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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 127
The Creepy Blue Room In My Grandparents Home by Noenoe
We used to rent my grandmother's house in Bothaville, South Africa. Before we rented the place I stayed at my grandparents home before my parents moved from Germiston (also in South Africa) to Bothaville. It was not really an old house, but creepy as hell! The floors of the house were wooden and not...
Teenage Experiences, Adult Perspectives by BadJuuJuu
I was raised in a very religious environment. Aggressively religious would be the best description. You know those people who fling tracts at you in Walmart and gibber about the Rapture? That was us. If it wasn't of God it was of Satan, there are no ghosts, only demons in disguise, no nature spirits...
Zozo's Lover by ZozosLover
One day I was at a friends house and she had a Ouija board so I asked if we could use it, she said sure. I asked who was there and it went back and forth from Z to O and I immediately went to goodbye. I was scared. Later that week I decided to research this Zozo, and I spent 6 hours reading and watc...
Early Riser by nataliejadee
So seeing as this is my first post, I'll explain a little bit about things that have been going on before I jump to my most recent story. Frequent banging, loud whispering and even muffled conversation are to be heard when I'm home alone. I tend to see figures out the corner of my eye when walkin...
Life Long Haunting by UmbrellaGirl1227
I believe I am being haunted. Ever since I was a little girl I could feel a presence around me. Watching me. Following me. At night my dolls stared at me. Even the ones I turned away from my bed. When I went into the hallway outside my bedroom at night, I could see a tall man. Except it was an outli...
Three Knocks And A Shadow Man by paigesofabook
I guess I'll start by saying that I'm currently eighteen years old and I no longer live in the house I experienced things in. The first experience that I ever had was when I was about six years old, in a brand new house my parents just had built. I had just gotten my own bedroom after having shared ...
The Fairy, The Girl And My Sister by PrincessWillow
When I was 7 years old, I lived in Ayer, MA with my mom and her boyfriend. I had always been a pain to get put to bed because I hated it. I was petrified of the dark and being alone. I would often be awake listening to the TV downstairs until Mom and Frank went to sleep. My door was always left open...
The Man With The Black Eyes by BrandX
last Saturday night and me and my friends went to my cousins 18th birthday party. It was a good party no stupid behavior and everyone had a great time. The party ended and me and my friend were about to leave to go home until she started to get sick from having to much to drink and my cousin insiste...
The Spirit Girl In The Tree by French_Fields
This happened when I was twelve years old and I lived in a big three-story house (A typical two story house, but with an underground area where the bedrooms were). I lived near a big park that me and my friends used to visit every week. We would play with the equipment every time we went there, not ...
Short Black Shadow Person by Amihet
For the first time in my adult life, on Friday June 14, 2013 shortly after 10:00 p.m. I saw a 4 foot (give to take a few inches) solid black shadow person. My children were in their rooms playing computer games and my pets were with my children. I had been in my bedroom all evening reading and what ...
What Was That Thing? by khizar
My name is Khizar. I am new to this site. I have read a lot of stories on this site and now I am sharing my experience. Please sorry about my English. It is my second language. This story is about when I was 5 years old. I went to my cousin house. His house is in a village and in vacations I go t...
It Asked Me To Take Care Of The House by Hannah705
Date of encounter: June 15th 2013 Place: Nottingham, UK Me and my family are moving from Cambridge to Nottingham. We had seen many houses that day, none of which met any of our standards. The last one seemed nice, older house with nothing to show at the front but with a beautiful garden abso...
My Two Ghostly Experiences by saadahaq
This is my first paranormal experience. It was when I lived in my old house. One night me and my sister were sleeping in a room on the first floor of our house. No one else was present in our house except me and my sister. When I was just about to sleep I heard a sound as if someone wearing ankle...
Abandoned House In Allentown, Pa by _LalaBesos_
This story took place last summer in August. I went to visit family in Allentown, PA. I used to live in PA when I was 2 and left when I was 12 to move back to NY. So I try to visit my other family who only consists of my dad, granny, uncle, aunt and cousins. My cousins have an obsession with the...
The Girl In The Corner by glas_enaid
I've been on this site for some time reading the stories and, like many others, I now feel comfortable enough to share my story. And I would love to hear your input on this matter. I moved into a one bedroom apartment with my fiancé at the time with a lot of excitement, considering we had been l...
The Guy In The Window by KizumiHotawa
Every time when I walk into my house, I feel a presence running pass by me. My family members are all in the house. When I looked at that particular place, there was nothing there. Every time this happens when I am about to go into the house, even my little sister sees it. What's even stranger is...
Little Berry Homer by Caleb_Cadyn477
It was in November in 2012, my sister, Alana had a friend that wanted her to babysit her little sister, Melanie, while she went to a friend's sweet 16. I didn't want to go but I also didn't want to go shopping with my parents either and they forbidden me being home alone, so I decided to stay the ni...
Dad Sitting On A Wall by curiousgeorge_
My friend's father tragically and suddenly passed away a few years ago. He unfortnately took his own life. It took a huge toll on he and his brother and sister mentally and emotionally, but he was affected the most out of the three of them. He is always thinking about his dad and speaks of him frequ...
Ghost In The High School At Night by WildStallionDHSGahanna
I first want to let people know that I will not list actual names or reveal the name of my high school or where I live. Also, it is quite obvious that I am a teenager, but that is no reason to judge or deem my experience as untrue. I must begin by telling you what my English teacher saw, because my ...
Floating Mist by Debbie5612
The event I experienced took place sometime in June 2012 in Pennsylvania; I was living with my mother and her boyfriend at the time. The first time I experienced it was in my room while I was watching a movie alone. I was sitting in my office chair as I did every night, but on this night I saw som...
Am I Going Crazy? I Need Help by rachseesghost99
A couple years ago my dad lived in a normal house. At first it was nice and nothing really happened. Months passed and strange things happened like lights going off and on but I didn't really think anything of it. One day my Aunt and I were cooking in the kitchen suddenly a door handle started t...
Goodbye, Mother by emptymind
My mother was a strong self willed woman who owned and ran a pub alone. She passed away aged 75 after suffering a heart attack. The last time I saw her alive was a few weeks before she was due to undergo a hip replacement operation. I was her eldest child and whilst we had our rocky times, I always ...
Experince Counts by jatin
This story is not one I had experienced. I had heard it from my uncle. It was during those days when people used to go for fishing at nights, just because it would give them a good yield, probably 15 years back. You should know, during those days there were very few street lights. And it was bec...
Unknown Entity by Ghostlyteen99
I guess it all started when my family and I moved into our new house almost three and a half years ago. I don't blame you if you don't believe me. I'm only 14 so I expect skeptics. Anyways I've always had this sense where I know I'm not alone-even when I'm home alone. But I use to brush it off as if...
Possible Poltergeist? by epilepepsi
I'm not generally one for ghost stories outside of movies and video games, but since talking to one of my friends who had had experiences she convinced me to submit my story here and ask for advice. Lately the doors in my house have been opening and closing sort of strangely? To the extent where ...
A Formidable Piece Of Land by thirtythree
In 1992, my father resigned from his company of 17 years to start his own business, an Auto Repair Shop. He leased a half-hectare land right beside the highway somewhere in Negros Occidental. The land was an open field. Right at the center end of the lot stood a very big, old Kamatsile tree. Underne...
The Night Of The Ouija by Nephylim
I have always been able to "feel". Since I can remember I have "seen", without my eyes, the creatures, beings and entities that are around us, whether it is a face in the paint on the wall or a shadowy figure in my room. I believe that everyone has some form of psychic ability. I believe myself ...
Possession, Apparitions And Terror by Nephylim
The events I am about to reveal are extremely personal, so bear with me as I try to relive the most terrifying night of my life. (Names have been changed due to the sensitivity of the story.) I was 17 at the time, finishing my last year of school, when my brother, Sean (22 yrs), and his girlfrie...
Something Evil May Be Present by Niki_chaos
For some reason my childhood home scared me. My parents bought another house in town and we moved when I was in high school. My grandparents currently stay in my old home. I am now 21 years old and I heard my parents talking to each other about my grandpa who went ill when they moved into the house....
The Ghostly Meow by BattleScars
When I was younger, I lived with my grandparents in a small house. Every afternoon, I would be helping my Nanna peel vegetables or help with making the dinner or afternoon snacks. The kitchen was really tiny, and there was a window to look through into the dining room. Around 4:30 in the afternoon, ...
Headless Horseman Haunt by AlunaShepard
Though my story took place when I was eight years of age, I still remember it bright as day. Many people I talk to write it off as "a bad dream" or a hallucination, but I know what I experienced, and I know for certain that I was very much awake. There are a few seemingly minor details I must set up...
Demonic Presence by letmebeinvisible
Feelings of something watching me have been happening since I can remember. But this is the first time anything has ever harmed me. I have lived in this house since I was born, and my sister and I have always gotten weird feelings in my room. When we were younger, we kept all the toys in my room, an...
Security Guard's Mall Hauntings by icec0rpse
I've been working at this tiny Mall in Coeur 'D Alene, ID, for the last four years. Two of those years I was working as a Custodian part-time while working at Taco-time. Now I work as a Security Guard and of the three days I work, I do two graveyard shifts. These happenings are just too strange to d...
Could My Child Be Seeing Something by Garrettsmom09
After reading through numerous stories posted by members, I am even more confused as to the experiences that my almost 4yr old has had. It is not all the time that he has seen spirits, in fact it has only been twice that I can recall. Let me start from the beginning. Last summer I had purchased ...
The Squalling Child Ghost by d2424
One day I was laying on my couch for some much needed rest, when my daughter was visiting my mom in PA and my husband was at work. I thought I would lay down and take a nap. It was around lunch time I fell to sleep. I was sleeping for maybe an hour or two when I was awoken by a child. It was a girl,...
House Of Ghost by d2424
When we moved into our new house in 2007. It was the second night in the house. My daughter was seven years old at the time and she woke up screaming. She never did that before and I went to check and see what was wrong. She said, "Mommy, there is a man in my room." I asked her what she was talking ...
An Urgent Warning by Amihet
After I read Val's post about her son Jaime, who is like a guardian angel warning her of what is coming, it brought back memories of the afternoon that I almost lost my son who was 5 years of age. He is 14 now and he still remembers that Saturday afternoon. Before I get to it, I would like to sh...
First Encounter With A White Lady by giftedgirl10
When I was still small I was just a typical kid running about, playing with other children in the neighborhood. I don't have a clear idea of what paranormal was. It started when I was about four years old. In front of our house there were many mango trees that stood there. I would always play there ...
The First Encounter With A Ghost by Pragya
This story dates back to 2002 winters. I was then 19 years old. My dad got transferred to Patna, Bihar. Mine is a small family. I am the only child of my parents. At that particular time I was also in a long distance relationship. It was my first love. We had rented an apartment. It was a beautiful...
Fear by Tomyenzo
I haven't ever believed in ghosts... The devil or whatever. But a couple months ago, me and friends messed around at the graveyard just for fun and we pretend to see things. We did not actually. Until we headed for the exit, me and another friend were actually walking next to each other but with ...
Experiences At Work by Brian1992
I have been reading from this site for quite a few days now, and finally I decided to share my story. I live in a little island in the middle of the Mediterranean called Malta. At the time that I had my experience I was 17 year old, now I am 21. I used to work in small cafeteria in the middle of...
My Visions by CharyWithThePoltergeists
As I have stated in Previous stories and my profile I sometimes have visions of the past. I think that the most haunted places in my house are the ones I will share experiences with you about. Some background is in order here! The front door is not the door we use. Instead, we go through the side...
Thursday Night Visitor And John King Bookstore by Seraphina
Greetings, YGS members. I'm taking the plunge today by submitting two of my own experiences. I visit this site because true stories about paranormal experiences fascinate me. I've had a number of encounters myself and it's comforting to compare them with what other people have witnessed. But actual...
Stacey Was Here 2 by Crissangelfan22
I am in my second year of university and am staying on campus again. After the last weird experience I had in 2012 I questioned staying on campus again but decided it would be best for me as I live far away from the university I attend. I have been here since February and its been good up to only a ...
Ghostly Summer Townhouse by Cat_Angel86
Firstly, before I share my story with you, I'd just like you to know this is my first time ever posting on this site. My name is Cat and I am 26 years old. I'd just like to say that I really enjoy reading everyone's experiences. It shows that we do not walk this Earth alone and "something" is certai...
Black Shadow Floated Across My Room by Anon_
I never use to believe in ghosts or the supernatural but something happened late in 2011 which I've always wondered about and that which changed my perspective completely. It was during the day about mid-afternoon and it was sunny outside. I was working from my desk and all of a sudden a very do...
The First And Last Time Sean Saw Frank by CheekyLizzy
Friends and relatives say that my mum has a strong life force, although my mum isn't a person that wants to communicate with spirits. She has seen, sensed and heard them from a very young age, right until now. The spirits she sees/sensed or heard are never evil or threatening. But peaceful and calm....
Young Experiences by kaysie_x
This is my first time writing on here, so I thought I'd explain some experiences of my own, but first I need to tell you about my family. My grandmother, mother, and I are strong believers in the paranormal, and my grandmother is a clairvoyant who would often, when I was younger, take me to her psyc...
I Heard My Mom Call For Me by AngelofDarkness13
I've been reading the stories on this site, quite really long time now and thought it was time to sent my own in. I really have no control over any of this yet, the ghost things I mean, but I think things a starting to calm down a little. Lately no one has been trying to get in contact with me, ...
Hooded Black Figure by hmb2002
This actually happened to my brother. He was upstairs playing the wii in our house, and he started to walk out of the room. He looked to the left and saw a black figure standing by his room. The figure looked like it was wearing a hooded robe. He walked over to a wall that separates the steps from t...
The Rigsby Family Haunting by Kayes
Background information: I am a fifteen year old female from a part of Northern California in a small town called Yuba City. Yuba City is located just north of Sacramento, where the Gold Rush began in California and thus created a new era in American history. In our sister city, there was a great flo...
Dark Figure In My Room by arogers521
When I was younger, about 8 years old, I saw a figure in my room. I woke up in the middle of the night, for no particular reason that I can recall. When I opened my eyes, I saw a figure sitting on my dresser. It looked so real that I thought it was a real person. When I was younger, it was not uncom...
An Unknown Girl by SherubiDreamWolf
I decided I would put this story on here, you know, to see if anyone has any clue on why this happened. I've always seen little things and felt things that didn't seem normal to me, but always at night time. For the first time I seen something during daylight, and so close and clear that I get t...
Unexpected, Agitated Run In by mamachong
This happened about a week after my mom had died. She died June 25th of this year 2013. So this would be around the beginning week of July as I had taken 3 paid bereavement days and 2 unpaid days, which were my normal days off. I'm just trying to give you a time frame. So, it's my first day back...
My Mom's Last Goodbye by mamachong
So, my mom died on June 25, 2013 at 9:21 pm. She had been in the hospital due to her breathing and asthma both acting up. Come finding out, her intestines were blocked and not functioning. She had surgery, but died a week and a half later. She had been in the hospital for three weeks, in an induced ...
Whispers In The Hallway by Limbo
I've just recently decided to join this community in hopes of sharing my own experiences, but I have been reading other stories from this site since way back. I have lived in Southern California all my life so far, and I have had a few of what I would believe to be "paranormal" encounters. None are ...
3am Wake Up Call by Cat_Angel86
Before I share this story, I would just like to say that this was an experience my parents shared, so I am writing this on behalf of them. Years ago, when my parents first got married, they were lying asleep in bed one night when all of a sudden were woken up, startled, by the sound of the doorb...
Adam by triden07
As most readers/posters may have seen, I made an awesome discovery last week, around 26 June 2013, concerning the little boy ghost in my house, who I have lovingly been calling Kiddo since finding out about him. As an added bonus, I had Valkricry from YGS, as a total bystander, sensing the same thin...
Bad Memories At Nana's House by AussieChick95
Everything I'm about to tell you is completely true and yet to this day even I question myself about it. So here it goes... When I was 6 years old, my parents went away for their anniversary and my little brother and myself stayed at my Nana's house. My grandfather had passed away a few years bef...
Communication by triden07
To all readers, new and established, this is a story about my most recent experiences with my resident guardian spirits. That would be Charlie and Gran (her name was Allen Mari by the way, and yes, that is her real name, though people who knew her very well called her Monta). Lately I have notice...
Yet Another Bad Memory At Nana's by AussieChick95
This incident happened when I was 12. As previously stated, my Poppa passed away many years ago, so my brother and myself used to sometimes spend the weekend at my Nana's as she really enjoyed the company and we used to get away with heaps more at Nana's. Anyway, Nana had a really long hallway w...
Unexplained - A Spooky Holiday by pal05
To begin with, I would say that I am a firm believer in the paranormal. However, I had never experienced anything of the sorts which I could very firmly classify as a paranormal experience. The incident that I am about to describe, could very well fit into this category as it was also experienced by...
What Is That Smell? by Fergie
As a lot of the "older" members of YGS will know, I seem to have a perchance for smelling odours at sometimes the oddest of moments. My following account is no exception to the rule. It is now towards the end of July (or it was, when I wrote this) - our coldest time of the year - no ants, flies o...
Calls By The River by Anjoubelle
Fiji is a modern country, although parts the country are still making slow progress towards basic amenities such as electricity. Therefore it is not uncommon to be disorientated when the city suburbs give way to open countryside where houses can be miles apart, and their tiny beacons of light can be...
An Encounter With Her Children Before They Were Born by CheekyLizzy
In my first story, I told you that there is a story that I find touching. And here it is. I hope you enjoy it: When my mum was younger, about 25, she worked in a local supermarket. Around that time my mum was going through a little bit of depression as well. Well one evening she was sitting down ...
Demonic Voice by Eimer
My name is Eimer! I live in Ower West Roscahill Co Galway. Two major things have happened to me. I'll start with the first one. 1. This happened when I was 14, 6 years ago. My brother and I were playing the PS2 really late, so about half 2 we decided to turn in. We were messing, hitting each ...
Grandpa Visiting My Cubby House by Cat_Angel86
Out of 11 grandchildren, my Mum always told me that my Grandpa always considered me to be his favourite. He died when I was only 6, but from birth until the time he passed away, I spent a lot of time with him. He was a carpenter and built my Cubby House for me. I absolutely loved it! My dad even ins...
The Gribble House Of Savannah, Ga by austinje
Before you start reading, I'd like to say that I have always been into watching the ghost shows and reading about the paranormal, but I was about 99% sure that this stuff was all just for fun and in no way real. I just thought that the whole concept of ghosts was very exciting, but at the same time ...
Old York Hospital by jazzyq
This is my first story and was also the first time I have experienced anything paranormal. When I was about 10 or 11 years old my family lived in a very little old town called York in Western Australia. I was with a young friend at the time we were just out exploring in town as kids do. After a w...
Some Scary Things In My Life by Liddo_munstah
Hey guys, I'm new to this website and I'd like to share my story as a child. My aunt, Yadira, just told me this about a few months ago. Love the stories by the way. I was born in Honduras and on our way to Texas my aunt, baby cousin, and I moved in to my grandma's house (I was only about 1 or 2)....
Military Housing by Nerd_Girl
We (husband, toddler, and I) are stationed at Fort Hood. We've been in this house for a little 2 years, and I (and I assume my son) have had constant experiences. I say I assume my son because his talk is mostly in babbles so he can't exactly tell me. At first it started with feelings of being wa...
Nightmares And Sightings by FireBreathingDamsel
My story ranges in ages. I was rather young when it started. My family always chalked it up to me being a scaredy cat (I guess it depends on who you ask; a lot of family members understand), but I've always felt like I was watched. Maybe I am a scaredy cat and/or a little paranoid, but I know I've e...
My Imagination, Or Something Else? by E-96
On a school night, I had just turned the light off and got settled into my bed and I felt breathing on my face. I paid no attention to it. This carried on for two days and then stopped. However, one night I woke up because I thought my sister was trying to get into bed with me. It felt like she ...
My Friend's Visits by arfulruf
This is not a work of fiction. I've come to a place in my life where most of the current population would not be of an open mind enough to accept my story with an open mind. That will not keep me from trying to get some of my story into print. I do have a lot of time on my hands after my best fr...
Many Ghost Experiences by vintageghost
I've come to this site to share some paranormal occurrences my friend and I have experienced. I wasn't born in America so if any of my English is wrong please excuse that! It all started in her house. I had just come back from a vacation and I slept over at her house. Being a night owl, I stayed ...
The Cry In Okinawa by B-Jrunner2013
Back in July of year 2010, I had a trip to Okinawa, located on south of Japan with Tokyo's diocese's teenage Catholics and few Fathers too (and yes, I'm Catholic, but don't judge me by the religion...). To be remembered: Okinawa is one of the places in Japan which had suffered the consequences of...
I Think He Is Back by AussieChick95
Firstly, this could just be the result of an overactive imagination, but somehow I doubt it. Also I'm sorry if this is long. To give you some background to help this flow better as you read, I live in the rural parts of Darwin, Northern Territory. My parents just bought a large block of land. It...
Enter The Guardian by Nephylim
As I have already said in my previous post, "Possession, Apparitions and Terror", I went through a period of my life where I had constant encounters with a being that I call the 'Shadow Man'. I would wake up every night with him sitting on the couch in my bedroom watching me. Whether it was him ...
Spirit Noises Trashing My Garage by taurus83
This experience occurred in Del City, Oklahoma in a two-story house on Chetwood Street. In the Hartsdale edition. I was eleven years old when this took place and since have moved on and away. One evening I was away with my half-sister and her father attending a church get together when I returne...
My Daughter's Playmate by taurus83
This took place in Oklahoma City. My daughter was 3 almost 4 years old at the time. We lived in an apartment complex that consisted of town homes and duplexes. We lived in a duplex without any neighbors for 6 months after we moved in. One evening around 8:30, my husband 3 boys and I all sat in th...
Saved From Danger by Rafaelo11
This is a short retelling of a ghost experience I had a few years back. I've had experiences since then but this was the most vivid one, which occurred when I was 15. Me and my friend were home alone, and we were into watching wrestling at the time. So, we decided to have a 'play fight' in the kitch...
Hibiscus Coast by sistermary
Many a summers holidays of my childhood were spent at the seaside resort towns of the Hibiscus Coast. When my father retired in 1992, my parents bought a cottage at one of these pretty coastal villages to escape the crime and congestion of the city, with us, their 3 teenage children. Easter, Chri...
A New Farm Ghost by Benny_Lundon
I've not long discovered this site and read many of your great experiences. Now I guess it's about time I tell you one of several true events I've witnessed. It all started when I was a young lad of 14 and living with my father and younger brother. We were renting a 3 bedroom house in New Farm, a...
I Want It To Leave Me Alone by 13
I am 18 and for as long as I can remember I have always been haunted by spirits, though it was always only for a couple days and they'd leave. It all stopped suddenly when I reached 13. Last year my family moved into a new house and the activities began again. It was usually small, like hearing ...
The White Eyed Rider by phenom
Hello everyone, I thought of looking for this kind of site because I am seeking help. I wish to understand what is going on. Let me explain. Around 2008, I was very depressed and without a job. One day at around 3 pm amid the helter-skelter of Nairobi city when, just before I crossed a road calle...
Who's Knocking On My Front Door? by Candymom
We moved into a very cool older (60's) Spanish style home on a mountainside in June. We are renting from the son of the original owner who passed away in assisted living earlier this year. The house is beautiful and at one time was very well manicured on the outside as well. After being a rental...
The Beginning Of My Uncle's Knocking by spiritwaiting
This took place when I was 14 years old. It was around 3 years after my uncle had passed due to suicide. I hadn't mourned him yet so around this time is when I did. One afternoon while I was alone in the house, this took place during summer break and when my parents used a lot of their time worki...
Doppleganger? by Mysmarple
As I have stated before I do not believe in ghosts, but I do have a couple of stories I admit I can't explain. I don't know what it was about our house but my sister and I always had bad dreams there. One night we were sleeping in the same room and I don't know why, but I looked toward the doorf...
Elliot's Messenger by LeavesFall
When I was 15 years old, we had a cat named Elliot. We'd had him nearly all my life, he was pushing 12 or 13 at this time. He'd been a constant companion, and while I wasn't particularly close to him, he was definitely family. We used to call him King Elliot because it was clear he ruled our neighbo...
The Green Armchair by Notthemoggy
I was twelve years old when I first met Frannie, she was the new girl in my class and we soon became best friends. Frannie had the kind of mother who thought herself above her neighbours and disliked her daughter's friends so I was never invited back to play at Frannie's house. My story skips fo...
My Awesome Great-grandmother by Swimsinfire
This story is about ancestors whom I believe everyone has around them all the time, but don't always notice. Now to explain background. My family is the average American family, European background with some Native American. My Granddad used to talk about his parents a lot, because they were cha...
Spirit Playing With My Toys by spiritwaiting
This was the first experience in my child hood home in Del City, Oklahoma. I was 10 and a half years old. The year of '94. My mother and I had just moved in the house with my stepdad. Three rooms upstairs and one of them my own. I was used to having my own room so this wasn't anything out of the ...
The Ghost In The Mirror by dreamweaver3450
From the 16th to the 18th of August this summer, my mom, her boyfriend, along with my little brother and I vacationed at Ocean City, Maryland. Everything was wonderful, except for our motel named the Islander. To be honest, the room we were staying in couldn't have looked creepier. Basically, th...
My Friend's Aunt's House by kally198
This happened when I was in grade 8 in January, 2011, in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. At the time, I was having a sleepover at my friend's aunt's house (because our house was getting paint and my friend agree to be with me in her aunt's house for a night). Her family decided to go out and leave...
Small Spirit That Was Never Born by kaysie_x
This is the next set of inexplicable occurrences I have experienced. Following up from my last story that was published, you might want to read the other one to fully understand my family. Since those happened, we moved to a new house just around the corner in 2011 due to my mother falling pregnant....
Unexplained Floating Lights by Cat_Angel86
I'm not sure if you would classify this experience as ghostly or paranormal but it was certainly unexplainable so here it is... Back in 2006, my friend and I were driving back late one night from Phillip Island in Victoria. As I was sitting in the passenger seat, I was looking outside the window ...
Laundry Visitor by Cat_Angel86
I'm sharing this story on behalf of my Dad. This experience occurred to him almost 20 years ago, but I was at home asleep at the time in my bedroom upstairs. My Dad is originally from Europe and most of his family still reside over there. The way they lived many years ago is certainly a lot diff...
Ghost Encounter In My Village by Yalisai
My native village named Edaiyapatti is in southern part of India near the temple city Madurai. My grandparents are living there and I used to spend my summer vacations with them. Unlike city people, villagers have strong belief in ghost existence and possessions. Though I haven't experienced any...
Goblinoid by Kryodrache
When my fiancee left his home to be with me, seven states away, we occupied one of the rooms of the house that faced the front yard. It was because of this we were able to witness most of this strange phenomenon that keeps happening around my house. It's an experience I wasn't wholly aware of until ...
Huge Shadow Being Toying With Me by spiritwaiting
This experience happened to me, 4 years ago. In Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This occurred in the duplex, and here's a description. There were 4 bedrooms each that could be entered from the long hallway. My oldest son's room was directly across from the living room, diagonal was my middle and younge...
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