrunk further and went in the bird cage then all the birds went bezerk... It has a weird name I read somewhere its called Aasaib... Google it...
Amihet (5 stories) (94 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-14)
Lilady4- Yes I also agree that they're not all bad and yes I have managed to calm myself down. It took a few days for me to digest the experience and everything has quite down since I did the cleansing. To Somehuman- please read my other stories because it explains how I got this point. Let me know what you think. Thank you for your comments.
Somehuman (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-14)
I've experinced visuals I can't explain, without sounded mental, my whole life, sometimes for extended periods, but most of the time its rather passive... I don't want to jump into conclusions, but it seems like there is some sort of reflection or shadow as you call it, in your house. I would love to give you a specific answer, but I can't do that, since I don't know anything of how long you lived there and when you moved in?
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-14)
Interesting story here, Amihet. I've had both good and bad experiences with "Shadow People". They are not all bad, as other comments state, sometimes a Spirit doesn't have enough energy to manifest itself fully, so it appears as a shadow. You said that you are basically freaking out, you need to calm yourself and assure yourself that this Spirit is not evil (or you would've felt that it was evil). Be strong in your cleansing too, it won't work if you are too scared.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
Amihet (5 stories) (94 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-13)
Rustum- I read your account of the ouija board demon and thank goodness, I didn't see any similuarity between the two stories. The only common ground was the height and dark shadow form. I have not experienced any violence towards me or family and we don't dare to play with ouija boards at all. Since than I have been alone in my home many times and things have quited down since I did the cleansing. Thank goodness. During the first and half year living in this house, we didn't experience anything at all and my husband strongly believes that the renovations stirred something in our home. Thank your for your comments.
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-13)
Your shadow person may not be a child at all. I'm full grown and need to stand tip-toe to be 5 foot. You say it appeared to be wearing a loose garment and something on its head. What popped into my head was until the late 30's early 40s night shirts and a cap sometimes a bit peaked were worn by women and men also wore nightshirts and a cap that was usually rather long like Santa's hat, only not furry. These were generally made of flannel.
In general shadow people seem more like observer's rather than harmful. The problem is scary gets more notice when it comes to the paranormal. If you weren't initially afraid of it odds are it isn't malevolent. Rook's cleansing is a good idea. Just to bring peace of mind if nothing else.
Let us know how it goes.
Rustum (3 stories) (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-13)
I have encountered something extremely similiar. I have written an account of what happened titled "ouija demon" please feel free to take a read.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-13)
Amihet, I don't know which was more exciting the story or the comments! I've heared there's a Chinese tradition of a ceramony to deal with passed on relatives who are hard to get along with. In case that makes any difference. Good story.
Wraithlock (6 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
Also, to add to your cat behaviors... If you are freaked out and scared, animals pick up on that. Same with babies and children. They are sensitive to emotions and other unseen things, but your own fear could be setting off your cats as well.
Wraithlock (6 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
Starting from the childhood moments, you stated seeing shadows that would move around when you were a kid. It's not Denial in this age, but when we are younger, we see things differently than what they truly are. When I was a kid, I remember crossing the street and behind our neighbor's house, there was this dark ravine that seemed to just go into nothing; just pitch black. As an adult, I went back to the area just to find a deeper than usual creek, but it was nowhere near what I remembered as a kid. As for your current predicament; did anything stressful happen in your life leading up to this? How long were you living in the house prior to the occurrence? I agree with a previous poster who stated you started getting freaked out AFTER researching it. That's the equivalent of watching a scary movie with the lights off, then hearing the house creak and you jump out of your skin. I am not refuting that you saw something, but I don't believe it to be evil. If it was, when you saw it the first time, trust me, you'd feel and know it isn't good. The human body has a natural fight or flight response when confronted with danger; and evil spirits have a way of setting off that mechanism.
Amihet (5 stories) (94 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
One thing that I forgot to mention is that friday night after my husband came home and I told him about it he decide to set up a visual/audio baby moniotr in the kitchen, while looking at the monitor he saw a white orb the size of a golf ball going from right to left. He gazed at the kitchen and he couldn't see it. He was only able to see it on the baby monitor, unfortunally, the monitor doesn't record. If anything major happens we will buy a camera, I just have to convince him.
Amihet (5 stories) (94 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
hmb2002-I realy don't know if any children died while living in my home what I do know is that the couple who build it, the wife died about 6 to 8 years back. To answer elfstone810-When I saw the shadow I truly had no fear at that moment, I was actually more stunned than anything. That night I read stories of shadow people being negative and it scared me. I read stories of the red eyes, which mine did not have, infact I couldn't see any facial features at all. My cats started to act crazy shortly after we had the house renovated and as well my parents died in our home around that time. So beats me. We did have smudging and cleansing and so far things are lot more quite. We hear the occasional shuffling in the kitchen but that is it. The loud banging on the walls has stopped. I only had that crazy nightmare that one time. Phew, thank goodness. As far as the dread goes, my father in law died on April 15, 2013 and he left the family in a horrible state, fighting with my husband and our family and there is a lot of sadness and pain because of him. So not sure if it is connected in any way, I am just putting it all out there. As far as feeling safe in my home, I have always but I do sense a presence. Thank you for your in-put.
Puppeteer13 (131 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
This is not an unusual case sometimes spirits who are not strong enough to fully manefest will appear as these shadows or shades this is a result of not being able to draw sufficent energy from the surroundingnarea to manefest in a full appirition, Imam not for the moment convinced thatnthis spirit means you harm.

How ever if it will set your mind at ease there are many methods you can employ to defend yourself and your family if this spirit is indeed malevolent.

Smudge the house with sage chanting a mantra that to you calls positive energy and banishes negative this will cleanse the house of negative energy giving malevolent entities nothing to draw strength from.
Lay down lines of salt on the doorways and windowsils of your house these create barriers that repel nevgative or malevolent spirits and block their passage.

Kep wild roses in watered vases around the house, the powerful life energy generated by these stubborn flowers struggle for life, for unknown reasons repells negative spirits and entities,

I am again not at the moment claiming this entity is evil or malevolent but these precautions may set your mind at ease and will protect you if it turns out to be the case you can never be to careful if there are children in the house, please keep us informed of events as they progress,

Gods bless you and keep you,
Your friend, Papa Thorn Singing Bear, the Puppeteer
TalonWalt (3 stories) (69 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
The Shadow Person I saw was also short. I am 5 feet tall, and he was just a little taller than me. Maybe 5'4 or 5'5. He seemed like a young boy to me, and I felt only curiosity coming from him, no bad feeling's at all.
elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
When did the cats start freaking out? You said you weren't afraid when you saw the shadow but that you got scared to the point of having nightmares after researching shadow people?

I think it's possible you're frightening yourself by imagining the scariest possibilities and that the cats could be picking up on your fear. I know shadow people are generally perceived negatively, but people also usually feel menaced while they're seeing them. So the shadow you saw, even if it's supernatural, isn't necessarily one of the dread "Shadow People".

By all means, use Rook's cleansing ritual. Do whatever you need to to feel safe in your home. But try to stay positive and not worry too much.
hmb2002 (5 stories) (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-12)
I honestly do not think that th shadow you saw was a bad spirit. It may have just been someone that lived in your home in the past (if any one did). Maybe it was just a child and that is why it was short. I loved your story! 😉 ❤ 😲

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