I am new to this site. I have read several stories and they all seem to be very interesting. The one I have is creepy and it bothers me from time to time.
I live two houses down from my grandmother who has lived in that house well over thirty years, and I am now thirty one. In the basement when walking down the stairs at the end you come to a wall, to your left is the laundry room, a bedroom and to the right another bedroom where one of my six aunts lived. She has always had a love for clowns and the two bedrooms have an adjoining closet that you can slide open and walk into the other room.
Well, my aunt has a four foot porcelain face doll that has a creepy smile and look on its face. When I was younger I had to sleep in the opposite room and the two doors to the closet have been removed on one side so I got a pretty good view of the creepy clown doll. One night when I was fifteen I stayed the night and the doll was on the left side of the room. It stormed that night and I swear to god I seen it in different places with every flash of lightning... And when I woke up the next morning it was on the right side just two feet from the closet, sitting in a position where it was staring at me with that evil smirk.
To this day it is still down there and even my mom says that it has moved from time to time with nobody physically moving it and to this day I will not go down there alone.
Sorry if this has been long and boring but to those people that hate clowns, I hope to be hearing from you and for you to share your experiences with me. Negative comments are welcome, I'm not easily offended or get mad either... Thank you