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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 158
Must Have Been A Ghost by mrmonty
This story happened back in October of 1996, when I went down to visit the City of New Orleans. I had just gotten out of the Army (was still on final leave) when I and a friend of mine, call him Tom, decided to take a trip to the city. Yeah, I know most people think, New Orleans-Mardi Gras, but ...
Midnight Visitor (s) by ModernBaseball420
For years now I have felt an unsettling feeling before going to sleep. I have had many encounters with apparitions, but this time was completely different than the other nights had been. I had just driven my roommate to work and felt a familiar/slightly ominous presence with me all the way home....
Small Spirit Animal - Help! by MrG
How do I begin such a bizarre explanation of what is happening in my home? For about a week now I have been dealing with a small animal that makes its way on my bed at night and laying down next to me while I attempt to sleep. I can feel the noise of its movements while climbing up on the bed. I can...
The Little Boy On My Motorcycle by JoeEspinoza
Maybe most of us have experienced driving at night, maybe in a foggy night, a cold night, or even some people have been on a bus on their way home. In my case, I was on my motorcycle. It all happened in Huehuetan, Chiapas, Mexico. This was exactly two years ago, that night I had gone to my friend's ...
My Dog, Boy by chousakura
I use to have a cute dog. We name him Boy because he is a boy and my cousin were the one to call him that before they give it to us. We kept it for two or three years before it dead of an unknown cause. He is a cute and nice dog. When my mom go to work at 4 or 5 in the morning, he would always s...
Group Home Ghost by JJP
I've worked for many years in many capacities for the State of Kentucky, working with juvenile offenders. This story has to do with a time that I was working at a group home for juvenile offenders. Around October of 2005, I was working as a counselor in a state group home. The building that house...
1700s House With Ghost Children by krista_is_awesome
I've been reading this site for quite a while so I decided to post an experience that has happened to me. So right now I live in Germany, it's really nice here, but I live in a really crowded town. My house was built in the 1700s (this all happened October 21, 2015) and it's a beautiful house. S...
He Said His Name Was David by TNANGEL
He said his name was David. I first met him when I was in elementary school - fifth grade to be precise - and since that first chance encounter he has been in and out of my life like a passing storm. The first time we met I was on a school field trip. I remember this so well because it was the f...
It Wasn't Grandma by KaviB
I'd like to share an experience that happened to me when I was 15 (I'm 17 now). I used to stay at Jorhat on a rented house with my parents. Although I'd never experienced anything like this in the house before and I'm not sure if it was just a hallucination or something else, but this experience sca...
The Shape Of A Person by Gulonzo
I was 14 years old at the time of the story living in a flat in England with my parents. We had only been living in this flat for 2 years. I was watching the TV with my parents one night when I heard something whisper my name like it was sat next to me on the two seat sofa I was sat on, only when I ...
A Tap On The Shoulder And The Call Of The Name by JustAnotherPerson
When I was 11 years old, my father had told me that my family was going to move to a new location. Now, my father got a promotion for his job, so it was required for us to all move together. But, I didn't like the idea of moving. But, we did anyways. Before we got our house, we needed a place to sta...
Shadow Ghosts by Walkingdeadgirl8384
I've always lived in Florida my whole life, so when I found out my boyfriend at the time, who was from Ohio, had been laid off and his only option was moving back to Ohio, I decided to go with him. I was pregnant at the time too and that was my biggest reason for moving. When we first arrived in ...
Needing Answers Please! by Hack90
Since I was a small child, around 3 maybe 4, I've saw a thing. Not exactly sure what it is. He was about 4 ft tall and brown in color and wore a top hat, yellow eyes, weird shaped teeth that came to a point. He followed me everywhere, he never made any direct contact just always looked at me. I coul...
Knocking At Night by NinjaPirateAssasin
I don't really know if the rest of my family believes in ghosts. Years ago, my sister and I did have a talk and were convinced that something was up with our bedroom. At the time, I was in early elementary school and my sister was either in late elementary school or early middle school. We shared...
These Jinns Won't Leave Me Alone by Daredmoon
So it starts all the way back since I used to live in Denmark. At the age of 12, something very strange thing happened to me. As me being Muslim we are aware of Jinns and what they're capable of. One evening I was in my room playing computer games, suddenly I felt something grab my shoulder, It f...
The Unseen Someone (part 2) by Darcus
After my creepy experience at our family bungalow, I wanted to know the secret behind it. I questioned my uncle about it, but he was reluctant to tell me anything. I insisted that I need to know the truth because I had experienced something strange and it has been disturbing me ever since then. Fina...
Thank You by Haunta
I would just like to thank everyone who commented on my own story. Everyone around me, even my friends and family thought I was insane, but it's better now. I see less and less of any paranormal activity. Afterwards, I made the choice of moving the furniture in my room around (like putting my bed...
Shadowy Figures by JustAnotherPerson
This is a story about another encounter I have had with some form of spirit. This happened when I was 12 years old, about five years ago, around 2010. I was still living in Traverse City, Michigan at this time. I had just gone to bed. I was still uneasy about my room, so I would constantly look a...
My Supernatural Expierences by Walkingdeadgirl8384
I posted about my Ohio experience in Shadow Ghosts and now I would like to post my experiences in Florida. Some of them are mild while others were pretty frightening. All of these took place in Brevard County. *1- when I was around 10 my dad worked as a security guard at night so I would sleep i...
My Supernatural Experiences 2 by Walkingdeadgirl8384
This is the second part of things I have encountered. *1- These take place within the past year at my current job. I work in a medical office and my friend and I were getting ready to clock out and go home when the door to the employee area slammed shut. Not like a normal slam, like a 400 pound m...
Glass With A Life Of Its Own by JerryB
One day last year after learning of an online ghost story contest, I sat down at the dining room table to comprise my thoughts. I did have a story from my youth that I thought might fit the guidelines, the most significant being the story had to be a true happening and a personal happening. I had th...
Life Of A Midnight Gamer by mirandakellyamethyst
I almost bury and forgot this horrifying experience but I chose to share this here in YGS when I read a similar story regarding mine. Way back August 2013, we had just transferred to our new house located in a new subdivision here in Cavite. Maybe it's our third day on that house. For the firs...
Visit From Grandmother by Horrorfan85
Place of origin: PEI, Canada Hello, I can't remember for sure when this happened. I know it was when I was either 17 or 18, for an important story you'd think I'd know for sure but time has a way sometimes. My grandmother passed (from now on I'll call her nanny cause I always did) a couple years...
Similar Dream by TNANGEL
After a suspected arson, we found ourselves homeless and still owing for the burnt remnants of our past life. No savings and not much beyond the clothes on our backs, we set out to find an "affordable" rental place. It needed to be a furnished home and pet friendly. Our search turned out to be more ...
The Granny by DavidR12798
This is a very old story. It happened 11 years ago, when I was a mere 5/6 years old. Kids, for some reason, have always had some sort of involvement in the paranormal and I was no exception. Nor am I now. I was sleeping in my mother's bed back in the day and fell asleep with no issues at all, wh...
That'll Do Pig. That'll Do by Agua
I'm not going to disclose several specific things in this submission because it would make me immediately identifiable to anyone who knew me that read this. I've lived in a region of Mississippi for 20 years now and I'm a lawyer. I've been with the same firm the entire time. As I've stated and / ...
Mother's Warning by Panda517
First I would like to say I do have several stories in connection with my mom. It was April 11, 1996 when my mother passed away. I was a senior in high school and 18 years old. My mom was a spiritual person and so am I. About 6 months had passed and by now I have already heard stories about othe...
Quietly Watching by jba
This is one of the two experiences that I have had, this one being my first when I was fairly young. I don't remember how old I was exactly but I remember the experiences so vividly. The first house that I remember living in was in Auckland, New Zealand. I would have a few days a week where I co...
Existing Occupant by JenWeld
I was working in Toowoomba for a period of time staying in a townhouse apartment provided by my employer. There were two bedrooms on the upstairs level separated by the bathroom. The rest of the living areas were located downstairs. My family would travel to see me on the weekends. I took the sec...
The Black Man In Acacia Tree by Terrence
Way back 1996, I'm just 7 that year. We're living in small house in Baliuag, Bulacan. We're just simple and happy family way back then until something happened. One afternoon my mother and I walking at basketball court. That time I felt something weird because the court was surrounded by many Ac...
Mysterious Haunting In My House by Alexthecat
Before I start my story I just want to say, I am a very big sceptic and am not one the usually "believe." Contradictory to this, my life has been full of strange and unexplainable experiences. Every time something like this happens, I look for any possible way for it to be scientifically explained. ...
Multiplying Cards And A Disappearing Ouija by valkricry
I suppose the beginning of this particular event was back in 1988, with my son's birthday party. I don't know what the rational was, but someone thought the 'ideal' gift for a 7 year old would be a Ouija board. No card accompanied it, and no one ever stepped up as to being the giver. I remember ...
That Lady With No Face by Line03
This happened when I was around 8ish or 9? I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. We had just moved into this big apartment in a small suburb in Auckland it was so old, every wallpaper was mouldy and hanging off the walls and the ceiling was full of brown stains. We ignored all of those and just admired h...
Perhaps It's Upset At Me? by kaykay3313
This story takes place in my home town Hemet, CA. It happened this year, this month actually. On October 19, 2015. It wasn't anything very remarkable, I was sitting down in a chair watching TV in my room when one of my purses came down from the top of my closet and hit me in the head. I do not have ...
The Tiny Voices And The Face Of My Younger Sister by tinch31
It is my first time to tell stories on this web and I'm not so good in English grammar so please bear with me. After reading so much stories on this site and helping comments, I got the nerve to post mine to share and also to seek some help. Some incidents happened in my life before that I can't for...
A Grandmothers Care by johnpals02
This is my first time to share my story. Actually I have lots of story to tell but this one caught my attention. Here it goes... This story was shared by my mom to me. Back then when I was 1 to 2 years when my grandmother died. After her burial, my Dad and Mom went back to my grandmother's place ...
A Visit To An Old Plantation by otteer
Back in 1978 while visiting my then fiance who lived in New Orleans, my traveling companion and I decided to drive out to some of the plantations in the countryside while my fiance was at work. We ended up at a Plantation located roughly halfway between the city and Baton Rouge. It was a lovely stat...
The Darkness by brighteyez
A few months ago over the summer, I experienced something that I have never encountered before. It was on a Saturday night and I was spending the night at my boyfriend's house like always. We had went to sleep a little early that night. It was 2 or 3 in the morning when I had stirred awake becau...
The Myrtles Plantation: File #2 (the Voices) by J_M_Shepard
Last year (2014) around Halloween, I and my fellow paranormal investigator (the only one left on my team at the time) decided to try something new: we brought in a medium to the plantation. This guy was someone that we both knew and we both also knew that he had several near death experiences as a c...
Full Moon Or Thinning Veil? by Miracles51031
Things have been pretty quiet in my home since the beginning of September. This all changed last week. Does it have something to do with the full moon, or maybe the thinning of the veil between the worlds? Or is it just coincidence? I've been having a hard time sleeping the night through for a lo...
Ghost Children by liz02
This has only happened once but still, it freaked me out. I used to live in a flat in London above a shop. My bedroom was on one side of the flat and the kitchen and living room were on the other side, there was a staircase splitting it into two. There were no flats next to mine or any children livi...
When Dreams Come True by TNANGEL
When I was a child, a distant relative told my mom that I was "gifted" and given the family history, my mom knew what she meant. From an early age, I have possessed this uncanny ability to dream things that come true. Often times the dreams are pointless; just random conversations that play out w...
Touched By A Demon Or Spirit by Boeing747
This story is real as real as it gets. My name is Rick and I have been having problems with this very real experience (s) for 10 years. Now this is my story. Many years ago I lead a quite life nothing paranormal until the day I moved to Montana I was staying with a friend and another roommate. W...
Sa Military Museum by triden07
I have now realized that what my medium friend, Tim, told me from the first day I met him, that I am much more sensitive than I can imagine, is 100% true. This being very clearly demonstrated on Sunday, 4 October 2015. My boyfriend and I took the twins to Johannesburg Zoo, and as we were driving ...
Always Be Careful Of What You're Saying by lollipop_repellent
I'm a 15-year old Indian girl living in Malaysia. This is the story of my very first experience with something supernatural. I believe that things we can't see, or in other words ghosts and spirits, do exist. I'm the kind of person who love watching horror movies and reading horror books, but later ...
Mr. Fire Plug by JerryB
Here's a story from when I was in the U.S. Military. My place of assignment was Baumholder, West Germany. The year was 1965: The work day was over and I was in the Day Room in my civilian clothing sitting and speaking with a friend. As you may not be aware, a Day Room is a location designated spe...
Attacked By The Dead by beautifulSoul
This happened to me a while back. For as long as I can remember I've always had feelings if something bad is going to happen I would have this strange feeling or if I meet someone and get a bad feeling I can easily pick up on why. I don't know why. I'm just like that. But this experience I never und...
The Parisian Boy by NinaK
When I was 17, I had the chance to go on my first big trip all on my own. I was pretty happy, because for me it meant going, for the first time, to Paris, without any adult supervision. My mom had a friend living there, and his partner had an apartment just across the street from theirs which ha...
Laughing Birds by beautifulSoul
This experience happen one night when me and my friends went out for some drinks. We went to a local club downtown and I remember I told my friends I was going to wait for them in the car. I was feeling a little bad already. It was around one in the morning, the club was almost over so I just go...
The Old Lady Was My Great Grand Mother by Psychicsenses
This is my fist submission although I have been an avid reader of this site. Am from Hyderabad,India. Am a Tamil Brahmin whose day starts with puja and we are all very specific about every single ritual. Am the only child to my parents. This incident that am going to share happened to me when I was ...
My Family Home by earthangel67
The story of how I came to live at my current address is a story in itself, but I will briefly outline events. My marriage had come to an end and I needed somewhere safe for my two sons to live. At the time, they still saw their father (previous ex-husband to the one I am leaving), who lived with hi...
That by v0xp0puli101
It's been a while that I haven't shared a story here, was just busy at work, and life in general. This happened sometime around July - August of 2012, in Saudi Arabia. I don't mean to offend or something, that from what I know about their culture, they don't believe in the paranormal and such ...
The Blue Mountains Terror by hjt26
Blue Mountains is an underdeveloped subdivision here in Antipolo City, Philippines. It has a road open to all vehicles that connects two highways, Marcos Highway (lower) and Sumulong Highway (upper). At 4:30-6:00 AM, that place is a hub for health-conscious people, doing their early morning exercise...
My Scary Apartment by Fariya
If you have read my previous stories you might know that I have had a bunch of experiences since I was a kid. 'm 19 now and it still continues. So in 2009 my family shifted to a city called Badlapur in Maharashtra state of India. Badlapur city has a very vast history. It was the market place of ...
Incident On A Dirt Road by JerryB
Cornfields, pumpkin pie, trick or treat, ghosts, witches, etc., all come to mind this time of year, it's unavoidable, it's in the air. And that said, let me ask you, ever have one of those moments when you're just sure as hell it was a deceased loved one that intervened in your behalf? I had one ...
A Strong Presence by eetanam
I am a firm believer in ghosts, spirits and the supernatural but I have never really experienced anything like that until the past couple nights. A little description: I live in a three bedroom townhouse the rooms are upstairs. In the one room is my son in a crib, the second are my two daughters...
Old Lady's Territory by Joremjas
This is not the first time that I experienced ghost sightings. I just want to share this experience of ours in one of the apartment complex in Punta, Sta Ana. Manila. We are what others call NPA or No Permanent Address. We always move place depending on our budget and income. My mom and dad separ...
I Can See, Feel And Hear Spirits by RachelMorris
I started having experiences with spirits about a year ago, around the time my brother died. I can feel if there is a spirit in a room. It's very hard to explain. I can sense if there is a spirit in a room, because it will give off a sort of energy. One time I was home alone, and I just felt ...
The Airmen On The Abandoned Strip by Firezone
My story begins when I was invited by a friend to take a weekend camping trip on his family property. The bottom paddock backs on to the Brisbane River and in 1940 it was resumed by the War Department to build a training and emergency airfield. During the war, both USAAF and RAAF personnel were stat...
Chest Pain by A_A
This has been going on for years. I don't exactly know what it is. I don't think it is a ghostly encounter, but it does leave me stumped. I cannot find a reason for this experience at all, which is why I a posting it on here. I noticed this happened a few years back. I was trying to sleep, rolli...
My Engagement Ring by RedWolf
I had to have a hysterectomy at the age of 36 in 1997 so I had to take my rings off before the surgery. When I got home I didn't bother putting the rings back on because my fingers were swollen. At the time I didn't have a good jewelry box so I had my husband put my wedding and engagement rings ...
Stairway To Shadow Cloud by JustAnotherPerson
Ever since my first ghost encounter, I have been so interested in ghost investigations. Now, please note that I am only 17 years old, so I'm not old enough to have my own real professional investigation team. But, my friend and I go on little "adventures" in her apartment buildings. This enc...
Scratches And Bruises by JustAnotherPerson
When it comes to sleeping, I am not the one to be woken up easily. You would basically have to pick me up and throw me to the ground before I even dared to open my eyes. But, I have been waking up in the morning to some strange things... I have been waking up with scratches and bruises that I di...
Danger On Plainview by SRtopaz
Today is day 3. On day one, Saturday, November 7, 2015, I was riding my bike home from work when my problems all began to start. It was roughly 10 PM and I was in a hurry. I pass through some pretty scary places, and not as in high crime scary (I live in a rural town, nothing ever happens here), but...
The Strange Object In The Woods by JerryB
I'm sure you will agree that encountering a ghost ranks right up there on the Richter scale of scary as one of the most bizarre, metaphysical stories we might come to share huddled around our campfires on a chilly night. With your permission, I have another story to tell, arguably not the same as a ...
Mysterious Necklace by shelly_2429
So, on Halloween night, me and a few friends decided to get dressed up all scary, so we got some old white shirts and put fake blood all over them. At the time we were all at my friend Cassie's house, and I decided to take my necklace off (it is a cross) and put it in my bag as I didn't want it ...
Scary Kid Experiences by chria29
Before I even get into my story I strongly and firmly believe children are more sensitive to paranormal than an adult was. I think probably all children at some point had an experience and either forget it or suppress it. For me I remember I could never sleep on Halloween night. There was something ...
Mother's Doppleganger by sbst_gh
This incident happened a few months ago in my bedroom, where most of my encounters have been. I always get an uneasy feeling in the bedroom, like someone's there with me. First, the light in the cupboard. Then, the door opening by itself. This incident confirmed that something was in my bedroom. ...
Cousin With Negative Energy Attracting Spiritual Entities? by AmyFrPr
The first incident happened about ten years ago, in my old apartment. A cousin of mine - who is extremely self-centered, overly superstitious, and who I suspect both carry and attract an abundance of negative energy because of the way she thinks and behaves towards others - was staying over for the ...
Starry Night by Flaminbeauty87
The story I am about to share happened 2007 in my hometown of Fairmont, NC. The night's sky was pitch black but displayed a full moon and blanket of stars. Since it was such a beautiful night I asked my cousin would she like to go for a joyride. We decided to visit a locate bootlegger to pick up som...
Imaginary Friends? by Somewhatsceptic
So this is my first post here as I have pondered if it was best to share some of the things that have happened to me throughout my life. I have decided that I would like to share these experiences with this site and hope to get some feedback and perhaps some insight. Well this incident happened w...
Experience In A Haunted House by mrmonty
Back in 1983-84 I was attending a prep school up in Maine when I saw something that could not be reasonably explained. The school was started back in 1908 but before that the lands used to be a farm. I was housed in one of the dorms, Mass Hall, which was originally built in 1850 as the farm house. W...
Small Town Haunting by Lealea1991
So I grew up in a small town called Clifford in Ontario. The house I grew up in was a historical home, it used to be the town's doctors office and temporary morgue. There was actually a square section of concrete on the wall in the basement where the 2 morgue drawers used to be and the front door ha...
Ouija Boards Aren't Toys by kaykay3313
This story isn't mine. It is the story of not only my mother in law but my father in law as well. This happened to the both of them years ago, before my fiance was born, so 25+ years ago in a small town in California called Blyth. It's very close to the boarder where Arizona and California meet. ...
The Black Figure: The Worst Sleep Paralysis by KXNGSD
I live in Las Pinas City, the southern part of Metro Manila. There is nothing spooky from where I live or my house but, I have experienced sleep paralysis. The way I see it, it is more like a tormenting, extremely unpleasant, haunting and dark type of sleep paralysis. It was around October-Novemb...
That Weird Weird Feeling And Sense by AOD
Ever since 2nd grade I've always felt this weird feeling. OK lemme tell you how this feeling occurred. I was in second grade when my grandfather died in the hospital. Just about everyone (except me) cried at his funeral. Then about a week later I've had this feeling of being watched, and I swear...
Black Widow Woman by sereneamour
This are my own experiences even though I didn't see the "them", I can feel their presence as I have stronger sixth sense since young. Let's start by letting you all know that my current house was already more than 20 years old. This house was the first building built back when Singapore Citizens mo...
Past Demon Returns by niaavea17
Editor's note: Taken from poster's profile "I just write my stories on Facebook under my real name: Tuavevea Veisenia Tauveli". Either A Shapeshifting Demon or A Skinwalker Not Sure Posted 9 months ago by Tuavevea Tauveli It was two nights ago on Friday 19, 2014. I looked at the time that w...
Can An Entity That A Live Person Creates, Follow Them? by michelelee
My husband, Bob, and I had been married for two years when he was released from active duty in the Army. We moved to his hometown in Michigan and he tried to fit back into civilian life after 8 years in the military. However, things did not go smoothly for us and after a few months, I was in a downw...
And Then The Boy In Me Spoke! by Sakie
I have drawn a certain fascination for your website as it facilitates a medium for people to pen down their horror stories. I am new here and thus it is my first story. My wedding preparations were in full swing. I, being a bubbly girl and all of 24, was quite upbeat about my future. I was to get...
Weird Coincidences After Mum's Passing by PerfectlyDisturbed
May 28th, 2015. Two days after my birthday. The day my world stopped spinning. The day my beautiful mother passed away due to a stroke. I won't go into too much detail with that because it was such a traumatizing time in my life as I witnessed everything. I will mention that the aneurysm was on t...
Caring Caresses by JustAnotherPerson
Most of my ghost encounters I have experienced have me either being touched by something or just being talked to. This story is about me being touched several times. Not inappropriately, more like friendly. I have recently had my heart broken. I broke up with my boyfriend and I had no idea how t...
Blue Lights At In-laws Farm by Wilfred114
My Mother and Father in-law took their big European trip in the summer of 2014, leaving the "farm", their sprawling lake property in SW Michigan, unattended. My wife and sister in-law took care of most of the chores while their parents where gone, taking turns feeding the animals, checking the mail ...
Mysterious Hauntings In My House - 2 by Alexthecat
Before I begin, if you have not read my previous entry, please do so as it may help you understand this entry more. The link to it is This particular incident is shorter than the last one, but I feel it may be connected. It happen...
Granny Mimi's Final Goodbye by river_song25
This story is a personal one that goes all the way back to when I was still in elementary school, 30 years ago. My family is huge, with lots of aunts and uncles on both of my parents' sides of our family. Back in elementary school, on my mom's side we had a great aunt who the adults called Mama H...
I Am Ok by triden07
Apologies to the empaths reading this, I cried the whole way through. On Saturday, 7th November 2015, I once again experienced something that shook me to my core. In the two weeks leading up to this day 2 people I know and love had episodes where they collapsed and had ceasures. If the fact that ...
Strange Neighbors & Dark Men by sxrahhhhhhhhhh22096
My house has always been very eerie but somewhat cozy. It had it's phases. This incident in particular occurred in 2012 when I was 19. I had come home from a late night with my friends and I was very sober because I was driving that night (I don't drink anyway). Next door to us lived a very, let...
My Recent Paranormal Experiences by Horrorfan85
Not too long ago I wrote about seeing my grandmother, 'nanny', at my grandparents' old house. Don't worry if you haven't read it, it doesn't apply to this. I was so pleased and blown away by the kind responses I received. I guess I'm so used to being called a liar or other things online when I try t...
The Unseen Entity by ygs_sayan
It happened when I was in class six. I heard it from my parents, uncles, aunties and my elder sister. Ours was a joined family. Luckily when this happened me and my twin counterpart were in a boarding school. The incident goes like this- two young lads who were local mustans working for a politi...
The 'ghostly' Encounter by ygs_sayan
My Father's ancestral house is located in a very sophisticated locality in New Jalpaiguri, Jalpaiguri district, West Bengal, India. It was built by my great grand father in 1936 i.e., before India's independence. My great grand father was a lawyer and was employed by the British but was secretly inv...
The Unseen Force by ygs_sayan
It was when I and few of my friends were sitting in a cafeteria of Café Coffee Day in the ground floor of Neptune Mega Mall on Lake Road, Jalpaiguri. We're hungrily gobbling up our dinner and enjoying the fruits of our labour since after a total of about 24-25 days the ICSE exams (Class 10 Boar...
Roommates Who Don't Pay Rent by RCRuskin
My brother, I found out recently, reads this site and when he saw my previous posting, he asked if I'd share the experienced he and I had sharing an apartment while going to graduate school. We shared a few apartments, actually, but at only one did we experience anything truly odd. This happened bac...
The Furballs And I by valkricry
In the summer of 1972, when I was 14, I was put on a Greyhound bus and traveled from Chicago to San Francisco for my brother K's wedding, as the family representative. My mother said it was to make up for my missing my eighth grade graduation and class trip because of moving (AGAIN!), my dad said so...
Help! Opinions Greatly Appreciated Guys And Gals by Juliansatx
My name is Julian and I'm from San Antonio, TX. So I've had a growing curiosity in the paranormal since having some occurrences in my home recently. Was hoping I could share this and possibly get some insight as to what you guys think. So I've lived at my rental home for the past 2.5 years. Firs...
Another Story From The Group Home by JJP
I recently shared a story about one of my experiences working for the State of Kentucky in a juvenile offenders group home that was a former TB hospital. The first story was "Group Home Ghost." Actually, the building that housed the group home was actually one of the buildings that the doctors and n...
In The Woods by Irshaad96
Dear readers, I am back again, after a long time and today I'm going to share another experience that I had with the world of the unseen. The unseen world of the Jinns/shaytaan (devil) has always been an important subject which has brought up a lot of debates in the Islamic world. One thing that sho...
The Woman Who Came To Help by JerryB
I was a kid, no more than 5 or 6, I think I was, when I had my tonsils out in the operating room of the nearby Wood River Hospital. I was truly petrified, me, a kid going into a major hospital, under the knife as I'd heard my situation referred to, with the benefit of ether (I say "ha" to that even ...
Exit Wounds by Wish-Not
The majority of my previous stories came from an active house that we just recently moved from. 99% were of the passive nature, other than the "SURPRISE" factor, nothing physical had ever taking place. However, as we ended our packing and moving procedures that came to a change. Oh how I hate mov...
The Cabin Visit by Wish-Not
I have always wondered what to make of that day at the cabin in the early 90's. After reading Jerry's account and reading the amount of information that YGS readers provided I thought I would "throw" mine in the mix to see what everyone thought. This would have to be my first "unexplained" event....
What Can Attach Itself To A Person So Strongly? by missmaryo
Currently I am a 19 year old lady residing in southern Texas. However, I've been experiencing some sort of paranormal activity for as long as I can remember and I have lived in ten states throughout the course of my life. No matter where I am or who I'm with stuff always happens. Also, there have be...
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