My grandmother lives in Virginia, in a house she inherited from her mother, my great grandmother. I went to stay there a lot, but I did have one weird experience when I was 14.
I had just arrived at my grandma's house and was looking at an old photo album. My grandma walked past and sat down to look at it with me. She showed my all of her family members including her brothers and sisters, her parents, and her own grandparents. She mentioned how of me, my brothers, and cousins, I was the only great grandchild my great grandmother ever met, as I was the oldest and she died only 9 months after I was born. My great grandmother was almost 6 feet tall, had white hair that she permed, and wore giant glasses.
That night my grandma fell asleep quickly in a room on the opposite side of the house from me, and since I wasn't used to the 2 hour time change, it was 2 am and I wasn't asleep yet. I was up reading Little House on the Prairie books when I needed to get a drink of water, I got up and when I looked into the doorway, I saw someone. It was a tall figure who had eyes the size of tennis balls and looked like they were wearing a nightgown or something of the sort. I wasn't scared though, I just laid back down and hid under the covers of the bed.
When I woke up in the morning I remembered what had happened and started thinking about what I saw. I decided to forget about it and then was looking at some more photo albums when I came across another picture of my great grandmother. I realized that her glasses, if the room was dimly lit, could look like giant eyes. The picture showed her standing next to my mom, and I also realized that she was around the same height as the figure I saw.
I talked to my grandma about it and at first she was just surprised. A few hours later, my grandma and I were eating lunch and my grandma had an idea of what she thought had happened. She said that her mom had loved me when I was a baby. I hadn't been to my grandma/great grandma's house since my great grandmother was alive. My great grandma must have been coming back to check on me since she hadn't seen me in such a long time. This would also explain why I didn't feel scared, since she was coming back to check on me.
I hope that the next time I go back to my grandma's house, I see my great grandma again.