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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 154
Living Soul? by shiz98
2 Years ago during winter breaks I and my sister used to have fun gossiping, playing & downloading movies until late night. We used to sleep together and wake up very late in morning. My sister is habitual sleeping after 3 in morning and waking up at 11. One day I felt very sleepy and decided to ...
My Cat, Fifi by Mac_Barbie93
On 16th July 2015, at 9:21am, I lost my 19 year old cat, Fifi to multiple organ failure due to old age. He was my best friend, and companion since I was 3 years old. His previous owners abandoned him, and my dad took him in when he was probably a year old. He came to us when he was fully grown, so I...
Two Hooded Men By My Bed by Cinnamon
My experience took place in 2014 in Adelaide Australia. I am a very level-headed 39 year old female who has experienced several paranormal activities over the years and the most disturbing is as follows. I arrived home at approximately 9pm and, unusual for me, I was extremely tired after a long ...
A Little Girl by chowy23
This happened last 2012 in Lawton Manila. Me and classmates stay together in a boarding house. Since the house is already old, we already expected that something creepy will happen. And it really happened! One night, when my classmates already sleeping, I suddenly feel a very strange temperature ...
Dream House by dmitchell74
My Name is "Blank" and this is my story... I call it the Dream House. Ten years ago my family and I moved into a rather large home. We considered it a mini mansion, if you will, with four bedrooms, three and half bathrooms. Through the red door you entered into a large elegant foyer with a glass ...
3:06 Am by londonqueenx
Right, so I've just signed up to this sight and makes me incredibly relieved to find out that there are other people out there who experience similar aspects in my paranormal experience (s). This happens once in a while in my life and it's when I travel to the UK. My mum has got some experience ...
Farewell From Grandpa by annie16
I am new to the site. I have had four distinctly different experiences but the following story was the first. My ex-husband's grandfather lived in Melville, Johannesburg and in 1987 he became very ill. My mother-in-law decided to take him to live with them in Vereeniging (approx. 70km from Johann...
Goodnight Gramma by ahuff6513
In my great gramma's old age she didn't like kids very much. She wasn't always nice to the grandkids or the great-grandkids. Except me. I looked exactly like her and her daughter, so from what my mom tells me I was always her favorite. I don't remember much of her she passed in her sleep when I was ...
I.o.u. by Snowbird
Last year I lost my boyfriend in a car accident. He had been out of town for the weekend, at a conference, and he was coming home through the countryside when it happened. It was raining and some how he lost control and the car flipped. It was late at night when I got the phone call. I don't rem...
Something's Up by LBReyes
In the last few weeks I have had odd things happening to me around my home. They have been enough to get my attention and creep me out and now one of my coworkers came to inform me weird things are happening at my cubicle. This morning I come in to work, set my things down and got my computer on...
Mother Experiences by m-d-v
Fist off, yes I believe in ghosts but at the same time I do make sure nothing else is the cause of it. That is why I am so confused. You see, my family and I have lived in the same house for twelve years. I remember the first night we stayed in it I constantly felt like I was being watched, some...
Our Protector by chowy23
This story happened when I'm still 2 years old. This story is about the white dwarf "dwende" in our old house in Bicol. My parents are both working so me and my older sister and brother (ate and kuya) was left in the house with our nanny (yaya). But are nanny keeps on hurting my siblings when are...
Talking While I Sleep by m-d-v
If you haven't read my first story, I should explain first everything that is happening to me first happened to my mother. I started noticing it at fourteen, just the little things footsteps up the stairs or sounding like a child walking behind me. Soon I started to feel someone tug on my pants leg,...
My Son's Real Father by DiamondDani
I had this boyfriend named Isaiah in high school, and he was the greatest guy I could ask for. He was a year older than me and we'd been dating all through his senior year. He went into the army right after he graduated though, and he was sent to Maryland for basic training, and we didn't know where...
The Spencer's Gifts Light by The-Cool-Bus
I've had paranormal experiences throughout my whole life, but this one really stands out for me. If you have ever been to the mall and you've gone to that store Spencer's, at the back of the store they have all the crazy lights and lava lamps. Well I happened to buy this lightning-plasma lamp th...
Lost For Awhile by chowy23
My story happened last 2003 in my grandparents' house. Every weekend we always stayed in our grandparents' house to spend the quality time with them and with my other relatives. Until something weird happened to me. After we eat our lunch me and cousins went to the 2nd floor of the house to watch...
He's At The Door by valkricry
It was after midnight when I went to bed last night (7/22/2015), not long after I heard a rapping on my apartment door. I got up and called through the locked door, "Who is it?" Silence. Another knock. "Who is it?" I called out louder. No way am I just opening the door, so I drag over the stepstool ...
Night Frights At The Nursing Home by Science-tastic
Ever since I could remember, I'd always believed in the paranormal. I grew up in a Roman Catholic household, attended nine years of Catholic school, and up until recently, went to church nearly every Sunday. However, my dad had a firm fascination with all things ghostly and that go bump in the night...
It's Absurd by DeathByDonut
As the title suggests, the story is weird and hard to digest. I am pretty new to this site and have a very limited knowledge about paranormal things so I can't provide you with much explanation if some doubts arise in your mind while reading the story. However, I will try my best to explain everythi...
Is This A Gift? by Meruza
It all started when I was about 4 years old. When I was about 4 years old I always had those "imaginary friends" and I used to talk alone, but I couldn't realize that someone or something was actually observing me. I'm from a small village in Portugal named São Miguel De Souto and today I'm 16 ye...
Entity Called Me Pet Names by christabelle
Over a span of twenty-two years, I've come to learn that living in a haunted space or simply being a sensitive person is a lot like sharing your home with a cluster of usually invisible cats. They're clingy, occasionally affectionate, a little snobby, mildly self-involved, and you're never sure if i...
Grandpa's Cloud Communication by Wardo
I was recently visiting my grandma with my wife and daughter and just having a great time chatting and playing with our daughter when I recalled an incident that took place years back now. I think I mentioned something about it in a comment long back, but I can't quite remember now and haven't searc...
My Family Makes A Sick Call: Part I by Seraphina
I've hesitated to offer these experiences on YGS because some readers would probably classify them as dreams or hallucinations. Although I understand why someone might come to that conclusion, I personally can't think of my experiences as anything but interactions with some of my deceased family mem...
Ghost Emergency by holdyourbreath
I have had many experiences at the house I am going to talk about, but one in particular I feel sums up the types of events we endured while living in the house in question. I lived in a house in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, back from 1998-2001. Many weird ghostly things happened like noises, f...
My Horse Saw Him First by msforgetmenott
I am currently sixty-seven years of age, and have some ability to see or hear what others cannot. What I am telling of in this writing took place when I was about ten years old, one of the earliest events I recall with detail. We lived on a farm that was in our family since 1791. First I must ex...
Surprised Appearance by caledonia
In 2009 just about 12 days before Christmas whilst working in a local shop, I was on night duty with other staff. While attending to a delivery of stock, I had to make a few trips up to the warehouse to speak to one of my colleagues who was helping. As I left the warehouse and walked down the fe...
My Grandpa's Last Days by LosAngelesGirl
Just a note, this story isn't about ghosts, but more of supernatural thing I would say. I don't really have a name for it, since I do not belong to a religion. I kind of consider this as a goodbye, sort of. Before November of 2014 I did not know how it felt to lose someone in your life that meant...
At The End Of The Hall by ashlcoopa
Anyone who works in the medical field knows the wise tales, such as opening windows when a patient passes, or "they come in three's". Given my background with my house, I tend to shrug things off my shoulders and ignore little incidents, telling myself I'm seeing things. On this particular night...
Visits From An Old Lady by Highland538
This happened in the highlands of Scotland when I was 33 years old. I am now 58. I have never believed in ghosts and when anyone spoke of them, I tended to shut off my hearing, until this happened. I had rented a cottage halfway up a mountain road. It was isolated, although close to the road. It ...
The Figure With Long Hair by LightBringer
I live in Sweden in a small town with 20 000 people in it. The town is near Stockholm. It's a peaceful town, nothing barely happens there! I have never seen a ghost, not that I'm aware of. I usually hear stuff and feel the the room "vibrate" when something comes into the room! But in this case I ...
Farewell From Dad by annie16
Just a bit of background. My dad was a wonderful person. While growing up my dad worked in construction so was away from home on many occasions but when home, he always made time for his children. Dad and I were very close and I was considered the "apple of his eye". My parents lived in Delmas an...
It All Started When I Was A Kid by otherworldsavior
I'm by no means an author and I'm coming here out of desperation in an attempt to reach someone who knows what is actually happening in our time. When I was a little boy one night, out of a dead sleep, I awoke to the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life. On my dresser immediately to the ri...
The Spirit In The Woods by RadioGuy42
Here is an experience I had one or two years ago. It might have been the summer of 2013. Anyway, here it is. When I was a thirteen-year-old, me and my sister would hang out a lot. Outside the house that was. At that time, I still had a thing for the paranormal. But I didn't know what I was going...
Shadow In My Bathroom by Paranormal_mum
This happened to me literally right now (2am). I live in a two story unit/townhouse/apartment. Upstairs is my two bedrooms (the master bedroom has a veranda off of it) and my bathroom. Downstairs is my lounge room and kitchen. Outside in my court yard, I have an outside laundry and my clothesline sc...
Encounters With Phil by Tiffrb20
I've been enjoying reading lots of stories here so I thought I'd share my own experiences. I hope you enjoy! My first ghostly encounters happened when I was about 11 or 12 years old (I am now 32). I lived with my dad but he worked evenings, not getting home until about midnight, so my aunt would ...
The Pink House by Tiffrb20
I was 15 when my dad, my best friend and I moved into your average three bedroom, two bath house that was painted a light pink. We took to calling it "The Pink House". The house was not new but not historic either. If I had to guess, I would say it was probably built in the 1970's. The layout of...
Old Woman Ghost That Protected Me by JakeLC
This happened to me when I was little (3-4 years) and I swear on my life this is true. When I was little I used to see this ghost in my room. She was an old woman and she always stood in my corner at night. All you could see of her was her head and shoulders. When my mom was putting me to sleep ...
A Girl In The Door by Andaria
My husband bought an old small house and rebuilt it to bigger in 2005. He built it with two doors: the main door, the backdoor and built a wall so we can use the other half of the house as bed and breakfast. We live in a town with about 5,000 to 6,000 residents, so you hear every stories quickly....
Father-in-law Is Still Around by RedWolf
If you read my last story "Visiting Relatives", you will know that my father-in-law was 1 of 2 spirits annoyed at me for not ending Jethro's suffering. The other was my grandfather as he loves dogs and has my dogs that have passed and brought Jethro up to Heaven. But my father-in-law was here fo...
Lady On The Window by Sweettooth
Even before I tell you this, I still got goosebumps and my head feels like it's getting numb or something. But I want to share you guys this scary story. This is my first time to tell a story online, but I promise you guys all the paranormal things I have experienced are real, and this is just the b...
Living With A Spirit In My Room by abbykay_luv
Hey there, am back again. This is my second submission here. If you read my first submission you would have realized I do move a lot (thanks to my dad... It sucks). We have moved again into a new place, new house and I think this house is haunted, just as the one in my previous submission. It is...
New House, New Story by annie16
As I stated in my story Farewell from Grandpa ( I have four very clear experiences I will write about. This is the second encounter. The third was farewell from dad ( ...
Knowing My Demon by LaurenMackay
My story is actually published on Wattpad but I've been failing to get some attention so I'm posting it on here. Sometimes I find myself drowning in the memories of paranormal experiences that still linger in the back of my head from day to day. Some things just simply cannot be unseen. I think t...
The Traveller by Stevelegend98
A couple of years back myself and my mother were visiting her sister in the North of the country, a few hundred miles from where we lived. My mum had decided to drive rather than take the train and after staying the weekend, we started our return trip. We left on a Monday morning but as the distance...
My Experiences by Vinne
I'm going to write my first experience. Well first I should tell you a bit about me. I am right now 14 and half. We are Muslim and my family is very small, like I have only one brother and he is 2 years younger than me. I won't tell real names of anyone so yeah, nicknames. My brother name is Nomi. M...
The String by ashlcoopa
Coming on to my night shift, I was informed of a patient (pt) with a newly placed trach and the high amount of anxiety the pt was experiencing. That the pt was crawling the walls, sticking the oxygen tube down the pt's throat, call light happy, etc... So of course I knew this pt would be my number 1...
A Deep Voice Spoke Loudly 1 Of 3 by msforgetmenott
Growing up in the hill towns of Western Massachusetts was at times very lonely. The view of rolling green hills and rich thick woods of sugar maples, oak and pine, so beautiful. However, if you lived there, farm life was filled with responsibility and chores. Neighbors were often as far away as a ha...
Oregon Haunted Theatre by Heidilynnneill
My name is Heidi, I am from a small town in Southern Oregon called Klamath Falls (Clam-ath). First, I would like to let you know that rotary phones are still operational, my parents still use one to this day. Now to my ghost story, I spend a great deal of my non-working hours at two local theatre...
Infant Crib by Zenith
This is not a very long story nor does it have much of a background. I was still an infant when this took place. I only know of it because my mother and grandmother have told me about it many times. This was only the beginning to my many experiences to come. These days, however, I really don't exper...
Someone Wants To Sleep On My Bed by Sweettooth
Everybody has their own favorite side of the bed when they sleep. Just like others, I have too but after the unforgettable experience I had it changes everything. When I was a kid I used to share room with my older sister. We also share the same bed sometimes, but after she graduated college she ...
Evp? Can A Piano Hold Residual Energy Or Be Haunted? by Whiplash00
My family and I recently bought a home that was built 10 years ago. We moved in 1 month ago today and we've never had any paranormal or strange things happen. The house itself feels fresh and positive so I don't think it's the house. The sellers asked if we wanted an old piano they had so we sai...
Final Goodbye Vs Static In The Air by lennonslovechild
Users, My story first takes place in church. It was my grandmothers funeral and we were all in our Orthodox church grieving while the ceremony took place (as you do). Now my grandfather had passed a year before this. I remember being in tears as the priest spoke about her life and how she is now...
It's Absurd 2 by DeathByDonut
I would like to tell you that this is neither a story nor any continuation to my first story. It is a report of the investigation carried by me on my first story and would like to share it with all. As I stated in my first story that I wanted to research my house and wanted to know why are such weir...
My Protector by annie16
This is my fourth and final experience (to date) with the supernatural. I got divorced in 2006 and met my second husband and soul mate a few days before the divorce was finalized (We married in October 2008). In early 2008, my husband, J, told me of a house that we could rent but that the owner h...
Be Careful What You Invite Home by Hecate0
Over the last two weeks, my son and I have been removing a very negative entity attached to him. I'll call my son E. It is a long story, so I will hit the highlights. E has struggled with depression for a long time. I had some stresses with some threatening students a few years ago, a stalker, a...
A Deep Voice Spoke Loudly 2 Of 3 by msforgetmenott
Thank you all for the generous and kind responses on the first of my events with this deep frightening voice. I now shall tell of the second time I heard, sensed or felt that same voice. After the tremendous fear from first hearing the unearthly, deep, thunderous voice, I found I could not speak of...
A Big Mess by Zenith
This happened when I was a small child and I actually remember this one myself. It took place in the same room in my other story. We lived in this house up until I was about 7 or 8. It was Easter and my sister and I had just gotten two medium sized boxes full of candy and small Easter themed toys. ...
Black And White Figures by CHUNKYB3AR
First off, let me tell you a little bit about myself since it is my first post. I am fourteen years old, and I live in an old house that was built in the 1940's. I talk to my grandfather a lot and he says that his uncle died in the front yard (important). I have always believed in the supernatural, ...
My Ghost Friend by GluQ123
I think the last time I seen the ghost was about 8 years ago when I was 9 years old. I remember the time I spent with him (male ghost) very clearly. I lived by a small park in New Jersey for about 2 years of my life, before we move to our new home in Bensalem. The story begins when I was almost ...
A Ghost Pushed Me by FrankieStar
I lived with my father, sisters and brother for the time being. The household only had 5 people. Mother was not there for the time being. Anyway, this house was a 2 bedroom but the 3rd bedroom used to be a garage but was converted. *Our front room was arranged: West wall was a love seat, north wall ...
A Deep Voice Spoke Loudly 3 Of 3 by msforgetmenott
Please take a look at my previous events, it will help you to understand this third and final printing about this unusual voice. I was getting older now, in my teens and dating. It was during this time, and only this time, that I did not get along with my Dad. His lack of understanding, compiled ...
Update On My Story Spirits Around Me by RedWolf
I know that I've written a lot of stories lately. But I wanted to update you on the little girl and boy spirits that were murdered by their father along with their mother. We have never seen or felt the mother. She might have crossed over quickly, perhaps she was the first one killed I don't know. M...
You Can Feel It by SegaGK
Alright so something strange has been going on for a while now. You can feel that something is off. Every time I go out at night, I watch my back cause I'll never know what's watching me. Like a month ago, my dad told my mom that when he got off at work (3 am) one night, that he was just looki...
Conservation Area Ghost Sighting by bigvig
This sighting took place in 1978 in the north section of Fairfield Connecticut located just south of exit 44 off route 15 Merritt parkway. One evening in the fall season a couple of friends and myself were out and about in an area that was owned by the H. Smith Richardson golf course called the co...
Never At Rest by TomL79
This account will be told in two paragraphs: event at Grandparents house and events at home. Paragraph I- Event at Grandparents House This event took place about 4 or 5 months ago. I should probably mention that my Grandmother passed away in October 2014, just in case it has any significance. An...
Hand Grabbed My Foot by Carisma_848
First of all I will give you a bit of background information on my house. Although I don't think that this spirit, whether evil or just mischievous, has anything to do with the history of my house, it might do and you guys could help me figure out what this thing was or where it came from. This stor...
Turn It Off by iambec
Among my circle of friends and family, July has got to be the month with the most birthdays (I am a July baby myself). Last July 21st something odd happened. It was late morning and everyone was gone except my niece and I. My niece was upstairs, while I was downstairs making sure my nephew turne...
A Ghost At Gold Camp Road by FC_DUB
Here is my first story, hope you all enjoy! This is not my first encounter with the paranormal; however, it is my first sighting of an apparition. This story is true and there are several witnesses that can attest to this happening who were present during what took place. Gold Camp Road is not...
Rental Ghost by shelbyloree
I was in college in Arizona, and my family had just moved to California for my dad's work. He moved us around every few years, but I was stubborn and stayed in Arizona to finish my education. The paranormal was talked about freely in our family, it wasn't really a big deal. Getting off the plane ...
Did We Talked To The Entity? by SushilRj
So I was having these encounters with an unknown power for a little while. For details you can read my last story. In short I was seeing some shadows, hearing voices and once something left a mark on my hand while I was sleeping. As you can imagine I was afraid as it went for a while. I did Rook's c...
Anguish by Blue_Daisy
Since it is pertinent to my experience I must share some personal themes. My husband and I were married December 2001. We waited a whole year to decide to try for a child. At this point I was already 29, so better now. Well, we had a hard time conceiving. When I did get positive results I always ...
Ghost Girl And Hauntings by 1_2_3_A_B_C
Very recently I have been experiencing 'ghostly' happenings. So a couple days ago, my friend (lets call her O) has been having weird 'visions' of a girl around our age. She a long brunette hair and wears a white cardigan. As she was explaining her, my hair started blowing around and we both got shiv...
A Huge Man Is Following Us by lilmorenah
It was my first time to write a story here. Please bear with me I am not a good writer. This was not the first time I experienced unexplainable things. This started to happen when I was 3rd year collage (2 years ago). This happen in the boarding house we are staying. The boarding house is 2 unit...
Haunted Workplace by BlessedWildAppleGirl
This story is perhaps not the most exciting but still puzzles me to this day. It happened around 14 years ago. I used to work for a very well known shop in the UK - which sells stationary, books, newspapers and magazines, etc. My job (basically) was to take all the newspapers and magazines that h...
Shadows In My Room by carment
I moved to Louisville, Ky when I was 9. I was so excited about the new house since it was the first time I had my own room. But it was something about the attic door connected to my room... I played in my room during the day, but sleep in it? Forget about it. Until my brother got tired of me sleepin...
The Man In Our House by Nataschalo
This happened about 4/5 years ago. I live in South Africa, Western Cape, Cape Town in a 3 bedroom old style brick house. Let me paint you a picture of our house. It has a large living room with high window from the ground up until the ceiling, with a fireplace and knotty pine high ceilings. The livi...
Big Sandy Haunted Home by CheyNTaz
I have seen many shadows and hear knocks and footsteps in my house. One night I saw a shadow peeking into my doorway. Another night I saw a women with blonde hair with a red flannel shirt in my room, but there was nothing below her waist. One night me and my husband both saw a shadow go into the...
A Reassuring Visit by omggraceyloves01
This is not my story, but my great grandmother's. She is now 98 years old and asked if I could share it for her. My great grandmother has 9 children, 8 of who are still living today. Her oldest child died at the age of 4, when he fell into a canal. She and her husband were devastated, and spent ...
Visit From My Great Grandmother by omggraceyloves01
My grandmother lives in Virginia, in a house she inherited from her mother, my great grandmother. I went to stay there a lot, but I did have one weird experience when I was 14. I had just arrived at my grandma's house and was looking at an old photo album. My grandma walked past and sat down to ...
Ghost? Demon? What Is Going On? by Kamen
Yesterday, my sister woke up and witnessed what she believed to be an evil spirit. According to her, it took the appearance of an "onryo", or vengeful spirit, possessing a white gown and red eyes. It was standing nearly as high as the ceiling and was slouched over. It was estimated to be 7-8 feet ta...
Protected? by CalypsoKimm
It started when I was 15 years old. All of the sudden, I woke up in the middle of the night. It was like someone was hitting my walls. I first thought it was my sister, because she was sleeping in the room next to me. I asked her but she denied, and one night I checked and she was indeed sleeping. I...
Two Separate Experiences On The Same Street by charlotte1994
Both of my experiences occurred in Derby, in the UK. They happened on the same street but different houses. The first experience. My first paranormal experience occurred in my family home that I spent the first 7 years of my life. This was more of a ongoing experience that I've only recently rea...
An Evp Recording by snowflakes211
I wanted to share this evp recording. It was recorded by my sister's daughter at her home using an evp app in her cellphone. She wasn't really expecting to catch anything special but on listening to this recordings later she thought it would be good to share it. Video consists of her asking in hi...
Somebody Came Into My Room by Melintina
This story happens a few years ago when I was about 13 years old. My parents had separated a few years before and they now live in separate houses. I had always experienced something weird in my dad's new house. I am going to talk about one of the weirdest and most fascinating ones I have had. ...
My Friends New House by Maris
My friend and I first became friends back in year 2. Ever since then we have been the best of friends. When he was moving house I came along for the fun of it and helped him and his family out. At one point I was carrying a box downstairs to living room, now what you have to know is that there we...
Freckles And A Big Smile by msforgetmenott
A small town and a small school. I attended this school, grade one through twelve with one or two leaving and one or two joining, a class of 22 children. Growing up together, more brothers and sisters than friends or classmates. We shared much in common, moving from room to room, from teacher to tea...
Footsteps In My Bedroom by mummy091012
My name is Rach and this is my first post on this page. I have read a lot of stories on this site and thought I would share my encounters with you all. In my 30 years I have never actually seen a ghost. However, I have experienced strange happenings several times throughout my life. At presen...
Flying Through The Night by iambec
Although being Filipina, I grew up in California. There came a time during my childhood when my parents decided to buy a house in the Philippines for them to live in when they retired. In 1998, at around six or seven years old, I lived in the Philippines for a few years. English was my first lan...
The Bad Man In The Basement by Stoker
I suppose I should give the readers some insight into this. I will be constructing a series of the paranormal events that have taken place throughout my life. This is the first of them. These stories take place in various areas in Denmark and the United States. The stories that take place in Denmark...
He Is Still Out There In Streets by SushilRj
I was thinking of writing this story from a long time. It's about a place that is haunted by a really powerful ghost. There is a village in Haryana State of India and its name is Shekhupur Daroli. If you visit this place, you will see a empty area with some rubbles of old buildings in center of the ...
My Dog's Visit by DragonLuvrD
I got my beloved pooch when I was around seven years old. My grandparents bred and sold pure bred Pomeranians. Around the time my Grandmother got custody of me, one of her dogs just had a litter of four puppies. The only boy was a stillborn, which left three darling girls who were a handful. But I w...
Ghostly Encounter At My Aunt's House by Dom83
The following incident occurred in February 2011 at my Aunt's house in Santiago, Chile. At this particular time, I was living at my Aunt's house. After finishing work, I arrived at my Aunt's house and much to my chagrin, she was entertaining a friend of hers, Maria. I didn't get along with Maria ...
Mysterious Footprint by LoveParanormal
This is my 7th post on this site. Hope many of you have read my previous posts. This post about a "mysterious footprint" is about my granny. So, this incident took place in the year 2001-2002, when I must have been about 4-5 years old. My mom narrated this incident to me last year. Coming back...
Dream Or Real? by bangaloredreams
I read a story from deepak22 about sleep paralysis and I think even I have one experience bit similar. But I'm still not able to find out if it was a scientific or paranormal event. This was during my early working days and I was 23. I had just finished my night shift at a manufacturing unit and ...
Ghost Sighting At An Abandoned Building by abhinair
This experience happened to me when I was 16 years old, in the year 2004. I had a friend named John (30 years old at that time) who has a pick up truck and he uses it load metal/steels which is left in abandoned construction sites. He would then sell the metals/steels collected to scrap metal compan...
Spirit In The Dorms by melc2012
In 2009, I was living the summer in Best Hall at Eastern Michigan University in Ypsilanti, Michigan. This hall has no air conditioning at all and we were only allowed to use fans for our dorms. When I got there I noticed immediately something was in there. The temperature was drastically colder,...
Unknown Women by Gi3512
I was 7-8 it happened in Bakersfield, California. I was home with my mom. My dad was at work so it was just my mom, sister, and my two brothers. We were all watching a movie when I seen something go down the hallway. I followed it and it went to my mom's room, which was on my right. I went in there ...
The Farm Haunting by nattydreada
The following account took place approximately June of 2002, on a farm west of Hurley, South Dakota. I was 18, and had just began dating a girl I worked with, but there was a lot of driving involved for us to see each other. We lived better than 50 miles apart, and worked in a city in between us....
A Ghost Asking Help Me by gstories
So there is this video I have that I recorded back in 2013 on my iPod. I was recording a scene from a TV show. I did not notice anything until about a month ago because it is one of those videos I have but never watch. It is hard to hear anything that is quiet on my iPod with or without headphones, ...
Figure That Knocked On My Door by KT432177
I live in a small town in Cheshire, England UK. My house is a small 2 bedroom that is approximately 125 years old. I'm an only child and I live with just my parents. We have had paranormal experiences here before, but I'm going to tell you my most recent experience that I can't stop thinking about. ...
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