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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 108
Deep Moaning In The Stairwell by xxibonihs
About 2 or 3 weeks ago I was leaving my grandmother's house. She lives in an apartment complex designated for veterans and their wives, as well as people with fixed income, ie pensions. My boyfriend was waiting for me outside so, rather than taking the elevator which might I add was very slow, I too...
The Ghost Car Of Highway 58 by Andrea22
My title might sound like the opening to a fictional story, but strangely this was a real life event that made me feel like I was stepping into fiction. It was about 12 or 13 years ago. For a while I even forgot about it, but recently it came back to my memory and sparked my interest in the supernat...
The Pink And Blue Ribbons by mind_wide_open
This is my first post and I have so much to say, but I will try and keep this short and to the point. I do not remember the first paranormal experiences that surrounded me as I was only a few weeks old. My mom had taken me to my grandmother's house because my aunt had died in a car accident. In ...
Demonic Child? by LydiaJoi10
I have to be honest but I am bit embarrassed about sharing this story, but it has been few months since I've had this eery encounter and the image of that face is still emblazoned in mind accompanied by many unanswered questions. Now long before I had ever heard of Black Eyed Kids (BEK) due to m...
Silhouette Of A Man, Yet Made Of Light by The_Victor
The reason I am posting this story is to try to gain some insight. I am a 25 year old man, and I still puzzle over what was seen this particular summer night. I was about sixteen at the time. My friends and I often played manhunt after dark. It was a game like hide and seek, except usually there ...
Apparitions In Living Room by jlb198304
A brief history of my mom's house: farmhouse built in 1928 by my great-grandfather; prior to this, the land was a plantation owned by a Confederate officer; various experiences by many people for several years (including a legit ghost hunting team in 2010); my father committed suicide on the propert...
Mums Last Goodbye Kiss by samdarellasausage
Sorry it's a bit of a long one I didn't intend for it to be this long I just kept on writing! Since I was a little girl I have had all kinds of spooky goings on! I love reading others ghost stories, so I have decided to share a couple of my own. Although this story is not a scary one its just a ...
Questionable Shadows by KatieMarie
When I was around 13 years old I was living in a nice trailer in Abilene. This trailer was in a trailer park that had had a few shootings and even murders. It was a bit frightening to move into, but I didn't think anything bad would happen. While living in the house I had a habit of having panic att...
I Never Believed In Spirits Until Now by GhostFinder100
June 18th,2011, me and my family moved to Rhode Island. We had been living in Montana but had to move because of my job. We bought a fixer upper house that sat on a hill alone from any other houses. We had no neighbors close by, only a small town up the road. The company where I worked was about an ...
Sparkle, Sparkle, Sparkle by CearaIvory
Sterling McMillan Manor is an apartment complex that acts just like a dormitory for college students, except it's more than twice the cost. It is located on E. McMillan St, in Cincinnati, Ohio not far from the University of Cincinnati Main Campus. It is here that I lived a year ago until the end of ...
Ominous Presence In My Bedroom by MidnightMagic13
You can call me Anne, and here's my story. I'm posting this both to contribute to this website which I have to say is admirable in its take on the subject... And also because I need some help. Ever since I was a little girl (around 10) I have been sensitive to spirits and entities. My first exper...
He Amuses Me 2 by sonri
Its difficult to know where to begin. An entity is communicating with me in its own little ways. Frequently, it uses the baby moniter making clacking sounds and sounds only made when the antenna is being touched. Quite a few times, I have heard loud cries and make a dash for what turns out to be my ...
Old Houses Have Great Stories 2 by Krissy3dg
I wrote an entry about my experiences, but I forgot about some of my favorite stories. One of the most unexplainable occurances was once during this past Summer. My dad and I were the only two people at home, and we were standing around in the dining room. Completely out of the blue, we heard wha...
New House, New Haunt? by Kimmie_Ann
I would like to get someone's opinion as to what's going on in my house. My boyfriend and I just bought our first house in May. We've been living in it for 2 weeks now and there has been non-stop activity since. Whether it be paranormal or not, I would really like someone's help! The first thing ...
Shadow Kangaroo by SparklinBurgndy
I live in Indiana, way back in the farmland. Several years ago I was working as a waitress in a nearby town. I was coming home from work after a late shift - it was probably 11:30 at night. I was taking the back roads because it was a holiday weekend and I didn't want to get hit by a drunk driver. I...
Demonic Friends by ghosts_of_me2012
As a child I had the usual childhood friends, kids from school, chuch, ect, ect. However there was one major difference when it came to two of my friends. A old man and a old woman (mid-to-late 60's) always played with me after school. They would talk to me but I never understood some of the th...
The Old Man And The Lamp by The_Vexer
I just want to start off saying that this is my first time posting a story. This happened a long time ago, sometime in the 90's. I can't actually say I know the exact date, but I must have been around four or five years old (either 99' or 2000) well this is how things would work in my house when it ...
Our Haunted Childhood Home by rebeccaannmarie
Firstly, I have been reading the stories on this website for many months now, and I am totally fascinated with all the stories and encounters on here. I've been toying with the idea of submitting the story of my childhood home for a while now, and after discussing with my youngest sister we have dec...
My Grandfather That Stayed With Me And My Brother by stellagirl90
It was December 2000. I remember that we, (my mum, dad and brother) were going to see my grandfather in hospital as he had diabetes. The day we were going to see him is the day he died. We still visited him and saw him in his hospital bed. I was only young at the time so I didn't really know what wa...
Happy Fathers Day Dad by Cliney1212
About 9 years ago my daughter was invited to a birthday party from one of her school friends. The party was held on a Sunday morning in the upstairs function room in a pub in our local town. I had never been to this pub and I needed directions to find it although I did know of the pub because my Dad...
My Grandparents' Basement by tempestmoong
This experience happened when I was about 8. My whole family was at my grandparents' house it was Thanksgiving. Normaly I slept on a pull out in the back room with my mother, but with the whole family there my mother and I ended up sleeping in the bedroom in the basement. My grandparents have 13...
The Man In The Doorway by SILENCEDxHELL
One day I was at my father's house (which is creepy as hell). And it was in the summer (last summer to be right) around 6:00 at night, it was still light out but the sun was setting. My dad had just got done with laundry and he told me to get up stairs and put my clothes away. He went up to do the s...
Hearing Things? by Casper_the_ghost
This happens a lot what I am about to tell you but I am needing help with it as I'm not sure if I am the cause of it (hearing things) or if something more sinister is going on. I would be on my own in the house usually upstairs on the computer and would hear my parent's car park up by the house, I h...
Monster With Hammer by sabuchanan
I don't really believe in supernatural stuff, but I had an experience when I was very young and I have never been able to explain it. I was about 4 years old. My sister and I shared a bedroom. Every night I would wake up and hear what sounded like hammering coming from the other room. I didn't bot...
New Baby And The Paranormal by mark
I've previously posted stories about some of the activity going on in my home. I took the advice of everyone and had the house and the ground blessed. I'm Catholic and talked to my priest, and on the feast of Three Kings, all of the parishoners are given a home blessing package which consists of inc...
I Imagined It? I Don't Think So by Mitoes
I have very little memory of what actually happened between the ages of 3 and five. But my parents and their friends have all told me the same story of my "Imaginary friend". The first time I saw a ghost I was maybe three and a half years old. I described a very very pale women with a dress that had...
Train Platform by turtleduck11
I was going downtown the other day and jumped on the train. Was a pretty average day a few people on train nothing to out of the ordinary. We were travelling along and got to stadium platform. I looked over at platform and this old native lady was looking into car ahead of the one I was in. She then...
The Sun Has Shined Again by SnoWQueeN
This story is about two lovers, unfortunately an incident separated them and they faced. In 1942 there were three youngsters Violet, Lucy and Jhonson they were best friends and had more bunch of friends. Among them Lucy and Jhonson were the lovers and every friend knew about their relationship. ...
Shocking Experince by Hitman
My name is Bibek. I'm from Odisha state. It's my first story. I have read most of the stories here.I'm telling my own encounter with a paranormal entity. It happened five years ago, when I was in college. I was living in a private mess of six students. Let me tell you about the surroundings befo...
The Vacant Room by eunice
My name is Eunice. I am 20 years old and I live in Baguio City, Philippines. I am fond of reading ghost stories ever since I was young but I get easily scared when it comes to watching scary movies alone. The story I'm going to tell you happened only this year. This occurred on the third week of Feb...
Creeper by Elgin
Hey guys its been awhile when I submitted my first story so I hope you like this next one. I was working for the night shift for a call center agency here in Baguio. It happened on the 3rd quarter of 2008. I was on my way out of the house and headed to work when it happened. Let me describe the s...
Demons: Fatal Attractions by rainevalentine
I live in Augusta, Georgia. I'm 17 and I've lived in the same house all my life. My house is about 106 years old and was built by my ancestors. This is probably going to sound like a rip-off Stephen King novel, but the woods behind my house used to be a cemetary. As you could guess, that might cause...
Occasional Paranormal Encounters by mamachong
I recently moved into my trailer about a year in a half ago, a little longer maybe. We were there for a few months before we noticed anything. One night I was up rather late. Sometime in the three am time frame. I heard two quick taps on the wall. The taps were not loud, nor were they quiet. I l...
Encounter With The Unknown by yashodhansule
It was a chilly winter night. After dinner I was sitting in the position of Wajrasan for a good digestion. My room is an ordinary one with the bed parallel to the wardrobe mirror. And I always had the lights on because of some fears that I had right from my childhood. While I was doing it my eyes ju...
There Came A Dark Horse by Fergie
This account was told to me many, many years ago by my favourite Uncle (and "partner in crime" Lol!). Way back in the 1940's, before our double highways were built, the way to the Cape lay down narrow, winding roads. Often, the roads were badly sign posted, so it was very easy to get lost. Dur...
My Son Saw Johnny In The Hole In The Wall 2 by Cincinnatian
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm back with another story, but same issue if you will. Last year I posted a story about my son (Kyren) who pretty much let me know there was a ghost in my apartment. Well, I believe this ghost has followed us. To recap on the first encounter, my son saw a ghost in our kitchen...
My Ghost Family 2 by Haunted_cleaner
The darkness vanished... I saw the black mass float out the window and immediately felt relief. Before I continue my story I wanted to tell you about this white light that I use to help me through difficult if not frightening situations. I am my mother's daughter and she taught me from a very y...
Freezing Cold by Hope619
Hey! Well, this is my first story! Hope you can understand what I'm going through! Well, my friends Sabrina, Diana, and "Cassie" (she's not a believer, so I want to protect her privacy) and I were all telling 'scary stories' during a free period. Diana and I got this strange feeling about the cor...
Ghost In The Hall by Barbie1637
This is a fairly short story, but I thought it may be interesting to share. Growing up we lived on an old indian burial ground. Now I know there is a few people on here that think Indian burial grounds are not haunted. Well I am here to tell you they are sadly mistaken. When I was about 8 years ol...
Born With A Demon by amzrox123
This story sounds utterly ridiculous. But it's completely true, and I'm really scared. I'm 16 and live in a relatively new house (about 40 years old, most houses in my town are about 100 years old and up). But there's something gravely different with this house. It just feels unsettled. When I ent...
Bangs On My Door by Sam-the-ghost
I live in a small town in Indiana, in a house that is one hundred twenty-two years old. In 2010, maybe around March through August in that year, every night at around 3:00 a.m., I would hear a very loud series of bangs on my door. It startled me a lot, but I realized that I could not stop whatever i...
My Shadowed Attacker by TheFatalSoul
Seeing as it won't allow me to start with the word hello, I won't. This is basically an update from my last story, "My letter to you", to get this, you pretty much have to read that first. It's just that nobody's paying attention and to be honest I'm getting too scared to sleep in my own room. I'd j...
The Noisy Cubicle by smixie
I want to preface this story by saying I am working back at the haunted building I was at last year, and this time with my husband. I have another story documenting what happened to me alone, if you're interested. I am not really scared of anything that happens there anymore, especially since he is ...
A Birthday To Never Forget by waffles
This event happened at my 10th birthday party. I was so excited! I was just turning double digits! So of course I would have a party! But the spirits didn't agree. I always knew that they were there. I also had the vibe that they weren't negative spirits at all. They only wanted to be heard, a...
Was I Saved By The Shadow Dog? by Anette
Before I start, I just wanted to let you guys know that it was not just in one place. I am being stalked, but this is the most real experience so far. Most of it really started when I was 9. Growls in the silence of night and such things. What really spiked it is when I heard a woman's voice. She...
Guardian Angel Or Coincidence? by lsandhu
This wasn't a very exciting or earth-shattering experience, but I firmly believe it was paranormal. I have a phobia of spiders. Not just a dislike, but a pathological fear. Other bugs I can handle, but spiders horrify me. This occurred a few years ago, sometime around the mid-90's. We lived in an ol...
At My Parents' House by Shadow-VII
When I was in third grade, our family consisted of four people: my mom, my dad, my sister, and myself. We moved into a house in the end of the year, middle of the school year. This house was great, a ranch style home with a basement. There have been some strange occurrences, which mainly happened to...
Headless In Indiana by Andrea22
The following is pretty short... But very very strange! There aren't that many details for me to tell because it was only a moment, but enough to be shocking and always remembered. It's actually something that happened to my father. He told me about a ghost, or whatever it might have been, that he s...
Strange Stuff by Pipsrose
When I was 17, I moved out of my mother's house for the first time. This would have been December, 2010. My best friend and I moved into a share house together in West Launceston, a suburb in the small city of Launceston in Tasmania, Australia. This house was from the 1950's, and my room was always ...
Gifted? by Tenacious
My name is Tesha and at the time being I am 18 years old. Turning 19 in two weeks time. My age has a little bit to do with my story. I have been having paranormal encounters since I was around 4-5 years old so my family has told me. My sister was there when I had my first encounter, I have no me...
Is A Ghost Following My Baby? by AverysMommy
Before I get into what I saw about an hour and a half ago I will let you know a little bit of the events leading up to this. My son will be 3 months old in about a week and ever since he was about 4 weeks old he will smile at nothing. I hold him laying on my chest and talk to him and he will loo...
Succubus? Human? Both? by Locrian
All of this started almost six years ago and during a dark and troubled time. It began as many others have described; like a tingling feeling which would result in a physical re-action and progressed to touch. For example there was a time when I felt like a light blowing or touch of my hair while la...
Stacey Was Here by Crissangelfan22
One night I was babysitting a friend's little girl. Her mum was going to the movies then out to dinner with a friend of hers. This girl was a very active little girl so I told her mum to bring over some movies for her and lots of toys. When we were playing with her dolls she brought over she started...
My Unknown Uncle by oubay
Let me introduce myself. My name is Oubay and I am 17-years-old. This event or story took place in 2004 or 2005, I am not sure. Me, my mother and younger brother we were visiting some relatives in Dubai. We decided to spend the night at their house. Basically their house isn't much of a fancy on...
Murder Of One by LouSlips
It started immediately after Jacob left and it continues today. When the ceremony that evening was complete, it was obvious something had changed. The darkness that had enveloped our place of business had been lifted and the atmosphere was much lighter. Unless you have experienced oppression from ...
The Bed by TJS
It was a few years back when I decided I needed time away from home and needed to visit some friends. I was 17 at that time and just needed a break. First I visited a friend in Krugersdorp and from there visited a friend in Fourways in Johannesburg. Let me first explain what the premises looked ...
Was Dad Only In My Dream? by lcturner3
This is about my dad who passed away in October of 2011 at the very young age of 65. Here is a little background about my father. My childhood was wonderful. My dad did everything he could to make us happy. He would give us his last dollar if he needed to. He was a very wonderful man. My pa...
Random Shadow In My Backyard by lcturner3
This incident occurred last week, when I was home alone (of course!). It was about 7:30 or so in the evening. The sun was beginning to set. I was sitting in the living room on the couch facing the kitchen. My mom was going to be home soon, so I had the back door opened with the glass door shut. The ...
Where Did They Go? by alandhopewell
This story is one of those stories that, had someone told it to me, I'd probably figure they were having me on. If you decide that, I can't stop you. However, this story, as with all my other stories, is true. It was the summer of '82, and some of my friends and I were camping in the same general...
The Lost Soul Of A Miner by TravisLee
This stort orginates from my father who has spent many years as a coal miner. He started in the mines in 1977 right out of high school so he worked in some pretty old mines that were still operating in our state of Utah that was once considered the coal capital of the world in the 40's up. Our home ...
Bright Blue Ball Of Light by girlie
I was sitting in my mother's car, which my mom in the front seat, and my friend in the passenger, I was behind my friend. We were in this old graveyard, eating (I know how that sounds, but actually the graveyard is really pretty, and it had shade from the summer sun.) This graveyard is separated i...
Are They Still Here? by AppleSauce27
Like most people, we went to a family gathering over the holiday weekend. Ours was at a home that Rob's (my husband) Aunt owns, that is a restored historical home that was part of the underground railroad. Now I don't know how she would feel about me outing her home, so I'm not going to say exactly ...
A Glowing Figure In The Night by prometheus
This is a story based on true events that occurred only a few months ago. I may never forget this short, yet amazing experience. It all began at my friend Shauntel's house. In short terms, her family is familiar with the supernatural. I don't know much of the details, but I know this has influen...
The Room At The Back Of The House by The_Raven
I have been looking through this site for a little while now, and I have finally decided to share my story. I'm not really looking for advice, but if you have any input I'd be glad to hear it. You never can have too much information when to comes to things like this. I want to start off with an in...
Our Frequent Ghostly Visitors by bhagi
I want to share my experience with various ghosts that visited my house. In my First post I want to share about my favorite one that was in my house for about 18 years. We are 6 in my family. My grand parents, parents, myself and my sister. My dad bought a land and built our house before 20 years.i....
Demon Sitting On Chest by Cyleistia
My name is Effy and a while back I've had a few "Demonic" Encounters in my house, and I have done a bit research, but not much... But one night it seemed calm for once, I went to bed as normal and tried to sleep, on my back of course, due to I have to because of my shoulder is a bit screwed up, bu...
Oh So Creepy by shalyn03
Actually these stories I'm about to relate are my uncle, father, and grandfather's experiences. When I heard these stories from my father it got my interest to share it here since for me it's so creepy yet funny at the same time. So here's the stories. Grandpa's experiences: This one happened ...
Poltergeist Activity? by corder13
I went to work last Wednesday around 6:30am. As usual, the cats came and hovered around me. I pet them for a few minutes before leaving, then headed to work. Sometime between 6:30 and 8:00am, my girlfriend sent me a text saying, "Call me NOW!". So I stepped outside, freaking out, to find out that so...
Apparition At The Mall by hiya_hayz
One night about a year ago me and a friend went to the mall to eat at the Chinese Buffet (called China Town). All the other stores were closed except for the buffet. The rest of the mall was dark and empty, so after we ate, me and my friend decided to wander about and enjoy the quiet. We didn't see ...
We Started To Laugh, But We Wanted To Cry by MimiMadrox
On the Friday of May the 18th, one of my best friends had her sweet sixteen at her house, inviting several friends, including me. We did typical teenager stuff: we played games like Red Rover and hide-and-go-seek (in the dark, with one of my friends' fog machine), etc. At around ten o'clock, a fe...
Interesting Happenings Last Year by Sightfire31
I have lived in this house for several years now. A few odd things have happened in the early time, but nothing very out of the ordinary, at least enough to be particularly identifiable. Interestingly, however, approximately two years ago weird things would happen randomly. For example, a guest at t...
Monstrous Smoke by mshash92
I hail from a family that has been quite prone to supernatural events. Though, I haven't had many such experiences, the others have, and some very frightening ones. The story I am going to tell you is about my uncle during his college days. I don't exactly remember the city he was in but I am pretty...
Silent Lucidity by jerryhend1
This story is from my mother, a loss in war, to make a long story short I will say the following. Nuremberg/Furth in November 1943 my mom was walking down her street, it was just after an American daylight bombing and just before the Brits would come during the night, so the ground was littered with...
The Disappearing Garter by starangel
It's been a while since I've posted a story on here and it's been the same while nothing "strange" has happened, until now, and in the same room as my previous story. My previous story is about how two heavy flashlights fell from their place in the middle of a shelf, with no one in the room and me f...
The Demons Of Sleep Paralysis 3 by shadesboy9
The 2 stories I submitted earlier had to do with the most significant sleep paralysis experiences. However, the demonic attacks happened when I was awake as well. What I find interesting is that this attack happened while I was researching sleep paralysis! We used to have internet access on a vid...
Man In My Kitchen by gstar08
This story take place in my home which is Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. A small layout of my house, which this story takes place. As soon as you walk in the front door, on the right side is the door to the garage and on your left is the sitting room. As you walk past the sitting room is the attached di...
Saying Hello To Mark by gstar08
If you have not read my previous stories I ask you read them first as it gives you a lay out of my house and a better understanding of who lives in my house. My cousin no longer lives with me as she needed a bigger living space for her and her son as he has lot of toys. During this experience it is ...
The Tenant In The Basement by Asher0719
For the last year or so there have been strange things occurring in my home. Whether or not my roommates notice, I'm not sure, but I do. I've begun to realize these occurrences may be connected to something from my childhood, but I'll get back to that. It started in the summer of 2011. Nothing ou...
Graveyard Entities by GodlyGirl
I just started experiencing whatever is going on, and it is really scaring me. A few weeks ago, my sister and I went to the local graveyard to test out this ghost radar I got in the appmarket for my droid. (That's my phone if you didn't know) I didn't think it would really work. It's just a circle w...
Negative Energy In My Apartment by Jwalt
I am going to talk about my experiences in an apartment that I lived in for two years with one of my best friends during college. At this point in my life, I was going through a major transition period. It was a big step for me to be away from home. I felt very happy at times, but other times scared...
Am I Truly Seeing Ghosts Or Is It My Imagination? by EvaRains
I had originally posted my less detailed story on Yahoo! Answers to find answers but nothing was truly helpful. Then I found this website a few days ago and I thought I should try and find answers here. Starting when I was around eight, I have seen a figures standing by my bed. The first figure I h...
The Hulking Black Shadow by SGF-Investigator
I have had many personal experiences with the paranormal, but an experience like this one would make a firm believer out of almost anyone. I will set the scene. My friend Greg and myself are into ghost investigating. So, because we both know for a fact that his house is haunted we decided that it ...
Haunted Door Knob? by emilyheart313
This has been my paranormal experience so far. This may be a short story but this is 100% true. I was alone with my dog, Scooby in my room. I was eating soup because I didn't eat anything all day. I was watching tv at the same time. I was done with my soda I was drinking so I thought I will get s...
Black Shadows And Moving Objects. Saying Good Bye? by Ghosthunter483
Let me first just say my dad died in our house when I was only young and this may be the reason why these occurrences have well occurred. (Just to say these are 100% true, I wouldn't be here otherwise) Well the first thing was (This isn't major but I'll tell you anyway) me and my sister in law w...
Girls Boarding House Ghost by bellza
I am a 17-year-old girl who lives in a boarding house with over 70 other girls. As you can imagine, it is a fairly large co‑ed school and boarding house, and recently the school has had to build a new wing for the year 11 girls, because of the amount of girls being accepted. Now most would...
The Mysterious Black Thing by prettycurse
One afternoon after school my boyfriend (who's name is Jarrod), and I went back to his house to hang out. As we opened his bedroom door, a small black thing flew across the floor from behind the door to the left of the room then quickly dropped through the floorboards. At the time, there was clothes...
Am I Being Followed? by GhostGirl33
First I will give a little background. I was the second oldest of four kids. My mother was a middle child in a family of four as well. Each one of her childhood homes was haunted (she moved three times). As I grew up, my brother and my sisters believed our house to be haunted. We would try to commun...
The Hostel Ghost - First Sighting by Ghost_freak
It started when we, the second year students, went on holidays after the exams. There were no second year or third year students in the hostel. But the first years were preparing for their exams. It began one night. The watchman was on his regular night patrol. He sighted a girl sitting on the s...
I'm Really Curious About Some Of My Experiences by Curious225
I'll start by saying I have no clue what happened. I grew up in a Catholic family (turns out I wasn't related to them) and they greatly believed in anything spiritual. Of course, there were stories of me talking to people as a baby, which I'm certain everyone has had. My mom said my conversations...
Comforted By A Ghostly Professor? by joannact
Just prior to my diagnosis with a serious chronic illness, I began experiencing some disturbing health events - seizures, muscle paralysis, acute body aches, randomly losing the ability to see and hear, etc. Most frustratingly, there was really nothing connecting any of the things, no pattern, nothi...
Haunted By A Ghost Girl by puppy5282
I have lived in my house all my life and I never believed in ghosts until about two years ago in 2010. I remember seeing hints, as a kid, involving things moving, shadows crossing mirrors or in the corner of my eye, and an occasional whisper. I had dismissed it as being only in my mind. However, not...
The Footsteps In The Staircase by yashodhansule
This incident has happened to me quite a few times. It was the summer time and I was studying before the beginning of the new academic year. My room was just next to the staircase that one used to reach my house. The windows of my room would open towards the staircase. I didn't prefer sitting and st...
Progressed To Possession by MadelinaMarie
I am going to start with a bit of info on myself. My name is Madelina Port, and I'm from the United States in Pennsylvania. I have 2 sons, ages 6 and 2, and I am expecting a baby in about 5 months. The gender is a suprise. My husband and I have been married for 7 years now and right before we got ma...
Noises From Vents by themiss
As I've said in a few of my stories on here already, my family has had a few experiences in our house. A couple weeks ago I started hearing things around the house. I should note that I've heard things in my house before but never really had any evidence as to what caused it. It had to be around 2...
Darkness Never Sleeps by ada
I have been a medium for what I believe my whole life. I have had tons of things happen to me but this is the most interesting story. It happened to me a week ago. My child sleeps with me and has been telling me that there is a old lady angel that gives him old marbles, in fact I have seen him tal...
Knock, Knock, Knock, Who Is It? by joshuakeys
This incident happened in the year 2000 when I was preparing for my Exams (EMCET), Medical Entrance Exams. It was a combined study. My friend Venkat used to come to my home for study. During those days night life in Hyderabad was very low. Shops and malls used to get shutdown by 9:30PM, specially in...
Ghost Of Cousin by Heike22
My cousin passed away in 2010, from cancer. The day she died, I was at her husband's house, with her brother (my other cousin) and his wife. We had been mourning during the day, and that night I stayed over. I was asleep in her little girl's room, she was 2 at the time, when I awoke hearing a very f...
Ghost At My Friends House by Skeletor
My family and I have been living in this house for 10 years. We've never seen or experienced anything except when my sister and I were way younger (we're twins). We'd always see a black shadow pass by our kitchen window while eating and pass by our bathroom door while we took a bath. We eventually c...
Bout With An Unseen Opponent by adsouza
This is an experience that happened about 6 years ago. I had a hard time understanding the turn of events for quite a while. In some weird way, I am just glad that this event happened. I had made a very brief mention of this in a post some time ago and decided to share it after much thought. I h...
The Curious by ivory
I have a funny experience to tell. This is the most recent one that happen last May 2012. I currently work as an operator in a medical factory that specialized in making parts of small medical equipment (i.e. Pacemakers). During night shifts there are more or less than 8 people who work at the f...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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