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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter M: Page 6

Multiplying Cards And A Disappearing Ouija by valkricry

I suppose the beginning of this particular event was back in 1988, with my son's birthday party. I don't know what the rational was, but someone thought the 'ideal' gift for a 7 year old would be a Ouija board. No card accompanied it, and no one ever stepped up as to being the giver. I remember ...

Mum Says Goodbye by Ray1

I have been reading the amazing stories on this site for a year now and thought I would like to tell mine. Apologies in advance as I am not a great story teller, but here goes: My mother passed away at the young age of 39. She would always tell myself and 2 other siblings that she didn't want to li...

Mum's Experience by Miss_Codi_47

I'm telling this story on behalf of my mum. Believe me, my mum doesn't tell lies and she isn't one for making up crap about ghosts. She told me this story after I had told her about somebody coming to me. John (mum's dad) died before my sister, who is mum's first child. Mum was pregnant with her...

Mum's Invisible Friend by Seren

This story is another one that's more my Mum's experience than mine. My Mum has been a stay-at-home housewife since quitting her first and only job when I was born. At first she coped well with this, but around the time I turned 18 she was forced to give up her driving license (due to a huge decl...

Mum's Visit Before Wedding by dido

Just a bit of history before I start. My mom passed away in 2002 at the age of 37 from complications of lupus. I was 19 years old (I am now 32). Last year September was my wedding and we had been planning for over 8 months. Needless to say wedding planning is extremely stressful and brides ca...

Mumbling In My House And Other Weird Experiences by Fashionista777

Unlike my other stories, this isn't about one particular event; it's more of a compilation of weird experiences that have happened at my house. In order to justify submitting this, I've just combined a bunch of little things that have occurred while I've been living at my house. As many of you kn...

Mummy Ghost by hamsterboy12

Beginning of the winter I had the scariest night ever. I was sleeping at my friend's house. I woke up at around 03:00am I saw something really weird, it was sort of a mummy but it looked like a ghost I'm not so sure, that's why I call it mummy ghost. I refreshed my eyes and looked back again and I ...

Mums Last Goodbye Kiss by samdarellasausage

Sorry it's a bit of a long one I didn't intend for it to be this long I just kept on writing! Since I was a little girl I have had all kinds of spooky goings on! I love reading others ghost stories, so I have decided to share a couple of my own. Although this story is not a scary one its just a ...

Mums Unusual Departure by biblefreeme

This is my first post but not in order of experience it is rather long and will be posted in two stories mums' story then dads. It begins with me when I was 28 and in hospital in a small town in Sussex in the South of England, I was staying in hospital as I was expecting my first baby but due to ...

Murder for Breakfast by Abercrombie

My families have had bad ghost experiences over the years. My mother and aunt lifted their friend off the ground with the "Light as a feather, Stiff as a board" technique, my great aunt wore a nightgown of a family member and was haunted for it, and others. But the one I am going to tell you is so s...

Murder House by moonfire2011

I used to live in a small one level unit apartment in 1991. I didn't have a problem with any of my neighbors except this one 20-something guy who I'd always catch loitering around the back of my bedroom trying to look in my windows and listening in on my phone conversations. One time I caught him ru...

Murder In The Building by Charmsdes

I was house hunting and very reluctantly so. My father was selling our house, the place I had grown up and as haunted as the old place was, it was still home to me and my ghostly friends. I guess it was time to move on. I needed a place urgently. I contacted a friend of mine and he said he had a pla...

Murder Of One by LouSlips

It started immediately after Jacob left and it continues today. When the ceremony that evening was complete, it was obvious something had changed. The darkness that had enveloped our place of business had been lifted and the atmosphere was much lighter. Unless you have experienced oppression from ...

Murdered Friend Is Still About by siennateal

I find it strange that I'm sharing a story that is so personal to me, but I would just like to get some understanding from it. I come from Manhattan, and I'm still currently living here. It starts from 2002 when my father (brought up in the Bronx, but moved to upper east side) decided to give ba...

Murney Tower by GingerRead

Murney Tower is one of the four defensive structures known as the Martello Towers located in Kingston, Ontario. All of which were constructed during the early to mid-nineteenth century for the purpose of patrolling the adjacent waters and keeping the city safe from invasion. Since Canada was still a...

Music And Dancing by kayraa

This is my first story and is quite a short one so I hope I reach the minimum character limit. The first experience I can remember was when I was about 6 or 7 years old. It was in my family home in the evening time. We lived in a housing estate that is only 40 years old. I was standing in th...

Music Attracting a Ghost by JoshD

I have a drum set here in my house. I used to play everyday when I got home from school. When I played, I saw something in the corner of my eye. Sometimes it's just a blue thing but I recognized it to be a white figure. It's not like a full human sized, just like something peeking out from my door o...

Music Birthday Card - Happy Birthday by no_average_angel

When I was five years old (I'm 13 now) my parents bought a single storey house near New Haven, Connecticut. It was a pretty small house, and the weird part was that my parents bought a lot of furniture but the small house still seemed empty. Other then that, to me it seemed normal. In fact, for the ...

Music Disturbance by Sharpxeyes

This is my first time writing a experienced story here and please do excuse my poor English. This incident happen few years back in 2013, I was at primary 6 then, innocent and playful. My school back then have music class and I tend to love to play with my recorder. One night, it was around 10pm...

Music From Beyond? by DREWNOX

Let me start by saying I'm the biggest skeptic regarding anything paranormal, religious, spiritual, etc... But after this experience, I'm questioning that stance. I tend bar on Saturday nights in a small social club in my town. The building and the club have been in existence since 1918. Rumor has i...

Music From The Basement by mrdeagle

When I was fifteen I didn't like hearing ghost stories. I liked to joke around with my friends about stuff like that but I was very rational, and still am. While unexplained phenomena can normally be explained rationally, to this day I have a difficult time understanding what happened that day. I am...

Music From The Other World by Neandarthunder

This one is kind of wild. Last year, June. Sylhet city. The room I was renting had an attached bathroom and balcony. The specific layout isn't totally relevant. One night, I went into the bathroom and realized there's a faint sound of music. Couldn't pin what the music was. Sounded like conch...

Music On The Shower Curtain by valkricry

This took place around 4 AM on a cold winter's day recently. Because I report to work quite early, I'm usually up at that time using the restroom. As I've mentioned before in some of my accounts, my apartment is the top floor of a very old house. I've long suspicioned that at one time it was the...

Musical Ghost by friendlyclown

I play the piano, as do my father and brother. We have a baby grand piano in our living room, which is right off our foyer. The foyer has the staircase leading upstairs, which is where my bedroom is. Last night, I can't be sure if I was awake or not, but I heard a piano key be pressed down, then som...

Must Be An Active Time by Wish-Not

My last story brought events that have happened at our current location when we first moved in. I would like to pick up from there. We were still not used to all the small and large incidents that continued. On one occasion Jennifer and I, along with a couple of neighbours were enjoying a fall n...

Must Have Been A Ghost by mrmonty

This story happened back in October of 1996, when I went down to visit the City of New Orleans. I had just gotten out of the Army (was still on final leave) when I and a friend of mine, call him Tom, decided to take a trip to the city. Yeah, I know most people think, New Orleans-Mardi Gras, but ...

My 'other' Mummy And Daddy by CatsInBlackDresses

I was a weird child. So many had said it who knew me and in my dad has published stories on this site touching on some of the things that happened when I was little. I thought it would be good to elaborate on some of the events he mentioned. I have heard many stories of young kids who mention lif...

My "imaginary" Friend by AnnieLouise

When I was younger, around 3, my dad was walking our dog in a park. My dad's side of the family has always been sensitive to ghosts and such, so he could tell something was following him, but he didn't put much thought into it, thinking it was just curious about the dog or something. When he got hom...

My "two" Sons by CreoleEmpath

While in the kitchen last night conversing with my husband and 14 year old daughter, the conversation became too sophisticated for my 9 year old son, who was sitting on the sofa in the family room (The family room and kitchen area is open, but there's a mid-level wall which the sofa is up against). ...

My 1920's Home by kymba

I have been renting this really cool 1920's house for 7 years now. It is a cute little Spanish style two bedroom with one bath, a kitchen nook and an enclosed laundry room. Original hardwood floors and door knobs etc... I have experienced a few things since I have been here but more so this past cou...

My 1920's Home 2 by kymba

My 1920's house I am sure make the normal settling sounds and creaks and such, but these sound like a person is moving things around in the cupboards in the kitchen. Bumps and knocks like they are busy. I was in my son's room with him and a couple of our friends and we all heard a strange noise ...

My 1920's Home 3 by kymba

I have been seeing shadow figures in my hallway, and bedroom at night. I have the bed in my room positioned so the foot is facing the door to the hall. As I lay in bed watching the TV next to the bed or just lying in bed I get a glimpse of a dark black shadow sometimes big as a man but not fully in ...

My 1920's Home 4 by kymba

One morning I walked out of my room and was hit by a smell of perfume which lingered for a few seconds. It was a perfume smell I did not recognize as one of mine. I have also got a whiff of a bad burning smell a couple times, gasoline like and on a few other occasions burnt oil smell. The gasoline s...

My 1920's Home 5 by kymba

Since I have last posted on here we have still been experiencing activity in our home. We have a shadow figure that often appears in the living room by the window or by the TV on the other end of the room. I have these tall half door size windows that open in like a like a door and a person can fit....

My 1st Experience by Raider143

I lived in this small hometown in northwestern New Mexico, where I lived in a house that I rented for a short time. I remember moving in and the landlord never did mention anything happening in this house so I had no idea what I was in for. The first few months living there was quiet and nothing out...

My 2 Year Old Cousin by BrittanyRevis

My name is Brittany, and I'm 16 years old. When I was 1 years old my dad drowned in Broad River, in Union SC. He was 17 when he died. I feel the need to mention that when he was buried someone put his favorite red hat on him (It was a base ball cap or something). Anyway, not too long ago my mom was ...

My 2 Year Old Son Is Scared To Be In His Room by fashbro11

My 2 year old son woke up last night in a fit and he couldn't get out of his room fast enough, it was odd because he never wakes up at night, he's a really good sleeper. I asked him what's wrong and he pointed to the ceiling and said it hurts, I tried to put him back into bed and he kept pulling...

My 2 Years Old Sees a Ghost by phishin2hoist

My story begins a few years back, 10 years and 10 months to be exact. I was pregnant with my second child, a son, when my Papa passed away from an awful struggle against cancer. He truly loved my daughter and was heartbroken as he knew he would probably not meet his great-grandson. He had moved in w...

My 3 Succubi by HauntedSoul

What's up, my name is Brandon. This is my very first post. I moved back into my Parent's house 2 years ago. They just purchased this house a couple months before my arrival. My 15 year old cousin stayed with them also. It's in a middle class neighborhood in St. Louis with huge trees all over (Forest...

My 3 Year Is Seeing A Ghost by americus66

We recently moved into a new house about 3 months ago. And out of the blue my daughter who is 3 got very scared and turned white, I knew she was so scared I felt her heart and it was pounding, I asked her what happened and she pointed down the hall way and said there was a ghost that walked in her r...

My 3 Year Old Daughter Sees Ghosts by GGREED2012

It all began when my daughter was two years old. She would wake in the middle of the night, the same time every night (approximately around 2:30am) screaming and crying beyond control. It would take us hours to get her soothed and back to sleep. Sometimes, we would even have to bring her into our ro...

My 3 Year Old Son by forgiven

My son Seth lately has been saying things out of normal. At first I thought he was having night terrors but then I heard him talking. I myself have never seen or heard anything so I cannot say this is true but things he says makes me to believe he is seeing something and talking to someone. He w...

My 4 Week New Home by rick2011

My name is rick and this is my story and it's a true story seen by my own eyes and a close friend... I was born in England in 1972 but this event took place in Holland Rotterdam. My parents moved to Holland in 1979 and I went to school over there and spent most of my life there. When I was o...

My 5 Year Old Being Taunted by idalia5800

My daughter has a history of seeing things like for example when a family member is away she will point and tell us there is dad, or grandpa and we see nothing of course, we ask where she points so sure she can see this, she says right there see his face is right there. This brings me to the not ...

My 7 Year Old Son Lives With Multiple Ghosts by pierce

I need help with this as much as I want to share our stories. There are so many to share so I will try to put it all together the best I can. My husband and I built our house 7 years ago on land that my husband grew up on (farm land - no known war, no tragic past, boring farm land). Nothing special ...

My 9/11 Ghost- Part 3 by sherm784

I wrote about two other experiences in years past that may or may not have been connected to victims of the 9/11 attacks. You can check my past stories for those. I live in a different apartment now, slightly further downtown. I am sure at least a few people who lived in this urban housing devel...

My 911 Ghost Is Back by sherm784

I previously published a story on here about a possible ghost in my apartment in New York on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Today (9/11/12), again something crazy spooky happened. I had tried to sleep really heavy because I have a long day. The fact it's the anniversary of 9/11 was not on my m...

My Admirer by linamoo79

It was November 8th 2002 and I had just moved with my son to Oregon to live with my aunt who was very ill to help her. My friend and I were walking down the sidewalk in town and noticed some people getting into a car on the curb; we were talking to each other and didn't look up to see faces. After a...

My Admirer Came Back by linamoo79

I have submitted a story to this site regarding My Admirer, a ghost or whatever he is that I had an experience with. I have always felt him near me but he has not made contact since our time together years ago until February 25th of this year. My aunt, who myself and my son were living with due to h...

My Adventure At Gravity Hill by MissAnimeOtaku

There is a place in Antioch, CA called Gravity Hill. There is an old slaughter house and an abandoned insane asylum going up a pathway to the hill. It is said that someone had escaped from the asylum and went on a massive killing spree. One time, there was a school bus filled with kids coming home f...

My Afternoon Delimna by ladymoira

This is a story to share my experience at a family friend's home when I was younger. We were all very close and we lived just a few streets away so their home was like a second home to us. The family consists of the mum, the daughter (who is my very good friend) and the son. I, my sister and brot...

My Alarm Ghost by GypsysHeart

First of all I've posted several stories on here before and I welcome you to read those to get a better feel of my experience with ghosts and the like. Now on to my story. I've always had a hard time getting out of bed in the morning. You could say I'm more of a night owl than a morning person. ...

My Amazing Mother-in-law by Linjahaha

Not too many people have good things to say about their mother-in-laws, but mine was wonderful. Actually, Mary was like another Mother to me in many respects. She was so thrilled when John met me, and he introduced me to her about four days after we met on our first date. Like I said in previous po...

My And My Daughter's Experiences by LadyJasaya

I have never really believed much in "ghost" stories, so I'm not sure what to make of some strange experiences myself and my daughter have had. I have four children, and have lived in our current house since 2000. The house is about 30 years old, and we have not experienced anything strange until...

My Angel by Miss_laura

From a very early age I have been terrified of the dark, not because of the things I can't see, but of the things I can see. Forms of humans and creatures sitting in the shadows, forms of faces sitting so clearly at the end of my bed waiting for me to fall asleep. I had always assumed that most youn...

My Angel Lucifer by Rashidah

I am new to this site and I read some articles about Lucifer that does not make sense. It sounds like Christian paranoia. And some of the articles are just ridiculous stories told by the inexperienced and people looking for attention. That is why I am posting my story. I encountered Lucifer when ...

My Angel Showed Up In This Picture by vloles

Before Christmas, my sister passed away unexpectedly. We cancelled Christmas and went through the motions of getting through the holidays. I tend to go for long walks or hikes when I'm stressed but was unable to at first. I finally got my strength back this week and went to my favorite hiking pla...

My Apartment by kingoftheuniverse14

Hey everyone, this is my first story, hopefully you will all enjoy it and can provide me with some feedback. I moved to Quebec a little while ago and found a terrific apartment in an Old Church (Roughly 100 years old) that had been converted into a condo building. Shortly after moving into this a...

My Apartment by Baikeru

I moved into my apartment on 28 March 2009. Within a month I started feeling a presence. I assumed I was imagining it, because what are the odds the last three places I lived were haunted? But then sometime in August 2009, Mark and our friend Kristin were over. Kristin and I were sitting on the b...

My Apartment by Brian

This is my first time writing in. To give some background on who I am. I am a paranormal investigator for my local group called CSPI. Most of my life I have seen shadow people. When I moved into my current apartment I would always get this weird feeling that something is there watching me. I wo...

My Apartment Experience by Darkangel73

The year was 2004 around the month of February. My children were ages 9 months and 5 year old. My deceased husband and I were asleep in bed when I woke up out of a dead sleep. I don't recall the time of this incident but I am sure it was early morning around 2-3. I was laying on the right side o...

My Apartment Experience 2 by Darkangel73

In 2008 I had just moved my bedroom downstairs. At this time I was home alone with my rat terrier Oreo, my children were spending the summer with their father. I had my bed on the far wall when you first come through the door. Oreo and I would be laying in bed I would have my t.v. On which was right...

My Apartment Was Very Active by AndiKate81

I will start this story by saying that I am a firm believer in the paranormal, but I've never actually SEEN a ghost. First I'll give a little history on myself. I've had a life of tragic loss. My identical twin sister died in a car accident when we were 6, then my dad died when I was 16. Needless to...

My Apparitions Encounters by zzzoooeeetw

In 2003 we moved house and this house (which I still live in) is relatively new. When we (my parents, 3 siblings and I) first moved into the house there was nothing scary about it, no strange feelings to begin with but about 2 years of living here I began seeing apparitions and feeling uncomfortab...

My Attatchment by -FreyaLuna

I'm not going to go into much detail, but here's a bit. My story started about late summer 2004. In Cleveland, Ohio, my mother lived in this apartment that was directly across the street from an historical landmark, Franklin Castle. Google it for history. I believe the...thing...that attached it...

My Aunt by Lucy

About 5 years ago my aunt moved in with me and my family because she was really sick and her kids lived out of state. I was always real close with my aunt and looked forward to her living with us. I was closer to her than I was with my mom. Anyway, she stayed with us for about 5 months, then deci...

My Aunt And Uncle's House by vryce12

First off this will be my first time writing about an experience I had. Keep in mind this isn't a scary story but it makes me believe in the paranormal more and is very intriguing. This will be a short story since there aren't a lot of details so I hope you enjoy what I have to say. This took pla...

My Aunt Doesn't Lie by jamai3

This is a story of something that happened to my mothers sister. My Auntie is a no nonsense type of woman. Her nickname in the family is 'the General' because she is a bit bossy and controlling. Very into hard work, little social life and a very devoted wife and mother. In her early twenties, sh...

My Aunt Is Attached To Me by froman64

I have been interested in the paranormal for about 6 years now, and I have seen and heard many things since then, but this story comes from the past up to today. Almost 5 years ago I lost my Aunt Christine and we were so close. The day she died I was over at my gmas house and me, mom, dad, grandm...

My Aunt Mai and the Neglected Boy by Kathrina

This is an old story that happened a long time ago back in Laos. This was the story that happened to my aunt, my mom's sister. My aunt Mai was the eldest unwed girl in her village at the age of 17. So she was the mother figure to a lot of the children in the neighborhood. There was a young boy at th...

My Aunt Marie A Ghost By The Bed by twilightobsesserx3

In 1998, my aunt Marie (we called her Rie) died of cancer. I was only four when she passed, but according to everyone, she loved me dearly, like I was her own child. She used to knit me blankets, and wall murals to hang in my bedroom. The last blanket she sewed was rainbow colors, but was never fini...

My Aunt Nora's Story, Told To Me By My Aunt Deni by Coyote42Dances

While I still have many stories of my own to tell, I wanted to share this one which happened to my Aunt Lenora (Nora) and her family. My grandparents had fourteen children, and by the time their last child was born, their older children were grown and having children of their own. When my Aunt N...

My Aunt Still With Me? by saher

I live in a small town in Karnataka. I was very close to an aunt of mine who lived not far than 35kms from my place. As a child I was either living with my mom if not her then my aunt. I loved her a lot. But on one unfortunate day as she was putting some kerosene in the stove her dress caught fir...

My Aunt, The Witch, And Seances by Vesna

This is my first story that I'm posting on this site, and I hope I don't bore you with its length, but I felt the need to explain a few things along the way. This story is a collection of events that happened to me or to close family members that intertwine to form the account. Most of the events ha...

My Aunt's Basement by HappyCat_Xoxo

When I was little my mom and dad lived with my mom's dad (my grandpa) and my mom's sister (my aunt). I was very little, at least 3 to 4 years old. Every paranormal experience that I have encountered has stuck with me. Even when I was small. Let's begin. When I was a toddler, I was TERRIFIED of pa...

My Aunt's Experience by dreamergal72

I see that you all read my three stories. Mother told me a story about my aunt who lives in an old house in New Orleans. My aunt was ready to go to bed this particular night. She was about to lay down when she noticed there was a shadow of the little boy. The little boy seemed lost and confused. ...

My Aunt's Freaky House by bozoe6

I was 15 living with my aunt and uncle in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin back in 82-83 school years. There would be times when I would end up being alone in my aunt's house. She has a large split level home, downstairs she has another living room, and then in the back there's a small kitchen. In that ...

My Aunt's Ghost by Nicole141983

I am going to tell you happened to me when I was around 10 or 11. I am much older then that now. To give you some back story, this happened at my aunt and uncles house. We loved going there since our cousins were similar in age to us. My younger sister and I were playing original Nintendo with my ...

My Aunt's Haunting by OjosDelAlma

My aunt is not really into the supernatural but respects it. When she lived with my grandma she used to be visited by my uncle Joe after he passed away. Soon she got the strength to move out of my grandma's house and get an apartment of her own. She lived there comfortably for about two months u...

My Aunt's House by Darcie

I had previously posted a story on here but this one I recently remembered. This happened when I was about 9-13... I am 16 now. Me and my cousin Amber had always been very close. She lived in a 2 story house (she's 21 now and moved out when she was 18). I stayed over at her house a lot when she stil...

My Aunt's House In The UK by ghostgirl122

I have been living in my aunt house in the uk since June and I keep seeing things here. Mostly black and white orbs really. 1: When I was hiding in my aunts room in the mirror on the wardrobe I saw a black orb going off to the left and in the mirror on top of the fire place in the living room I...

My Aunt's New House by Mercury93

I'm pretty sure this happened in '10 or '09. My aunt had bought her first house and Bella and I were helping unpack and she took us to a movie and all that afterwards. When we got home, I got into some trouble (like grounded for life trouble) and my aunt offered us to stay at her house for the night...

My Aunt's Place, The Room And The Mirror by Shlain

This story was written last year. Sorry for the delayed post. We were together for a family gathering at my Aunt's house. We were about 12 people there and we decided to sit in the entertainment area, because it was the biggest room. We were all sitting on the couches just chatting away waiting f...

My Aunt's Poodle by GypsysHeart

I've been able to see and speak with ghosts since I was very little. I've had a lot of paranormal experiences throughout my life and I'd love to share a few of them but I think it's best to start with my first one. I was about 8 years old and I'd fallen asleep pretty easily that night but I wok...

My Aunt's Possession by looney85

I used to live in a small city (I would rather not say city for protection), where our next door neighbor was the worst ever. My grandmother never told us why this lady next door hated her so much. She sure got revenge at whatever the grudge was, but she was nice to us. Until this day, I do not know...

My Auntie And Uncle's Experience by moon_star

This is my first story and all these experiences are true and happened to my Auntie and Uncle. This happened when they were young children (about 10 or 11.) My Grannys house used to be near a field which if you went through led to a river and if you followed the trail it led to a graveyard. So ...

My Auntie Hears Music by themiss

First off this didn't happen to me but I thought it was good to share it with the readers on here. This happened to my auntie (not the auntie in my other stories on here) about a week or two ago. I was at my grandparents' house when she came over for a visit. She probably wasn't even there for a...

My Auntie's Story by Vikki

Apparently me and my Auntie are "sensitive" to the paranormal, and I'll post a few of her ghostly encounters When my auntie was young and in college around 18-20, she was still living in her parents' house. My Nan's current house, the same one when my Auntie was younger is really creepy and I'm n...

My Auntie's Story 2 by Vikki

This particular story didn't actually happen to my aunty; however it did happen to her friend who was staying with my aunty in her parents house (my grandparents). Again, this event occurred when my aunty (Linda) was around 18-20 and at university but living with her parents. As I said before, Li...

My Aunty by cassyt89

When I was 4 my aunty died in a fire. I still remember her a little and know what she looks like as I have seen so many photos. She was a very funny woman and always joking around and being jolly from what I remember and from what my Mum has told me. Every Christmas when I was little we stayed with ...

My Aunty Flora by Marine

My Dad's house is well over 60 years old. I grew up in this house and have fond memories of my childhood living here. The neighbourhood has changed a lot over the years, but the house still retained its old charms. The house is haunted. While I do not like to describe it as such, there have been ...

My Australian Experience by geetha50

I'm sorry that I haven't been to this in a while. But I had to come back to the site to post this story while my memory was still fresh with the details. Currently, I am in Australia with my family for my cousin's wedding (already happened on August 20th, 2011). My family and I arrived in Brisban...

My Awakening by Gina5

I was thirteen years old and lived with my mother, whom I didn't really get along with. We didn't hate each each other, we were just at a point where we didn't understand one another. She had was divorced from her second husband, and I was done being polite. Yep - typical teenager. We had moved ...

My Awesome Great-grandmother by Swimsinfire

This story is about ancestors whom I believe everyone has around them all the time, but don't always notice. Now to explain background. My family is the average American family, European background with some Native American. My Granddad used to talk about his parents a lot, because they were cha...

My Baby Brother by n8tivegirl

To give a little background of what I'm fixing to say, my little brother "john" contracted meningitis when he was 16 months old. The doctors had said he had the cold and sent him home regardless of what my mother was trying to tell them. Within 24 hours he was in the hospital and pronounced brain-de...

My Baby Cousin Sees Things by Danielle lynn

I'll start off by saying I am 14, and I have a cousin named Kameron who is 3. My aunt cassy moved into a house about three years ago, around the time he was born. We always thought there could have been a presence in the house because kameron would always burst into tears randomly. So now that kamer...

My Baby Daughter Plays With Ghosts by arnmama

My daughter has always seemed extremely smart for her age, and is most definitely advanced. She began saying words at 4 months, starting with the simple word, mama, of course. Soon after that, "Hi!" or "Hey!" is her new favorite thing to say. My daughter is a very grouchy morning person, the typ...

My Baby Friend by SnoWQueeN

Recently I had an experience which I may never forget. While I was cleaning my room I felt I was being watched, I thought my grandma maybe just passed by the room though she walks very slow I shrugged it off. Later I finished my work and decided to watch out of window and was thinking to visit my...

My Baby Has A Ghost by AutumnsMommy22711

When I found out I was pregnant, I decided it was time to move in with my fiance. I always believed in ghosts although I never had any major personal experiences. My fiance on the other hand, is (or was) a non-believer. We got our first apartment in Fairfield, Ohio. It was on the third floor and...

My Baby Saw Something? by good-ghosts

This is my first personal experience about something weird. I am sharing to know what you feel about it. Positive or negative comments and suggestions all are welcome. Please share your views. Background of the story: My grandmother ('Aaji' as we call in Marathi Hindus) passed away in 2004. I was...

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