I'm reaching out, due to confusion-- I need help with clarity.
I dated a man off and on from about 2002 to 2006. The relationship was more of a loving friendship, rather than romantic. Whenever I needed him-- he was there and vice versa, though, me being a single woman in Atlanta at the time, I called on him more.
After a while, I began dating someone seriously and Christian (not real name) and I lost touch, but with social media we linked up via MySpace around 2008 or 2009, I believe. We chatted and he expressed that he'd been searching for me and was elated to have found me on the social media platform; however, Facebook came along and I abandoned that account and again lost contact with Christian.
Last year in 2017, I began to feel an urgent need to speak with him, but couldn't locate him anywhere. I was in dire straits. I looked up his business, which was now defunct. I searched his name and city-- nothing. So, after a few weeks of looking into finding him, I gave up.
Last week I was looking through my jewelry and became fixated on a Tiffany's necklace he'd bought for me, so of course, I decided to begin my search again and this time I found him-- his obituary came up-- he died weeks ago. There was no cause of death in anything I read, but from the condolences page, it seems it was sudden.
I am lost right now and confused. I don't understand how with everything available that I couldn't find him. Do you all think that last year I had a hunch regarding his passing (I am an empath). Or was he possibly searching for me too? Was the necklace a coincidence?
My clarity is warped right now. Any advice would be appreciated.