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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 12
A Howling Ghost by Ciel
Not too long ago from writing this story I had a major incident that inspired me to record it. Now in the other incident in my old house in Virginia, I mentioned I've never felt anything that would make me believe there's a ghost in my house in my new house up in Massachusetts, but that changed howe...
Dining Room Ghost by Jeff
First of all, let me say this right off the top. This happened when I was a little baby, but I asked the person that this happened to and she said that it really did happen. I did not use real names. Jeanette, my mom's best friend, lost her dad to suicide about 20 years ago. After the funeral, so...
The Subtle Pounding by mike8887
I previously published a story called Eerie Things Started Happening to Me. Another thing that has been happening a lot since a few years ago is a subtle pounding. This happens about one night a month. In the silence of the night and only when I'm in the basement, I'll hear a subtle pounding that wi...
Was it a Dream? by lian01
I'm not really sure if this is classed as a ghost encounter, I'm not sure what it is. So I'll let you decide! My Dad died suddenly just before Christmas last year (2006). He suffered a massive brain hemorrhage whilst at home last year, and was found by my Mum a couple of hours later. He was only 52 ...
Hovering Vacuum Cleaner by lian01
I don't really like stories that are posted on behalf of someone else, I think it often damages the credibility. I'm only submitting this story because I believe 100% that it is real. It is an encounter that happened to my best friend Max. He's the kind of best friend that you consider more to be fa...
Dreaming About my Uncle by isinhat
Last year in March, me and my family (grandma, uncle, aunt and cousins) went to the beach during Carnival. I had to come back because I had to work but they stayed there. One day in the morning someone called us, it was my aunt and she informed us that my uncle had passed away. We were shocked an...
My Cousin by melisa123
One night, when my dad came home from a night out with his friends, he walked down the stairs and I saw a cousin that had died a while back coming down the stairs behind him. The only thing I can honestly say that frightened me was his eyes. Why? Because the ghost (my cousin) looked at me back with ...
Fiance's Visit by davesgirl
I read a story a couple of months ago about a woman who lost her fiance in an accident, but I was too upset over losing dave to respond to her story. I too lost my love in January this year. He was on a motorcycle and drinking and the bike hit a curve and he flipped. He had just dropped me off in Gr...
Not Scared, Just Interested by wolfgirl12
Hi I'm 13 years old and I have always been amazed with ghosts and spirits, I have always wanted to visit a haunted house. I finally got what I wanted when we moved into a new house. We moved into the house a about week before halloween, everything was fine for the first 2 months. It was close to mid...
My Haunting Hates Hard Rock! by ewash
Some years ago, when I was sixteen, I had the one of the most frightening experiences of my life. I was in my bedroom writing some rather hard rocking music on my new synthesizer, when my mother came in and said that dad and her were going to the grocery store. Basically I just nodded with that teen...
Dormitory Ghost Story by trainwater
In 1980, I was attending Chipola Junior College in Marianna, Florida. I was living in the dorm and I worked at the reception desk every weekend. Often times I was the only person there for the entire weekend. On this particular weekend, Sunday afternoon rolled around and my roommate and suitemates r...
A Guy in my Basement by DJPotatoe
I don't remember how old I was exactly when I first felt "not alone" in the basement of my parents' house. I was probably in the 10-11 age range when I would get the feeling of not being alone. Everyday I would come home from school and watch Nickelodeon on our basic cable TV in the basement. The ho...
Holding Me Down by xLadyTastyx
I've always believed in ghosts and although I have always had a strong belief about them since the tender age of about 3, I never thought that I would ever encounter ghosts in my lifetime. Although in my house in Kennington (London), as a child I had experienced ghostly encounters where I would leav...
Leave Me Alone Rosa by Alejandra
This happened to one of my friends. She has told me many stories about spirits roaming her house but this one sounded very interesting for me. One night she told me that she was by herself in the apartment and was using the computer. Later that night she got tired and went to bed. And turned off the...
Curse of "Shauneta" by Athena
Working until ten at night I often wasn't home until eleven. On one particular night, I had been shopping after work and found a glass cutting board with a beautifully painted rooster on it. Just my neighbor Patty's style! I wanted her to be surprised in the morning and find it on her porch. We live...
Lights Turning On by xLadyTastyx
This story that I am about to tell happened only last night. It seems everything strange happened yesterday and this morning... But moving on, It started like this. Ss usual I always go to bed the latest and feeling a little peckish after watching a bit of Jerry Springer, I made my way downstairs in...
Invitation by Zetsubou
When I was younger, I lived in another country. I moved to the United States to live with my dad when I was five. My sister and I were instantly pulled into the world of the supernatural and certainly were what you would call obsessed. When I look back on it now I can trace our obsession to the cons...
Rustling Noises by xLadyTastyx
I was in the kitchen at around 11:00PM making some toast (I was feeling peckish) and I was already feeling shaken as being a very superstitious person, I hated being alone in the night especially when everyone appears to be asleep! So as I was waiting by the toaster waiting for the toast to pop up I...
Strange Lights by MarcCarrollOH
Are the Haunting flashes of light from a vacant apartment, wanting my attention? I'm looking for help with an experience I had this last Saturday night, July 21, 2007. I live in northeast Ohio and I have been searching the Internet for similar experiences when I stumbled on to this site. Thank you f...
Daughter's Dream Ghost by anmike
We live in a house that is about a hundred and twenty years old. Over the years the house has been extended and altered. My daughter has the oldest bedroom in the house. For several weeks my daughter has had a ghostly dream almost every night. She dreams of a girl in an old fashioned blue dress ...
Saying Goodbye by gingirl
This is a true story about a man named Dick. I had been dating Dick's son for about three or four month's, when Dick passed away. He was an elderly man and had lot's of health problems, my boyfriend was very close to his family. We went to his parents house two maybe three times a week, dinners, out...
My First Ghost Hunting by Invictus
After watching 3 hours of TAPS my friend and I decided to go on a ghost hunt. Me with a building curiosity of the supernatural and yet no experiences, I was hoping for something. We decided on a local cemetery rumored to be haunted and left for our trip. The cemetery was located passed a gravel road...
Visitors at Night by Helena
I appreciate being able to share the following experiences (the most recent from last night), which have puzzled me since childhood. The scene usually unfolds in the following way: Sometime during the night I wake up to see a figure standing at the side of my bed. Rather than being a shadowy, indist...
Strange Presences at Night by Hawkgirl
Since I moved to Tijuana, Mexico, I have been waking up at about 3:05 or 3:15 a.m. My room is on the 3rd floor of my house, I am the only one who sleeps there (my mom and brother have their rooms on the second floor). At first, I thought it was because I was not going to school and since I was not t...
Young Face in Charleston by Scott54
This true event took place in Charleston, South Carolina. It happened to my six year old Jenna who is very honest and doesn't make up stories. Kara, my 12 year old daughter, was disappointed because the ghost tours were booked up and some didn't run on Sundays and Mondays. Well, on Monday (25 June 2...
Oldest Room in the House Haunted by GhostLuverrr90
My bedroom is the oldest room in my house. My house had many additions to it before we moved in. My room was the oldest so was probably more sensitive to paranormal experiences. My story all starts on the night of my cousin's party. I was getting ready for the party, the normal ritual, makeup, hair ...
Blood, Glass and Footsteps by Laur94
I live with my two children, Amey aged 8 and Jamie aged 11. We've lived in our house for 7 years now, and there has been many ghostly encounters that we cannot explain. One night when my niece slept at our house, my niece and I was sat in the living room, while my two children were playing outside. ...
The Jacket by Gemma
One day I was sleeping at my cousin's house. Me and my cousin got really bored so we went and sat with her brother's girlfriend. We sat in her bedroom and she got a catalogue out, she started telling us what she wanted in her new house. When all of a sudden my cousin came out with "do you know what,...
My Grandmother I've Never Met by Alyson Cina
This story happened when I was eight years old. I was laying in my bed with my mother. My room had no door because it used to be my grandma's room. My grandma died before I was born. So my mom was reading the newspaper and I was watching tv. I just happened to be looking into the dark hallway when I...
Orb by the Mirror by naomi
One night when I was looking in the mirror doing my hair, this dash of light caught my eye. I turned round and there was this ball of light that flew into the wall. After that I didn't dare look in the mirror again. Until I moved out of my room. I didn't see the orb again, well that's what I thought...
U.S.S. Lexington Ghosts Photos by lilmzzoufan
We got on the ship and nothing felt wrong. I took many pictures. When we finally went downstairs, I could feel a paranormal being in the room with me, my cousin, and my grandpa. Well I took many pictures. I didn't look at the pictures yet. We went into the engine room barber shop and a lot of stuff ...
Demonic Ghost? by Tiffy
Hey, it's me again, Tiffany. I recently submitted a story about some ghost experiences in my grandmother's house. Well, just yesterday me and my friend Danielle were hanging out. We were walking around and she started talking about an old factory building where "satan worshipers" would go and perfor...
Fighting the Spirits by xLadyTastyx
It's me again and as you know, I have posted quite a few stories on here and I'm quite new. But this story is based on what happened to me one night when I visited Nigeria my home-town. See, in my country we believe in evil spirits and people using evil things to get at people and this thing is very...
The Farmer and his Daughter by gbeach
I was eight years old when we moved to Colts Neck, New Jersey in 1976. My parents had the house built on about an acre and a half of property. The homes in the area were pretty new although the town itself dated back to the seventeen hundreds. My family is large so we were all excited to move into t...
The Sign for my Grandma by Little angel
Hi, I live in Belgium and I'm 18 years old. It's been almost 2 years that my grandma has passed away. She struggled for her life so in a way I felt relieved that she had found peace, but I started feeling guilty because of it. She doesn't have a grave (she's been cremated) so I couldn't go see her a...
A Cry in the Night by Kahla
Some people believe 13 is an unlucky number, but to me, it's grand. My 13th birthday was like the others, family gathered for the celebration, gifts were given and happiness was shared. It began around 8:00pm when my cousin Tiffany stayed the night with me, and her being 9 months younger. My parents...
Prank Gone Too Far by Kahla
Girls. Sleepovers. They were meant for each other. Especially when it's just you and a friend that act as if you were sisters. Spending the night at my friend Angela's House (we act as if we were sisters) we pull pranks on her mom, and her dad gets us back. Being suckers for scary movies, we deci...
Grandma's Trailer by Bo
When I was 9, we had christmas at my grandma's. It was Christmas Eve and my mom, dad and older brother went down the street to my aunt's house for a party. My grandma had put me and my little brother to bed in the middle bedroom of the single wide trailer. I hated this room and never ever slept in i...
Unwanted Visitor by Dulcita
Growing up, I always liked anyone else who had older siblings and have had them tell me stories to scare me. Now on this particular story it wouldn't have been so bad if it were just my oldest brother telling me the story, but I remember my mother telling me as well... Let me start off by saying I c...
Uncle Rocky part 1 by Bellissima
I have a very long story that has spanned 6 years so far and is still carrying on to this day. I'm not sure that you will want everything at once so I guess I'll try to split it up a bit. When things first started I didn't keep a very good record but I've actually kept a detailed journal for some ti...
Our Old Farm House by Jodi
I grew up in a small town (more projects than anything else, we lived in the "new homes"), before moving to a small farming community when my mother divorced my father. We moved in with my mother's new husband in his farm house. This house had all the makings of a haunted home. The basement had a di...
I Was There! by KimSouthO
I am a Christian, not a 'holy roller' but a Christian. I believe in God and Christ and the Bible. I try to live my life as a decent person and raise my family as such. As a Christian, I have tried to speak with a few ministers, even a Catholic Priest regarding these happenings. I have been told that...
Is It Real? 2 by Sarah_14
If you all have read my first story, I thought that I had a ghost in my room, now I'm sure. And as I said then, things that seemed normal to me before are now revealing to be... unusual. Factors like: - Younger sibling waking up in the middle of the night screaming in panic without reason (and...
Creepy Bathroom by Megan
I have lived in my house for almost a year now and everything has been fine. For the past week I have been having trouble sleeping for no reason. I started getting this strange vibe from the house for about three days now. Every time I walk in here I get extremely sick to my stomach and I feel like ...
Little Girl in White Dress Swinging by Irene
One night, my 2 friends, my brother, my mom and I went outside at 12 o'clock at night. We were all just talking and laughing until I saw a little girl swinging with a swing on a tree at one of my friend's house. I know my friend told me a lot of paranormal stuff happens in his house but I haven't he...
Paralysis Demons by Mandybooh
I am scared to death. I have had paralysis since I was 14. It has gotten worse in the past 4 months. I am a Christian woman. I was saved at the age of 17. Things have been good until lately. I will be in bed and I'll know when it's going to happen because I'll hear this noise in my ear, like somethi...
Haunted Field by ewash
When I was about 10 years old, a house set deep within a 25 acre field about a quarter mile from my childhood home caught fire and a father and son were killed while asleep. Fast-forward 20 years... the house that was located at the bottom of the hill that made up the vast hayfield has become overgr...
Supernatural Trees by michael howes
Hi my name is Michael and I'm 15 years of age. I live in manchester in a place called blackley and I have experienced something that will stick with me forever. I've never been scared of the supernatural but this has changed my point of view and psychology. This happened about 2 or 3 years ago, I go...
A Man in my Aunt's House by GhostLuverrr90
I was 7 years old when this experience happened, my mother, my father and my sister went to my aunt's house to swim with her twin daughters, but we had to change before we swam of course, so I went first. My aunt's house always gave me the chills but her daughters said nothing has ever happened. I n...
Ghost Motorcycle by Dahnxi
My friends and I were hanging out and one of them told us the usual haunted story about a road. We were all bored so we decided to go check it out. We got about halfway down the road and decided to turn around, but right as we turned around the car went dead. I didn't think it was too spooky, but wh...
The Strange Knocking by Dragonsoul
A couple nights ago, my sister and grandmother heard strange knocking at the door at about 1:00 am. My sister also heard someone walking in the hall. She thought it was my dad because of the way he drags his slippers, but he claimed that he never walked in the hall. Also, my neighbors had a party th...
Things That Could Never Be Explained by annonomous
I don't know where to begin with this story, it all started after me and my room mate stopped being friends and I bought my first house. It was built in 1954 and was abandoned from 1979 until about 1991. I fell in love with the house the moment I saw it, it was small and had such a lovely retro feel...
Ragged Looking Man by melonlover
I moved in to my house when I was little with my two older brothers and my mom. I never really had anything happen when I was little, but I have in the last few years. I can't remember what year it started as such and I can not remember the very 1st instant, but I am sure it's not my imagination. ...
Mysterious Fog by purplequeen12
What am I about to tell you is 100% true. There is no exaggeration anywhere, I promise! I am still in shock and in amazement that this happened to me. I am still trying to figure out what the thing was. Last night, around ten O' clock, I believe, the strangest thing occurred in my life. My sister...
We Meet Again by Justin
My name is Justin and I have been in my brand new house for almost 5 years now and I still remember what I saw and to this day it still makes me keep the night light on. I used to live in Merrick before I moved to where I am now. It was a nice house but very small, therefore I moved later on, but a ...
Through my Bed Room Window by samoansoldier
This story took place in the village of Masefau when I was about 7-8 years of age. I lived with my mother, her parents, and my brothers as well. My grandfather was the Reverend then. Our house was built right in front of the mountains. When my brothers and I were younger, our grandma had told us tha...
When Coyote Howls by gbeach
Despite my paranormal experience as a kid, nothing else occurred until I was about twenty-five. I became a divorced mother of two young girls and took a job at El Coyote in Netcong, NJ. It's a bright pink building with a long history. Before Coyote, it was two restaurants. Club 21 and Nellie Burke's...
Old Stone Home in Fryeburg, Maine by top
While living in the state of Maine, my 2 sons and I headed up the road to look in an old apple orchard to shoot a deer. Outside the orchard was an old stone home. Across from it was a fallen down barn. The boys and I walked over the old barn. There was "some" snow on the ground, not a whole lot. As ...
Things Flying Off by amanda
My mom was up late one night cleaning, she set a picture of my dad which died a few years ago on our home bar flat. Her 2 friends came over at some point that night and commented on the picture, they left and shortly after, while my mom was in the other room, the picture flew off the bar and hit the...
Demon in the Motel Room by nhouse
Let me first tell you a little about myself. Through my entire life, I have always had encounters with demonic spirits. I have always been able to sense their presence, and am always the first to be attacked by them. I was staying in a motel room on the coast with my family one night. I had a dre...
The Rest of my Paranormal Experiences by mike8887
I've already posted two stories explaining my experiences and decided to post a final story. This one will describe everything else that has happened to me. This will be kind of long, but lots of strange things have happened in my house. This should be the final story that I will post (unless someth...
The San Francisco Zodiac and a Witch Named Raven by PaulDaleRoberts
Today is a hot crispy day and there is a lot of things going on with H.P.I. (Haunted and Paranormal Investigations) of Northern California this day. Shannon "Ms. Macabre" McCabe - President of HPI and two seasoned investigators Tim Hawkins & Cherie Vincent would take about 30 new HPI investigators o...
The Whistling Wraith of Camellia Memorial Lawn by PaulDaleRoberts
One of the things that is fun about being a ghost hunter for H.P.I. (Haunted and Paranormal Investigations) of Northern California is that I am able to head out somewhere, meet a potential client and listen to their ghost story. This Sunday, August 5, 2007, I was doing exactly that. I went to the qu...
Belfast Orbs by lian01
I know, I know... Orb photos! Not always the best example of ghost photography, is it dust? Is it light? Or an apparition? Who knows. All I know is I recently went to Belfast and when I looked at the photos I took, all 7 of them, I found 3 interesting pictures. I'll give you a bit of background then...
Sister in the Mirror? by TheGrimace
I am 24 and am not a religious or spiritual person. I have lived in my house for over 10 years, and have never felt or experienced anything supernatural or felt anything strange in any of the rooms in my house, or anywhere else for that matter. It was about 11AM and I had just stepped out of the...
Junior Girls Bathroom by melonlover
Here I am again with another one of my 100% true stories. I have just left my primary school, in other words year 6, and I am now going to secondary school after the six weeks holidays of course. Now my stories have happened at St.Bart's my old primary school in the junior girls bathroom. There i...
The Presence by blessed
I've experienced many things in my life that many would consider paranormal. A fact about me is that I'm a Christian and very religious which, I believe, attributes to the reason why I have experienced such things. I've pondered these experiences for many years and am glad that I can now relate them...
Tanniq by paggark
My name is Pelagie Aggark, I grew up in a little town called Chesterfield Inlet, I'm about to tell you a story I heard from my dad who heard from my aunt (brother and sister). During winter many kids would be playing out in the snow (there's always a lot of snow in the north) my aunt was inside the ...
Our Creepy Little Culdesac by Lexiluca
My room mates and I have just moved into a brand new place - and it's kind of funny, because I almost expected it to be just like my last place. Calm, no weird happenings, etc. The one thing about my last place was that it wasn't really "homey" and this place is, it feels like home - we've all settl...
Facing Your Fears by Nikki
I submitted a story called Party gone wrong a while back and this is pretty well a follow to that. I was over at Cassie's house (where I spend most of my time) and her mom asked us to walk to the store, a short distance away, to pick up a few things for her. If we had taken the path by the old house...
Now You See It, Now You Don't by Kwazimoto
We moved into our townhouse in El Monte, California about four year ago. The townhouse is fairly new, not even 20 years old, although El Monte is one of the older communities in southern California. Late in the evening as I was lying in bed I'd hear footsteps running up and down the stairs, but I ne...
Uncle Rocky part 2 by Bellissima
Previously I gave the background on my Brother-in-Law, Uncle Rocky, and some of the experiences we've had. Now I'd like to share some more. There aren't any scary tales to be told, really, except this one. I was home alone one day, reading and enjoying the quiet in the house. Suddenly there was this...
Hideous White Face by lydia07
You might not believe the story but I promise you that it is real. It started when I went to my nan's for a week while my mom and dad went on holiday. I was just getting into bed when I heard a strange tapping sound at my window. I'm 11 and I get scared really easy so I wasn't sure whether I should ...
Sleep Walking or Possession? by lydia07
You might think this is really weird but I assure you it's true. It all started when I went on holiday to the Bahamas. I went to bed the first night I was there and all I of a sudden I dreamt that I was in the jungle and tigers were chasing me. I would wake up in the back garden of our villa lay und...
Voices from Another Century by Lenalaney
When I was a child, we lived in a most unusual haunted house. Built on the log cabin style, but larger, more like the Ponderosa, the house was at least a hundred years old. The upstairs and downstairs had been converted into separate apartments. We lived downstairs while an elderly lady, Ms. O'Kelly...
Our Creepy House - Bathroom Incident by Lexiluca
My room mate (girl) just called me about twenty minutes ago to tell me about an experience she had in the shower not even over an hour ago. I submitted a previous story to detail a few things that have started happening at our new place entitled Our Creepy Culdesac. So, as I've figured, there's quit...
La Llorona by shelly
Hi, my name is Michelle, I'm a mother of four children but when this happened, I only had two, my oldest was five and my youngest was just a baby. When my second child was about four months old, we lived in a trailer park across the street from an open field in Sodus Point, NY. It was supposedly a b...
USS Blue by top
While stationed at OXNARD, CA - on the Naval Station there, I had the opportunity to go aboard several ships that were being de-commissioned and taken to sea to be sunk by missile tests. Along with two other swabbies. We all headed over to the area where the Ships were tied. We went aboard the group...
Entity Laying Next to Me by Covah
I recently had read a story in a trashy magazine while in a hair dressers that sounded so much like I had experienced that I decided to write here now, thinking I may not have dreamt it and that someone else has experienced a very similar situation (but can I say I started writing this story last ni...
Green Apparition by akaglowboy
This took place when I was about 9 or 10 years old at my (at the time) closest friend, Yani's house. We went to school together and neither of us to my knowledge had ever seen or heard anything that might be considered a ghost (or any other paranormal entity). I was staying the night there and we ha...
The Haunting of Abigail, Aged 6 by Nichelle
As a young adult I lived in house with seven adults and one little girl, Abigail. When I first moved in, the house seemed cheerful and warm. The eight of us would gather round the table to play cards and relive the day's events. Abigail basked in the attention of so many adoring grown ups. I thought...
Shadow Men by Nichelle
My son is now eleven years old. He has never slept through the night unless he was sick. Not once. Not as an infant, not as a toddler, and now not as a young adolescent. He often has behavior problems in school, because he lacks focus and is prone to daydreaming and being cranky. He refuses to sleep...
The Black Figure by Bo
I live in a beautiful little house, every one I know thinks of it as a doll house. It's located in a nice neighborhood, or so I thought. Two nights ago I was putting my little girl to bed, I went to my room and was laying down. looking out the opened window. I just got relaxed when I was startled. I...
Ghost Boy Running into Little Autistic Girl's Room by Cheryl R
I am Cheryl, 36 years old and my husband I am moved into our 6 year old home in Feb 2007. The home set on a high hill on and pretty rocky area. Since we have moved here, we have seen and heard several things. As the real ghost story goes, I will have my aunt to tell you what she saw, and then I will...
Cold Chill Accident by Ashley Watson
About 2 years ago, my grandfather took my cousin Josh and I deer spotting out in the country. We sat on the backseat windows and he drove. We weren't having a lot of luck because of the corn all over the place in which the deer hid. We drove for about 5 miles and ended up out in the middle of nowher...
Mommy Dearest by juliya
I'm first going to start off by saying this is not exactly a ghost story. I have have always heard whispers of some kind since I was maybe around 4 or 5. I come from, well, let's just say, a troubled childhood. I have never known my biological mother. I know about her and my father has always told m...
This Is Fun by Athena
My friend's mother became ill. Her mother was elderly and though her sad family gathered around her, they were not shocked. She slipped into a unconsciousness, but the family obeyed her wishes not to be taken to the hospital. My friend was heart-broken seeing her mother in such a state, and her mind...
The Night Visitor by BYLUYSTER
When I was a kid, I overheard my mother and aunt talking about seeing ghosts and other strange phenomenon they had experienced. At first, I didn't really understand it, but as the years went by, I began to sense things whether it be a flash out of the corner of my eye, hearing footsteps on the porch...
Invisible Rain by akaglowboy
This took place about 6 years ago when I lived with my mom and stepfather. We stayed in two story house and my bedroom was downstairs while the other bedrooms, living room, and kitchen were all upstairs. The backyard bordered a canyon and there was a lot of trees and brush. When this particular i...
A Black Robed Shadow by youngd
I work in security in New Zealand. Our security company got a job to provide overnight security during the construction of a retirement home. About 5 different security guards who work for the company and that have been assigned to the retirement village overnight have reported seeing a black shadow...
My Husband's Dead Grandmother and the Hag by melissagrove2000
Do you believe in ghosts and hags? Well my husband does. Although I do believe in ghosts, I don't know about "hags". But my husband is a firm believer after his experience. You may have read my other stories involving encounters after my grandfather died and my son's ghost story. Well this story inv...
A Few Experiences of my Own by wendymneil123
I have read most of the stories on this web site and even though my experiences are not as scary as them, I thought I would submit them anyway. Let me know what you think? 1) My first ever encounter, I was about 22 years old and lived with my parents in South Harrow, Middlesex (UK). My sister and...
Mill Haunting by dorenzotomas
My husband works as a maintenance manager in an old mill building. The building was constructed in 1890. It has had many uses over the years from the textile industry to the production of fire engines and rifles. It is currently an educational facility. Just the age of the building makes it interest...
Evil Entity by paggark
This story is about my aunt Marlene, I remember it like it was yesterday. During winter my parents, my brothers and me were at home in the evening, my mom was cleaning, my brother, my dad and myself were watching a show on t.v (don't remember what) until my aunt Marlene came in the house crying, wit...
The Old Mill by Tom
I was working an overnight shift in an old textile mill. The mill was 117 years old. I had to stay overnight to keep an eye on a leaky water main where it entered the building. By 11pm the building was empty. I made a quick tour of the building just to satisfy myself that I was alone. Security had g...
Where Did You Get that God-awful Tie? by Lenalaney
I worked for years as a professional psychic and ghost encounters is just one of the themes I dealt with. I've heard many stories, not just from my clients, but other individuals that tell stories of how a deceased love one comes to get their dying loved one. The following story is so sweet and tend...
Through the Pali with the Help of Pele by Malia
My mother is a very spiritual women. She believes in the good and the bad spirits and the powers they have. We are Hawaiian and come from a family of healers, now and days we would be called witches. Within our family certain members were given the gift of preminisions or the ability to sense or see...
Demon Hunter by Joseph Quiles
At first I didn't believe in demons and what not. But that all changed when my brother went to the cemetery just for kicks. After he was done, he went home and that's when my nightmare began. I was in my back yard when I heard my mom calling my name. I went to see what she wanted, but no one was the...
Seeing Dad... Again by Krysteen
Many incidents have happened in my life, benevolent AND malevolent views of the other side(s) ;) This is by far the more impressive and comforting incident of my life. My father died in January 2001 from pancreatic cancer. He was luckier than most that the excruciating pain that accompanies such a c...
Weird Living Room by blackrose123
First of all I am ten. This encounter happened a few months ago. We were having a no tech week so we couldn't watch tv. We had the lego down stairs and my dad picked me up from school and was now having a nap. It was raining outside and my friend knocked on the door and asked if she could stay here ...
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- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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