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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 182
Hello Lovey by Jubeele
February. It all happened in February. Strange how a lifetime of bitter-sweet memories can be filled into that one month. Rex-T and I first got together in February 1996. Then in February 2004, we lost the IVF baby we had tried so hard for and wanted so badly. That night, as we were still trying ...
My Musical Home by Miracles51031
In July of 2009, I bought a previously owned mobile home and relocated it onto my parents' property where my kids and I have lived since, and where most of our paranormal experiences have taken place. The following are music-related. The first time I heard music in my home and couldn't find the s...
The Ghost Soldier by Cecil-XII
I have had many paranormal happenings throughout my life however this one is fairly recent and is quite a bittersweet one at that. It happened this year in around January, where I first met the ghost of a young man who had seemingly bonded with me. Not in a romantic way of course but more a confi...
Dark Energy by Jaxxxanator
Huge fan of this site! To give some context for my story I will try and summarise related facts. Since my dad passed away, at the age of 12 I was gifted with the sight. Have had many spiritual encounters (mostly my dad and family members) but have had other encounters to (will publish one particul...
White Light Fairy Shape by Tweed
This morning I woke up before sunrise, which isn't like me. I could hear the birds starting up, so I knew it was morning. I noticed a light in the space between the wall and the ceiling. Was about to roll over and go back to sleep then realised there shouldn't be a light there, so I looked back, it ...
Someone Kissed My Hand by Lemonie
Female - 15 - Buenos Aires (9:00 am) I was at school, walking down the hallway to get to the area where we have recess. It was pretty cold so I had a scarf on, which made my neck itch. I decided to try and scratch in hopes to relief the annoying feeling, but as my hand was making its way behind ...
Whisper by angrybird
I don't share much of my experience online, truth be told this is my first time. I have been reading a lot of stories in your site whenever I'm at work so I'm sharing one of my own. This experience of mine happened when I was working on a small call center company (it's more like an internet caf...
Cat Said Goodbye Before Moving On? by jason1987
Morning everyone. Just reading some of your experiences suddenly made something click for me. I am a 30 year old man, originally from Oxford and now living Jersey, Channel Islands. This goes back approximately 20 years ago therefore it is rather difficult to remember all of the details, but I...
Co-passenger by Aakanksha10
Sorry for not posting for quite some while, was caught up in some work. I never knew that I would be writing a story today related to what happened with me. Without blabbering much, I would like to come straight to the incident. It happened today, i.e. 13/07/2018. It rained heavily at my place...
Strange Things Are Happening 2 by MikeChandlerOfficial
My grandmother's house is extremely old and I get the creeps whenever I go over there. I know the house has a history. A young man committed suicide there in the late 1950s. One night, before I was even born my Aunt and Uncle decided to contact the spirit of the man by using a Ouija board. Nothing...
Seeing Ghost At Night by Nes
When I experienced this, that time I was around 11 or 12 years old. I used to sleep in my parents room. My single bed used to be placed in the corner of the room while parents' bed was in the centre. There was a window beside my bed. And most of the time my father would wake up at night and check...
Bursts Of Colors And Ghosts At The Church by Posh9
Hey everyone! Its pink496 I am back. I am a lover of the paranormal world and I want to learn as much as I can. I love reading everyone's experiences. 😊 The church that I am working at as a lot of activity going on. The church that I work at is huge! It's very big it has three floors but we o...
Demonic? Principalities? And A Lost Cc by MaggieMay_Not
Sorry for the long absence. Life has been hectic but I took a moment to share something that happened this last Friday - the 13th of July. If you've followed my comments and stories, you know I have a rather Pain in the Asterisks entity bugging me. Picked him up at a hotel - yes distinctly male -...
Kapag Lumingom Ka Akin Ka: If You Turn You're Mine by boogeyBoy777
First time sharing this story and I hope everyone can help me figure out what was that I saw. I work in a bank. International bank, but I live here in the Philippines. I won't share the name of the bank for it's privacy and security. I work on a graveyard shift. During my break time, I do my stu...
Paranormal Encounters In My Neighborhood by Scaarvii
These are just a few things that I think might be paranormal. This happened in the same house I live in now. My mother was watching a horror with my family, I was asleep upstairs, so was one of my brothers. The other three family members were in the living room. After a while, they heard a knoc...
Ye Old Schoolhouse by bresys
I feel like I've just been flooding this site with my stories lately, and I do apologize, but this is the first time I've been comfortable opening up completely about my paranormal experiences. It might be wise to reference my other stories/accounts to understand the place where I live, because this...
Haunted Mobile Phone by Arup2018
It was the year 2011. I purchased a brand new mobile phone from Showroom. I was very happy to buy it and I brought it home. My mother was also very happy to see it. But, from that very night, I started having horrible nightmares. From the very next day, I feared even to look at that mobile or even t...
Did I Just Feel The Prescene Of A Murder Victim? by Cecil-XII
It turns out the history of my area was a lot darker than I had previously assumed and knowing me... I was fascinated, intrigued yet spooked when I had discovered this out in a local history book. This murder happened at least 200 years ago, in a area which remnants still even stand today, which ...
The Skin Walker by beastiifetus
The first experience. Aged 8. At first it would only run up and down the hallway. It would peek just around my door way some nights and leave me frozen in fear. I was too stiff to call out for my mother. Eventually it became brazen off my fear and would kneel down in my doorway. There it would ...
1 Hand... 2 Ghosts... 3 Lessons by lady-glow
What mother doesn't take advantage of every opportunity to teach her children a lesson? As I have said before, I grew up within a family that accepts the existence of ghosts and, as a kid, it was common to hear my family members talking about their experiences with the paranormal and the unexpla...
Fearful Experience by Dadarg
I am back with a post of my new ghost story. This happened to me when I was working in a multinational company. We had company transport to take us home. I was lucky enough to have my cousin brother's van as part of the company transport fleet. I was seated in the passenger seat beside him. We had t...
The Unexplained Happening At A Palace Hotel by lookingforamiracle
This happened when I was traveling for work to Hyderabad, India. I stayed in a very beautiful hotel, which used to be a palace before, with one of my other colleagues. We stayed in one of their Royal Suite (purely by luck). The layout of the suite was, you enter in the living room and then a curtai...
Ghost App by trinity98
I know what you're thinking! "Ghost app? Bunch of baloney!" I thought the same when I first heard of it and even more when I first used it (I started using this app about 2 years ago so around the end of 2015 or begging 2016) but the more I used it the more the responses became more relevant to my q...
Battle At Little Bighorn by naturehiker
In Montana driving from Pine Ridge Rez in South Dakota to catch a flight in Billings the next afternoon. Late that day I came upon the national historic site of Little Bighorn Battlefield, aka. Custer's Last Stand, aka. The Greasy Grass Creek. I had no plans to stop here, I saw it on the map tho...
Unknown Beings In Our House by Kryptonian85
Good day everyone, I have been reading on and off on YGS for a long time. I have a few experiences myself and I'm no stranger when it comes to the occult and paranormal activities. I believe there are beings around us that we can't see and I also believe that we need protection from the evil ones ou...
Hunted By A Child Soul After I Witnessed His Death by Risoli
It was a cold night of November, I stayed up late studying for my exams, I was only 16 and I made my own private room at the balcony of our home at 5th floor. In front of us there was 2 buildings and a famous hotel with swimming pool just in its 4th floor where parties held every night and people t...
Ghost House From My Childhood by Alspaugh99109
I use to live in this house when I was a kid, until I was 14. Strange things would happen in the house and I rarely wanted to go upstairs by myself. One time my niece, who was 4 at the time, described a figure she was seeing that was in mother's closet. "He's funny looking," and described him like a...
Dark Silences by sushantkar
It was pouring heavily for the last 2 to 3 hours. Me and my best friend who had recently been selected in state police had been foiled together in a heavy rainfall in midway near Rajdari and Devdari, a famous waterfall situated 85 kms from our city. Both Rajdari and Devdari waterfalls are located in...
The Noontime Knocking Update by bresys
So I posted not long ago about how every day between 12 and 12:30, someone knocks on the walls in my house. Recently, the knocking stopped. For at least a week. I have gone about saying Hello to Papi, our man cave ghost, and given a set of rosaries to my mom. I thought one of those two would quel...
Can Ghosts Warn You Of Things That Are Going To Happen? by Jones1992
It's been around 3 years since I last visited here, but not a lot has happened in the way of ghost encounters for me. I have found in my experience the more you look for them the less likely they are to show themselves. My grandad died in April and unfortunately for me he has not shown himself, h...
Warm Touches? Not Sure What To Think About This? by Cecil-XII
This experience is going to be quite short actually, because it is quite simple to explain, but these occurences are rather strange. I have noticed lately that I have felt touches on me, not in places which feel wrong but rather like something warm is physically touching me on my hands and arms m...
A Case For Elementals...? by Veylre
This is my first submission. I have several that I will share over time. This particular story is of 2 separate incidents from 2 separate locations and 2 separate time periods in my life but concerning related creatures of origins uncertain. I believe myself to be a form of "Sensitive" that has disr...
Do You Know Who You're Talking To by Thunder_Storm
I am from Bangalore, India. Often while I have nothing to do at office, I've been reading experiences here on Your Ghost Stories for the past 4 - 5 Years. I have a good time reading experiences/posts and comments on this site. I enjoy reading and listening to Ghost stories and experiences. I hav...
The Thing In The Wardrobe by GioxX
I live in Canada, in the north part of Toronto. It's pretty much quiet and not as hectic as the downtown area. My neighbourhood is also very quiet, as I live on a closed street (has no exit). I have lived in this house for 4 years now, and before renting it the owner told us her mother passed away i...
Phantom Car? by Cuddlebear
Greetings one and all! This is my first posting, and I may make a few others depending upon how this is received. If I may be permitted a few words about myself. I am at heart a skeptic as regards matters of the supernatural. I believe that most people who tell these tales and relate these experi...
Treasured Memories by Aporetic
I was so pleased to discover the YGS website, and after reading several stories I felt encouraged and safe to share mine. Safe, because from the comments, I saw a community of people who wouldn't think me crazy when I told them about my experiences (as has been the case when I shared with friends an...
Big Brother Is Watching by valkricry
It was January 2, 2018 and it was really cold out, like 6 degrees, but I really had to go to the store. My roommate was sick so, I bundled up good, and began the 3 block trek to the nearest Mom and Pop, hoping they'd have what we desperately needed. About a block into my walk, a car started cree...
My Sister Came Back From Death by BlueLion23
In my life I have experienced many things on a paranormal spectrum. Most of those are stories to be told another day. This one is about my first ever encounter with something paranormal. I was four years old at the time, so I don't really remember much. If you want a specific location, it was in...
Encounter With A Scaly-skinned Entity by chitrika
A few months back, I had a spooky experience at my hostel in the city of Lucknow, India. I had two roommates one of which was my cousin sister and the other was a senior in her 4th year of college. Before I start my story I would like to tell you that often a house lizard would come into our room...
Phone Message by Haven
My father passed away in May 2006 due to complication with Diabetes. He had been fighting an infection in one of his feet for several months, he went to see a lot of doctors in the hopes that they would be able to save his leg. Unfortunately, they were not able to save his leg and it ended up being ...
Boy Made Of Light by CuriousDee
The incident I'm about to share happened to my son about 5 years ago when he was 9 - 10 years old. It is not scary, but in my opinion, amazing nonetheless and dear to my heart. A little bit of background first... My son (I'll call him Peter to protect his privacy) had a few experiences in regards...
Beware Of Dog by Cups
This occurred sometime in late summer or early fall in 1998. I was a senior in high school, and my two best friends were sisters; one was a year older than me, Jane; the other, Kat, a year younger. Jane had gone off to college, leaving us two younger girls to make our own fun. We lived in a very rur...
A Ghost Or Spirit Who Took The Form Of My Aunt by Rajine
Greetings to all on YGS. The story I'm about to relate didn't happen to me directly, however it did occur at my house. My entire family (aunts,uncles,parents and cousins) would all gather every weekend at each other's houses for get togethers. For us it was a weekly tradition we as kids looked f...
The Apartment Off Wilmington by SparksWife2018
(*For personal reasons and at request, I have changed names) 2011 was a tough year for me. My boyfriend of 5 years had suddenly dumped me at New Years, my grandmother grew very ill and died soon after, and I was back in a relationship after my break up with an ex. It wasn't easy but I found a j...
Pressure On My Bed by hwright1279
This is the first time telling my story on any site. I've been googling what happened to me in order to hopefully find someone who has had a similar experience so I can figure out if I'm losing my mind or not! This has happened to me several times so please someone tell me what I'm dealing with if y...
A Girl Crying by eloisa28
This story happened last July 23 this year. I have shared few of the stories that I experienced in the University where I'm working at. This time, for me, it is not actually the most scary. 5 in the afternoon, working duty is over, my father who is also currently working in the University, invite...
Pillow Talk by Miracles51031
Occasionally I am introduced to something that is different than the paranormal I am used to, such as the music I mentioned in my most recent story. (Thank you to those who helped me understand that one is probably not paranormal in nature.) This is another one of those different things and all insi...
Witch Of Yazoo by supernaturalresearchsociety
The Witch of Yazoo's grave is located in Glenwood Cemetery in Yazoo Mississippi. The legend of the Witch of Yazoo became famous in Willie Morris' book, Good Old Boy published in 1971. According to the legend, the witch lived on the Yazoo River and was caught killing fishermen who she lured in. Th...
Daddy's Chirpies by Aporetic
I had planned on submitting the experience of how my Yoda's whispers from the other side was instrumental in me adopting my new fur kid, Pirate, but I decided to give the trees a break from the tissue issues LOL. This narrative is my most recent experience. Though the setting is a religious one, it ...
The Man With A Gold Tooth by msforgetmenott
Reference: Memories and a pad of paper by Msforgetmenott This happened nearly two months ago. He is here again, that man with a gold tooth, just as he appeared when I was a young child. I was nine when I last saw him, now I have had my 70th birthday this past May. While I have aged each year, ...
Noises And Unexplained Happenings In Old Victorian: Year 2 by virulentpeach
This is a continuation of my previous story about a home in which I rented a room for 3 years. The first year, I was on the first floor. The second year I was on the second floor, the one where I had previously been hearing footsteps up and down the stairs. The second floor of the house and the atti...
The Fan by bearyscary
So roommate A and I entered our dorm room around 9:15 PM right, the lights were off, the room was cold, you know, how it usually is. Except something was different. There was a faint whirring near roommate A's bed. Upon walking over, we realized the fan was on and my mind immediately went to roommat...
Haunted Closet Or Sleep Paralysis by Ravishingroxy
Here's another experience that I wanted to share since long... But had been too lazy and would 'haunt' this site, reading other stories, but never putting mine down. Around 2009-2010, I shifted to a new apartment and that is when I experienced sleep paralysis/old hag for the first time. Unlike wha...
Electrical Phenomenon? by Cups
This isn't a ghost story, but I'm wondering how many contributors here regularly experience electrical problems & if it's connected to being "open" to things of this nature. As I've said in the past, I always try to debunk something before declaring it paranormal. But this is getting annoying. And e...
It's Starring At Me by BART43
Greetings to all readers. Its been a while since my last story. I have been so busy on work. So, this time I would like to tell a story to what happened to me many years ago. I was 21. It was the weekend. I came back to my mom's from college to spend the weekend there. I can still remember like ...
I Don't Think I'm Alone Anymore by Thor220
Over the last couple of years I have started to experience possible paranormal activity in my home. So far it hasn't been anything that seems to be threatening but I've just been having more and more strange feelings and experiences. Since the last time I published a story on this site my security c...
My Dresser Has Something Bad In It by Skylar123
So I got my dresser a year ago from my now ex sister in law, she and my brother are wiccans and I did not think anything of it, to each their own. It's a beautiful dresser made of a dark hardwood anyways back to my story. My mom hates coming in the back of the trailer it gives her the "heebeegee...
Knock At My Door by Mo121769
Since I have been living at this motel in Ontario, I have had knocks at my door at different times at Midnight and 2am. When I look through the perp hole, there's no one there. The knock is always the same way. It's a weak knock that can be identified as either a child or a woman's. It never hap...
Death Of A Friend But Not The Friendship by CreoleEmpath
I'm reaching out, due to confusion-- I need help with clarity. I dated a man off and on from about 2002 to 2006. The relationship was more of a loving friendship, rather than romantic. Whenever I needed him-- he was there and vice versa, though, me being a single woman in Atlanta at the time, I c...
He Read My Facebook Posts by sherm784
A friend from college recently passed. I'm a relatively young guy mid-30s and haven't really experienced a loss like this before. This was someone who I hung out with pretty consistently at one point in my life, so it hit me more than I thought. These days there are a lot of new ways to remember...
His Mom Came To Help by Haven
A few months before my father passed away, he told my mother that his dead mom had come to visit him. He explained to my mom that she looked so real that for a few minutes he forgot that she was gone and asked what she was doing there and how she got there. He said my grandma told him that she was t...
Is This A Spirit? by KiwiGuy
So my story starts about 21 years ago when I was 18, I had moved into a flat with another person and about a month after I moved in he claimed there was a female ghost in the house. I never took much notice of this, however one evening when I was home alone I swear I could feel something moving towa...
The Worst Fear I Ever Experienced by zlocestivuk81
I have already had many paranormal experiences since I used to live in a haunted house, but nothing has ever scared me as much as this experience. I was on a vacation with my family in the city called Umag. I always take my dog for long walks and I had found a great route there, around the city. O...
Boyfriend Thinks He's Talking To Me by Janellexx89
Back again! I've been extremely busy and haven't had time to post. But since I have some down time I figured I would squeeze in a story! About a month ago I was downstairs doing something in the kitchen (can't remember what) and I heard and saw my boyfriend go upstairs. I finished what I was doin...
The Little Demon Girl by Sweetly_Sour_Roses
I've always been spiritually active, ever since I was a little girl to be honest. I assure you it wasn't by my own choice, I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I've attracted all sorts of spirits, but the main ones that seem to want to get closer to me have been Demons; as you can already assume, they ar...
A Demon's Toy by shouyoto
The following accounts of stories that I will be writing down had taken place within a few years. To begin with, it took place about ten years ago or so. Our family had moved back into the country after living overseas for four years, but when we came back, there were still tenants in our house whom...
My Childhood Apparition by charbell46
My ghost story starts when we moved to our house in 1980, Glen Oaks, Baton Rouge La. I was seven years old when we moved there. I was so excited to be there. I felt like we were rich. It was bigger than our old house and we were not in what was like the country. I loved our old place but I was so ha...
The Devil's Place by SparksWife2018
If you're a resident of Spartanburg, SC, you know about Oakwood Cemetery. Or as locals in the area call it, "Hell's Gate". This beautiful area of resting souls was once a pauper's field according to local history over 100 years prior to its current manicured field of beautiful headstones. During the...
Cemetery Witch by bresys
I'm still around! I thought I would share some other experiences in my home town when I was a preteen. For those who don't know, I grew up in a town in rural Connecticut. The village I live in is relatively small. When I was a preteen, there was minimum to no actual crime in the town. My family live...
Weird Elevator by eloisa28
I would just like to share my experience coming not so early in the morning in my workplace. Now, it leads to confusion. Since my workplace is located at the 2nd floor of the building and many stairs to pass through, I am using the elevator instead of using the stairs to go there. Whenever I coul...
Sex With Steven The Ghost by SleepingWithSteve
I have a regular ghost who visits me mosts nights. He has sex with me and leaves. Last night I had questions for him. When he arrived I asked him his name. He said Steven. I said where are you from? He said Lancaster. (I'm in Australia). I asked him how old he was. He said same as...
Great Gmom by Tedo
This was my first encounter with a ghost, and the only one that I cannot say to myself "well MAYBE it was just this or that". I know what I saw. This is not a scary experience, so if that is what you are hunting for I'm afraid my story is not for you. It is absolutely true though. I was young, ar...
Visit From Unwordly Beings by LadyBelle
This happened in the state in which my body sleeps but my soul is awaken and aware of everything. They came one night and just passed through my bedroom door. There were three of them. They stood there at the door and were watching me for a short period. They were shining with this golden-yellow ...
Exploding Grey Mist by Cariadbach
This happened in 2002 when I was living in a small village in North Wales. My then husband and I were using a guest bedroom for a couple of weeks while our room was undergoing some renovations. This was a village centre town house built circa 1880. I always felt it to be a happy warm home. This nig...
Neighborly Ghost by Merryk1683
The first paranormal experience I ever had was at 8 years of age. I had been really close to an elderly, male neighbor who was dying of lung cancer. We would always walk around the neighborhood together, but I didn't know he was sick. I was too young to truly understand what was going on and my pare...
The Door Was Locked by Shootingstargirl120
Half a year ago I lived across the street from my college with my couple month old son and his second cousin. During the summer I had taken a class at the college on the paranormal. Part of the class was to go out and go ghost hunting. Luckily for me the college itself happens to have a reputation f...
Haunted Hospital by Irshaad96
Dear readers, I'm back after 3 years and today I'm going to narrate a creepy experience that occured to my cousin (let's call her Z) and her colleague. To start, you guys should know that I live in Mauritius and there are many places here which are haunted. It's been a long time since she told me...
Goodbye, Dad by Godess_Of_Fire
Apparently this took place one evening at my home, in the Philippines. One night I was having dinner alone at my home (my mum was working overtime her work schedule is from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. But she works overtime to earn extra money a lot provided she is not late, it is one of the work policies...
Nana Loves by SparksWife2018
My Nana was my father's mom. Nana was always the light of our family. She was a mean cook, had a beautiful voice in the church's choir, and was one of the best grandparents around. Having her and her long time boyfriend Robert was amazing. Although Papa, my father's father, passed away years befo...
Weasley by Janellexx89
In January of this year we got a kitten we named Weasley to join my other cat Dil. Everything has been fine, he's a normal kitten playful, rowdy and gets into everything. But lately his demeanor has changed. I know he's sometimes scared of my boyfriend because my boyfriend is a little clumsy and has...
Loss Of A Dear Friend by moondog
I work in the medical profession and have been at the same facility for 30 years. Through the years people came and quit but a constant was a very good friend I made my first day, her name was Kim. She was dependable, funny and hardworking. We became as close as coworkers could get without being inv...
Mindbight Madness by Posh9
Hey everyone thank you for taking the time to read my experience and I will participate in the comment section. I told my husband that since it was summertime and the weather is going to be warmer that I wanted to do some ghost hunting. I wanted to do it because the paranormal is both a passion o...
Don't Know If I'm Paranoid Or If Something's Actually Here by PickleR12
I had to sit here for a bit and try to figure out how to convey what's going on. I can't divulge much for privacy reasons, and it took a lot to even speak up about this. I'm the kind of person who tends to attract spirits and I've been one to visit old mining towns and other "haunted" locations to s...
Updates And Theories On The Stalker by DirtCreature
I have written three experiences on this site about "The Stalker Clad in Black". I do not know how many people are familiar with it and I believe not that many, so I will post links to them here: Http:// Http://
My Fathers Presence by Sleeping-with-steve
My family moved into the house my mother still lives in 40 years ago. I was about 13 years old when we all moved in. I have so many beautiful memories growing up in my mothers house. My father had a lot of beautiful chickens, quails and ducks and loved them dearly. He fussed over them every day b...
Hag Pulling My Quilt by Sleeping-with-steve
I've been living in this unit I'm in for just over a year. Prior to this place I was living with my mother because I went through a divorce after a long marriage. When I first moved into this unit I had bad dreams and couldn't sleep all the way through until the morning. To start off with when...
That Beautiful Smile by chloe26
This happened more than a decade ago. I was a high school student, training for an inter school Math competition when I saw that beautiful smile. As a young girl, I found myself interested in anything related to the paranormal - e.g. True Philippine Ghost Stories (a book series), sfogs (an old w...
Someone Was Home by Merryk1683
The first time I saw the house I would eventually grow up in, I was about 6 or 7 years old. My older brother by 2 years was with me. While my parents looked inside the house, my brother and I explored outside. Our back yard (about ½ an acre) ended at a wooded area and we had a chain link fence sepa...
Someone Looking Out For Her by Haven
First, some background... I broke up with my boyfriend (later husband) when I was five months pregnant. When my daughter was about two months old, I moved from San Diego, and rented a two-bedroom apartment across the border (Mexico) to be closer to my parents; I was too scared to leave my baby in d...
The Good Visitor by Mackieboy
This first-hand story happened in 1996 in my birth town, Mariveles, Bataan, Philippines when I was just 10 years old. It happened more than two decades ago but I can still vividly remember everything that happened. Let's just say I have some sort of "extra" sense for something that not all people ca...
Meeting Granpa Otto? by BettinaMarie
My pal "Marco" had his Grandmama who needed a housemate at the exact same time that I did. The situation was much in my favor. His 81-year-old Granny "Nora" lived happily in the 3-storey house her husband, Otto, had built for their family. Like many older folks she was very set on living in her o...
Demonic Attacks And Disappearance by ChelseaB27
I will start off by saying I've had many strange and creepy experiences with the supernatural but this tops it. A little backstory, the house I lived in was haunted and also had multiple deaths, but the spirits in no way were harmful. So in March of this year, I was having a few drinks with my r...
Paranormal Experiences Related To Mind-altering Drug Usage? by alexandrapr369
I stayed living in Puerto Rico for maybe 5 more years after my experiences from my last post stopped. And even the first 3 years that I moved here to San Francisco, CA I did not experience anything paranormal. Until I noticed that, after I started having a regular meditation practice and also got a ...
Ghostly Car Sound by sheld999
This took place back in 2008. I was in Venture Scouting (ages 14-18), the time of season was winter cold and stormy but this night it was clear. Five of us chooe to stay at the other den in middle of a small town farming area. The den is halfway up a farmer's paddock. There 2 gates to open to rea...
Our House Came With An Addition by msforgetmenott
We have owned our home for thirty-nine years, as of this May 2018. Our home has been witness to our lives and all our changes through time. This house I speak of, was purchased by us as a fixer-upper, the best we could afford back then. The home came with history, built in 1962 by an older woman'...
Prophetic Dreams And Attachment? by MMMobear
I've had a few encounters over the short time I've been alive. I've always been sensitive to people's emotions, or I'll have prophetic dreams. They're nothing too spectacular, just a snapshot into the future and when I encounter what I dreamed about (usually a week to about a month after I have the ...
Talking Mary Statue by Honeysuckle
I need some advice on what to do. In the summer of 2016, my daughter told me that the Mary statue in her room talks to her. She says that Mary, for the most part, tells her to go back to sleep. Caught completely off-guard, I told my daughter that she should listen to Mary and go back to sleep at nig...
Orb Of Bright Light by Sleeping-with-steve
When I was very very young, my family went to Bombay, (now Mumbai), to visit my grandmother. All the houses there are close to together. It was hard to keep the outsides of the houses tidy because of the monsoons. The rain water would run through the streets and along with it would be mud and rub...
Who Could "he" Be? by Sophie74123
I grew up in Massachusetts and went back to the Philippines, I never had any experience as peculiar as this... So we're 39 in class, it's a private school and it's not huge, and it's quite small compared to other private schools, (has only 14 classrooms- main building) it also has a clinic, a sci...
Living A Haunted Life by muggleborn79
It seems like there is never a time where I can legitimately say I have not experienced some type of paranormal experience. I grew up in a small town in south Louisiana surrounded by the bayous. The house I grew up in was well known around town for an incident that happened years before my father ...
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- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
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