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Ghost Stories in Category: Pets / Animals: Page 4

Ally Wouldn't Say Good-bye - A Tale Of A Cat Stuck Between Worlds by Smokeykins

When I was 10, we had four cats. Now, I won't go into detail for these cats, but I will tell you the haunting story of one cat that wouldn't let go. Ally was our 13 year old alley cat who was having some troubles in health. My mother took her to the vet one day, and she never came home. I was di...

Nightmare Or Real? by princessroe

This happened just a few nights ago. I was sleeping when I suddenly woke up after something jumped on my bed. I then laid still and felt something trying to get under my duvet. It felt like a dog. Now I live in a flat that doesn't allow any animals and all my windows were closed as it is winter. ...

Me And My Dogs Experience With A Spirit by 2BaD4U69

The first occasion was when I lived in a small two bedroom apartment. I was just learning about all the different types of ways to prove a haunting like pictures, videos, evps, and personal experiences. I was sitting at my computer in the spare bedroom listening to different evps with a headset on. ...

I Saw My Charlie Today by angelsflying

My Charlie died on 2-23-09, and today marks 14 weeks since his death. This morning, as every morning, my alarm went off at 5:30 am, and I always hit the snooze 1 time. Well this morning I slept through the alarm until almost 6. I turned off clock, I was awake, but not up, and as plain as day, I ...

My Dead Bird Comes Back To Me by KatieChan

Before I could tell you this story I need to tell you some background before this experience happened to me. I bought this budgie at this pet store called Seascape. When we got home we set the cage up and etc. Then I soon named the budgie Akiro which means light boy or bright boy sorry I can't remem...

Six Dogs By Day by encartaphile

Several years ago, my parents adopted a little boy. He's been with them since he was four. Recently, he confessed to be having trouble sleeping at night because he's being watched. He claims that during the day, there are six ghost dogs that are nice and run around and play. But at night, they turn ...

Life And Death In A Dream by 4d

I don't know about you, but I've heard that when you dream, the dream is in black and white. I have very vivid dreams, in color. Some so real I can smell and touch things. They play out like a drama, very clear, very story like. I hardly do dream, but when they happen they are very closely related t...

I Saw The Shadow Of My Dead Dog by ashbash

My lovely dog Tara died on Friday the 13th - 13th of June 08. I remember the day greatly, Tara was a German shepherd, and around were I live its common there back legs usually go, Tara's were nearly gone, she was 10 years old when another illness struck her, She kept coughing, and sounded like she ...

Unbelievable by TheLightBeforeDawn

This is not my story but my mums. Before I was born my mum and dad lived in a trailer in northern Ontario. It was a night some time in the summer. My mum and dad were sitting on the bed when my mum got a call. The store where she worked had been broken into and they wanted her there for moral suppo...

Our Last Goodbye by lexie4308

Last year I lost my dachshund to a terrible accident. Of all the days to have died she died on my 20th birthday which was just devastating to me. We had been putting her in the back yard with the other dogs because she liked to sun bathe but we couldn't let her out the front because she would run of...

The Neighborhood Stray by lexie4308

This one is a little weird. When I was still in high school I always rode the bus. I was the first one to get picked up so it was always still dark when I got on. One morning I was waiting for the bus as usual when I glanced to the right down the road and noticed something dark sitting in the mid...

They Still Roam The House by lexie4308

I would like to start off first by saying that I have a lot of things to write about things that have happened to me (which are not a lot right now) and things that my close friends and family have experienced. This one is about our dogs that have been gone for years. The first dog I ever rememb...

Familiarity Breeds Contempt by xKalmuneiu

So... I have told you all about my childhood home. When I was 16, we made quite a big move to London. (The opposite end of the country, so quite a huge change for all of us.) I hated the house almost instantly. I put my feelings of uneasiness down to the fact that I have lived in the same house ...

My Pet Cat Krusty by tascha

When I was 19 I lived in a flat with my beautiful cat named 'krusty who I was very close too. He was my favorite cat ever' He use to play catching the ball, ha-ha just like a dog. He used to love sitting in the big window near the front door looking outside. One evening I let him out for some air...

The Ghost In My Parents Bedroom by bluegirl0506

OOne night I was getting ready for bed, getting dressed and running back and forth to the bathroom. I finally got everything together for the next morning and made my way to the living room, picking on my brothers, Devin and Cameron, on the way. We had recently gotten a toy poodle, Precious about fi...

Ghost Horse by jrfricke

This really isn't a story it is just different experiences. We built our house 4 years ago. We remember when we bought the property that the guy we bought it from said 120 or so years ago a farmer owned it. The farmer was plowing the field with his horse when it was shot by a local hunter. The horse...

My Sadie Gave Me A Sign She's Still With Me by Gidget123

I had to put my beautiful beloved calico cat, Sadie down on March 14. She had extreme kidney failure. I had her since she was a little kitten 18 years ago. We lived in L.A. Until last year when we flew here to Rockville, MD to live with my fiancé. Our vet came to our house and it was very peaceful...

My Faithful Dog by raingrl01

I read somewhere that an animal that is very close to their owner knows when it is their time to go. They can sense when they are needed in their owners life and then again when they aren't. My mother got us a cockapoo (cocker spaniel and poodle mix) when I was eight years old. She was the best ...

A Twitch In My Being by Baneofthewolf

I can't remember the date to save my life. I was in school, grade 4. This can't be relevant to my first story... Can it? My brother was in Caritas Creek, for days. We got a letter from my brother saying: Hi guys I'm loving Caritas! See you later or some other nonsense. My Dog, Banjo was sick,...

Scary Cat And My Angel by Miss_laura

First of all I'd like to thank everyone who commented me in my last story. I did a bit of research on the house and guess what I found out, nothing other than the basic reports on the owners/ renters and the time in which the house was built (1889). But the strange thing is that the house was occupi...

Cat's Goodbye And Mum's Message by Lizziejane

My cat was very ill with kidney failure and I lost him in January 2008. I was devastated. For the next few days his sister would hiss at his cat bed, my lap (where he used to sleep), my bed and all the places he used to sleep or lay. She was totally freaked out by something but I could not see what....

Raspy Growling by GeenuhTheGenocideBearr

TThe other night, I was lying down on my bed relaxing. It was a pretty normal night and I was on the phone talking to a friend, while my kitten sat on my chest. Then out of absolute nowhere, I heard a raspy growling noise in my ear. It lasted for about...5,6 seconds? To be honest, it sounded like...

The Labrador Ghost Dog by Bluepool

This happened to me on the Beach at Seaton Crew Nr Hartlepool England. It was early May last year around 7:30am. I was taking my Collie Suzy for her early morning walk. The beach was pretty quiet at that time of day just a few other dog walkers in the distance, Suzy was off her leash and sniffin...

Don't Forget Alfie by hazzardsyndrome

For once I have a quick one and funnily enough this is one I actually don't want to try and rationalize. I want it to be what I think it is. It was around 7 o'clock this evening (16.02.09). Due to a long day we decided to quickly walk the dog then head straight upstairs to watch a movie and just ...

Visits From Two Of My Dogs by Crystal4

When I was 4 I remember we had a darling young Chihuahua called Tommy. He was my sister's dog and one day my other sister accidentally let him out and he ran right down the road and was run over before we could go get him. I saw him lying on the side of the road and it broke my heart. I cried so har...

Tiger And The White Cloud by scaryboy

I am very fond of pets unfortunately my appa (means father) does not like them at all. After continued requests my appa got me a parrot. I was in my 8th class then. My brother and me used to play with all the time and it would be joyful everytime. To my sorrow, I lost the parrot in a road accident w...

Did I Really Hear Luke? by Lisa66

I have always been interested in the paranormal and came across this site while surfing around Halloween time this past year. I've always enjoyed reading the posts people have submitted and honestly, I never thought in a million years I'd ever post anything myself, although I firmly believe in the p...

My Ghost Cat by AmberMoonPriestess

I don't know if this story exactly qualifies and don't know if they will accept it but figured it's a cute story on how some things can be other than what they seem to be. My grandmother and I had been experiencing some rather unusual activity in the apartment. The usual kinds of things you hear ...

Was My Dog Possessed? by chocomad

This happened not so long ago in my home on a normal day, nothing much had happened until that weird afternoon. I was reading a book when I heard my dog snarling like there was an intruder. So I carefully went outside to take a look around and it was my boyfriend, who she knew and loved well but...

Moony And Crookshanks Meet Brat-brat by AmberMoonPriestess

We had a number of cats after Brat-Brat but I never bonded with any of them until I was 23 when I got Moony and Crookshanks. They were pure white twin brothers; the only difference being them was their eyes. Moony's were blue and Crookshanks were gold. They were only a week old when I first got them...

Brat-brat by AmberMoonPriestess

When I was 10 years old I rescued a little black kitten from drowning. My best friend's cat, a papered Siamese, who had kittens and one came out black so her dad was going to get rid of it. I told him I wanted it and he said fine have it. I walked home with the kitten tucked into the front of my ...

Puppy's Final Scratch by libertybelle

This is really short, and it happened just before the holiday season of 2008. Some background: Our youngest son has a thing for dogs. My husband and I prefer cats. Our son (who is NOT a little kid, but rather a serious Failure to Launch) has an uncomfortable habit of bringing dogs into our home a...

The Atrium Woman And The Wolf by DeviousAngel

Please bear with me, this story is a little long, as are the rest of my stories. When I was a little girl, I occasionally spent the night at my grandparents' house near the southern coastline of California. They have a beautiful house on the top of a hill that overlooks the ocean, though the act...

Shadow Cats by Spockie

So far, the stories I have posted have been about things that happened to me in my childhood. This story however takes place only about 7-8 years ago, shortly after we moved into our present home and is the only paranormal type event I have experienced in our present house. It was an autumn eveni...

The Ghost Of Mr. Bug by Rebelxxlove

I'm going to start with the back-story. When I was about 6 my neighbor had about 10 cats. They couldn't really take care of all them and there was this fluffy black kitten that was on the brink of death, he was so sick and they weren't doing a thing about it. So I begged my mom for the cat, they wer...

Menzies My Cat by scarlet

This happened when I was around 14 (7 years ago - seems so long). I had a beautiful black and white cat and I was totally in love with him - more so than any pet previously or after him (for which I feel terribly guilty). We had a connection from the start - he was meant to be my mother's cat but wi...

Spirit Guardian by DeviousAngel

A friend of mine had a cat that subsequently had kittens. My friends and family know that I'm a cat person, so it goes without saying that I fell in love with one of the kittens whom I later named Prism. At the time, I was told that I was being given a female cat, and for whatever reason I didn't ch...

Dead Dog Came To Say Goodbye by Nicky7x

In April of this year, my dog Maddy, a 6 year old Golden Retriever, got sick all of a sudden. I knew something was wrong with her because she was just opposed with her ball. I mean she always wanted to play with it. She started moping around and stuff and not eating and not playing with the ball....

Fred The Dead Cat by Grinder

This story actually takes place in several places. The first being in California. I'll begin there. Back when I was about seven, my family was fortunate enough to get their hands on a pure bred Siamese kitten. A lovely Seal Point that loved the entire family. My brother was the one to name him. ...

Mystery Cat by JustMe2008

It was October 12, 2004. I was 10 years old at the time, and lived in Columbus, Ohio. My mom and dad decided to move in a big house in a small town. I really had a bad feeling about the house, it just wasn't that I didn't like it or anything although the house was really old, and it did need a new p...

Poohbear's Pitter Patter by MNPROPHET

I would offer a different prospective to a true haunting. A nomad theory, a lost soul entering and exiting our plane of existence like a nomad. My belief is all souls are a ghost, spirit or entities at the time the body ceases to exist and that they flow through us and are environment because that i...

Emily's Ghost Cat by prinsessnight

One day I went over to my friend Emily's house to play-we decided to do something different. Instead of playing, we decided to go exploring. The place Emily wanted to explore was places in her house. She told me that she had been hearing a cat meow inside her walls. She wanted to know why she ke...

Buster's Dog Tags by Laxe

Last year, we lost our dog, Buster. He's been our family pet for about 8 years. One Friday night, he suddenly became very ill and we found out that he had an enlarged heart, which caused his health to decrease dramatically. To make a long story short, we had to have him put to sleep, which really di...

Dogs and Cats Chase Each Other Even When Dead by Reaper666343

Well I told all of you about Senta's death in my first story. For everyone who hasn't read it, Senta was my German Shepherd that had to be put down due to her age and arthritis. She has been making appearances throughout the winter and spring. I still see her to this day. In fact I saw her outli...

Bear - 1991 To 2008 by NeilDG

Sunday, June 22, 2008 My mother has a dear friend whose daughter got married. The daughter's name was Marie. Marie got married to an FBI agent and part of his job entailed for them to move a lot and live in corporate housing. Basically this meant NO PETS. So my mom kind of inherited Marie's two c...

Good Dog by dukemanistan

My last story was the kind of thing that by the standards of this site could be considered a little bland, no apparitions, no noises, merely a presence felt. Well this one has a little more substance to it. A couple years ago I was living with my friend whom I will call -B-, in his townhouse condo. ...

The Thing In The Closet by frenchpoet

I honestly don't think that my house is haunted. I don't hear unexplained noises or see apparitions or feel the slightest bit uncomfortable anywhere in the house- even our newly finished basement. Apparently Lily does. After Suzy died suddenly in the backyard (while I was at school, of all places...

My Ghost Pets by seesomeghosts

When I was five, I got a great rabbit that we named Elvis. He was a lopp rabbit with tan ears and patches of fur, a mainly white colored, and a minimal amount of black fur. I spent all of my time with him, except school, meals, and sleeping. He would run around my legs in circles, giving out little ...

Sweet Ghost Dog by FoxyPheonix

I'm not quite sure if this took place in Alaska or not, actually, but this is a story that my Grampa told me. (And no, it's not fake. He said it actually happened to him.) One day, quite early in the morning, my Grampa woke to the sound of a dog barking. When he opened his eyes, and looked around, h...

Ghost of a Dog by metalhed16

About 2 months before I was born, my parents got a puppy. He was a black lab named bear. When I was born, Bear and I connected immediately. He would always lay beside my crib at night, and sit by the tub when my parents would bathe me. Once I started crawling, Bear would be right on my heels, making...

Harley the Ghost Cat by Crystal

I'm 16 years old and I live in VA. I had the same cat since I was a baby, his name was Harley. We were really really close and always together when I was home. Harley got really sick about 7 months ago and we put him on a couple medications but his illnesses were not curable. He slept in the my bath...

The Henderson House and Kitty Phantoms by faerielike

After events in my previous story, "Strange Things Happened in That House" things were pretty quiet for a while, having moved to a few different locations in Pennsylvania. There was one instance of being at my parents' friends' house and chasing the smell of perfume around the room, but nothing else...

Pet Coming to Say Goodbye by FashionZombies

Now, I've read a lot about ghost stories. I used to have an obsession a few years back with them. And from what I've read, a few factors of it point to a ghost. I'm not a hundred per cent sure whether it was a ghost although I can't think of anything else it could have been. I guess I'll leave it up...

Possessed Cat by Rusegarn

I'm about to tell you all something that happened which I believe to be my very first ghost experience. It happened about 2 weeks after I started 3rd grade and will always be a part of my memory... The day had started out abnormal in itself. I had been feeling strangely suffocated, as if I was in...

Shadow of my Old Cat by pizzagirl543

My family and I had a cat named Deliah for ten years. We've gotten really close to her, then she started growing these growths (they weren't cancerous so they can't really be called tumors) it was like one HUGE clump, or should I say a series of lumps. Deliah would always limp whenever she would wal...

The Wolf Ghost at my Grandmother's Farm by ShAdOwEd4LiFe

This happened at my grandmother's farm. We go there from time to time to enjoy our time and have fun. It is a pretty big farm and for some reason I believe that it has many secrets under its soil. I was 19 years old and we were on our way to get there. I was in the car with my parents and siblings d...

Big Mama Pays a Visit by Tiffy

About 2 years ago, a beloved cat named Big Mama passed away. She belonged to my aunt and 2 cousins, but was loved by the whole family. She was the sweetest cat I've ever encountered. Before I tell the supernatural part of this story, I feel I have to tell you how amazing Mama was. Originally, whe...

Pets Who Protect Us - Dead or Alive by BYLUYSTER

Everyone knows that a beloved pet leaves a special place in our hearts after they're gone, but do they try to protect us after they die? When my husband and I decided to move out on the farm in Southeastern Ohio, the kids wanted a dog. We had a total of three outside dogs while the kids were growing...

Ghost Pets and Family by HauntedKitty

Just recently, I had to put my cat six to sleep, she was a beautiful Himalayan, but she was really old, and since I took her to the vet I was told I had to get her put down. It is so heart wrenching of a decision, she's dying anyways so it is to end her pain. After, I be at home, and I would still s...

The Cat in my Room by sister

A couple months ago, before my latest birthday when I turned 14, I woke up in the middle of the night (not an uncommon thing for me). My door was shut, I was completely dark in my room, and I was right next to the wall. Nothing interesting had happened to me before bed, but when I woke up, I felt my...

Animals that Have Passed by enjolee

This isn't a scary story at all! I actually look forward to these things, every now and then you can feel the brush of what would feel like a dog or cat snuggling up to your legs. All you have to do is just look down and reach down there and it stops. But I think it's real cute. In the house before ...

I'll Never Forget You Roy by Valerie

It all started when I was 12 or so (I'm 19 now). As a child I had experienced many awful things, such as almost being kidnapped, running away and losing a very loved pet. I was very depressed when my dog, Bailey, died and I became very angry at the world and God as well, I just didn't understand why...

Not Scary, Just Cute by ZombieKiller

When I first met my boyfriend his roommate had this wonderful little kitty named Cheech. I never liked a cat before Cheech, he was small and orange and he had the funniest little personality. Well not long after I moved in with the two of them, the roommate's girlfriend had to get rid of her cat Sat...

Ghost Cats by natbug2106

I don't believe in ghosts, and I still don't, to this day. It's nothing personal and nothing against those who do believe in them, but my own beliefs will not allow it. But... I do have a couple unexplained stories from my past, and I do not know if they have logical reasons or if they were just dre...

Figure of a Wolf by TryToFigureItAllOut

I'm finally telling this story. This story is how I believed in ghosts and understand that after you die, you can still be here. I was in 3rd grade, around 9 years old, and it was the summer that mostly all of Long Island, New York, was in a black out. My family slept in the basement. It's a cold ba...

Pet Ghosts Say Goodbye by Ellen

A few years ago, my pet dog died. The next year on the anniversary of her death, I was going to school. When I got out of the car, me and my mom heard something (we were the two people closest to the dog). It was a bark. Only me and my mom heard it. My brother, in the backseat didn't hear it. The ba...

My Friendly Whispering Ghost and Her Dog by 35ryfhoi

My story is not at all far fetched but I believe I love my friendly whispering ghost. I was thirteen, I was studying to be a veterinarian at an all girls school downtown. I preferred to spend time by myself, waiting for my animal to appear by my side. I had always had a feeling that someone was tryi...

The Halloween Cat by TryToFigureItAllOut

Today, as I'm typing this up, is October 3. This is twenty eight days before Halloween, which many of you ghost hunters are waiting for. Now... some of you, who believe in ghosts, but are not scared by Halloween, should listen to what I am about to say. There is a ghost flying around my elementar...

Growling Ghostly Dog by lpagan

This story was told to me by my best friend whose father was in the army and station in germany. She said that even thou she was only 8 years old when this occurred, she can still remember it like was yesterday. They had just moved into this house that was made into 2 apartments. Her grandparents li...

Brujaria and Disappearing Act by Dulcita

This is story that I can very vividly remember. When I was a young child we would often take trips out of state and visit family. I always had a blast because I would be able to play with all my cousins and visit with family I hadn't seen in a long time. One particular trip we took was to Michigan a...

Kangaroo... in Texas? by bogienova

When my brothers were about 10 years old and 8 years old respectively they had been playing in my mother's room in a large cardboard box that they had turned into a fort. We were the kind of kids that could turn sofa cushions, bed sheets and a cardboard boxes into a mission control station worthy of...

It Wasn't the Dog by bogienova

When I was about twelve maybe thirteen years old, I was sitting in my mother's room watching her television lounging. My mother's room has a bathroom adjacent and the door was closed tightly. I started hearing something pounding on the bathroom door like a dog might if trapped. We had two inside dog...

Soft Cry of a Chicken by Kevan

It was the dead of winter when me and my friends, Adam Harris, Josh Craig, Ryan Wells, and Cagle decided we would go up to the old Pig Silos located on the top of York Mountain. The Silos have been closed for well over fifty years, but that doesn't mean anything has stopped up there, as we all found...

The Pig by ScottRuiz

My father told me this story a few years ago about when he was younger. They lived in Waco Tx at the time out in the country. He told me about this pet pig he had out in the farm that his parents had. I would say he was about 14 or 15 at this time. He would tell me that he would come home and feed t...

Ghost Cat by The_End_Of_Days

When I was young, I had a pet cat; His name was Olly. We had him for a few months, and I was very attached to him by then, he would sleep at the end of my bed, or even sometimes at my pillow. Then one morning, he wasn't there, I went to find him, I wasn't worried, he sometimes was gone from my room ...

To the Stars, Smokey Cat by Tygerwolfe

This experience actually started two days before the actual event I am going to relate to you. It actually starts the night I took the math placement test for my college in January of 2006. Upon getting my results, I naturally called my mother and father in Texas (I live with friends in California.....

My Dead Cat - Young & Lively Again by Raven_CT

In 1994, I had the rare privilege of adopting a purebred Russian Blue cat. The breed is known for its intelligence, loyalty, and stubborn streak. By January, 2007, she was in full-blown chronic kidney failure, and deaf. IV fluids kept her healthy until this past week. I made the decision to euthaniz...

The Faithful Dog by Trogdor

A family across the street from us owned a German Shepard named Tino. Now, before I tell the story I have to say that Tino was a beast. He was very protective of the family and when people came by their house, he barked non-stop. You could never mistake his barking with another dog, as he had this v...

My Cat Shuby by windsong

I've always been a cat lover and have had cats since I was very young. I had a cat named Shuby. She was as sweet as could be with her plaintive little meow. She was a fairly large cat: at one point she grew to be 17 pounds. We don't know how or by what, but she got bitten when she was 9 or 10. As th...

The Strange White Dog by fizzylizzie

One of the stranger experiences I've had puzzles me to this day. Whether or not this even was supernatural or just a very odd coincidence, I will never know. It started off when I was a little girl, about 8 or 9, there was a path in the woods in my neighborhood I used to go walking on every so often...

A Flakey Feline Ghost by Tygerwolfe

I've had many experiences with ghosts in my house, but none of them have been human. In fact, they're all feline, and I enjoy their presence greatly. The particular cat ghost that this story is about is named Flake (originally short for "Snowflake", but changed when we realized he was really a pale ...

Dogs Came Back by ice128

My family dogs are miniature short-haired Dachshounds. Their names were Charlie and Cindy, had them since grade 5, when we lived in Toronto. They past away in 1999/2000. Cindy past away first, then a year or two later we got another dachshound from the Humane Society, after we were feeling better ab...

Cat Friends by cozard271

It was a sunny, clear, Saturday in June. The temperature was 72, and still rising. My mom was at work, so I was left home with my dad and the animals. "When you're done with those dishes, why don't you take the critters out in the backyard to play? They could use the exercise; especially that freaky...

Our Cat Jesse by Tmetsfan31

My brother and I have 3 cats. Tasha (my cat) is a long haired Angora, Menew (My dad's cat) is a short hair Russian blue. And then there is Jesse. Jesse was my brother's cat, and she lived a long, happy life. She lived to be 17 (that's REAL old for a cat, if you believe in that dog years thing that a...

Animal Ghost? by NMS

Before I begin, I must say that my house is only about fifteen or sixteen years old. We are only the second family in it and the first lived here for about eleven years. I don't know if any of their pets died here, but I know I had a chinchilla who died in the room I am in. Well, this morning I hear...

My Dog, an Old Friend by cozard271

A few years back, I had a wonderful pet dog. She was a black lab and a very good and loyal friend. If I was sad, she would lay next to me and comfort me. I never felt scared when she was around. Then, at the age of 14 (very old for a dog), she died. I was so lonely after that. I didn't quite kno...

My Guardian Angel Is my Old Cat by Lucy Vella

When I was about nine, we had to get our cat Jess put down. He had this disease where he was losing all his white bloods cells which by the way help to fight sickness and heal wounds. He got it because he was bitten by another cat. We were all really sad and after we buried him, I wished I could see...

Doggy Ghosts by Daisy_Pink13

My nanny (who is really my grandma, but we call her Nanny!) had an adorable, fat, black small poodle named, Mikey. Me, my cousins, and my sister and brother, all grew up with Mikey. When I was around 7 or 8, and Mikey was at the ripe old age of 15, he got very sick, and we made the (hard!) decision ...

The Blue Eyed Monkey by carolynknowles

This takes place around 5:30 am. My husband and I were asleep in our room and our two boys were in their room. My oldest son James came into my bedroom and woke me up. He told me he that something woke him up. I told him to try and go lay down for a little bit longer and I will wake him up when it's...

The Black Cat by Elahie

When I was younger, I liked to go 'under the cocoa' (Creole Engish-Back Yard Garden). I still do. There are many trees up there, but there is one that blossoms very often, twice yearly. This is the plum tree. I love plums. One day I went to pick some, I think it was a Sunday and plum season was c...

Seeing my Dogs, Always by Haley

My name is Haley and I'm a mother of two kids. Annabelle and Alex. Annabelle is 7 and Alex is 11. We had two dogs Hannah and Liz. Hannah was a Yorkie. Liz was a Corgi. We got them both on the same day. We had them for 2 years. They both died because of rat poison. We were so sad after they died. The...

Our Cat General by surf4life

It happened one night when I was in Montana visiting my Aunt and my Cousin. My mom had called me to tell me that our cat General had just died. I was devastated. A week later, when I arrived back home in Colorado, I was sitting in my living room watching TV when I heard this familiar scratching nois...

Ghost Dog by paige

A few nights ago I was chatting away with my friends on myspace. I was the only one awake, and was already a little shaken up by the creaks that the house made. I silently sat back to take a breath, when I heard the panting of a dog. Freaked out, I turned around quickly to look and see if one of my ...

My Cats Last Goodbyes by ErinT

These two stories are about 2 of my cats that died and visited me before moving on. I had my first cat (Tabs) since I was born. Tabs was a very independent cat but would occasionally sleep with me on my bed. However, she liked to sleep under the covers by my legs (annoying). Unfortunately, she died ...

My Old Pup by Alicia

My sister Emma and me, Alicia, always wanted a puppy. Emma was about six, and I was eight or nine. My parents went on a vacation in the United States (Florida). When they got back and opened the door, they had a baby golden retriever. I was shocked. THEY BROUGHT HOME A PUPPY! Not even a year with hi...

Ghost Rat by Nix

You've heard that if someone (or something) dies in your house, it can come back as a ghost? It turns out it is sometimes true. I have always had rats for a pet. I just moved recently and mine died. I was sleeping, and woke up in the middle of the night to get a drink. I came back in my room, and I ...

The Cat Coming to Visit by Tiffany Mauldin

Hi again. I'm sure at least some of you remember my 115 year old Slave House Haunted story. Well, I got another one for you. The first one happened about a year after that story. My friend Paige's mom has had a cat, Belle, for almost 13 or 14 years (I don't know the exact date, all I know was that s...

Do Fishes Have a Spirit? by JoseDallinger

I'm struggling with this myself, to decide if it was real or if I imagined it. All I can do is write it down here, as it happened to me, and let you all be the judge. I left England, UK, to come and live in Argentina after a difficult time in my life. I moved to San Telmo, to get involved in the ...

My Dead Cats by strawberrybabe2010

For a couple of weeks, I've been feeling my old black cat's presence. She has been dead over four years now. I got two more cats. Last night at exactly 3:34 am, I woke up because the lights were on in my house. I got scared so I prayed to God to put an angel at my bedroom door. I looked out the bedr...

My Cat's Ghost by jessy

I was sleeping in my bed one night, and all of a sudden, I woke up and could not move. My 2 year old cat died about 6 months ago, she had a heart attack on the living room floor. While I was sleeping, I woke up and I felt like she was crawling on my bed, just like she used to do when she was alive. ...

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