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An Urgent Warning


After I read Val's post about her son Jaime, who is like a guardian angel warning her of what is coming, it brought back memories of the afternoon that I almost lost my son who was 5 years of age. He is 14 now and he still remembers that Saturday afternoon.

Before I get to it, I would like to share with you an experience that I had 9 months prior. That year was an awful year for us because my mother-in-law had passed and my father-in-law became very difficult and he caused my husband so much pain and grief.

The day that my mother in law passed, I was at the hospital sitting at her feet while my husband took his father home so he could make some phone calls. My mother-in-law had been in a coma for about 48 hours and it was just her and me in the room. I was very tired because I had not slept much all week, so I sat at her feet and I closed my eyes. I could hear the nurses walking through the hall and talking. I felt a presence, someone approaching, and I could feel a light movement of air. I opened my eyes and I didn't see anything so I closed my eyes again. The next thing I felt was a soft, warm face touch my face and kiss me on the cheek and right there and then I knew that it was my mother-in-law. I loved her very much and she loved me as well. She didn't have any daughters and she always told me that I was like a daughter to her. She had hugged me and kissed me many times and she had the softest skin. I opened my eyes and there was nothing in front of me. She was still in a coma state but I was 100 percent sure that it was her.

Now, I have heard many stories of people being touched by spirits with ice cold hands but in my case she was warm. I received many warnings from my mother-in-law in dreams, and in my dreams she warned me of what was to come with my father-in-law and she was 100 percent on the money.

But back to my son. It was a hot Saturday afternoon in July. My husband, myself, my daughter and son went to Baskin Robbins for ice cream. Baskin Robbins is located in a plaza with a large parking lot, and in a section of the lot there are a few picnic tables and chairs. Beside the front door there were 2 chairs and a young couple was sitting there.

My husband and son had to use the washroom so I ordered our ice cream and went outside to grab a table for us. My daughter followed me and we found our table. I sat at the table with my back to the ice cream parlour. This is when I heard a voice inside of me telling me to sit facing the ice cream parlour. I hesitated, but again I heard the voice urging me to change my seat, face the store and keep my eyes on the door. So I did and a few seconds later in my peripheral vision I see a sporty car speeding down the parking lot coming towards the ice cream place like a bat out of hell. Than I see my son alone, running towards the front door.

Now, my son at that stage in his development, loved to run and bolt. I stood up and all that I could do was scream the longest, blood curling scream I could muster. My son looked at me and stopped mere inches from this speeding car. The young woman sitting outside stood up and yelled, "Holy Sh...t, that was close!" She had her back turned while she was talking to her boyfriend and she didn't see my son running out. The young man driving the car didn't even stop or notice because he was using his cell phone.

What happened was, after my son finished using the toilet, my husband told him to wait in the ice cream parlour while he did his thing but the boy wouldn't have any of it. My husband was in the ice cream place walking towards the glass exterior door when this happened so he couldn't see the speeding car.

At that moment I started shaking, I threw my ice-cream out because I lost my appetite. Do you know when you're cold and your teeth chatter? That was me in the middle of a hot summer day, shaking and teeth chattering. I felt this deep primal fear, could barely walk. We went home and I had to get in bed to warm up and calm down. This went on for a whole week.

I do wonder who was watching over us? If it wasn't for that warning, I would have lost my son that day. I thank God for sparing my boy's life and even today when we talked about it, I get goosebumps and that primal fear comes to the surface.

I have experienced a few other times when that same voice warned me that my life was in danger. When I was a child I could sense a person's true character and I was fearful of a few people. One of these people was an adult male that was found out to be a pedophile many years later. He never approached me in any sexual way. In fact, he was very nice to me but I sensed something evil in him even though I was only 8 or 9 years of age.

Being able to read people scared me as a child and I learned to repress, ignore or deny it. But there has been a few times when the voice or warning became so loud or urgent that I had to pay attention and listen. My son is the same way, he is very sensitive he can sense a person's true nature and their true intentions. I am encouraging him to listen to his gut feeling or instinct and to trust it.

All my life I stayed clear of the paranormal or supernatural but because of what is going on in my home I can't deny it anymore. This is why I started reading and posting my experiences on this web site.

I am willing to listen to what you have to say and I hope to gain a better understanding of this phenomenon. Thank you for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Amihet, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-30)
Dark it is hard to understand what you are trying to get at as you do not use punctuation. What I gather is you want to know if people keep their memories after death. This question is one that will give you 100 different answers from 100 different people. The answer will come from your beliefs and seeing as how you are an Atheist I can not answer this from a religious stand point and as you do not appear sure in your belief of the supernatural I will leave you a question to consider. I believe in ghosts, demons, angels, etc. Etc. And my question is this, If people don't retain memories how could a spirit know things of their time living such as how they died?
darkassassin92 (119 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-30)
I know its just that people have betrayed me before for trying to help them sometimed I help on here because was redpectful does not matter to me if the comment is helpful I mark up at least I try something helpful there's a lot I don't know I am frustrated I'm not saying you its not after life as I said I am trying to figure out if you can keep your memories when you die I know its the wrong site for this but internet is not helping me out.
Amihet (5 stories) (94 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-30)
Dark- I am not the type to insult people or to boast but if you read my profile or my stories you will get where I am coming from. I have learned to trust my instinct and I believe that you need spiritual and psychological help. You sound like an angry, paranoid person, we are on this website to support one another and to learn from each other as well. Hope you find what you are looking for.
darkassassin92 (119 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-30)
It stresses me out about death I'm not scared of it what if after life is fake sorry for posting this in fact I think I'm in the wrong place for thisim not religious anymore as I said but I do think something could be going but I can't tell you because I don't know just yet I'm still trying to put the pieces together which I doubt I will figure out.
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-30)
Always listen to the inner voice Amihet! When my daughter was 3 I took her to the community pool with a friend that also had a 4 year old daughter. The pool was packed with people and I had to run home, 4 houses away to get something so left the kids to play while my friend watched them. Before I got home I got an overwhelming urge to go back and nearly ran back to the pool. Just as I entered the gate I looked over to see my daughter and her little friend tumble over the side into the water at the deep end. I took 3 giant steps, dove in and had an arm wrapped around each of them before they got half way down. All those people at the pool and nobody saw them go in! I've had many of these "gut instinct" moments and learned a long time ago to never ignore them!

I'm sure your mother-in-law and your mama bear instinct kicked in and guided you to save your son. Great job! 😁
taurus83 (4 stories) (84 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-30)
Amihet, I 'm extremely thankful your guardian angel was watching over your son that fateful night. When I read this my stomach did a flip and I imagined one of my own. The way you wrote this had me right there and also had me tearing up. Thank goodness for our protectors. ❤
Amihet (5 stories) (94 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-23)
How Rynne- I can truly relate to you as well because at times my intuition just jumps at me and I am left standing with my mouth wide. I have finally embraced it and respect it. I will be thankful until the day I die because my son's life was spared because of it. I will be sharing with my friends at YGS in the near future how this voice or guardian angel if I may, saved my life. Thank you for taking the time to read my story always trust and never ignore your inner voice.
rynne (69 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-22)
Hello Amihet, found your post validating in an important way, thanks for sharing... Like you, I too have been very intuitive and experience incidents, people before they happen but have been turning away from these, not sure what to make of them. So I have blocked these "feelings" off. Lately though, I have begun "feeling" things again and had been wondering, questioning. Thank you for sharing,
elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-21)
So glad you listened to your instincts and were able to save your son!

Years ago I was driving home late one night after a heavy rain storm when I got the creepiest feeling. It was how you might imagine a ghost would feel while re-living the last day of its life. Because of this powerful creepy feeling I was driving really slowly. I came to a place where the road curved and dipped and it just looked wrong. The trees looked too close to the road. I stopped and got out of my car and walked down the hill, trying to make sense of what I was seeing.

A creek that normally ran under the road through a culvert had risen several feet and was running across the road in a deep, boiling current. If not for my creepy feeling, I'd have driven right into it.
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-20)
you should'nt ignore your instincts like that. Over the years I have learned to trust mine. There have been several incidents that I have listened to my instincts and turned out to be right on the money. I have ignored them too, and paid the price dearly for it. Losing friends and stuff like that.

I'm glad you listened to your instincts that day with your son though.
Seraphina (7 stories) (147 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-20)
Thank you for sharing this powerful story with us, Amihet. You explained everything so carefully that reading it was almost like watching a film--terrifying! It's a relief to know your son was unharmed, and your "guardian angel" is on the job. 😊
Amihet (5 stories) (94 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-19)
Hi Val-I am so sorry for the name mix up, not sure what I was thinking because I do remember reading that Jaime was your twin. I chuck up to menopause, my brain isn't as sharp as it used to be. Thank you all for your in-put. One thing that comes to mind is that when some people hear of the paranormal, they assume that it is scary or negative but in some cases it can be a blessing and not a curse. Who ever is watching over me or guiding me did save my life when I was 27 years of age. I have always felt the presence of for a lack of better words, a guardian angel. I am so glad that I found this web site because I have been afraid of sharing my experiences with anyone for the fear of sounding crazy. I have the up most respect for my friends at YGS because you have walked in my shoes and you understand what it all entails. I respect your opinions and I thank you for taking the time to read my stories.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3158 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-19)
Amihet: what a cool story!
Even if it is your mother-in-law or a guardian angel it's wonderful to have someone warning you of danger.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-19)
Amihet, I loved your story! In full agreement that it was your mother in law speaking to you. But it might also have been you were just sensitive to the atmosphere of the place. So gladd whichever it was, because it saved your son's life. Thankyou for posting this.
Raftingirl (2 stories) (113 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-19)
Amihet, what an amazing account. I'm so glad you didn't lose your son that day.

You have a wonderful gift, and pretty sure you will use it well. Glad to hear that you are teaching your son to use his as well:)

Take great care ❤
valkricry (49 stories) (3275 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-19)
Amihet, Just a minor adjustment, Jaimie is my twin brother, I call my son, J in the accounts, so I get the confusion 😉.
It is possible that the voice you hear was your mother-in-law. Now this is a point, I find rather fascinating... Your voice is internal (heard with your mind only), where mine is almost always external, heard with my ears. I also understand that it presents itself mostly as feelings than words?
Good Lord, I can totally understand about your feelings over your son. Deep fear causes different reactions in people and the fear of how easily you could have lost your son obviously ran very deep.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-19)
My friend Amihet, I was moved by your account regarding your son's episode. May be that is mother's instincts we guys lack. I have a feeling that you have a sensitivity to feel other's intentions, empathy perhaps, but I don't know that other word to use.

I have to say that even though you tried to banish the feeling, it does not mean that it has gone away from you. But inspite of it, you have advised your son to pursue his instincts or gut feelings and that is truly great. I feel that you can also revive and develop your inborn quality of feeling other's intentions.

But as far as the incident that you experienced on the day when your mother-in-law passed on, I feel, after that she is staying as a guardian to protect you and your family. Dreams are the easiest ways for the persons, who passed on, to communicate with their loved ones.

But on this occasion, I feel that your urge and voice you heard to sit facing the door, might be that of your mother-in-law.

Great experience and thanks for sharing.

Regards and respects to you.


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