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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 148
I Never Go To That Hotel Ever Again by buthaya
My friends and I get together every Saturday evenings. Every time we go to this hotel to drink tea and coffee. We sat there for hours and talks about many things, none of us are alcoholic and we don't smoke. That is the main reason we empty many cups of tea or coffee while we talk. We are not bunch ...
Nanny's Doppelganger by kayron888
Since I was a kid, I have heard stories about the "unseen", the "not-like-ours" and doppelganger. I also had my own horror experience back then. When I was in College, I already lived in a different City. During my first 1 year and a half, I lived with my sister in their rented apartment. That w...
Inside The Bungalow by allisonbeckert23
This year I had the opportunity to go with a good friend of mine on a tour of historic homes and landmarks in my hometown. I'd been hoping to go for years, though this tour was second to the haunted homes tour done in October. Still, this was quite a treat as many people were willing to open their h...
Dude, They Ain't There Anymore by avenger_topdawg
I was deployed to Bosnia and Herzegovina in March of 1999. We landed March 7th to be exact at Eagle Base near Tuzla, after a long 17-18 hour flight from Ft. Hood, Texas. On March 24th, 17 days later, NATO began bombing Serbia for its actions in Kosovo. Before coming to Bosnia, I only knew about ...
The Spirit Of Pundit by dragon_ss4
This incident took place in my father's office. He came out of the bathroom and was stunned to see a pundit (religious person) in the front seat. He was stunned as no one can come inside of his office without his permission. After my dad greeted him and asked for the cause he came, he replied th...
Figures In The Bedroom by taylorpaige420
This may not be the longest story on here but this is my experience with what could be a ghost or spirit so here it goes. Okay, so when I was a little girl maybe around the age of 5 or 6, I used to still sleep in the bed with my dad because I was scared to sleep in my original bedroom right next to ...
Haunted Town House by Carrielover617
This is a true story that my parents told me. I remember this house, and my one friend lives here now. This is in Pennsylvania, near Harrisburg. When I was little (very young), I lived in a haunted house. There was this spirit that you could hear. It would sound like stomping up the stairs, but r...
I Can't See You But Please Don't Hurt Us by lovely214
First, I want to say hello to all YGS members. I am new here and I want to apologize first if I am not good in writing story. I have combined all our stories in this house where we presently live. First experience was mine. Actually this is an antique house located near downtown. It was actually...
The Bottle And The Garbage Can by flame613
This happened around when I was about 6 or 7. My mom, Dad, Aunt and her old boyfriend were going to stay the night at our house (my aunt and her boyfriend were). Well, we were all playing on the Wii having a good time and then we hear something fall in the kitchen. Me and my mom went in there to see...
An Otherworldly Unexplainable Experience by Bringel
I guess I'm just going to jump right into it. I will add that up until this very creepy, unexplainable experience I was a huge skeptic. I guess you could probably still consider me one. I've shared my story with only a few close family members and friends. I do believe the lot of them thinks I'm fre...
Two And A Half Crazy Months by GuessWhosHereToHauntYou
Before I tell you my story, you should probably know a few things about me. First of all, I'm fourteen years old and I have two younger sisters. Second of all, I don't know if these events are the evidence of a real haunting or just purely coincidental. It was Christmas Eve, and I was fast asleep...
College Days by ErrychMyName
It's been a long time since I got back here. Sorry I haven't had so much time to write my experiences anymore. Anyways, let me share as many stories as I can while I still have the time. As you all know, I live in Baguio City, Philippines and this is considered as one of the scariest cities in the c...
The Shawl And Lantern by Elrond
The first glimpse of my grandparents' property during my childhood visits was of two massive and craggy old Osage-orange trees that once stood at the corner of the large yard, nearest the approach from the street. They are gone now, but I still sometimes see the old house beyond the dark, spooky tre...
Sirrine House by allisonbeckert23
I'm hoping these are still holding peoples' interest here. I try to space out the experiences I have, just so each gets its own recognition. And let me know if these are a good fit anyway, since I have a great respect for the help people receive from this community when they need it. This year I...
My Son Says He See's A Bird At Night by Tannalas
To be honest, I do not know that this is paranormal in anyway but it's been going on for so long now and so consistently and has produced one or two rather terrifying incidents that I am wondering if it is more than just a 3 year old imagination. My youngest son (the only one that lives with my (...
Erie Feeling by GastonSC2013
I moved from Ohio in 2013 and have purchased a home in Gaston, SC. I have always believed in ghost/supernatural/paranormal. My brother, his family and myself have actually gone on ghost hunts, but have never seen anything up until now. I live in my home with my husband our son, and 2 roommates. ...
Haunted Crescent Hotel In Arkansas by katiem25
Last weekend me, my husband, my brother and his girlfriend stayed for two nights at the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. We booked room 101 which was Norman Baker's office when he ran a cancer "hospital". The first night we stayed up really late and nothing happened in our room. We st...
Where The Addition Begins by allisonbeckert23
Mesa, AZ... Historic Homes Tour - January 2015 (I've included this intro to preface stories from each of the active locations on the tour.) This year I had the opportunity to go with a good friend of mine on a tour of historic homes and landmarks in my hometown. I'd been hoping to go for years, ...
A Maritimer's Unfinished Haunting by Corginator
The following story is a recollection of experiences and encounters I have lived throughout my childhood, until the latest experience 9-10 years ago. The stories and events that I share with you are not fiction. In the beginning, I believed I did not know better and interpreted strange lights, s...
Rocky Top by UTKNOX18
I have many occurrences that happened while growing up, so I'll try to get them all on one story. The first thing I ever remember happening to me of the supernatural type happened when I was about 3, almost 4. We lived in the house my parents still occupy to this day, on a farm that has been in t...
Everyone's Afraid Of The 2nd Floor by ghostbeliever94
When I was 12 I moved to a church home called the ranch with my mom. Before all this happened I never believed in ghosts, spirits, or even demons, but now at the age of 20 I believe we're not alone. OK let's get to the story. When I first moved into the ranch it wasn't just me living there, ther...
A Child Ghost Or Something Else? by BlessedWildAppleGirl
I have lived in my present home for almost two years. Over this time, every now and then, a handful of strange things have happened. It started one night when I put my son to bed. My son loved Thomas the Tank Engine and he had this particular Thomas toy that had a button on the top, when you pus...
Granddad's Ring by Saya
This is my first story I have posted on here so many apologies on my writing. My granddad died five years ago but when he died he left a ring for my father (don't ask, horrible step nan who wanted everything) I was twenty-two and just got my first flat, I taken the ring with me so I can be cl...
Spirit Portal House by allisonbeckert23
This year I had the opportunity to go with a good friend of mine on a tour of historic homes and landmarks in my hometown. I'd been hoping to go for years, though this tour was second to the haunted homes tour done in October. Still, this was quite a treat as many people were willing to open their h...
Home Haunted Home by PagalLadka
Hey I am here to share my story which is taking place in my house from 2 months. I shifted from Mumbai, India to Kolkata, India on July 2013 but something abnormal, maybe paranormal events started taking place in my house from 2 months. My home has 2 bedrooms, 1 balcony, a kitchen and a bathroom. M...
Bedroom Horror by pamzino416
About four years ago I was fourteen years old and lived in North West London. My best friend at the time Clair (I have changed her name for privacy) had been experiencing a lot of paranormal events in her life. Such as the kettle turning on by it self in the kitchen, and the kitchen light bulb explo...
My Grandma's House by tflores13
I had never gone to my grandmother's house until I was about 17. It was my first time in Mexico and I was already spooked by the countless rows of crosses on my way to Culiacan Sinaloa. My grandmother's house was originally a big 7 bedroom 1 bathroom house (they had 8 children) but was renovated abo...
Coincidence? I Think Not by spiritwaiting
This particular experience happened only a week ago, maybe add a few days. Due to moving, we were staying in a hotel room. Earlier that morning, I had driven my husband to work and dropped the kids off at school. This was on a Tuesday so a work week and virtually no one in their rooms. Around 12:30...
Need Help, I Don't Know What Is Going On by ghost_girl_2430
I feel like I am being haunted or my houses are haunted. I started to believe in paranormal stuff a while ago before everything happened. So what has been happening, I always been getting feelings at my mom's and dad's place that someone is watching me. When I would walk down the hall, it feels ...
Never Tempt Evil by MikeArcAngel
Ever since I could remember I have had a fascination for the supernatural. Seeing a ghost for the first time only strengthened my look towards it, but that's another story for another time. This is my account of why I got exactly what I asked for. It was a normal Saturday night for me. I ate dinn...
When I Was At Grade Fourth by honghiff
Before you read, I have to apologise for all the mistakes that I made while writing this story. I am still a students and have a lot more to learn. I am currently living in Vietnam, a country which has the most extra classes in the world (at least that is what I read on the Internet). The reason,...
Frontier Jail Cells by allisonbeckert23
2013 - visit to natural history museum I've let more time pass before writing this one than I like to. I don't usually go looking for experiences, but a few weeks after I moved back home from living out of state I wanted to see what kind of spirit hot-spots were in my area. Museums are a big ...
I Was A Child And She Was A Child by HellenaLightfoot
This particular story happened quite some time ago, when I was no older than 9, which puts it about 12 years behind me. At the time, my family and I lived in a Cleveland suburb on a busy block in a relatively new community (I would place the build-date of the houses sometime in the 1960s/1970s). My ...
My Three Childhood Experiences by Fallen_Comet
My experiences: I'm nineteen now but when I was in middle school I moved into two different houses in Darwin (northern territory AUS) with my mum and two brothers. This was about the fourth and fifth time I had moved in my life and had lived in many places. We had lived in the first house for som...
Haunted By Fire Victim by felidee623
When I was 15 my father and I moved into a new apartment in Jonestown, PA. The apartment was above his restaurant, and the building had quite a history. In the early 1900s, a little boy accidentally started a fire there, and he was killed. The first strange thing that happened there was one night...
Just Curious by beemizpah14
I'm 15 years old and have loved the paranormal since I was little. Not that my age or interests are really relevant to the story, but this is my first post and I'm kind of unsure how to start it. When I was 5-6 years old I slept in a queen bed with my sister and my mum every night. At the time, m...
Voices And Visions by Moraskev
My name is Kevin. I have always thought of sharing my experiences with people who are open minded and would listen. There have been times where I considered making YouTube videos but I think here is better since we are all here for this same reason. I am new here and I would like to read some of...
My Interesting House by Softus
I've lived in this house for about years with my Mother and we've agreed that some things that have happened have been unexplainable. I live in the UK, England, Stockport. My house is on a council estate which you wouldn't expect to have ghosts and as far as I'm aware, there have been no deaths in t...
Paranormal Experience by alinvan
I've had three strange experiences in my aunt's house in Fife, Scotland. The first time which was about 12 years ago. I was in bed reading, and my mind was as far from ghosts as anything, didn't really believe in them, when suddenly a creepy feeling came over me, like there was someone in the roo...
Kids Say The...scariest... Things by Mama22bratz
My story is actually several small stories that fall under one category: My kids creeping me the heck out! For the sake of simplicity, I'll tell these stories in order from oldest to newest and by which child they relate to. Some are about my little cousin, some about my own daughter and some about ...
Get Up And Leave Now by selkay
The following experience sounds a bit unreal but it is 100% real. Last September I went back to my rented room near my campus a week early to prepare for the new semester. As graduate student we are expected to be fully prepared and well versed in our field of study. This particular night was hu...
My First Attack by Kiragirl19
I remember when I was young maybe ten or eleven I had my first attack. Growing up I didn't have much paranormal witnessing or have anything out of the ordinary (Though my mom does like to say I've met Jesus in a dream before but that's beside the point). Anyway. I remember that it was dark outside w...
Is Our House Really Haunted? by ramencoat
This is my first time to share my encounter with the unknown on the internet. Although I have shared this to my family and some friends, I wanted to share it with all of you as well. It happened in the late 2004 at my mom's house in the Philippines. During that time I used to stay up super late t...
Lights And Sounds by emi22
I grew up in a family who do not believe in anything related to ghosts or anything supernatural. But in the course of time I have faced a number of experiences to believe that there indeed exists something strange and unexplainable. This first happened to me when I was about 7. My dad had gone o...
Mysterious Meow And The Shadow Cat by VermontVampyre
To lead into the first story I shall have to inform you all of some of my background. At the age of 8 I was made a 'Ward of the State' due to unpleasant home circumstances. I spent a number of years bouncing from failed foster placement to failed foster placement. At almost 11 years old (I was t...
Lady In The White Dress by CanYouKeepASecret
My parents split when I was 5. I moved in with my mother and brother into this small, cozy house. We were still putting our stuff into our rooms and such. The first night we stayed there, we had to sleep in the same room. I slept in the bed with my mom and my brother slept on the floor in a sleeping...
Don't Open Your Eyes At Witching Hour by Gsnail
Since I was little I've always seen out of the ordinary things, but it would only happen when I was in bed. It happens while I'm asleep then wake up and look around my room. I think it must be when I'm most vulnerable because my mind is opened and relaxed. All of them are at around 3-4 am which I be...
The Girl In The Park by Samzzzy
This is my first time talking about this on the internet. I had this experience that I am about to tell you when I was 16-17 years old, I am 25 now. (Sorry about my English I'm from Romania.) It was a summer night, me and a friend were taking a walk in the park. We were not looking for ghosts or...
Vanishing Rings by MeltyCat
So, we (me and my fiance) moved into this flat back in 2010. It's a simple, 1 bedroom flat with a kitchen-lounge, bathroom and box room that we keep our birds in. We are in the upstairs flat and there is a neighbor downstairs who is a man who lives on his own with his dog. It was originally built as...
My First Shadow by melodie31293
My first experience with the unknown that I can remember for myself was at about nine years old. As a kid I was always really afraid of the dark and being alone so when I would play I would lock my two cats in my room with me. I don't know why exactly but cats' presence has always calmed me. And...
Me And The Hair Braiding Ghost by Itoldyaiwastrouble
This is my first story here. I've had a few more experiences in my life & would like to share my first one with you. When I was a little girl around 7 years old I shared a bedroom with my 2 younger brothers Richard, who was around 5 years old & baby Simon, who was around 18 months, plus my mothe...
The Girl Who Caught Fire by melodie31293
When I was twelve my parents got divorced and my mother and I moved to a three bedroom house that was for rent. The rent was "dirt cheap" and my mom just getting divorced, naturally jumped on it right away. The house was in the middle of a huge field we would see moose and deer all the time it's act...
Ghost Pushes Things, I Heard Its Voice On The Baby Monitor by Elise_89
I am about to turn 26, and I live with my boyfriend and our now 9 month old son in an apartment (which is actually a house that has been made into 3 apartments inside). There's the upstairs floor, the downstairs one, and a smaller one next to the downstairs. The original part of the house was built ...
Little Man In Front Yard by vintageglam
My story took place on a summer day at around 2 pm when I was nine years old. I was in the front yard with two of my siblings. The front yard was huge. I was sitting alone playing with my Barbies underneath a tree and on the far right were some tree logs. My siblings were playing kickball on the oth...
Experiencing My Bestfriends Death At Eleven Years Old by Aries30
My best friend was everything to me she gave me the strength to ignore bullies. She was having liver failure and she was deaf too. So we had a different bond no other kids could break. I didn't know she was going to die if she didn't get a transplant in time. Then death happened. It was a unforg...
The Queenslander by sonjaperry
This is a genuine story of an experience myself, my husband and dogs had in a rental property here in Australia. (One of many experiences I have had after a life of much moving around and renting!) A Queenslander is an old wooden style of house built high up for flood conditions and hot humid weathe...
A Surprise From A Black Lady by pixie777
This is my first time to write in this site and I hope I can told my story clearly. Well, our house is situated somewhere in Quezon City. Some people says that our house is eerie because it is so quiet, as if no one is around and it is quite gloomy. Let me describe first the appearance of our...
Darker Than The Night by krissy_moon
This is my first story here. I have been having an internal struggle whether or not to post my experiences online due to psychological fears - fear of being ridiculed, fear of people not believing me, and so on. But having been a frequent visitor to this website I have realized that almost all of th...
I Have A New Friend? by ifihadyoux
This story won't be very long because there isn't much to tell but it was a pretty clear encounter that I might be dealing with more than I think I am dealing with. Allow me to explain. Those who have been reading my stories know that there is a man who likes to say hey and never make me breakfast. ...
Apartment In Toronto by Miztee
I've finally decided to create an account to share my story. I hope you enjoy it, though it probably won't be as intense as some of the other stories here. So this is a true story that happened to me when I was about 12-14 years old (I can't really remember exactly how old I was). My mom and I h...
Three Stories by rabekajoe
I have always lived in Oklahoma, we have lived in the same house for twenty years. My dad had previously had the house built during his first marriage, and then later moved back a year after I was born. My dad and his family have always lived in this area. My grandparents used to live in the same ho...
Mounting Evidence by Vember
So you know how a lot of people come to the conclusion that they're being haunted when a few minor things happen? They hear a slight knocking... Maybe something is misplaced, and all of the sudden it must be a spirit from beyond trying to make itself known. Most would consider that jumping to conclu...
The Thing We Called Frank by Cgirl108
About three years ago I started dating my boyfriend, let's call him L. I moved in with him almost immediately and things were great at first, and then I started to notice some very bizarre sleeping behavior of his. He would sit up Indian style in bed, and one night he came after me with a bat. It tu...
Why Did They Choose Me? by SleepySniper
So for as long as I can remember, I have been around ghosts/spirits in my everyday life. Why? I don't know, but out of everyone in my family I've had the most paranormal encounters (although we each have our fair share of encounters). But nowadays it seems as if I'm the only one who is still seeing ...
Am I Dreaming Or? by jancariel
I've seen many of you on this page with having similar experiences of a dream that actually feels pretty real the next morning, but we always tend to say... It was just a dream... But, was it? (Just for the background, when I dream, I have very nice calm dreams floating in different worlds filled wi...
Not-so Imaginary Friend by joey1807
My name is Jo, I am turning 20 this year (2015) and my encounters started long before I could remember. While I was in year 5, my little brother used to talk about a small aboriginal girl who was his friend and we all, of course, assumed he had an imaginary friend. Why not, right? One morning I ...
Demonic Possession? by xoBrokenAngelxo
Here I am, 5:19 am, not able to sleep due to not a "night terror" as I would LIKE to use as a term; however, not quite sure if that's what it might be, of my own, rather of my best friend's. Yesterday night, my friend woke me up in a panic. For a good minute, I wasn't able to get any words from ...
My Friends And I Saw A Black Figure by Demonis_angel197
I'm Sara and for a couple of years now, I've been experiencing some rather strange stuff with my friends. So that I get as much help as I can, I'll start from the very beginning. Well, starting from fourth grade, we were introduced to spirit boards. We found it really intriguing and wanted to tr...
Standing Right Next To Me by SegaGK
Ever since I was really young, I would have Sleep Paralysis. It would scare me so much that I would be afraid to fall asleep again the next night. It felt like someone was choking me or someone sitting on my chest without being able to breathe. It was an unbearable feeling. It would only last a coup...
Out In The Cold by valkricry
This literally just happened right about 5:30 PM or so, tonight. It may be the first week of March, but here Mother Nature has not gotten the memo and our temps haven't reached above freezing. Right now it's 28 F which, compared to what it has been, is down right balmy. I was walking over to ...
The Boy In The Tent by kambersmith
This occurred a few years back. While I have had several paranormal experiences in my life, this one has, by far, had the biggest impact on me. This occurred on a dreary Monday morning. The previous Friday evening I had put up a small tent in my living room, for my kids to "camp" in over the wee...
A Helpful Visitor by SavantiRomero
In 2011 I was rushed to the ER suffering from a very high fever brought on by Septic Shock. I was quickly admitted and was put on a course of Intravenous Antibiotics called Levaquin. A few nights into my treatment I was unable to sleep and found myself content with watching late-night television...
Being Followed by moonwolf91
This is my first story but I actually have a lot and I'm happy I've found the site to explain my phenomena and hopefully get some answers. Since I was a child, maybe starting at the age of 8 or 9, I've always felt like something was going on with me, like someone always been with me, but I reall...
Partial Apartment Answers, And Move To Ohio by Baikeru
It's been a few years since I posted on this site. I moved out of my apartment last April, moving from Texas to Ohio. If you read the entry about my apartment, you'll remember that there was a mystery about me hearing my patio door glass shattering, and the apartment office not telling me about the ...
The Worst by justcecilia
I was just from reading some psychology quotes off twitter about diet and tricking your body and all that when I came across this site that explained how you can actually see your dreams. Like you can be awake and watch your dreams like a movie. They said when you get in bed, be completely still. Do...
An Important Warning by joshi111
This is my first story here and I am sharing with you an experience that me, my cousin and my sister had just a few days ago. My aunt, uncle and my little cousin were visiting. On Saturday morning, my mum decided to take my aunt and uncle on a trip around town and the surroundings. My cousin was...
Can A Spirit Can Communicate Through Technology? by abhijit66
This is my second encounter with the paranormal in my 22 years of life. I Am 22 years old and live Near Guwahati City in India. After my first experience, I totally became active about the supernatural happenings around me but did not notice anything because there are a few paranormal incidents that...
That Creepy Child by Kimi
This happened about 5 years back, when I lived with my family in our old apartment in Ludhiana, Punjab, India. It was a rented apartment and we had been living there for about eight years before this incidence happened. There lived a lady on the ground floor and there were rumours about her bein...
Ghost Above Me by nichole87
This is my first story post on here. My grammar isn't always that great so I apologize. I have always believed in ghost/spirits. This is just one of multiple experiences I have had from a young age. Not sure if I am just sensitive, or what, but every place I have lived has an experience associated w...
Strange Noises Unexplained Voice by bethanyray
The last few months I have been hearing things go bump in the night which I have disregarded because I figured it was probably the house settling or some other reasonable answer. I have also on many occasions felt the presence of someone else, but when I do get that feeling it doesn't feel like it i...
Skeleton Face by twisterwatcher7
The year was 1982 and I was staying the night with my paternal grandmother and grandfather. They lived in a very quaint Bonneville home in Washington Terrace, Utah. I would stay with them frequently, as my mom was a student at Weber State University and had to work after school at standard optical, ...
Occurrence On Fridays by sushantkar
Things were moving nicely for me after I was discharged from the hospital. I was getting up to my routines meeting with friends, relatives and colleagues. I have made some changes or say added some extra circulars work in my early morning's time table so that I could maintain a healthy life. Besi...
Spirits Getting Dangerous by TomS
The events I am about to describe all occurred within the last year, right up until the most recent incident on 2/22/15. My friend Jack lives alone on the bottom of a large 2 unit home, which he says used to be a rooming house in the old days. The house is about 150 years old. Any history of the hou...
Boogey Man by xengxue
As a kid I had a lot of experience with the unexplainable. I'm from a family of 8 kids, me being the youngest boy. There is only 3 boys in the family including me, then it goes my twin brother and then my oldest brother. So the boys all had to share a room growing up. My older brother always lik...
A Friend's Ghost by v1991
The story I am posting is true event of my life but nobody ever believed. I have had many paranormal experiences. I sometimes see things which my friends or other people can't. I can feel any paranormal thing around me. But these are the things people don't believe and are ignored. But they are real...
Girl At The Top Of The Stairs by KimmieWebb
I live in Florida now, but at the time of this story I lived in a small farmhouse in a small town called Farmington in Illinois. This was my first experience with ANYTHING ghostly, and didn't believe in things like that... Until this. One night in early December of 1995, my husband and I had been...
A Horrible Thing Happened Here by KimmieWebb
In April of 1996 my husband and I went to the site of the Oklahoma City bombing to leave flowers and pay respects. My husband was a military firefighter and had volunteered to go help with search and rescue when the bombing happened. It was a very overcast day and rather cold for April. We were s...
Disappearing Objects Returned by Guard_of_the_dead
This is recent activity. My partner and I have a room at my parents' place, and often things go missing and then turn up again fine. Over the last few months though it has been strange and it is no longer contained within our room. You see last year on Dec 1st, my partner had a bad car accident. ...
Behind The Church by raphaelam9
I've been studying in this private Catholic school for almost 11 years now. This school is really old in fact. It's been around since the 1700's and in Philippine history, that was the time when the Spaniards were at large in the Philippines. To give you a brief history, the Spaniards based their go...
The Cinema by raphaelam9
In our city, we have this "cheap" (I can't find the exact word I'm looking for, sorry, but this is close) mall. It's not really large and it doesn't really rank with the other malls in our city or in the whole Philippines. Not a lot of people go there. They say the cinema place in that mall has ghos...
The Shed And Its Resident by NikkiHarris1521
My family and I had moved into a cute yellow house back in 2009. It was quite perfect for our family of seven, except I was living with my grandfather; I visited on weekends and summers. Anyways I was 11. Everything was normal at the time. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening. It was about ...
Physical Contact by Steve-O-99
On Wednesday, March 4, 2015, I was at a friend's house with the home owner and our two friends. It's around 9:30pm or so and the home owner is sitting on the couch opposite me across the table. My other two friends are sitting on the other couch to my right, while I am sitting in a folding chair at ...
A Phantom Cat by Parabol
I have just had the freakiest experience of my life. I'm staying home alone while my grandmother is visiting another country. I'm 24, so I'm used to being alone by now, so I'm handling this pretty well. At least I was until a few moments ago. I got up to feed the animals and was preparing the cat...
A Haunting At Grandma's by Heather111
It all started about 5 years ago. I was about 14 when my mom, my older sister Tara and I moved into my grandma's house after my parents divorced. My grandma decided it was time for her to get an apartment in town, considering she was getting older and couldn't maintain the house by herself anymore. ...
Man With The Horns by Jessicqqqq
This happened about a week ago in my boyfriend's grandparents' house in Santee, California (a part of San Diego.) We've been living in this house for the last 6 months and they've lived here since the house was built 19 years ago. I've never experienced something weird until now. I tried astral p...
My First Experience - The Only Good One by PsychStudent
Members of Your Ghost Stories, I found this site about a month ago as I was interested in finding stories and experiences similar to my own and have been reading a few small stories a night. I have really enjoyed the majority of what people have shared on here and decided for the first time ever ...
Oldest Pioneer Farm In Utah? by mysticalavenger5
So, thank you YGS for publishing my other story, even though it was my wife who wrote it for me under twisterwatcher7. You see folks, I'm a rare survivor of childhood leukemia. So, please hang in there as I have violent shakes, but I realized I better write my own accounts. As a small child I wa...
The House On The Reservation by jamesking
I have always experienced acts of the paranormal since I was a young boy. It started when my grandfather committed suicide when I was young. My mother always claimed to be to able read people and sense ghosts, but I never bought into it to much. She was usually right when reading people and my frien...
Truckstop Ghosts In Texas by HitchcockMadness
Nearly six years ago I moved to Texas from Florida for work (signed contract) and as I had some time before the new job started I decided to drive the journey. As I really enjoy driving and long trips don't worry me, I actually find it rather relaxing. Odd? Yes maybe. But I grew up with parents who ...
The Sitting Shadow Man by glowing_turtle
My first encounter was when I was about nine. My mom and dad were going to an event of some sort, they never told us (my brother and I) what it was. But they did say they would be out late and that we were going to stay at my grandparents' place. After they dropped us off, we played with some toy...
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- Henrique, We Miss You
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- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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