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Ghost stories titles starting with the letter S: Page 20

Swirling And Screaming by neu

I'm not sure if this would fall under the category of sleep paralysis or other such diagnoses, because though all of the following incidents have happened while I was in bed, they don't match the descriptions of any other accounts I've read, nor did they happen when I was just waking or falling asle...

Switches by Casper_the_ghost

Haven't been on here in a while, been out of sorts since my dog's passing. Anyway, thought I'd share this strange occurance that's been happening frequently around the house as it's beginning to bug me. Ok, so at the back of my TV, I have a slot for those red, white and yellow cables. I'm sure y...

Sylvia: Black Haired And No Eyes by Paranormstate

Before I start, I would just like to say that everything I'm writing down here is completely true. I am not one to make up lie's to grab attention, I would direct you to someone who can confirm this but I don't believe I know anyone on this site well enough for that. I may be young, but for as lo...