Before I was born, my teenage Aunty had taken her own life. She lived in the house that I currently live in right now. I am unsure exactly where she died, but she did live her last bits of life in my House. My mother went to see a psychic who gave my mother the cryptic message that when the lights flicker it is her sister. And Lo and behold When we visit my grandmothers house the lights will flicker on and off while we have dinner, just like the psychic had said.
When I was little (about 3 or 4), I was playing with my mother in the living room near the hallway when I, said my Aunty's name aloud and pointed at something invisible while I was in the hallway. I had never met her nor knew her name. During those years I didn't speak much so for me to say anything at all was strange.
Since this day, the hallway has been one of the most active places in our house. I have held seances in the hallway and have seen other figures, because there are, in fact, other residents that linger in the hallway and lower rooms. Since I heard this story, I have tried connecting with my Aunty to see if she would come through at all but I have never succeeded in connecting with her. I believe she may have moved on, but sometimes I like to think she watches over me as if that's what she was doing when I spotted her.
Nowadays I still live in this house and it still has activity. Electronics will often turn on by them-selves (i.e. The empty kettle) Walls will bang etc. I have never had any clues or experience that have led me to believe that my aunty is still on this side, but occasionally you can hear crying coming from the end of the hallway when no-one else is home.
Thank you for reading!