I was listening to one of my favorite Japanese Ghost story teller on YouTube this afternoon. It was about a journalist interviewing a spirit. I will not say the details since it is not related to my experience at all. (I may comment the story of the journalist interviewing a spirt if requested.)
Listening to that I remembered a few years ago when I still was working for a company in Nagoya.
We had our morning meeting like usual. We were waiting for our manager in the meeting room like any usual morning.
We heard his foot steps from the quiet corridor "Clok... Clok... Clok..." It stopped right in front of the meeting room that we are in. We smelled his cigarette smoked body odor.
We were just all waiting for the door to open.
"Tanaka-san?" One of my coworker called the name of our manager, but it remained quiet. "Do you need us to open the door for you?" Another coworker asked, but there was no answer. Then another coworker was going to stand up and open the door.
Suddenly we heard someone in high heels rushing to our meeting room. The door opened right after 4 quick knocks.
"Good morning everyone, this is a sudden announcement... Your manager... Tanaka Mg. Was injured during a car accident this early morning... We were notified by his daughter (our manager was a single father)...that he has passed away just now."
We are all shocked... So shocked that no words came out of our mouths... We felt really sad for his daughter and was surprised how calm his daughter was being able to call her father's company explaining this shockingly sad situation...
RIP for Tanaka-san, hopefully he gets some rest...
Yes, it was a sad story... Not to say more but the on going wars around the world are making lots of tragic stories too, sure there will be lots of spiritual events going on too.