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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 186
Pulled Down Hallway by Recurring
I have thought about this for years. But particularly the last 5 years. When I was three my family moved to a small town in the Riverina area in NSW Australia. The house we moved into was maybe built in 1910. We moved there in 1980. It was a creepy house. Everybody seemed to agree on this. The ge...
The Seventh Daughter Of The Seventh Daughter by hugybear2000
My Grannie Nicholas was an amazing woman, who had fought in the Dutch resistance during the Second World War and had met my Grandad during the liberation of Holland. They had got married and settled in England after the war and brought up their family in my home town of Boston. She played a big part...
Rock Isn't Dead by unquiet
On March 9th, 2018 I was awoken suddenly at 1:14 am by the sound of a few notes played on my 12-year-old son's electronic keyboard in his room. I waited a moment before getting up to investigate, just in case I was dreaming. Then I heard a note played a second time. I thought that maybe my son m...
Angel Of Death Or Something Else? by Zarza
I have known this story for so many years, and often searched for answers online but still feel rather confused. I have been reading stories on this website for over 5 years and always wanted to post this but never got round to it. However, again, its late at night and I am thinking about the event ...
Grim Reaper Or Shadow Person? by Em1234
When I was little, about seven years old, I would always see this sort of figure. It was almost like a shadow but it was pitch black. It had a pointed hood, just like the grim reaper. Now I know that some people say that the grim reaper is supposed to stand for death, but I didn't feel that way. Whe...
The Man Is Back by E6bee
So to clear things up right off the bat, this story is being submitted on my girlfriends behalf, but I have some experience with it too. As for some context: She has a very dark history. When she was a baby, her mother had multiple affairs on her father. At some point, she wanted the guys she ...
His Favorite by Haven
I believe what they say about young children and animals seeing things we adults cannot always see. This incident was validation to me that this is true. My dad past away when my youngest daughter was only 4. They had a really special bond, my dad adored my little girl and spoiled her rotten. Sh...
Winking Twinkling Charlie by msforgetmenott
I recently read a story on YGS about an experience while very young. In my opinion, many if not all speak and baby talk about seeing someone or something. Unfortunately the young children are easily dismissed as their words are hard to understand or the adults are too busy to listen. Then for most c...
Scrub Shoes by Toyang
I've been a lurker YGS for years already. Ghost stories gives me too much ecstasy but ironically, I am phasmophobic. I get to see several entities, I never really knew if was part of my playful imagination or genuinely real. Here goes one of my many experiences. I live in a slums area in Pasi...
The Play Room At Gramma's House by Mel-D72
I have been debating for quite some time about posting this. But in reading other similar stories, I thought I would go ahead. This happened not only to me, but also my older sister at the same time. Way too freaky to be coincidence or childhood imagination. My sister and I spent the night at ou...
Detail Of The Ghost In My Neighbor's House by Shizuka_Hio
Mrs. Linda has 3 different ghost that reside in her house. The location they reside in I will tell about it. The first ghost stay in her kitchen. I've seen the ghost myself when I was staying over her house when my friend Marlena was visiting. The ghost in the kitchen is known to open the refrig...
Grandmother Mary by Alphagirl7199
I was a young girl, maybe 9- 10 years old. I had been going to this elementary school in Las Vegas where we had a small fundraising carnival going on. My father had taken us to make up for not seeing us for almost a month. My little sister and I were all over the place having fun and playing the g...
Sinister Laughing And Footsteps At Night by Creyton
I was raised in the home that my parents bought since they came to Melbourne. The home dates back to the mid 1900s or so they say. Me and my sister have both experienced inexplicable phenomenon especially in the past few years, such as radios suddenly turning on as we walk into a room or thumping in...
Have You Seen Her? by ErinMichelle02
3:30. The time I've been so anxiously waiting for all day. So mentally exhausted from a long day of pointless algorithms and discussions about why we should buckle down on learning the theme of the book we'd been assigned that week. I had been so eager to burst out of the school building and smell t...
Graduating Ghost by alitanna
This story is an experience I had when I was in my 1st year of high school. The school I attended to is one of the oldest running schools in our country and is already well-known in the field of ghost haunting and the paranormal. We were having our P.E. Exam at the school's covered court around 2...
The One Who Was Spying On Us by chuckz_21
I use to work inside a warehouse and I had three incidents when I saw someone who actually wasn't there. The first time I saw someone I thought it was our boss who was real pain in the butt. The managers inside the warehouse would wear a red vest, he is Caucasian, with blonde hair and blue eyes. I...
An Invisible Friend by Jhotrudh
This is not really a terrifying, traumatic experience. I think of it now as something that just happened. I remember it so clearly but I feel like maybe I cannot trust my own memories. I'm not sure why that is. But it all feels like a dream sometimes or something I imagined in a daydream, but at the...
Scary Events by ravenswood
I am now living in Canada but my paranormal experiences were from Marikina, Philippines. I lived alone in a duplex bungalow house after my father died in 2009. My uncle used to reside in the other house but moved out in 2011. The paranormal events occurred around 2012 or 2013 before I migrated to...
Silhouette by Toyatoyang
There are plenty of school horror stories and few of which are my experiences way back in 2007. My school was located at Quezon City and we take our lab class in our College of Arts and Science building, 7th floor. We lodge there for 3 hours for lab alone and another 2 for lectures. During our l...
Ignis Fatuus (ghost Lights) by James_sightings
Ghost lights (Ignis Fatuus) We always loved taking the kids camping. One summer night under a warm, muggy clear night sky in 2011, the time was only an hour or two into sunset. We were walking across the campground to the lake, which has a pier across it that's four feet wide. I was gazing i...
Leo The Lion by Tweed
On Friday the 16th of November (be good if it were Friday the 13th wouldn't it) a cat started meowing in our driveway. This was most strange. It was one of the clan from the neighbourhood who frequent our yard. This cat has been here for years, very timid, only see a flash of him and he's gone. He's...
Blues Brother by unquiet
My brother died in a tragic accident several years ago. A few months after he died, my mother and I were sitting in her living room reminiscing about him when she suddenly asked me if my son (who was 10 years old at the time) would like to have my brother's black fedora hat. My brother liked...
The Only One Who Wasn't Home by sunsetsister
I am an Australian girl with a jetsetting heart. At the age of 19 I charged off on my own to London to join a company who employed staff on cruise ships. It was my dream and so off I went. I saw so many places and it really is the most spectacular way to live life and to earn a living at the same ti...
Devil's Den In Gettysburg by E6bee
This event took place in July of 2013: I am a member of the Boy Scouts of America, a Star Scout at the time (for those interested, I have since gotten my Eagle Scout). At the time, I was 15 years old and did good in school. Due to my grades, my parents allowed me to go on our units upcoming scout...
Biblio At Warwick Castle by Bibliothecarius
To begin with, I must confess that I have been openly skeptical about orbs and orb photography on this forum. When I see a photograph containing an unidentified glow, my typical reaction is to run through a list of likely explanations: "Dust particle? Bug? Raindrop? Cobweb? Chipped lens? Refraction?...
The Little School Boy by Toyatoyang
I used to live in Bulacan. Majority of the area has been populated by different subdivisions. There was this time when I came home from school and went straight to a friend who lives near our place. It was past 11pm when I decided to go home since we still have classes the next day. My friend ac...
Mom's Disembodied Sobs by Quantumgirl
My experience happened in 2015. I had just moved backed to New Orleans from Florida and gotten an apartment. Then came hurricane Katrina. My parents and I evacuated to my sister's house in P.a. We were very stressed, especially my Mom. My sister had a large old house, and Mom and Dad and I were slee...
Am I Haunting My Own House? by ShellRey
My youngest brother came into my room one morning and asked if I had gone into his room the night before. I was still sleeping and got annoyed and told him of course I hadn't. I didn't get home from my bar tending shift until about 4 in the morning and went right to bed. It was obvious he didn't bel...
The First Paranormal Experience Of My Uncle by Slyester
I am a regular reader of this site from past 3 years. This is my first story. Let me first clear that it's not my story it was told to me by my uncle. So without wasting any time let's begin with the story. My uncle was an senior Inspector in Mumbai police (now retired) He told me that one day h...
Pitch Black by Ranarian_R
My family had received news of my maternal grandfather's death after his battle with pancreatic cancer; which meant we had to embark on a 4-hour long journey to the capital Kuala Lumpur (KL) for his funeral. And since we were his next of kin, we had to leave earlier to be present at the evening wake...
Delightful Experience by chuckz_21
This happened to me about 6 years ago, me and few friends were hanging out and decided to go to a ditch (just plain land that had a few tracks). To get there we had to go under the street through I guess a tunnel or so (I don't know what they are actually called). There is a ramp you have to go up t...
What Was Making That Noise? by chuckz_21
I lived with my mom at her house for 20 years and I have had quite experiences there and so have others. I do not live there anymore but I still remember everything I experienced while living there. This one in particular I thought was the scariest. I had my girlfriend living with me, who is now my...
A Visit By A Strange Woman by oohfreaky
I was born and raised in America however, my parents were born and raised in Indonesia. Every year, my family and I go to Aceh in Sumatra during the summer. My paranormal experience happened during my first visit to Aceh. I was 6 years old at the time which made my experience even more horrifying ...
The Chain Sounds by Pasindu
This story happened to me on my school days which means to say about 24 years back. I am so sorry for my poor English and I will try my very best to make you understand what had happened and I am so sorry it's longer than I expected. Here in Sri Lanka, we have an Exam, Ordinary level, it's the fir...
Pssst! I Heard It Too! by majarlika012
This story is not really a terrifying one. It was one of those experiences I normally just shrug off. But I decided to share it here anyway. It happened for almost every other week for the last, maybe six months. The first time it happened, I just got home from the office and I saw my sister cryi...
Evil In The Store Room by morbiddaisies
I lived with my grandparents for a period of time when I was younger as my parents often moved around due to my fathers work was irregular. My grandparents house was an old mining house and had a separate garage further aways from the house. Behind the garage was this 4 by 4 store room that used to ...
The Women In White by cthulhu
I am not new to YGS but this is the first time I am posting my personal experience. Before I start, please excuse my English I am not a native speaker. The experience that I am sharing was not a single incident rather it continued to occur daily for almost a year. My father was in the Army he ...
I Think I Saw Myself Hovering Over Next To Me? by salsapicante
This is a little scary, I'm still a little shocked. This just happened about 30 minutes ago. 5:30am. I kept waking up throughout the night because my pillow kept falling over. I kept pushing it off the side of the bed with my head, and I could feel its absence every now and then and wake up. I don't...
Something Is Stronger Than My Guardian Spirit by BritishDude
This is a new account due to a lost email address so I'll catch you all up. I've been sensitive to the paranormal all my life, I can feel it, I can see silhouettes when a spirit is present, and occasionally I can make contact. When I was 14 I had discovered I had a spirit acting as my guardian, m...
Long Trip by Mohammed_Arsh
Asalamualaikum, ("Peace be upon you") friends. I'd like to share a story. This might sound weird or fake but it is true. One fine day we have a wedding shoot in a place called Nanded city which is in Pune. We completed the shoot at around 11:00 in the night. Had our supper and stated back at aroun...
The Graveyard In The Mountains by maggirockz13
This experience is a recent one of mine, which still I can't believe that I have seen it with my own eyes. I will explain it as short as I can and that too being able for you to understand. In 1st week June 2017, I went on a family trip to Jammu and Kashmir (A very famous tourist place in India, it...
I Think Something Is Attached To Me by Alya
I'm going to try and explain this the best I can since English is not my mother tongue. It all started a long time ago. Ever since I was little (let's say 6-7 years old) I was feeling like someone was watching me, especially when I was alone. I didn't really pay attention to it until one specific ev...
Who/what Slammed The Door? by Isee1111
This story isn't full of any "wow" factor but it really happened. My parents told me this and they don't make up stories. It was July 1963 and they had just moved into a brand new house. New construction and they were the first owners. It was a 2-story house with the bedrooms upstairs. It was th...
Trolled By A Ghost? by sherm784
I saw the Rock Isn't dead story and I wanted to share a kind of cool one I had along those lines. I had gone out with a girl the night before and had a fairly unmemorable date other than talking about an upcoming wedding I was planning to attend. I drank possibly one too many beers after the...
Motorcycle Accident by Pasindu
Everyone, first of all, sorry for English and I will try the best to describe the situation which happened to a Brother of one of my friends. It's much of a boring story but try to enjoy it. This victim's name is Gihan and my friend's name is Shan. Shan used to work with me and then he went joi...
Watchers "fallen Angel's" by James_sightings
One night about 2012 in the middle of summer, which was different than any other in my life. I was living alone in a camper on my parents homesite in the western Florida panhandle, an acre surrounded by woods with no neighboring lights visible, total darkness!. I woke around 2am, tea candle long bur...
Greensleeves In The Walls by Maisiemoo23
This is an experience that happened to me almost 12 years ago now and it's something that still to this day I can make no sense of. It's very personal due to the circumstances at the time which I will explain further. I was 15 years old at the time and me and my younger sister had to go and stay ...
Spirits Follow Me by Haileyh252
My entire life has been filled with paranormal experiences. The first sign that something was wrong is when I was very young I kept asking my parents if we had ghosts. They would always answer with," we bought the house brand new", so no one had died there. I would try to believe them, but I always ...
The Lady In The Glass Case by dlsaullo
"The myths about the Galloway "Lady in the Glass Case" memorial in Lake View Cemetery in Jamestown grow bigger with each passing generation. Speculation ranges from the untimely death of a young bride, to the '50s version of the untimely death on a prom date, to a forbidden love between a rich heire...
Gingerbread Man And A Disembodied Voice by auntylulu96
STORY NO:1 THE SEVENTH MONTH This is a real life encounter that happened when I was staying at the block opposite Khatib camp, my Dad owned a provision shop (no air-con mini market) on the ground floor and we slept on the second floor. Here's the story that happened on the first day of the Hu...
Black Figure Trying To Choke Me by Orchidea88
Greetings! First, I wanted to say that this is not my first story here, but since I posted my first story a while ago, I had forgotten the password so I created a new account. Now, my story i.e.experience. Two weeks ago, a Friday, I came back from work at about 2 pm, and decided to take a nap in...
The Lonely Road by Sagar275_98
I am an ardent lover of horror ever since my childhood, but I always believed these experiences were more an exaggeration rather an actual depiction of the incident. It is true that people who experience will believe and those who don't wait for their turn, I was into the latter until one such thing...
Ghosts In The G.i. Lab by 8-bitDemigod
Since this is my first story on here I want to give a little info about myself for better understanding of my state of mind during any events I describe: I've always been interested in the supernatural/paranormal for as long as I can remember. It's always been a fascinating subject for me and I cons...
The Woman With Rotting Teeth by oohfreaky
I used to be a student at a Islamic boarding school in Indonesia. I attended that school for 7th and half of 8th grade. There are many urban legends in that school that many people claim they've experienced. There's a ballerina phantom, a grandma that carries around a bucket in the bathroom, ghosts ...
Getting My Faith Back by moondog
I have gone through 40 years of my life without having a paranormal incident. This includes camping, staying in old houses, staying in supposed haunted houses and all the things a person does either knowingly or not while growing up. But having several, 2 of which I posted here, over the course of a...
Mystery Of The Mill by Sagar275_98
This incident happened when I had been to my aunt's house in my village. My aunt's house is built on their farmland where they own a cotton mill. The farm is outside the village and in a deserted place surrounded by empty barren lands all around. Almost 10 years back from this incident happene...
A Bite Of Chocolate by Jelly91
Location: federal territory of Labuan, Malaysia. Story by my mom to me... Once my mom got heated arguments with my dad. They quarrel a lot during my childhood towards my teenage time. Then my mom ran away from home to stay in one resort in Labuan island. It is far away from the city and locate...
Haunted High School by Jelly91
Location: federal territory of Labuan, Malaysia. My all "girls high school". (I can't tell the name of the school, hehe) My high school big exams day were coming up (spm),so our school held a 5 days sleep over night class for studies. We're all form 5 students, (all girls) staying at school for...
Sleep Paralysis Events by Jelly91
Location: federal territory of Labuan, Malaysia (dad house) and ex office place in Kuala lumpur. I would be consider this story to be sleep paralysis category. I encountered a lot sleep paralysis throughout my life, mostly during my teenage years. But there is 2 time that I got a very intense sl...
Angels Of Death And Grandma's Goodbye by Jelly91
Location: hospital (somewhere in sabah) My grandfather from mom side heavily sick from old age, so my mom and her sisters took care of him during his hospital stays. The day before my grandfather passed, my mom slept while sitting beside her dad. Then she said she woke up around dawn. She opened...
Haunting Of Lakeside by piyuprmr
This is my first (probably last) story on this site as event like this do not occur to people time and again. Little bit of background on me I am 22 year old and I am from India and I go to my native place every vacation. This place has a lake near it which is quite away from my home we genera...
Fido The Unfriendly... Ghost? by expathistorical
This may not be the place to put this, as I am not entirely sure this is about a ghost. And there may be parts of it that are definitely astral. Almost certainly some of it is spiritual. But nevertheless it happened, and it wasn't fun, and so I will pop it here and let the mods decide if it needs mo...
Doorbell With No Source by expathistorical
One morning I was up early to see my husband off to work, as was my habit back when we were newlyweds. We lived in a lovely secluded beach house in the scrub with vaulted ceilings and huge glass walls. We had no neighbours most of the time, as the area was heavily weighted towards holiday homes, and...
Just Wanted To Share by Unknownclgtohh
My girlfriend and I moved together early 2016. In the first apartment my girl acted weird from time to time as we were sleeping. In fact she told me that she's feeling something near her when she's sleeping and one time she even woke me up crying my name and rattling my arm. She was acting super afr...
Ghost Of A Patient by Grey-Ghost
This incident happened 3 years ago in a private hospital in Mumbai. My mother was and still is suffering from rheumatic arthritis but at that time was severe. We had to admit her in this private hospital for some serious treatment and diagnosis. She made some friends in the same room she stayed and ...
Three Shadow People With White Glowing Eyes by kafka
For a little insight, I can say I've handled lucid dreaming well. It's natural to me to realize I'm dreaming instantly and can manipulate things within my dream. But when it turns to nightmares, it gets bad. I was just lying down and watching YouTube on my phone, waiting for sleepiness to kick i...
The Miners House by morbiddaisies
As mentioned in my other story 'Evil in the Store Room', there has been other encounters and experiences on the same property. My grandparents bought this old miners house when they were in their twenties and newly married. My granddad worked in the mines. They bought this house for very cheap. ...
Many Many Deer, Why? by msforgetmenott
My husband and I have always enjoyed nature. We feed the birds in our yard, and yes the black bear came, likes sneaks in the night. We didn't care, only upset that we didn't see them. Then came the evening a she bear came just when I had put out the kitchen light. "Bob! Bear! Bear!" He runs for his ...
He Doesn't Like Me by Bradsmom31
I am a cable installer and I work in all sorts of buildings old and new alike. I am also a medium. I have recently been working a building that was built in the 1920's, the foundation was laid in 1918 by a freemason. Anyway, I was in the basement of the building and there are three walking space...
The World Paused by kixrox
This is my 2nd story of 4 weird events that have happened to me in 51 years of life so far. After posting my last story, many readers wondered why I don't want to respond to comments or questions. Answer is I have talked about my strange events with others so many times over the years and I am a ver...
Cigarette Smell by Pasindu
This story I'm about to tell you, happened to a friend of mine while I was at his place long time back, I will try my best to describe the situation as it happen. In Sri Lanka, we had a regular power cuts (some years back) due to no rain and water to generate power, so every night from 7 PM to 1...
Temple Drive by silverknight
After reading quite a few stories here, I think I am lucky to have not encountered the real hair raising encounters by fellow posters here. I have always been curious about scary stuff since I was young but actually I am a scaredy-cat inside. My story may pale on the scary meter compared to the expe...
Pizza Hut Ghost by Jerms
I mentioned in one of my previous stories that I am a delivery driver for a Pizza Hut in NY. Today I am going to tell you of the experiences I have had while working in the restaurant. These are short, quick encounters with sentence long stories. Lights throughout the store will flicker at rando...
Blood Under The Blood Moon by freakedoutfreddy
Ever since we were little, my friend Zac Vegan (not his real name) and I would always pass this old abandoned house while we were riding our bikes down this rural road. We have been always curious about the old house. Sometimes we would go and peek through the mostly boarded up windows but we have...
The Easter Bunny by elaina_maria__
Before I get started this happened a long time ago. I'm almost 20 and this happened when I was 5 or 6. At that age I didn't know anything about ghosts, and I don't know if this was a ghost, but I can tell you I wasn't hallucinating. I'll give you a basic description of my house, my bedroom is the ...
Little Boy In My Room by erika131
This happened when I was around 13 years old. I was suddenly awoken from a nap at around 8pm And when I say "suddenly" I mean I jolted up from my sleep for no particular reason. I all of sudden saw a boy who looked similar to my younger brother who was 10 at the time, run across the room in front...
The Ghost Principal by Vicisspookedout
In 2013 I was in 7th grade, I was in the band for Ware Shoals Junior High. We had a winter concert coming up and one day in early December, my band director sent me and my friend Lee to a small room above the auditorium to grab a few extra stands and music books. The idea of doing that terrified me ...
Haunted Stall by Bodi-Gundamma
I am from Puducherry. I work two jobs - morning selling flowers near beach and evening preparing dosa, vada, sambar and chutney near beach. I am from a small family with husband and son. My husband loves me a lot and my son too. Here is my story which I felt really scared. One day, I was making d...
An Evil Fay? by Athena_Star
It's me YGS family. I'm back. Well, I won't waste time just typing an unreal story. I mean, this is real and just happened last night. Here in the Philippines, we usually rent rooms or house if we don't own one yet. Based on my previous story, I was renting a room and now, I am renting a whole gat...
Christmas At Dad's by Junglecat
My dad is 80 years old. He doesn't live in his house, but instead lives with his girlfriend in a one story house approximately 3 miles from his. When I visit at Christmas, I normally stay at his house because his girlfriend's dog is unnecessarily fearful of my big shepherd. This story takes place be...
Creature In My Hotel Room by Junglecat
This story happens exactly one week after my first story which I posted this morning. It may be connected because it contains a similar creature as the second creature that I encountered in Dad's house on the day that I left. But as I reported in the previous story, it was difficult to identify more...
Spirited Workplace by Tbeartuff
I apologise that it has been so long between my posting to this site, but for privacy and confidentiality reasons I was unable to submit this until after I ended my previous employment. I also apologise as this is a series of short anecdotal accounts, and may be a bit of a marathon to read. These ac...
Strange Things Are Happening In My Boarding School by oohfreaky
I usually talk about my experiences in my old boarding school in Indonesia, but this time I will be talking about my experience in my new boarding school in PA. I started attending an Islamic boarding school in PA in August. Of course, for privacy reasons I will not be telling the name of the sch...
The Opened Door by LoneG
I went to spend my vacation in my aunt's house. The story begins when me and my cousin went out to play golf and returned back home. It was very windy outside and we both were tired. I was a big fan of WWE, and I realised that today was the wrestlemania, so I took out the iPad and started watching i...
My Friend's Message? by Mel-D72
This just happened to me last night. (3/25/19) I thought it strange and wanted to share to get your impressions. (I'll explain my thinking at the end.) A little over 40 years ago, I met a little girl on the playground at school. We were both 8 years old. She was new to the school and I was one of ...
Spirit Guardian To Teen by chey558
I grew up in Coushatta. I was around 12 or 13 when I first sensed the presence of a small girl. I told my brother about her and he told me that he had seen an apparition that looked like what I described. I never saw her but she stayed with me the entire time I lived in this house. I do not believe ...
Something At The Nursing Home by 8-bitDemigod
I used to work 3rd shift at a small 44 bed nursing home. We were supposed to be an assisted living facility for people who were cognizant yet unable to live on their own and a rehabilitation center for those recovering from surgery or stroke. In reality we were mainly taking care of elderly resident...
Intuition by Davida68
Two months back, on a Sunday I was with my friends at the beach. When I was there, I suddenly felt the need to go to the cemetery at Les Salines. I did not bother about it and continued my day. At night near one a.m., I woke up and that thought came back for no reason. Due to my inquisitive natur...
Bringing Him Home by notjustme
YGS... It sure has been a minute for me, mostly been doing the reading and not much to share until now. To my old friends, surely you remember my late ex boyfriend (Derek) who passed but continues to watch over me and communicate with me through dreams. He always seems to show up when major changes ...
The Loud Growl by adove
It was 1980, and I was sixteen years old. I lived in North Carolina on the army base Fort Bragg with my family. I was getting ready to babysit for the White's, a couple that lived about a half a block from me. I arrived just before dinner and played with Adam, who was eighteen months and Lacy, wh...
The Red Lily by hypervenomX
[Sorry for bad english, this is my first story on my real experience... So enjoy!] Hi friends, I live in Mumbai and I play as a Goalkeeper for a local football club. Just to be frank, I didn't believed in ghosts and supernaturals. I belong from a family with love and kind nature and strong will ...
Night Security by Marine1
I am a member of this site since 2013 and have published a few of my experiences. I went by the name Marine. Over the years, my job took a big chunk of my time and although I love this site, this was relegated to the sideline. I have completely forgotten my credentials so I created a new one. Her...
Ghostly Voice Saying My Brother's Name by Gh0st_Knight
When I was around 6 years old, a very disturbing night happened. Me and my brother shared the same bedroom, late into the night we always talked or played much to our parents' annoyance. As my brother and I played and giggled one night, he instantly jumped into bed and covered himself up in the blan...
Cloaked Figures Yelling At Me by Kaysxxs
I have just moved into Logansport,Indiana. This is the place where my mother and grandfather both grew up. We also moved into the house that they both grew up in, which it has, of course, been fixed up. I have had many other sightings but this is the most recent one and the most terrifying. I am ...
An Unexpected Night At A Haunted Inn In Northamptonshire by Poppinjay30
This is the tale as relayed to me by my father. He swears it's entirely true, and has talked about it much over the years. My grandfather has backed up the elements of the story known to him. As a young man in 1982 (before he met my mother), my father read law at Liverpool University, England. W...
Harassed By Spirit? by Ribs1993
Hey, I am new to post something here. I have been an avid reader for couple of years. I decided to try to write my story and I need some advice or information regarding my experience. This started when I was teenager around 14 years old. I started to develop sleep paralysis. But I thought it was ...
My Creepy Final Visit To Our Haunted Family Home by virulentpeach
My great-aunt, who has lived for years in an 1890s Victorian home, which has been in our family for generations, recently was moved to assisted living. The home, which was featured in my first story posted to this site and is where I was choked by an unforeseen force by an old necklace, is falling a...
Old Lady In The Wash Room by Gh0st_Knight
When I was 19 and in college, I used to go to out drinking at bars or going to crazy house parties. One night around 12:30AM I had fun drinking with classmates then I decided to go home but me, being a stupid and reckless person, forgot my house keys; I was still living with my parents at the time, ...
The Hanging Child Behind The Door by Mikachu
This terrifying experience happened way back 2002. I was 7 at that time but I have clear memories and I asked the grown ups about what really happened. I have a younger brother who was 2 at that time, let's name him Ken. We had just recently moved to a house because it is a superstition that when a ...
The Invisible Fiend by NitroFuel765
Before I start with the story, I just want to say that until this incident, I was a sceptic just like the rest of my family. This happened I was 9 and we moved into 3-bedroom apartment (I got the smallest room because I was the youngest). It started on the very first night of moving in. When we went...
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