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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 165
Was I Touched By A Ghost? by Jazzisepic
Guys this is my second story to YGS, my first one wasn't very detailed as It was the first story as that I have done in a long time, so for that I'm sorry. This story takes place in my new house I have lived here for about 2 years. I live here with my mother, my step father, my 2 sisters and my bro...
Saving My Mother's Life? by HSDB816
Just some background information: I reside in Pennsylvania, I am 20 years old and I have always been "sensitive" to the paranormal. In fact, I have had many experiences happen to me other than the one I am about to tell you. On the day after Christmas in 2011 my dear MomMom passed away. She was my...
I'm Still Confused by Nick_11214
so I'm really confused about my ghost experience I don't know if it a ghost a spirit or a demon. So this is how it goes: It all started when I was in the 7th grade. My days went by normally until this one night I had a terrible nightmare. Most times when I get nightmares that wake me up in the mi...
Who Are These People? by HSDB816
From the time I can remember I was always afraid of the dark. Never quite sure what was lurking in the darkness... Not bad entities just a presence of sorts. We lived in a bi-level house just outside Philadelphia from the time I was a baby until about 10 years old. I have had a couple experiences th...
Grandparents Death By A Spirit? Possibly by sweetsunshine1800
If you read my other experience, Hauntings in New House Part 1, you may have been familiar with the fact that we're residing in a house where our landlady's husband's spirit roams about and doesn't like us being there, thus terrifies us... I have stated in my other experience that the horrors inc...
Demon's Actions Scars Me For Life by Jayteachout
This is not my first encounter with demonic creatures, but I'll tell you this story It was a typical day. In the year of 2014 The same routine the same long dragged out days of summer. Through my open window I felt a nice cool breeze of air that drifted me to sleep. Until suddenly I awoke in a st...
Ghost Hunting At Gettysburg by Parabol
Hey guys, I know I haven't posted in a while because I was beginning to run out of stories from my previous location. I have a new one now that happened just yesterday (at the time of writing this). We were on vacation in Gettysburg and my mom had booked us on a midnight ghost hunting tour, as in...
Visited By Mama Cat Of Our Adopted Kittens by jewel_brite
Our black and white cat Lovey was hit by a car near our home. We saw her still moving in the street, but by the time we parked in the driveway and rushed to her, she had passed. It was so distressing and from the look on her face, she had died in great pain. One week later, through a good friend, we...
Red Eye by specialized2001
It has been a while since I have posted on this site as ghostly encounters do not exactly happen often. However I have an encounter worth sharing. This encounter happened not to me, but to my twin brother during his junior year in college. I have received his permission to share this story and asked...
My Sister's Voice by skylark574
In my last story I told that my elder sister lives far from us. This incident is particularly related to her and my room. (Read my first story "Someone leaped upon me") Before my sister left, we both shared a single room. My sister, though elder was quite fearful. She won't stand darkness even f...
Knocker-upper by roylynx
Before I start this strange story, I will explain what a knocker-upper is. A knocker-upper was a profession in Britain and Ireland that started during and lasted well into the Industrial Revolution and at least as late as the 1920s before alarm clocks were affordable or reliable. A knocker-up's job ...
Unknown Entities In Our New House Pt. 3: They Wake Me Up by brighteyez
Since I have done the cleansing in my house, I haven't experienced anything and I thought it was just gone, but just recently the past two weeks something has come back. This story will almost be a "Part 3" to my story "Unknown Entities In Our New House" but will be a little more in depth. If you ha...
The Paper Man by inxsgal
If I am posting this in the wrong place I am sorry, but I need direction on where to find help with this. About 10 years ago when I was around 42, my husband and I divorced and I was living in an apartment alone. It was my day off and that afternoon I decided to stretch out on the couch and rela...
Haunted Base by Merika1776
I'm new to the site and would love to share my experiences with all of you. I have been serving in the United States Air Force for approximately 8 years now and have seen my fair share of the world. Each new place I have visited has brought me new and exciting experiences. The same cannot be said fo...
Boarders by Mona_Lyza
Me and my mother lived in a boarding house when I was still in elementary. Our house is quite far from my school and my mother's place of employment that's why we decided to try out boarding. At first sight, the place looks normal as it is situated also in a busy neighborhood but when we started liv...
The Kumon Thong by cloudy
I still haven't shared all of my personal experiences yet, although I do intend to. This is both due to still building up the courage to think back at some of them, and just simply find the inspiration required to put them in print. So the story I will share now is actually from my fiancé (let'...
Atwood by shelbyloree
In 1976 my grandparents moved their family to the middle of nowhere, about an hour's drive to the nearest town in northeast Colorado. Mom was 16 and very unhappy about the move. She moved out as soon as high school was over, married dad and went on her merry way. She said the Atwood house gave her t...
Little Girl And Such Spirits by loneybone
I've been getting the runaround lately with my thought about so many strange things I lived through in the past. Well I've been living in Texas my entire life since I was about 4 or 5. I used to live in the town before there was nothing but the country and grassy fields and there was nothing for mil...
Family Visiting? by Avery
This is my first experience and it was when I was about 12 or 13 years old. I was in Colorado visiting my great-grandmother, grandfather, aunt, cousin, and other family. We all had fun then went to my grandmother's house. As soon as I walked in I knew something was up. I walked past the hallway ...
My Parents' Second House by Bibliothecarius
I recently submitted a story about an unseen presence which made me uneasy in my parents' first home. In a very slow version of what is now called "property flipping," my parents improved that house to make it more valuable, so they could sell it and move into a nicer house a couple of miles away in...
Strange Woman In An Abandoned College? by DecdipTV
Me, my Dad and my cousin all decided that for an interesting YouTube video we should go into an abandoned building. There were not many around where I lived so we kind of had to travel. When we first pulled up to the building, I instantly felt this weird vibe. It was as if something was trying t...
Experiencing Spirits At My Friend's House by RNK
I have never believed in ghosts, but I've always liked hearing stories about them. My friend always told me stories about their "haunted" house, but I never truly believed her. She invited me once to sleepover, and I thought I'd finally check for myself if she had been lying all the time. And so I w...
The Mist by SinAngel
I was laying on the bed next to my girlfriend. We had just eaten breakfast and we were just laying there as I listened to her talk about the upcoming music fest. The lights in the room were off, the only light in the room was coming from a partially open window curtain letting the sunlight through. ...
Red Eyes In The Closet by Raygen
This is my first post ever. I have told very few people about this experience. When I was 14 I lived in the country about 20 miles outside of a small town. I loved it. One night I was in bed on the verge of sleep (You know, when you are about there but you know you are still somewhat awake). I d...
Little Boy With Red Hair by chelscp11
I am new to this site, but I have always wanted to tell my story to a larger crowd. I have not told many people this story. It took me a year to even bring it up for the first time. It just seems so insane and farfetched that I figured no one would believe me! Please give me your thoughts. I am ...
Cloaked, Hooded Figure, Lucid Dream by SPiNX
Cloaked hooded figure! Pointy nose or almost like a abstract pointed jaw... I had a lucid dream encounter. I became lucid in my dream (laying down sideways on a couch). I began floating slightly in a fetal position in mid-air, floating around a corner inside a house. Beyond the corner I reach a ...
I Saw A Full-length Ghost by DavidEasterling
One night I laid down to go to sleep. Maybe after 10 minutes I turned over, then I saw what I thought was my girlfriend standing next to some shelves. I hollered out, "What are you looking for honey?" No response. The room was mostly dark but did have some light coming in the room, enough to see...
Tall Black Demon With Glowing White Eyes by Kth19300
I have been feeling like there has been something watching me the past few years and last night I got to see what it was. I have come to figure out that I am not the only one to see these demons. I wish I could know what it is called. But let me tell you how I got to see this "thing". I was comi...
Grandma Was With Me by lisabag
My amazing Grandmother got sick. Her kidneys stop working, so they started her on Dialysis. It wasn't going very well, so she wasn't able to leave the hospital. Family members were going to start taking shifts to spend a day with her at the hospital. I was so excited for my day. It was on a Monday a...
The Shadow Man And Phantom Knocks by kentucky_believer
I was born in Northern Ohio, where I lived until I was around ten (when my family moved to Kentucky) and had never had a paranormal experience until that time. The drive from my home town to our new house (a small house that was roughly a century old) took roughly six hours, and it was late at night...
Giant Shadow Like Man? by brittnicole
Growing up, I had many paranormal experiences. I saw a shadow man in my house quite often and never got any weird vibes from him. I have not seen anything in at least six years. Well, last night, I was on the patio with my two small dogs. Our patio has a brick wall all the way around it. Down th...
My Apartment Was Very Active by AndiKate81
I will start this story by saying that I am a firm believer in the paranormal, but I've never actually SEEN a ghost. First I'll give a little history on myself. I've had a life of tragic loss. My identical twin sister died in a car accident when we were 6, then my dad died when I was 16. Needless to...
The Disappearing Doll by GinaFowler
Realizing as a teen that the house I grew up in was haunted, this is my earliest memory of an occurrence that, as a child, I didn't understand. I was born in 1977, four minutes later than my identical twin sister. Growing up, we did everything together. When we were around five years old, Santa ...
The Night I Met Maria by yomomma
February 22, 1993 at 2:01 p.m., I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I had morning sickness the entire pregnancy. I gained only 11 pounds which put me in the high risk category. Needless to say, her birth didn't go as planned. I was induced into labor at 36 weeks because she had stopped growing...
The Ice Cream Truck Makes A Return Visit by yomomma
It's happening again. I knew when I started writing my stories down, going through them in my mind, talking about them, acknowledging things that happened in the past, that somehow it would make them strong again. I know that sounds crazy even somewhat dramatic but I also know that is what seems to ...
The Red Lady Is Staring At Me by thisweirdasian
I'm a lurker in this page for years, but it's only today that I had the confidence to actually submit a story. Anyway, a short background. I am a "sensitive". I can feel and sometimes see things that normal people don't feel or see, since childhood. My grandmother said it's because of my lineage....
New Orleans Nightmare by BoyMomOf2
I've been reading stories on this site for a few years. Mostly, trying to understand my experiences in my own home growing up. It's been 6 years since I stepped foot in that house and the hair on my neck still stands up when I think about what I experienced in that house. My story takes place in New...
Meeting My Great Grandmother by chaoscontroler
So I'm not really sure where to fit my experiences. I'm currently 27 years old and lived in Portugal all my life. My first ghost encounter (and only real sighting) was my great grandmother. I was at my grandmother's place with her and my mother and we were following my grandmother to her bedroom....
Body Vibrating Upon Waking During A Nightmare by Justjess
A few months ago I had awoke from a nightmare and my body was vibrating as if I had a cell phone in my chest. I was about 4 months pregnant and can't quite recall what the dream was except that a ghost or a spirit was sticking its hand into my stomach to get my baby. As I slowly woke, I had firs...
Camping by Celtic1888
Scotland Glasgow July 2004, five 16 year olds out camping in the woods. I was the youngest only had 2 bottles of cider. Around 2am, being rowdy within a residential area, the police came. We ran off in different directions. I was left with one other friend. I suggested we try and find the rest of ou...
A Ghost With A Personal Grudge Part 2 by Aries_fire
Jon and I moved from TX to West Allis in January of 2010 into a two bedroom, two-bathroom apartment which was probably the nicest apartment we have lived at so far since we started living together in 2002. Within the first week of living there I was already getting a feeling that made me very un...
Footsteps In The Day by mrmonty
I haven't written on this site for a while (I have checked on it from time to time), but something happened this past Saturday and I was wondering if anyone had experienced anything like this happening. I was walking home from the grocery store with my groceries hung over my shoulder, now it was...
Late Night Hooting Or Chartter? by Sanchez_92
First of, I do not remember much of this experience but I have enough information regarding it from what my mom has told me when she would also experience it a long with me. This was a while ago back in my country El Salvador. I was around 4-5 years old when we still lived over there before movin...
Malignant Child by Sanchez_92
This experience did not happen to me, it happened to my sister when she was around 11 years of age. We were back in El Salvador and there is stories going around of a little boy that follows girls who are entering the stage of young women. Meaning girls who are close to getting their periods. Thi...
Ouijia Board Questions by Obohlemon
A few nights ago, me and 4 of my friends did the Ouija. We told all spirits that it was a safe environment and we would not repeat anything said outside the 5 of us. For that reason, I will not go into too much detail of what happened, however, I feel I must tell you that we got a spirit who I belie...
My Friend Billy Part 2 by RedWolf
Thank you all who read my first story. As I said I had tried more than a dozen times to write that story. It didn't matter whether I used my tablets or my P.C. The story would disappear. I even felt like something was attached to my shoulder one night and my son even confirmed he felt a electrical t...
Miscellany by SomeCallMeTim
My brushes with the supernatural have been few and far between. Rather than submit several very brief accounts, here are the best of the rest: Projection: When I was a small child, probably no older than five, I noticed that I was standing several feet away from myself, watching myself play with ...
Feeling Presences Everywhere - Part 1 by chaoscontroler
So this is a continuation from my story Meeting My Great Grandmother I can't see ghosts but I can feel people (presences) and sometimes those people "aren't there". When I was 16, I started feeling something unusual in my bedroom. I...
Signs From My Favorite Deceased People by hallen1930
Ever since I was little, I had always wanted to meet my great-grandmother and Elvis Presley. But unfortunately both had passed away long before I was born. But recently I started talking to them. I am not a psychic medium but it helps me a lot to go outside and just talk to them whether I need their...
Why Only To Me? by Ashraf
I was very fearful of ghosts when I was in school. Even darkness. A mere flicker of a tube light would chill my spine. Whenever I stepped inside a room, I made sure that the lights are on. Everyone in my family knew about my cowardice. My brother and sisters used to prank on me and often tease me. B...
My Brother's Kitchen Ghost by girlie
It has been a VERY long time since I have been up here, but I think it is time to add some more recent ghost stories to the site. My family and I went to visit my brother at his home in Philly. We had been there before with no problem, but I don't know if I had just ignored it the first time or ...
Fairies... Maybe? by Briannalynn
So this experience didn't actually happen to me personally. This happened to my friend but she would never come on here and submit it. So I'm doing it because I am curious if anyone else has witnessed anything like this! She was sitting outside with her kids, her niece, and her nephew just enjoy...
Can Objects Actually Become Haunted? by kentucky_believer
Throughout my teenage years, I lived in a haunted house out in the country. So when I was 20 and we moved to a house in the city, I was thrilled. For six months, everything was normal, until my dad decided to surprise my mom by buying her an antique China cabinet. My maternal great-grandmother colle...
The Strange Lamb Doll by brielilyrose444
My dad and I love going to antique stores. Sometimes I'm just drawn to certain items. Once, we went to a new antique store and I went one way to look at a certain booth while he did his own thing. Usually, I like to look at the old toys, wondering who they used to belong to and such. Well, I came...
Haunted Cabin In Pigeon Forge, Tn by snowboarder300
This story takes place in February of 2001 just outside of Pigeon Forge / Gatlinburg, TN. I actually got inspired to even tell this story again after reading Purpletrees own cabin experience, and while this didn't also happen in NC, it happened just across the border. To be quite honest, I had k...
She Couldn't Make It. She's Sorry. by takaw-mata
This is a story my father told me and my sisters when we were still kids. It was his own experience as a child back in Nueva Ecija in the 1960s. My grandmother's father died. Unfortunately she could not attend the funeral for whatever reason. I don't remember why, either work or something about ...
I Think My Place Was Haunted by Nusa33
Few years ago I used to live in a lovely lakeside apartment in Ontario. The place was new. Since I moved in with my 2 kids, I never had any problems. Until one day I decided to buy a Ouija board. I tried several times to use it but it never worked. So I decided to keep it in the closet. I also u...
3 Knocks And Something New by Bigpapa
I have been sharing my story for years and never thought about posting it for others to read. Last night I had something unusual happen in addition to what has been happening over the course of about 20 years so I decided to share with a friend at work who has not been apart of my stories in the pas...
My Mother Has Seen My Doppleganger by DirtCreature
So something has been happening lately that at first, I didn't put much thought into. But now it's starting to get strange. First off, I am a complete pleb when it comes to paranormal knowledge. But my mom has been seeing my doppelganger. So I do not know what a doppelganger is and I do not know if ...
Haunting In The Home by Susannah
This is my first story, however needless to say, my family and I have been experiencing an array of paranormal experiences within the family home since 1997. This is when we first moved into our house. I'm from Canberra, Australia. My family, that being my mother, father, two sisters, myself and...
My Cousin's Doppelganger by Thor220
Some years ago when I was roughly 9 or 10 years old (I'm 28 now), my family and I were visiting relatives for Thanksgiving at their home about 2 hours from where we lived. We had been to their house many times in the past and I never had any sort of paranormal experiences before. There were quite a ...
Little Red Hiding Girl by Xylee21
Eight years ago. That was the time I first had my spirit encounter in my then new home. It was way back when I was in the 6th grade in a then municipality now city in the southeastern part of Mindanao. I was basically still new to the place since I transferred when I was in grade five from Manila. M...
Who Is Always With Us? by maggirockz13
The story I'm going to say is not evil. It's about love which is forever, even after death. It all starts after my grandma's death on March 7th, 1997. We were a joint family; it includes my Grandpa, Mom, and Dad, Uncle (Father's elder brother), Aunt (Uncle's wife) and 1 month old sister (uncle's...
Devil's Backbone Apparations by ShadowFire
I guess I should start my story by stating that I am a full practicing witch so that you can understand the many Ghost encounters I have had over my lifetime were pretty common. But on this one occasion while I was visiting my favorite camping area at Canyon Lake Park near the Devil's Backbone area,...
A Woman Behind The Door by girleye888
This isn't a one time story, this is a reoccurring story. When I was younger my mother and I were looking through her old high school year books, well as I'm looking through them this one girl stood out to me... And every page I looked at she was the first thing drawn to me. Well anyway, I asked my ...
Are You Awake, Baby? by Sti5na
This is the first story I am submitting to the site, so maybe I should give a little background on who I am. I haven't really had much experience with ghosts or hauntings until I met my boyfriend. He sees and talks to ghosts as he can connect with them. So after I met him I had my first ghost exp...
Lights Off Demon by Rohith1210
I live in a duplex house in a hilly region in Hyderabad to which I have moved 4 years ago. Three months after moving I began noticing dark figure running from my kitchen (an open modular kitchen) toward the front room in the night after the lights were turned off. I could not hear any footsteps and ...
Grandpa, Is That You? by maggirockz13
I was sleeping in my room when a sound woke me up. It was almost 3 am at midnight. I went to the hall and it was little dark, the moonlight from the window made me saw a figure seated on my sofa. I was scared and quickly I switched on the light. It was my grandpa. I was surprised seeing him here ...
Was There Something That Pushed Me? by ishan
Hope you all are in best of the condition. I've been a reader of incidents on YGS for quite some years now but never did I got the opportunity to share my story. I'm not exactly sure whether it actually was a paranormal encounter or not but I'll share it here nevertheless. The incident took plac...
The Man In The Shadows by MoonlightJannet
A lot has been happening lately, comfortable and uncomfortable things. Some of these "happenings" just leave me curious and confused as to why all of this is happening. I've been experiencing things to the point where I have broken down and I shall tell you how and why now. One day, I was sat in ...
Help Me Understand by Porsha
I'm an 18 year old female and I've "BEEN" seeing dead people! I honestly wish I could understand the real reason why this happens to me. If someone very close to me is going to die I can feel it weeks before it happens. I actually have this "Death feeling" that I cannot explain. In 2010 I was 12-...
Paranormal Experiences Or Coincidences by the22centuryboi
This would be my first post here. I am a true to heart sceptic and haven't seen enough proof firsthand to conclude the existence of absolute good or bad. With that said, I do try my best to elicit a response from the other world or other plane of energy, or the other dimension. Until today I still h...
Entity On The Stairs by NinjaPirateAssasin
About three or four years ago, I was home alone as my parents were picking up dinner and my siblings were at college. I was on the ground level of our house on my laptop. I have my laptop set up in our living room so my back is to the wall. From here, I have a clear view of our kitchen, as we have a...
Homemade Ouija Board by brooke1378
So on August 18, 2016, me and my friends were texting back and forth about random things, like we always did everyday. Then somehow in our conversation the topic of ghosts and demons came up. One thing in particular regarding ghosts and demons... Ouija Boards. So we started joking around and sharing...
Was It A Spirit? by FluffyCloud
Warning: English is not my first language so, sorry if I made any grammar mistake. So it started at the end of school year. I'm a girl and I'm 14 years old in 7th grade and I live only with my mom. I was tired because of the final exams so I decided to go straight to bed. My mom's laptop crashed,...
My Childhood Ghost Experiences by ConfusingxRain
There are many stories I want to post here but I will start with my first few experiences with the paranormal. First: I will write the word "cousin" a lot but they are actually my great-cousins. It's already a little confusing so I tried to make it easier by just writing "cousin"! I never thou...
What Happened On Alabama Highway 36 by MK1
This story took place in the summer of 1996, on rural Highway 36 near Lacey's Spring, Alabama, which is a small community located between Huntsville and Hartselle. I was living in Birmingham, Alabama at the time, and my girlfriend then (now my wife) was with me for this experience. I am a profess...
Friend's Late Husband? by MissE
One of my friends lost her husband. He committed suicide, and she was a witness. So, she moved in with her brother (my boyfriend at the time). Before she moved in with my boyfriend, his house seemed completely normal and neutral. Well, as soon as she moved some of her belongings into the house, ...
New Vistors? by Mannerizms
Merry Meet all, I apologize again, for being so long since my last encounter shared. I am currently trying to figure out what is going on in my new home. For those of you whom are new, every single home I ever lived in growing up was haunted; that was until I moved to Arizona. Only then did I really...
The Prankster And The Seeker by Allicatt
A few months ago my fiancee and I noticed some activity in our house. It started like most situations I've been in, a few by passing shadows and unrecognizable whispers. Until it decided to really try to get our attention. Well specifically mine, which I found interesting though not really shocking ...
Shadow Late At Night by Desertmoon
I'm new to this site and have never been what people call sensitive or psychic and haven't seen or heard much of what would be considered experiences of a paranormal nature. However the subject greatly interests me, and though I know some stories are fabricated I've talked to enough friends and seen...
She Answered The Phone by Mona_Lyza
This happened when my sister was admitted to the hospital and I was left alone at home. It was my first time being alone for the night in the house. My parents have to accompany my sister in the hospital and they don't want me to go with them because I have exams the following day. My night in th...
That Girl Was In True Love by Atma
This is my first story that I am submitting on YGS so please pardon me if I will make any mistake to describe this experience. First I would like to tell you about my background. I am 27 years old mature, sensitive and emotional girl basically from Uttarakhand (India) but now a days I am in Del...
A Spirit by solitarysunrisewoman
In 2000, I was working in the basement at a place called William Temple House in Portland, Oregon. It was built in the Romanesque style in the 1940's and went through several owners and was once used as a speak easy and boarding house. This agency is in the NW sector of Portland and the building hel...
Stop Touching Me by chickengirl2468921
We recently went on a road trip on the east coast. We were in the car, me on my phone, playing one of my favorite games, my little sister, who is 9, was playing an intense game on her iPad, and my parents in the front talking. We had to drive for another hour before we got anywhere. Suddenly my ...
Do We Have A Ghost? by Rmac123
A little behind the scenes... My roommate, who is my best friend for 15 years, and I are moving out of our old place and moving into a new location. Nothing like this has happened for 14. 5 months. We went to our new place earlier on Saturday to check it out, and then came back to our current place....
Hearing Voices Under My Pillow by LuzR1956
Moved to a single family house in West Springfield, MA over a year ago, from the first night heard noises all over the house. In the past 6 months while in bed sleeping or awake I am hearing voices under my pillow, first it was an women's voice crying under my pillow and then it changes to a male vo...
Humming In Baby Monitor by Janny3000x
I have lived in Ny for 14 years now and have moved to several different houses in the state. My family never experienced any paranormal occurrences in NY until the last apartment we moved into (where we have currently lived for 3 years now). The story I am about to tell is one of MANY paranormal thi...
Revolutionary War Soldier by Ash7
This story is so strange that my own mom has a hard time believing it. I was about 14, and lived on the second floor of an apartment building. One night my mom, my friend and I were sitting on the couch watching tv. What looked like a red laser light started moving around on our wall, my mom freaked...
Tokoloshe Or Poltergeist? by Fergie
As I mentioned in my last submission, I visited my brother, Rob, in New Zealand last year and cajoled a few paranormal experiences of his from him. Here is his second one, this also took place while he was still living in South Africa. Back in late 1987, he was transferred by his work from De Aar...
Am I Being Followed Or Is It Attached? by _rowan_
To begin with, this post is very long, and it's happened in two different countries, but mainly in America. I was about 10 when I had my first encounter, and I was with my dad. My parents are divorced and my dad lived in another country so it was a surprise to see him at my house. We lived nex...
Disappearing Music On Night Shift by Ash7
I worked as a CNA at an assisted living facility with a memory care unit. The facility was only a couple of years old when I started, but many co-workers claimed that it was haunted. I've seen black shadows, the elevator came down in the middle of the night with no one there, the door alarms would s...
Visitors From The Other Side by melomelo
What would you do if you woke up in the middle of the night and saw a spirit? The first time I saw a spirit, I didn't know who they were or how they got in our house, so it was a little eerie. They visit so frequently now that it no longer surprises me. My mother had a great interest in the ...
Turned Around by Sanchez_92
To begin with this story, I want to let you guys know this occurrence happened when I was around 10 years old. I always wanted an electric toothbrush that you pressed a button and it would brush your teeth basically on your own except the fact that you had to move it to where it needed to be clean....
The Black Figure And Strange Occurrences by KatherineLinien
Let me make it very clear now that I thought most of the things happening to me were things that happened to many others. As I will explain in a little bit, these black figures and weird occurrences that have been happening in the house I have been living in have never happened in my friends' houses...
Not Sure What I Saw The Night My Mother Passed by OCGirl
My mother passed around 1:30 am on August 25, 2011 after a very long illness that had left her bedridden for her last 2 - 3 years of life. As soon as my father called I went right over to support him & see my mother. Although I had seen her just 6 hours before, very sick but still alive. Later th...
Dark Figure At Office Door by Mour8
It was just another ordinary day at work. I had just got promoted to a better job and I had a lot of freedom. I mean, all I do is watch a computer screen. I had just finished what little work I have to do for the day; life was great. It was just starting to get late and I sat back in my chair to rel...
Watchers Next To My Bed by Justjess
This story takes place in Sumner, Washington in the year of 2001. I was only fifteen at the time that I experienced my first real and close up encounter with the shadow people. Every night it seemed like I used to watch the movie Home Alone while going to sleep, you could say it was a nightly ri...
Creepy Shadow Figure by Desertmoon
As a kid I had often been afraid of things that go bump in the night. I remember this happening ever since my parents had divorced back in 1965 when I was 4 or 5 years old, and my mom was raising my younger brother and I as a single mom. Maybe the divorce made me insecure and frightened of things in...
Something Behind The Curtain Of My Bedroom by girl25
A few months ago even before the experience with my own doppelganger (and yes I am still alive), I had sleep paralysis -it was dark of course in my room and I didn't wear my glasses- I could see two hands moving slowly behind the curtain next to the shutters. They were like female hands. I was so af...
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- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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