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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 161
My Bed Started Shaking 3 by SoniaMary0023
I've had another account named SoniaMary23 that I haven't had access to since it's been so long since I've been on this website. I wanted to 'update' my situation with "My Bed Started Shaking". It's been 4 years since things started happening. If you haven't read the previous two, please do so you c...
Coming To Say Goodbye by AugustaM
I've been an avid reader in this site for about a year since having stumbled upon it but this will be my first time writing to share an experience. I have had several paranormal experiences in my life, though, fortunately, nothing so dramatic or utterly frightening as some that have been shared here...
I Believe Something Is Attached To Me by spiritwaiting
Here it begins in another new home. My family and I have just recently moved into another home, and all was fine until a few months ago. Subtle things would happen not entirely noticeable, until it started happening more frequently. Important items for every day use would come up missing, then re...
The Shadow Games by HumzaShl
I remember when I was 10-12 my uncles would tell me ghost stories, but to be honest I never really believed them. Something happened though which made me question reality and what I was taught as a kid. I was sitting on a Ipad and in front of me was a stack of clothes. The lights in the room wer...
Dark Shadow And Green Orbs by Leecrp
My experience goes back a few years ago. Arrived home from a business trip. Due to delayed flight I arrived home late 1 am ish. House was quiet, light were all turned off, typical mid week setting. This is where things get weird. Once I opened the front door I made a hurried beeline to the restr...
A Ghostly Touch In A Most Historic Place by LoveOfAbundance
It has been quite awhile since I posted my first story about the haunted dude ranch. I am ready to share another encounter. I have only been touched by a ghost one time. I understand that this can be a frightening experience for many, and indeed, I was startled. However, looking back, it was quit...
Fariya Palace by Fariya
After living in apartments for so many years, my father decided that we should get our own home. So, we bought a nice piece of land 11 kilometers from Badlapur city which I have mentioned in my previous stories. There's this place called Goregaon, Vangani. It's away from the city. No human life to b...
Am I Being Followed Or Looked After? by BecauseofThem
I know many people may disregard this because I am only a young teen but please read this. I don't think it will come out as too much of a story as I have a few disabilities and I am sorry for that. So here goes. I've always believed in spirits of all kinds and I believe there is a heaven and hel...
Shadow Man's Back! by Teej
I'll cut to the chase. It all started a few years back when I woke up at night not feeling scared as much but panic struck, only to see this shadow figure just standing there at the end of my bed. As this was the first time I seen it, I told myself I just seen something I hadn't. This was just t...
Everything Started With A Knock by savagepotato
This is the story of a series of paranormal experiences that my friend and I shared, everything started in late March of 2014. I'm going to premise this by saying usually these stories happen over a moderate/long period of time, slowly building up to a crescendo. This is not one of those cases. Whil...
A Walk With The Fae by LunarSage
I was maybe 14 at the time, and obsessed with the occult, more specifically demonology. I'm gifted, and blessed with what is commonly called astral projection aka the ability to have an Out of Body Experience at will. That night I did the usual preparations for leaving my vessel with the intent ...
Bizarre Snow Tracks by DMK65
We live next to my father-in-law on 7 acres of mostly wooded land. One day in January 2014, it was very cold and had snowed, just about 2 inches. Right after dark, I looked out my back door and saw tracks/lines in the snow, thought they looked odd so I stepped out to investigate. The tracks were NOT...
Keeping Child's Spirit by GoldenDragon1984
Macao, place of wonder and history! Asia's largest entertaining place! As we have all seen all the PRs of Macao, that place sure is amazing! Full of joy and friendliness. But little does people knew about Macao's traditional Buddhism and some other horrific "under world" culture. Me and my 2 frie...
Warning From My Guardian Angel by DandK
About 27 years ago, I had to leave town for work for about a week. Before I left, I talked to my grandmother on the phone and she told me to call her when I got back and she'd have me over for pot roast (we lived in the same town) since we hadn't visited in a while. When I returned from travel, I...
The Shadow Man Of San Diego by DirtCreature
This is going to be composed of four separate events within the same time span. I have lived in 4 states now (military family). Florida is my last stop; however, I lived in California from the ages of 3 to 9 going on 10. Even though we didn't live in the best apartment, there was a lot of history in...
Boots And A Bluish Blob by Fergie
About halfway through 2015, we (my husband Ray and I) received an invitation to my brother's wedding in New Zealand. After some deliberation, we decided to take the long plane trip from South Africa to attend this momentous occasion. I won't bore you with details of a family wedding, nor of all t...
A Warning Saved My Life by Macknorton
This not a "things that go bump in the night" experience, but intriguing none-the-less. This experience took place in Melbourne, around 1991. I was about 20 years old on my O.E. I was working part-time as a cleaner at a boys High School in a suburb called Toorak. Not exactly glamorous work cleaning ...
I Want To Know The Truth by lily122
***I have changed names of family members for privacy reasons... Names of deceased have been kept the same*** The paralysis problem (read last story) has kind of swept away and my life has been "back to normal". There still are moments when the room I'm in will get freezing cold yet the thermomet...
Faerie Visitation by Nambocttr
Not a ghost story but still a tale of spiritual entities so hope this is still relevant as I have been searching my whole life for an explanation of the following. I have submitted this event to a few sites and forums, I have read a few books on such subjects but have never read of another similar e...
A Relative's Farewell? by Loveunlucky92
In all honesty I'm used to the paranormal; hearing things move, seeing spirits or ghosts (whatever you prefer to call them), shadow figures, and even animal spirits. Now, I could recount to you details of height, clothes, relative age, but I don't usually see a face, mostly I just see them make a qu...
The Truth Shall Set Us Free by Mhannerism
I had an episode of sleep paralysis last February 8; I discussed it with Mom about it when we were having lunch a day after that. I asked her if she had experienced sleep paralysis because she's not the type of person who tells you everything unless you ask her to. So I asked her, she asked back. Wh...
Little Boy Lost by Sarsem
To start my story off, I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself. I am the eldest of 5 children and the only girl. I have always been sensitive to surroundings and the way that they feel. Along with my Dad and one of my brothers, who are very sensitive, we seem to be the ones that seem to come...
On And Off Again by MysticWolf
Things started happening when I was young. I'm going to start by describing my old house to give an accurate picture. In my old home, it was two stories. When you walk in the house, there's a den, where we put exercising equipment. Walk straight and you're in the kitchen/dining room (which is toward...
Tall Dark Sranger by Sanuj
This happened to me when I was fifteen. I have a cousin who is two years younger than me and when she hit puberty, or when she became a big girl, as we say here, my uncle and aunt decided to have a party. (In Sri Lanka, it is a matter of celebration when a girl hits puberty.) It was a dinner party a...
Visitations From My Loved Ones by spiritwaiting
I will start with my grandmother's passing as this is important to my recent visitations. A week ago my paternal grandmother (my mother's mother) passed away. I learned of this through a phone call placed by my sister. She told me our mother was frantic, and to call her asap. I called a few momen...
Ebay Ouija Board by WelcomeToMyLife0223
My dad used to buy things from eBay then sell them at their actual price, one day he got this old Ouija board. Its box portrayed it as a game "fun for the whole family". None of my sisters played with it though and neither did I. Suddenly weird things happened though no one touched the board, it was...
Psych Ward Kitchen by Autocross
It was LA California 1987. I was going to school in what was a former psychiatric ward (no joke) for the old hospital that was no longer in operation. The building had been being used as a makeshift school. Myself and a good friend of mine at the time had a history of showing up late to school. T...
Phantoms At Five by ponygal2080
I wake up at 5:30 for my day, and the rest of my family wakes up at 6. I'm alone except for my cat. I usually walk downstairs and pour some cereal for my breakfast. I'll sit there and check my phone. Before I go upstairs, usually I go to the bathroom or the office (well away from the kitchen) to fi...
Cemetery Rescue by DandK
I had some interesting paranormal experiences growing up in the Las Vegas area. One is kind of funny and while it may or may not have a paranormal component, I thought it would be a good one to share. When I was 18 in the early 80's, a friend and I had been spending the evening downtown (that mea...
Wish It Didn't Happen To Me by blurberry
So, throughout my life, I've had all sorts of weird experiences ranging from something whispering my name in my ear whilst awake, to a woman sitting on my pillow screaming for me to wake up, whilst asleep. I don't believe in psychics or ghosts. I do however, believe in demons. Each to their own, ...
Close And Personal Encounter by Vespertine
I've had a few paranormal experiences but for now, I'll describe the most prominent encounter as it still gives me chills to this day. About 10 years ago my family and I moved into an old house and as soon as we walked over the threshold the first time, I knew the house was haunted. It was that c...
A Very Brief Encounter by TriGirl89
I came across YGS a few months ago, and I have to say I have been fascinated by the experiences that others have shared on the site. I have always taken an interest in the paranormal, as the county in England from where I originate is rich in paranormal activity and ghostly stories. I wanted to shar...
The Highway Q Phantom by savannahbelle029
This story dates back a couple of years, at least three years back by this point but I remember the events clear as day. It was during spring break, so somewhere around mid-March. I had driven a friend back to their house in Waukesha and had taken Highway 164 north to where it intersected with Highw...
Screaming In The Middle Of The Night by amthedreamer
I have never really encountered a ghost, or I am not aware of it. But I have experienced quite a few strange things that are very hard to explain. This is one of them. It happened about a week ago. I was having an unpleasant night, I had trouble falling asleep and my dreams were mostly nightmares...
Never Really Alone by Calamity
I have hesitated to write about this for a few reasons. One, it will be a long story, so I'll break it up into two parts. Two, it becomes intensely personal. Three, well you never know how things will be received. The part of Central Texas where all these encounters take place is close to the De...
Connection Or Coincidence by Baiowl21
Since about the age of fourteen there have been many significant events that have seemed 'paranormal', though some were in a house I used to live in and then more in the house I live in now. I sometimes wonder whether it was a coincidence that we live in two houses with activity or whether perhaps s...
Voices On The Train by Baiowl21
This story will be a very quick experience that happened to me while taking the train to my dad's house. I am not sure if this is something paranormal or not, but I want to post it to see if anyone on here has any ideas. As I said, I was travelling on the train to my dad's house near the city. Th...
Through The Ouija Board, Part 2 by katzifilth
After the first time me, my sister and our best friend used the board, we didn't touch it for a while. We were all pretty overwhelmed with what had happened, and it took it's time to fully sink in. But after some time, me and my bestie started to feel an urge (if you can call it that) to test the bo...
The First Ghost Of The New Hospital by GoldenDragon1984
Last month I visited Japan again for an opening ceremony of a new hospital at Hokkaido. It was Chinese New Year and there were many visitors around, and there is a saying going, the more visitors the more accidents. That night right after the party, 2 patrons were sent to our hospital, car accide...
My Namesake Sticking Around by FireFaerie13
So, this is my first story here on YGS, and probably one among many. Quick background of my experiences on life: I've had paranormal/supernatural/spiritual/pick a synonym experiences all my life. They range from harmless to confusing to downright terrifying. I also have a phobia of ghost/non-huma...
Intelligent, Obvious Shadow Person by flowersgrowback
Somewhere in the woods that surround the cul de sac outside of my parents' home (in Southern Alabama) and the cemetery that runs parallel to it all, I've seen a tall, opaque, obviously intelligent shadow person. He NEVER leaves that general area. I've wandered out of it and left him behind before. N...
I Believe A Male Spirit Is Following Me... But Why? by DirtCreature
I think a male spirit is following me. I've been sensitive to the paranormal for a while (either that or I suffer from psychosis/hallucinations/etc/ and don't know it?). I will sometimes hear a deep male voice behind me when I am entirely alone. I can hear it so close to my ear as if someone is ther...
The 15th Floor by gloverman
This happened about 10 years ago when I was working as a night security officer in the Victoria London. It was a tall building with 15 floors right by Christchurch gardens. When ever I did my routine patrol I would start from the 15th floor walk through the kitchen and into the canteen area. Now e...
She Attended Her Funeral by Mystic25
My great grandmother was my hero and I was her pride and joy. She was a beautiful Cherokee woman with a broad variety of knowledge and wisdom, she taught me everything I know about gardening and herbal remedies along with respecting the land and animals. I used to love trying to braid her long black...
The Little Girl On The Swing by TJYAKI
In Calgary, Alberta. This happened about 10 years ago. I was 14 or 15 at the time, and working night shift with my mom delivering papers. I was having a lot of unexplainable things happen to me. One place we delivered to was beside an old park that no one played on anymore, and I always saw a lit...
Unknown Entities In Our New House by brighteyez
Hey Everyone, the very last story I posted I mentioned that if anything happens in my new house I would let you guys know. Well something has been happening. I have been living in my new house since the end of Jan 2016. It has only been just recently the past week or so that I have been feeling like...
Garbled Voice by ulvenNixie
I have had quite a few experiences in my life. Most of them are small. For example, I saw something last night. It looked like a figure in a long white dress which I spotted out of the corner of my eye. Things like that are normal for me. I only gave it an iota of my time because it wasn't something...
Nothern Lights From My Brother by TJYAKI
On July 12th 2013 my big brother decided that living on earth with the rest of us wasn't worth his pain. It was the HARDEST time of my life. I don't think I'll ever forget that day. About 2 weeks prior to my brothers death, I found out I was 3 months pregnant with my daughter. He was the first pe...
Bad Energy In The House by Zookeeper
I am in my mid twenties and want to share my experiences I've had in my life. This first one is the one that I felt most uncomfortable with. When I was 12 years old my dad and mom got divorced and I and my brother had to visit my dad every two weeks for a couple of days. He moved to a house with ...
The Ghost In The Bakery by PauloPires
My name is João* and I used to work in a bakery in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. I'll let you know about something really scary that happened to me. This changed my life and definitely made me a believer. I'm 28 years old now and was 26 when the events happened. I was hired to work in a big bakery in ...
Rude Lady by biggs20
I'm just going to get straight to the story. It has been a year since I posted on here and a lot has been going on. Ever since high school, I've experience sleep paralysis on a regular. So now I'm in college and my sleep paralysis is back and it's really starting to scare me. Just last week, I ca...
Summary Of Our Haunting by Steel85
Good day, I'm new at this so please bear with me if I misspelled some words or such. I've been very interested with the paranormal since I was a kid which is quiet unusual since we're Chinese and we even celebrate my birthday with a spooky treat, My birthday by the way is Halloween. Now if you're...
My Grandma Louis by WinterSoldier96
This story takes place in San Antonio Texas and it's about my grandma, my dad's mom, she passed away of cancer when I was about 2 or 3. My mom was the one who started experiencing things. She told me that her last moments where in a hospital bed because she couldn't walk anymore. Well everyone would...
During Our Christmas Caroling by chetchet17
My scary experience happened during my last year in high school. As a tradition during Christmas in our school, my teachers organize caroling to raise funds for some of school activities (for those who don't know, we go house to house, sing Christmas songs and the house owners give us some money, bu...
I Think She Finally Believes Me by zzsgranny
The 30th of March will be the first anniversary of my Step-father's passing. He was a genuinely wonderful and deeply religious man. On two occasions I was able to go "Ghost Hunting With Loonies" during a vacation to visit my Mom. Of course I stayed at their home. He joked that he was worried I'd bri...
Dark Shadows And Angel Figurines by JustAnotherPerson
From the comments that I have read on my previous stories, many of you guys have said that all the ghost stuff that has been happening to me will begin to stop when I turn 18 or 19; and I do trust that, because I really want the ghosts to leave me alone. But, in the meantime, I have actually been wa...
Forewarnings Of Family Members Deaths by RedWolf
Starting in my early twenties, once in awhile a live blood relative would come to me in a dream. They would insist that I take them to either the train, cruise ship, or airport. They would insist that I stay with them until they departed. Within a week to ten days later that person died. One nigh...
The Shadow That Stalks Me by CuriousCatLady
I'm not entirely sure of where to start with this. I don't really recall when this "shadow" started following me. I don't even remember the first time I ever saw it - which could be due to the dissociation I experience that is co-morbid with a psychological disorder I've had for years. The first...
Gigi Is Back? by GoldenDragon1984
Just to share some memories and a great moment about our great canine friend. Last week, my friend's greyhound, Gigi, had passed away. It was 19 years old and had come to Japan with my friend 10 years ago from UK. My friend and Gigi had grown up together and they are very close to each other....
Ama... My Grandmother by Steel85
When I was about 6 or 7 years old, I had a dream about my dead uncle who was shot in our house. He told me to take good care of my Ama (Ama is Chinese for Lola or Grandma on your father's side). Later, after a few months, she had a stroke but she survived the incident and lived until it I was about ...
My Earliest Ghost Experiences by ulvenNixie
My very first post on this website was about my most recent paranormal experience at the time. I mentioned that I wanted to add more about my experiences, so I decided to break down the big experiences in my life and submit them to the website as well. Naturally, I would like to start with my ea...
Dancing Heads by ulvenNixie
Before I begin, I would like to share something that happened while I was typing this up. I use Word to type out my experiences so that I can double check the spelling and whatnot as I go and before I submit it. I was in the middle of typing out this story, in fact I had just gotten to a part in whi...
What's Happening In My Home? by BloodEman
I only had one experience of my own until day before yesterday. (Moving Light is my first one). I would like to tell you this is not a single experience. It's actually a collection of weird experiences. It all began on 5th of March. I was studying science for the examination. All of a sudden, all...
Mr 10:30 by TJYAKI
Short story This happened on my 16th birthday. October 30th. I was working nights with my mom. Got out of the van to put papers in a box. This particular box always creeped me out simply because it was in a old neighborhood and the street lights often didn't work. So I would always look aroun...
The Girl In The Mansion by countryguy91
I'm probably not the best at putting stories into written words, so bare with me. One of my most significant paranormal/ghost experiences happened in the small town I live in, Richmond Kentucky. It was summer, approximately year 2010, a day just like any other typical one. Some friends and I dec...
A Visit By Invisible by AlexZernov
This is my first submission. I will try to explain in a little detail so that the context is set correct. I am from Hyderabad in India. Which is the southern part of the country. While growing up I have heard a lot of incidents of spirits and ghosts and was scared of them very much. I am scared e...
Activity In Psychiatric Hospital by flowersgrowback
At one point earlier in my twenties, I worked as part of the behavioral staff within an inpatient psychiatric hospital providing both acute and residential care to children and teenagers. It was a fairly new hospital, only a couple of decades old, and had never served as anything but a psychiatric f...
Knocking On Second Story Window by julesram
This experience happened to me 11 years ago and I have been thinking about it a lot lately for some reason. I would like to know if this happens to others and what it might be. It was very late when I went upstairs to bed, although I'm not sure what time exactly. I shared a room with my young son...
Some Small Experiences by BloomingGlory
I have had some experiences with what I would call "paranormal", but these two are the most prominent ones I can remember. They're rather vague, but I will explain them the best I can. I used to live in a trailer home in NC. It was a very new establishment, only about 5-6 years old at the time t...
Lafayette Hotel Ghost by TimB60
I was traveling on business and made a reservation at the Lafayette Hotel in Marietta Ohio. I knew nothing of the hotel or its stories and past. Only that it was old and kind of cool. My room was on the 3rd floor and I had to go through a winding hallway to get there. I'm a light sleeper and wok...
Beach House Ghost by Trout130
Greetings everyone, I'm back again today to share another one of my paranormal experiences. This story takes place last summer when my family and I were vacationing at a beach house in Manitoba, about an hour away from where we live. Grandma rented this beach house for us and, truly, we had a gre...
Walking Man? by queen_evannxoxo
I remember walking home from volleyball practice one time and when I got closer and closer to my house I noticed someone walking in the driveway and even saw him walk into my house! When I got home and went, I looked all over to see who came because I was also waiting for someone to come over that n...
Battling With Historical Bowmen by GoldenDragon1984
I just remembered a story suddenly. It happened about ten years ago, back in UK when I still have my paint ball team. I was going to the practice file in the forest with my team during a fall in UK; the weather was great to do any sport. We walked through the yellow forest stepping on the crispy...
My Dad Came To Meet Me by nandiiiinii
I'm a 16 years old girl and I want to share my real experience with you all. I live in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. When I was 13, my father was hospitalized because he was suffering from cancer and after many radiations and chemotherapy nothing happened. He got on ventilator on 13th June. As I was very ...
The Haunted Silver Tenor A True Story by Ollie
This is a recent experience. Just a few weeks ago I saw advertised a Silver B&S blue label tenor sax. This was quite an old horn circa 1969 - 1971. As I already play the gold lacquered version, which is a great horn, I decided to drive the 48 miles to London near the Isle of Dogs and purchased it fo...
Visiting My Daughter by TJYAKI
These are a few things that have happened to my daughter. While I can't be 100 percent certain that these are paranormal, the timing of each of these is to coincidental. Our daughter turned 2 at start of the year. I wasn't ever home when these happened, so this is my husband telling me. First ...
That Girl by kunwargarhwal
I'm Kunwar Avishek Singh Garhwal, from Jamshedpur. Professionally I'm a screenplay writer. So, this is a real life ghost encounter that happened 2 years back. Second year students of ISM dhanbad had organised an interschool IQ competition between the schools of jharkhand. And after clearing 2 ro...
Taking Care Of My Daughter by Angelkiss
My daughter is a care worker, looking after people in their homes after illness or just due to old age. All are in various states of health but she enjoys her job and is very involved with her clients, often doing little errands or taking extra time to read the newspaper headlines and have a little ...
There Was Something In The Tree That Night by Charmsdes
Living by the coast I grew up spending a lot of time on the beach. Summers and holidays zipped by with hours of swimming. One particular Sunday in May I decided to stay in the sun the entire day and that earned me a pretty nasty sunburn. Swimming and moving out of the house for the following week wa...
The House Calls My Name by Charmsdes
As mentioned previously in several of my stories, I grew up in what I believed was a haunted house. Living there I did not know what it was like to be healthy. I was lucky to go through an entire week without falling mysteriously ill. Usually it was asthma attacks. I felt as though life was being su...
The Voice That Called My Mom by mym
This is my first story here, although I have been reading stories and following posts on this website for quite some time now. I have had some experiences in past which were hard to explain by logic; however, I always shrugged them off as I know no one in my family would believe me. Just for the...
The Boy And The Woman? by Carmen_Niklaus
I'm Carmen (not using my real name for privacy purposes). What I'm going to tell you is kind of weird and I hope for you guys to help me figure it out. Before I begin I would like to tell you that I'm not a very imaginative person and I don't lie about these things. Even in my childhood I don't reme...
An Audible Manifestation by SpiritLady
My only ghostly experience came in the fall of 1986. I had lost most of my vision from diabetes and had entered a residential rehabilitation facility in the capital city of a southern state. Rumors had been shared among clients about odd things that occurred on this campus that encompassed an en...
The Girl, Abigail by ulvenNixie
I am on a mission to get all my big experiences on this website before I experience something else that I would like to post here. It's important to me for some reason. I would just like my history documented here as a record, I guess. I feel like it will help me when I relay things that are more cu...
Willow Park by ulvenNixie
I have been digging through my past and I have insisted on submitting my memorable ghost experiences to this website. My intention is to have a record of the past stuff so that I can write about the future stuff with comfort and ease. Last year I tried to write down every single ghostly or just ...
A Dance Partner I Never Wanted by ulvenNixie
I moved from Iowa to Texas around the time that I turned fourteen. At first I was really excited about it. I wasn't going to go to the same school as all the people I went to middle school with. I was starting to feel exceptionally lonely at my old school and I was a bit of an outcast. Let's face it...
Dance Room Girl by ulvenNixie
This story takes place a few years after I moved to Texas. My mom and I moved out of an apartment and got into a roommate situation with someone we had befriended there. I still wasn't transitioning from living in Iowa to living in Texas well, but the house was a lot less awful than the apartment ha...
Driving Over A Spirit? by AlexZernov
I saw this with my own eyes along with a group, but was still very scary and reaffirmed my belief in the paranormal. It was an Indian festival called Rakhi. It is a festival for brothers and sisters. Sisters tie rakhee to their brothers and ask for the sisters well being, security and safety. An...
The Woman In Blue by Mannerizms
So, let's delve back into my past a little aye? Twelve years ago, I was 17 years old. Now as I have explained before, my home was in between 2 cemeteries; and when it would fog, it was weird it would just ONLY fog the road and our yard however, never any of my neighbor's yards. I remember one...
Through The Ouija Board, Part 3 by katzifilth
The first time I used the Ouija board with my oldest sister was a brief, but memorable one. This was back when I was around 14-15 years old, and had already been through some experiences I have written about before. We have always been very spiritual and also into all things some call "paranorma...
Ghosts In My House! by wolfpack13
My first experience was when I was about 5 years old, it was at my parents' house. A layout of the house to help you understand better. When you walk through the front door it's the living room. You go straight the kitchen is in front of you, to the right is a hallway. Down the hallway my old bedroo...
The Two Man Band by Bringel
I'm sure everyone has had that random moment in time when you're driving along in the car or you're out at the store and a song comes on that reminds you of a loved one. It happens to me every so often. I find it's a nice time to reflect on memories of that person, whether they're still alive or dec...
Babyland, A Lawn Full Of Memories by DC
In 1990, our school decided to give their students a field trip. It would be an "educational experience" as one teacher put it; all the 1st and 2nd graders were going to "Babyland." When I heard about the opportunity going to Babyland, I was so excited. My mother was pregnant at the time and I thoug...
Poltergeist Or Something Else? by Mystic25
Recently my boyfriend and I have noticed something strange in our apartment. The first happening occurred one day when we had been out running errands. When we got home the television and the hall light were on. We always turn everything off before we leave. He checked every room in the house, tryin...
Stultus Est Sicut Stultus Facit by GoldenDragon1984
I was twelve when I first when to a trip with my father to Rome. I remember that my father was always telling me that this old city is full of ghost stories. I can't remember all but almost every spot we went, and he will tell us a ghost tale or a ghost rumor about that place. My father in a cafe lo...
The Vanishing Guy by chetchet17
This is my second story. It happened just 3 days ago in the city of Singapore, where I am currently residing. Last Sunday, I woke up at 5.45 in the morning to meet my friends for early jog/exercise. I left house at 6 o'clock. In this country, the sun normally rises around 7 AM, so by the time I ...
Eldon House Shoes by Kindly_refrain
After reading many stories on YGS over the past couple of years, I have been encouraged to tell you one of mine. I don't have many and thankfully none happened at my house. I wrote this shortly after it occurred so that I would not forget details of it later. I added the last paragraph today to comp...
Relatives by chapulin1234
I posted couple of stories before as Cholulteca but can't figure out my password, Anyway, English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar mistake. I was reading a story about a child that sees her relatives and that brought memories of my own experiences with family "encounters", so...
Memories Of My Uncle by Angelkiss
I have been reading the stories on here and was reminded of an incident that occurred in the first house I lived in. On one particular night there was a show called Ally McBeal, I don't know if anyone remembers it, but I loved watching it and winding down before I had a bath and went to bed. My ...
Ghost Not Looking For Conversation by EB
This story I believe took place in 2003. I wasn't 21 years old yet, so it wasn't 2004. That's important information to this story. Because that's the reason I went to this house that contained a ghost instead of a bar! I'll provide a little background to the situation here. I used to live in th...
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