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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 143
More Weird Stuff by bbydoll
So things have kind of calmed down, the dogs are being left alone and stuff is not being moved around as much. But there is more poltergeist activity. About two weeks ago my son was getting dinner and we were standing in the kitchen talking and his bowl gets slapped (how he described it) out of ...
The Doll by Digitalfilmghost13
Greetings, I am an aspiring filmmaker attending several local colleges; in 2014 I decided to shoot some supernatural short film subjects. After completing several projects using dolls (poppets) and a voodoo ritual at an abandoned zoo and then the Bronson Caves weird things started to happen. I am...
I Thought It Was My Mom by SoftKittyWarmKitty
This is my first time ever posting on YGS ever. So I'm trying to write the story up just as I remember it happening to the best of my abilities. Thank you for reading my story! This took place a while ago before my baby nephew, who will be turning 2 in November, was born. To give you a short ...
My Daddy Felt Different by Khili180
Greetings! So this is a small account of probably the only activity I've experienced myself, if it is one at all. I'm still unsure what to make of it which is why I didn't post this as my first story, but maybe you all can tell me. I know many of you may not believe me but this is exactly what happe...
An Encounter With Death And An Unlikely Guardian by Dark-Thorn
Greetings all readers. I am new to this sight and have never written out my experiences for others to read so it may be a little straight forward at first. I, like most of you, have seen, heard and experienced strange things most of my life. I believe my link to the paranormal surfaced when I was ab...
A Little Help by triden07
To all the readers who might find my story confusing, please reference my other stories for background on the spirits in my life/home. On the evening of Thursday, 28 August 2014, I had started to notice that Adam, the little boy who is the only spirit bound to the house, was constantly with me. W...
My First Unrelated Apparition by triden07
Last night, 21 September 2014, I was woken up at 10:50PM to the sound of human feet hitting the pavement passage right next to my bedroom window. Given the fact that we have had a vacant house next to us for over 2 years, which now occupies an unclear amount of squatters, the trespassing of stranger...
She Slit Her Wrist by Valkyrie114
It's one of my few unforgettable experiences I still live to tell. It was still scary given my friend got the worst of it, and better when one of the few with me during those few nights can really freak out to real spooks. As for me, I cannot sit quietly about it just to make sure whatever that I fe...
Surprises On Two Pictures by triden07
Please read my other stories for full background on the spirits in my life/home. On Friday, 5 September 2014, we celebrated Casual Day here in South Africa. Its an annual charity drive especially for people with disabilities. On casual day you pay for a sticker and then dress up or down as you se...
Haunted By The Night Watchman by Sonali007
The paranormal experiences that I am about to narrate were experienced by my mother and her whole family. The year was 1986-87. My mother, then unmarried, was living with her family comprising of her parents, two brothers, sister in law and twin nephews in their apartment at Andheri, Mumbai. The ...
The House At The Top Of The Hill by KlaMichelle
This is the story of my childhood home in Western Australia and the unexplained occurrences that went on there. Please excuse me if the story seems to jump around a little, as I am just going to explain the biggest/most significant experiences to me. It may be slightly long! We moved into what i...
The Basement Hall by sushantkar
Few days ago, I was stuck late in my office because we had a P.O. (Purchase Order) to open in order to purchase some license. Before continuing, I would like to provide you brief description of my professional life. I work in a Micro finance (please pardon me for not mentioning the name). In it I wo...
Alone And Scared by emmaecmurray
I was 16 years old when I had my son. I was alone, scared and really unsure of myself. That's when things started to happen to me. I brushed the first few things off. My first experience was when my son was about 3 months old, we co-slept so he was laying right beside me, when all of a sudden I ...
Ghost Kitty by nadinucca
A few months ago, my fiancé and I were chatting on the kitchen balcony. It's particularly long, as it connects the kitchen to our bedroom. Just imagine a long narrow balcony with a sliding door at each end: one for the kitchen and one for the master bedroom. At that time we had three cats: a Sia...
A Few Experiences In My House by DarkRose01
Just to be clear, these are experiences I have heard from my parents, family members, and friends. I have never seen any ghosts in my home, but that doesn't mean I couldn't sense them. This might be a tad bit long so I shall apologize if it is. First Experience: This was apparently my mother's fi...
Ghost Boy In Doorway by nadinucca
I always get the chills when I remember this experience because it was the first and only time I clearly saw an individual I could call a ghost (I usually only hear and feel them or see shadows or smoky figures). Not this time. I could clearly see every detail... I live in Barcelona. A few years ...
Paranormal Experiences? by Anomius
Greetings reader, I am quite new to this website but I like to share my personal experiences I've had regarding the paranormal. First something about myself. I am currently 20 years old and I've lived my entire live in a small village near the city of Utrecht in the Netherlands, which is also ...
Man In The Bathroom Door by msrosaline88
I used to live in a very small house in a quiet neighborhood. I would always sleep in the room that was at the end of the hallway next to the bathroom. I usually slept with my door open when I little because I had nightmares, but after this experience slept with it closed. I was about 12 or 13 when ...
My Mother's Experiences by Notamongsheep
Background: I'm 27 years old and have never had any personal experiences. However, I find the possibility fascinating and frequently read the wonderful stories here and ask about stories from people that I see as honest and trustworthy people (not quick to assume, level headed, possibly quite skepti...
The Boy Who Ran by Valkyrie114
What is the hungry ghost month? Qing Ming Day falls on the 3rd day of the 3th month in Chinese Lunar calendar or to be exact on the 104th day after the winter solstice. This festival usually occurs during the first week of the month of April of the Gregorian Calender. It's a Chinese tradition to cel...
Baby Crying? Or Was It Her? by harsha95
This is my first story. I am not much of a writer though, but very excited to write down my first experience. So, I live in Mumbai and I had this experience near my balcony. I stay in a society which is like 60 years old. I stay on the first floor and I am the only one who sleeps in the balcony. ...
I Can Hear You Breathing by AUSTRIA
I never went to my Aunt Helen's attic after that day. It was the first week of December. My parents and I had come to visit my Aunt Helen for Christmas. She lived in Salvation,Iowa. Aunt Helen was divorced, and lived with her three children (one son and two daughters), Mike, Judy and Linda. I was...
Haunted Military by SamuiLover
This experience happened to me back in 2012 whilst I was running the pharmacy at Headley Court, the UKs main rehabilitation unit for injured servicemen. The pharmacy was a very small room and I used to run it single handed, so there was only ever me in the room, except if I was dealing with a patie...
Did You Start The Dishwasher? by hippiesiren
This happened yesterday, and I was not the only person who experienced part of this. I was sitting in the living room watching a movie with my family. My father began looking around and finally asked, "Is something running?" I glanced over my shoulder into the kitchen and answered, "It is just the d...
The Borewell by tanscaredofghosts
Greetings to all! This is another story. This is a real incident experienced by my mama (maternal uncle.) The story goes as follows. This incident happened in year 2010, when I was in 9 std. Like many Indian kids even I was spending my summer vacation in my hometown. Now let me give a brief infor...
Random Noises by notjustme
Lately there has been small things happening at home and at work. In my story "Tantalize Me" I mention my dear friend who is no longer with us. I have a feeling it's him. He passed away over a year ago and up until recently I haven't had the chance to see him yet. I often see my passed loved ones af...
The Man In A Suit by Phoenix83
This story took place in San Diego, CA. My family and I lived in this house for 6 years, and it was there that I experienced most of the horrifying paranormal happenings of my childhood. The history of the house is fairly disturbing and may explain why the energy was so strong. A man lived alone...
The Late Visitor by geneen
I used to work in a nursing home as an evening receptionist. One autumn evening, around 7:30 pm, some of the nurses had finished their shifts and were waiting for rides home. One nurse stopped to talk to me and then she was distracted. She asked me why the front entrance doors were opening if no one...
The Shack by valkricry
Those of you who have read my other submissions know I generally tell about guardians or those WTH moments that leave me scratching my head and perplexed. I tend to concentrate on the good and leave the scary to others. People have wondered in the comments if I have ever dealt with a not nice sp...
Katrina Ghost by john6962
First and foremost, let me say that I have never really been a believer in the supernatural. It's not that I don't think that there's more to life than what we can physically see, it's just that I've never really had a ghostly encounter and I'm just like most ordinary people, going about my business...
Little Room by champion
I would like to start by giving some history on the home. In 1998 I bought a 96 model double wide that was bought new by an elderly couple. The sales agent said that they lived in it for a few months and one of them died and the other was placed in a nursing home. I do not know if they died in the h...
Ghost Cat Story by tyler45rt
So for a while I had two cats, one was orange and fluffy (Gus) and another which had a tiger pattern (Elmo). Gus was an outdoor cat and spent most of his time outdoors. Elmo hardly ever did anything, he would sleep on my bed all day long. About 4-6 times a week I'd see a cat, but not the whole th...
Basement Haunting by sharingiscaring
Before I begin, I would like to apologize for my terrible grammar, the length of this story and whatever else. Here goes... I use to stay in a rent out basement (with my older sister who comes and goes very often, so that means I'm mostly alone) in Annandale, VA. The basement has all utilities pr...
Mean Spirit Or Demon? by ifihadyoux
Just a little bit of background before I begin. This is my first time submitting a story on here so please keep it nice and professional. I will welcome all opinions and suggestions but nothing negative. This takes place between the years of 2008 - 2011. I am mashing up everything in the house into ...
2nd Generation Paranormal Issues? by metvelle
First let me start my story when I was a child, I'm sorry this may get kind of I grew up in a very active house, not an old house by any means but still VERY active. We bought the house in about 1987 or so when I was 4-5. The house was built in 1984 and was in a nice neighborhood. I ...
Paranormal Experiences In Bristol, England by Flowerpot87
I would like to share a few experiences I have had over the years. In my life I have lived in 5 different houses; 2 have had no kind of activity whilst 3 have been very active indeed. My first experience with the paranormal was when I was 7 years old. My parents sent me to a local Sunday school-...
Something Walking On The Roof At Night by RocketSledder77
I live in far Western Texas in the middle of a large town/small city, between New Mexico and Mexico. I was awoken on an early morning in mid/late July 2011 around 3:30am and heard at least three "creatures" on my roof. One that seemed to be running around in circles over living room which is the roo...
My Ghostly Neighbour by Valkyrie114
Back in my hometown Terengganu, Malaysia is pretty breathless. The state that I come from is half country and city sort of feel. There are haunted buildings all over the place, depending on the age of the area and its history too. It's a laid back state, hence a great place for a holiday. But the Ma...
My Grandmama Is With Me by BriLovsHerChurchMama
This story happened when I was 12, so almost 5 years ago (I'm almost 17). My grandmama, as I had been told because I never got to meet her she died in 1950 something, was a strict church woman she didn't tolerate stupid things happening in church. Now to my story. One day me and my friend had sta...
Hollenbeck Park Ghost by sabrina_25
A little history. When my dad was young I'm not sure exactly what age I'm guessing about 8 or 9, he would be lying in bed ready to go to sleep and from any dark, shadowy corner a woman dressed in all black with a veil over her head would float over next to him kneel and whisper in his ear. He never...
Creature In The Woods by Curiosity13
This happened to me and my friends in 1988, but we were actually just talking about it again the other day and I thought I would share it to see if anyone has a thought as to what it could have been. To give some background this story involves myself, my boyfriend (Andy), his cousin (Mark) and h...
My Daughter's Experience by Angmorr
I worked at Peter W. Thompson Academy, an accelerated high school for students who had trouble thriving in a regular school setting. There were lots of students with behavioral problems, serious family issues, failing subjects, and many were teen parents. It was a last resort for many kids. Peter W....
My Paranormal Experience At Cook Islands by Castle14
Since this only happened about 2 months ago I thought I would share it. Me and my mom went to the Cook Islands (Rarotonga). There was an abandoned hotel so me and my mom ran into the caretaker and he said we could explore. It was so big it seems as if it would never end. When we stepped into one...
My Friend Beside Me by Drigg
I was a teenager and a very angry one at that. When I was sixteen years old my best friend passed away. I was furious at the world and feeling guilty about her death, suicide being a hard thing to comprehend as a young kid. I took up martial arts soon after and met people who helped me through t...
The Things They Know by WesternWanderer
I've only heard my father tell this story a couple times before, and only once did he tell me the full account -- or at least, as much of the story as he could bear telling. He told me shortly after I came home and shared with him my first, and likely my last, ghost hunting adventure in a demonic ho...
The Staring Man by WesternWanderer
I don't have many personal paranormal experiences. I'm not at all sensitive to them, definitely not compared to some of my friends. However, if you constantly put yourself in a hot spot with an open mind, you're bound to come across something. In this case, the hot spot was a retirement home, the...
Little Children And Three by WesternWanderer
As mentioned in my story "The Staring Man," I worked for several years in a haunted retirement home. This particular incident happened while I was working dinner in the advanced care unit. There was one sweet little lady there who was completely out of her mind. She wandered around the locked un...
My Experiences Ever Since My Childhood by ChewyFudgeBrownie
The house on Broadview: When I was five years old I had my first experience (that I can remember anyway). When I was about three years old we moved into the house on Broadview. My Great-Grandmother Kyle passed away and my dad inherited the house. One night I was wide awake just laying in bed....
Flying Notebook by DoubleTrouble
I was eleven years old when I had this experience, and it was not the last. Since then many more things have happened that have left me terrified. These happenings only ever seem to occur in my own bedroom, never anywhere else in the house. It was about 9:30pm and I was about to go to bed. I had ...
My Awakening by Gina5
I was thirteen years old and lived with my mother, whom I didn't really get along with. We didn't hate each each other, we were just at a point where we didn't understand one another. She had was divorced from her second husband, and I was done being polite. Yep - typical teenager. We had moved ...
Office Mate - Double by Allen_Ph
I'm 21y/o male and I need help. I never believed in ghost, or any extraterrestrial or paranormal beings/happenings. Not until I experienced it myself. This is my first experience about ghost, or I don't know what to call it, and I never want to experience something like this again. Monday, the da...
Falling Photos And The White Teddy Bear by Fergie
On the morning of 17th February 2014, I received mail from our eldest daughter Nicky. The header to the email was "Strange..." I read with interest; this is the story that emerged. Shenay, our nine-year-old granddaughter had just spent a weekend with us - nothing unusual in that. We had fetched S...
My Dad's House by Savannah2719
When I was about 4 I went to look at a house with my dad that ended being the house we bought and lived in until about 2 years ago when my dad sold it (I'm now 23). It was a normal, one story family home. When we were touring the home I walked down the hall to what ended up being my room and saw kid...
Is This Closure? by clarencetuvera
Eight months ago, I received a call from Brian, a schoolmate from grade school. I can't say I've been wanting for that call to happen, but I realized afterwards that I had been waiting for it for a long time. I just didn't expect to receive it the way I did (and I wished I hadn't, really.) Brian...
The Room Upstairs by zom
I wouldn't want to disclose my name, take no offense please. I have had many ghostly encounters since my family moved to our new house. I would be writing about those soon. But it (ghostly experiences) had not bothered me until some weeks ago, because I thought it was only my imagination. Well, I...
Paranormal Experience, Or Paranoid Experience? by Blizzards_Echo
To begin, I have read quite a few stories on this site, and I decided to submit my own, just to see if anyone might be able to enlighten me. My father passed away in July of this year, after a one and a half year battle with cancer. He was in and out of treatment from January of 2013, until aroun...
The Sprit Of My Cousin by sushantkar
Here I am going to narrate a paranormal incident which my mom had experience way back in the summer of 2004. My mother had two sisters, both married. My elder aunty worked in a renowned and one of the high-ranked universities as a senior Librarian. Her husband was lecturer in applied sciences in the...
Frozen Scared by isitme
I used to live in a small town in Big Bear Lake California. It's in the woods and a lot of things happen there that people do not see or know about. I'm 29 years old now but I have to share this experience I had numerous times while I lived there. My friend's house was creepy as is but what happe...
Story Of A Blood Sucking Evil by aadiz_aadi
I'm pretty new to this site, and what I'm about to share is the one and only weird experience I had in my life so far. I apologise in advance if the narration is too long. I also request you all to ignore the grammatical errors. My name is Adithyan, and my native is a place called Angadippuram, ...
Our Negative And Positive Spirits by Aggers
I just wanted to firstly say that our family has always had some sort of entity with us, whichever house we moved to. House number 1. - The dark entity's house. The earliest experience I had, which I unfortunately... Or probably fortunately cannot recall. My mother tells me this story with ab...
Lonesome Entity And A Wee Bit Of A Poltergeist? by jynnantonnix
I've never been particularly "gifted" with the ability to sense anything supernatural. I don't know how much I even believe in it, really, but I do have some family members who are far more psychic, and I see no reason to doubt the validity of their experiences, especially since there are at least a...
Lala by clarencetuvera
Since the last story I posted (IS THIS CLOSURE?) I've been thinking a lot about my childhood and the foggy stories that people who remember me says about me. For instance, I asked my older cousin (older by eleven years) what I was like when I was a pre-teen, and he said I was so strange that even he...
Creature Of The Woods by cavscout
My story takes place in the woods next to my house in Springhill, FL. Now for a mental picture there were two set of woods seperated by a retention pond that was always a barren waste land. Well to start off me and my neighborhood friends were all playing manhunt, it was approx 2200 hours or 10p...
Cats And Spirits, Demon? by mrmonty
Not sure if I'm a truly a believer in all thing paranormal, I think a lot of it can be explained if it's look at, let's say, in the light of day. I have had a few strange experiences but I can't say for certain if anything paranormal has really happened to me. I just happened across this site with t...
Ghost In My Kitchen by sarafl89
I was about 8 years old when I witnessed my first spirit or ghost. I had always been afraid of the house I lived in with my parents for some reason. I always felt there was a presence there that just made me scared to be alone. One night my sister, who I never slept without, was staying the nigh...
Followed Home by dabneeg-neejneeg
This is going to be a long story but I believe it will make me feel better sharing it, for I know many people have had many encounters with supernatural entities and unexplainable experiences. This is a story that started during in the summer of 2008. At the time I was a college student, pursuin...
Paranormal Experience Or Paranoid Experience? Part 2 by Blizzards_Echo
Just wanted to give everyone a bit of an update. If you read my other story, you know the strange things that have been happening to me. If you haven't read my other story, then, please take a look at it and comment. The other night, after reading some stories on this website, I decided to try d...
Ghat Wali Mausi by sushantkar
My ancestral house in Shivala is just 15 minutes away from the ghats of river Ganga. I use to fetch fresh water fishes from the fishermen pretty early in the morning. Let me give you a trivia about the nomenclature of ghats of Varanasi, every mohallas (a kind of a subdivision) colonies which are adj...
Protective Grandma by Trio
In late 2010, we were blessed with twins; a boy and a girl. We were overjoyed, but we learned that our daughter was ill and would need life saving surgery before her first birthday. That time came in April 2011. She had a very rough recovery, and there was a time that we weren't sure she would even ...
Blows On The Door by zom
This is one of my first experience with paranormal activities, though I'm not really sure if this experience can be called 'paranormal'. Well, I'm just not sure. Can someone give me a head's up on this situation? As I've written in my previous story, "The Room Upstairs", my family and I moved to ...
The Indian, The Ancient, And The Junkie by Vicarious
Mine story is from when me and my family were living in a trailer park off of highway 81 and 19-41, in Hampton, Georgia. My first experience with apparitions was when I was five or six. I am currently 17. (Note that, since it's a commercial residential property, my old landlady doesn't want to confi...
The Child From My Cousin's School by babyMO26
It all started when I was in 2nd year high school. We never had problems with our house. Well, not until a cousin was introduced to us. She have 15 siblings, that explains why my parents adopted her. My parents were always out of town back then. One night, my cousin decided to wash our plates out...
Benicia I: Ghost Walk Gets Real by nadinucca
This is part one of my two-part story on the ghosts of Benicia. In this first part I'll talk about a ghost walk my aunt and I went on, and in part two I'll talk about a scary personal experience I had the night after the ghost walk. This happened in August 2011. I was in Benicia (near San Francis...
Benicia Ii: Cloud Of Whispers Plus Past Errors by nadinucca
As I mentioned in my previous Benicia story, in August of 2011 I went on a ghost walk and encountered a really hostile entity. I then signed up for a paranormal chat and mini ghost hunt with one of the ghost walk guides, Donna. As usual with these things, I'm a trueborn skeptic. I wasn't expectin...
Odd Occurrences Growing Up by meqanrose670
I have a few stories to tell, and will be posting more as I've just found this site. I will start with the house I grew up in. There are many odd occurrences I remember from this house. It wasn't haunted; however, I feel at times things are attracted to me, and something there was attracted to me. ...
My Friend Angel by wicked-malevolence
All my life I have had experiences with the paranormal, though lately I've learnt more about it. I have accounts from different family members to back up my own; all in all it's just creepy. When I was a child I had an imaginary friend named Angel. She was a little bit older than me and I don't r...
Voices In The Hallway by henrymena
My name is Henry Mena I am currently living in San Jacinto California. I believe the first story I shared with this site was when I was 26 I am now 29. The story was basically my life experiences from the age of 4 or 5 through 26. Since then I have experienced an apparition of black smoke appearing ...
Dark Haired Lady by RoseMandrack
Last year my mother was woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of someone climbing the steps in our hallway. The steps would make a creaking noise on the fifth step, and everyone knew not to step on it in the night if we were sneaking around. Well she shot out of bed to see what was going ...
Fire Chief's Ghost by FirehouseDracula
Thank you people here for letting me join. I appreciate the opportunity to try to share some of the sightings I've had of ghosts since I was around 8 or 9, exactly when I'm not entirely sure. I've been reading this site since May this year and decided recently that maybe I should try and post some o...
Flash by zom
I wouldn't want to make this long and bore you guys out. I suggest you read my first story "The Room Upstairs" to understand this story-line much more easily and also to understand the description/location of the happenings. First things first, I am photophobic in nature. Well, not to the extrem...
Cat Comes Back To Life - Like Pet Cemetery by Sam222
Before I start, I just want to let you know that this is my dad's story. I've only heard it a couple of times. It's not a story that comes up often. This took place a long tome ago I was not born yet. I'm not sure how old my dad was at the time but he was an adult, and I'm guessing he was almost ...
The Vanishing Window Woman by CountingCoups
The first experience that I will bring to you occurred when I was around 19 years old. My grandmother lived (still does) across the parish road from my parents' house. Often, and usually on specific nights of the week, she would call to tell us that someone was breaking into her house. She would hea...
From 3 Years Old by arminarmout
From being around the age of three, I have always had the luxury of witnessing the paranormal. I say luxury, but I could rephrase that. I would say it started when I would supposedly speak to a middle aged woman who would sit at the end of my bed each night along with her rather large, white hair...
Our Negative And Positive Spirits 2 by Aggers
Here are some more experiences for you, and a photo we had taken which I promised people I would upload. First I'd like to mention one thing... You will probably fume at me and my family for this but yes, we did Ouija boards... All. The. Time. They weren't the proper ones though, we'd make them ...
The Cat And The Angel by valkricry
It was May of 2003, and I had spent a year in the darkest recesses of my mind, nursing a broken heart. I had suffered three traumatic blows, one after another. First came the loss of a good job, right before Christmas 2001. I kept telling myself, and two children, that things would be OK, but tried ...
Woman In White And The English Boy by Kscott01234
When I was a little girl my grandfather died during heart surgery. As soon as he died I started talking and seeing things that I didn't before. I was about 8 when he died, I'm 15 now. When I was 8 I was laying in my bed, on my mother's laptop. Something seemed wrong so I looked up from the lapto...
Orbs And Smells by Allerz16
Recently I have been picking up many orbs in photos and I will get a whiff of specific smells. I had one specific encounter where I suddenly could smell blueberry and taste blueberry in my mouth. It freaked me out and I instantly got goose bumps and chills all over. I have no connection to this at a...
The Old Hotel by XSmoky
In North Texas there is an old hotel that was built in the late 1950s as the tallest building west of the Mississippi River at the time of its completion. My grandfather worked there until the day he died and my father worked there for many years before passing the baton to me. I was in the A/V ...
First Sightings And Beyond by Charliex789
I'll start by mentioning I am a 37 year old mother of 4 beautiful children, I had a relatively normal happy childhood! My first encounter with a spirit was at the tender age of 3. We had just moved to South Wales UK, from England. We had a lovely little terraced house that backed onto a railway. My ...
Unseen Entity While Investigating A Crime Scene by wolfhunterxx
I am a police officer in Florida. One night, while working the midnight shift, I was dispatched along with another police officer to the scene of a delayed burglary call. The burglary had occurred at a vacant residence, which was located in a rural area and located directly next to an old, closed do...
Long Faced, Tall, Barely Visible by jarryd1333
Hey, well to start I saw it my whole life until I was 16, then it vanished and I'm now almost 20 and starting to see it again. I always start by getting a dreary feeling all through my body and start getting little shakes every couple of minutes. Then randomly I see a tall, long faced, what feels to...
Tsunami Knocking On The Door And Lady By The Window by nanuar
I have experience some paranormal activities and these are the two experience which still gives me the creeps! This happened while on vacation in Ko Phi Phi Island, Thailand. I do not know if was just a dream or otherwise. In 2007 I went to Ko Phi Phi Island for a week vacation on my own. I have ...
Paranormal Window by cheyenne24
It is difficult for me to try to explain this bizarre occurrence. I am very uncertain what to call what happened. I have never found any information regarding such an event and I am puzzled to this day about what took place. I am merely writing about this in search that someone may have an idea. ...
The Cow Faced Demon by Maji
Hey everyone, I'm new here. I read a lot of stories here so I felt like sharing mine too. When I was younger we lived in Pakistan. It's awful, I know, but my parents loved it there. I remember I was 10 years old when I first saw that thing. It was a warm and beautiful day. My cousin visited my pl...
The Creepy Doll In My Grandmothers Basement by thedudebraski
I am new to this site. I have read several stories and they all seem to be very interesting. The one I have is creepy and it bothers me from time to time. I live two houses down from my grandmother who has lived in that house well over thirty years, and I am now thirty one. In the basement when ...
A Strange Incident by tanscaredofghosts
Greetings to all, I am confused about the story which I am going to narrate. And I want the suggestion from the readers that what exactly it was? So please feel free to comment. So the story goes as below. This incident happened in year 2001. I was in 1st standard at that time. I had got break of...
A Tall Black Figure by Searching_Stars
My story goes back to when I was around 13 years old sometime in the month of September. It happened on a Saturday morning sometime between one & three a.m. I had been having bad dreams for the last few nights and I had woken up to get a drink of water. Across from my bed there was a window with the...
A Fatherly Ghost by Searching_Stars
In most of the few paranormal experiences I've had, I have never noticed anything bad happen to me because of them. I mean sure I would have nightmares from time to time; there was nothing emotionally scarring about these experiences (even though I still think back often on them). This story took pl...
Fall Down The Stairs by Searching_Stars
This is the only encounter I can think of that I have been physically pushed by a ghost. It's actually a very strange story. My family had only lived in our new house for about 2 years. My father and sister had stayed home from shopping that day while my mother and I ran to Wal-mart (in a city about...
Cemetery Scare by Searching_Stars
It was my sister's senior year of high school and I was an 8th grader. That night for an assignment my sister was required to take pictures of graves in a local cemetery and make a poem about the person who had died. The poem did not have to be true it just had to be inspired by the person's grave. ...
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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