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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 2
Lady in White by Lilly
I don't really know if this is a "ghost story" or not. I had a very terrible experience last night and it scared me out of my wits. My boyfriend and I had a late night last night. It was approximately 3:00am when we decided to go to sleep. His daughter had gone to sleep already after watching ...
Touched by JimmyO
I just recently read a story about sleep paralysis on this site and remembered a story that happened to me very recently. I've never experienced sleep paralysis, but I completely understood what it is and what happens to a person when it occurs, so when it happened, I wasn't as frightened as some mi...
Diana by Catherine
I was packing my things when my room mate Diana went in. We are studying on different school but we are room mates for 3 years. She was jolly and nice. But that afternoon she looked sad. I asked her what was wrong with her but she assured me she's ok. She's just tired so I didn't bother her. She lie...
Great Grandmother by Lilboyalwaysfearless
I was in my bedroom "studying" when I accidentally fell asleep. I awoke 2 and a half hours later to see my Great Grandmother standing in front of me. The problem was... She died 2 weeks earlier. I asked her what she was doing here, she told me that she had to tell me something... but she could not t...
Slumber Party Gone Wrong by Jennyfar
My friend was having a slumber party for her birthday and she invited me. It was me, Anna, Jodie and Alise. We were mucking around, telling scary stories, making some up and real ones that we experiencd. Just at thw time when jodie told hers, there was a big bang at the door. We were all scared beca...
Pinch by Alinah
My name is Alinah-Jo, and I never believed in ghosts until one day at school, me and my friends were talking about their ghostly experiences. I didn't believe in ghosts and I was getting tired of hearing things I didn't think were true, so I went to the bathroom. I heard a little girl sniffing. I as...
Violent Ghost by Kelly
One night, I was watching TV in my room when I felt like something was watching me. In the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a shadow move. When I looked over to the corner of my room, I saw it was where my bookcase was and thought it was just my imagination. I turned the TV off and reached for the ...
Pinned Down by Denise
About 3 years ago, around the beginning of january, I had a very unusual experience in my room. I was around 16 years old, and I had just finished talking on the phone. It was around 11:30 at night and I wasn't sleepy. Since my parents would have gotten mad that I was up so late at night, I didn't w...
A Haunted House by hotbabe
We live in my house for about 15 years and we had things happen to us. I was taking a bath with the bathroom door opened and I looked in the hall way and I saw a dark shadow. At night my TV changes channels and turns on be itself! I have things move in the house. One day my friend saw a boy walk in ...
Haunted Hotel by Ghostlover
Hi, I am Amber from Michigan. I had plenty of experiences with ghosts. Let me tell you the weirdest one. When I was 10, I was going to a hotel. I was allowed to bring 2 friends. I brought Lydia and Amanda. The hotel was known to be haunted by a beautiful lady. She was staying at the hotel. She was ...
The Sick Man by CenterCore
Hello, I'm ©Œnter¢o®€. This happened to me way back in eighth grade (I'm about to graduate now). One might classify this as sleep paralysis, or a dream, or hallucination, or whatever. But it certainly was much more. I was lying on the couch in my family room one day. It was a calm day, no s...
Tormented in Brooklyn by Jane h.
I wrote about this briefly in a prior article in 2001. To recap: we moved into 455a sackett street when I was 14 years old, on april 1, 1998. from the moment we moved in, something was so not right. It was an incredibly dark apartment... though we should have been thrilled because it was the first a...
Home Alone on a Freaky Friday by Ghostlover
Hi, some of you may of read my other story Haunted Hotel, well here is one of my other experiences. On one stormy friday night, at about 8:30 pm, when I was about 16, my mom and dad had to work over time and my sister was sleeping at a friend's house. My brother was at my cousin's house. I was home...
Angry Spirits by JessicaC
Me, my friend, and my boyfriend were driving around one night and randomly decided that we wanted to visit a graveyard because we are really into ghosts. I kind of have a keen sense for ghosts and when we got there I didn't quite feel right, so when they got out of my car I stayed in. My friend came...
My Imaginary Ghost Friend by Ghostlover
Hi it's Amber again. I have a lot of stories to tell, but this is my most favorite one. I was in kindergarden and I had an imaginary friend named girl. She looked like a real little girl and I did everything with her, like go to school. One day at gym class we were playing dodge ball, girl was on my...
Call 9 by CenterCore
Hello again. The story I'm about to tell you happened VERY recently, like in the past handful of weeks. And it's still been going on even up till yesterday. Haven't really seen that coughing ghost (see The Sick Man.) today, but he's been around since I was in like fourth grade. Anyway, here we go. ...
Electric or Ghost? by xchristine99x
This is actually an event that happened to my father. When he was a youngster, probably around ten or twelve, his cousin and him were sleeping on a fold-out couch downstairs in the living room. While everyone else was sleeping, my father happened to see the medal bars in the window pane light up wit...
Kristen's House by xchristine99x
After my friend Kristen's Graduation party in fifth grade, my friends, Brooke, Jackie, Jordan, Liz, and I were sleeping over. We were inside sitting on the floor in the living room, talking about all that girl stuff, and gossip. Well, behind us was a window and we heard a loud sound, so we turne...
Grandfather Returns by JimmyO
This is a story that my mom had told me when I was little, and still tells today. She was only 5 years old at the time, so some might find it hard to believe the mind of a 5 year old. But anyway, it starts off after my mother's grandfather had died a week beforehand. My mom said that she had alwa...
Former Doll Owners by solidwolf19
My friend Margaret, (She's in her late 80's), is experiencing some problems. She loves dolls. She just bought a ton of dolls at an auction. They were from around the early 1800's. A couple nights ago, she had them all spread out on her dining room table, and she left them there when she went to ...
Weird Stuff In My House by deadcorpse94
I live in California. I have had a few ghost experiences. One was when I was at school. My Mom had some friends over. Their names are Tammy and Chrissie. My Mom's friend recently has passed away. This event occurred in November 2006. She was talking about her friend who passed away and she went to g...
Jerry III by CenterCore
This story is gonna be shorter than The Sick Man, and Call 9. Because it pretty much just happened a day ago. I came home from school, and I was on my way back home... There's like this alley that leads from the school parking lot to behind my neighborhood, and eventually there's a hole that you ste...
Poe's Palace by George D
When I was in High School, I worked summers at a seaside resort. I had tried several jobs my first year but settled into a fun house based on Edgar Allen Poe's stories. The second day I noticed footsteps coming down the long passage way that stopped. Finally I looked and no one was there. I didn'...
Haunting at Reed Candle Factory by Janice
My aunt works at Reed Candle factory and has many stories to tell about her experiences there. She told us that one time, she was in a room of the factory working the machines, when she heard the sound of a man whispering, even though at the time, she was alone in the room. Another time, my aunt to...
Many Ghosts by jamiekcheer
I have been able to see and talk to ghosts since I was little. For the most part they are nice, playful ghosts but there is this one evil entity called the cloud-man. He is tall, wears all black, and holds you down to where you cannot move or breathe. Both my mother and I have seen him many times ov...
Orbs during Sleepover by jenny
Me and my friend sierra were having a sleepover at her house one night. We saw flashing out the window, and thought it was lightning but we didn't hear anything, so we kept on staring out her window and saw 3 orbs. At the time we didn't know they were orbs, we didn't know what they were. 30 minutes...
The Little Boy in a Sailor suit and the Cloud Man by jamiekcheer
Hi again, since I was about 5 years old, I have seen and talked to billy, the little boy in a sailor suit. He always played with me, told me things that happened to him and he showed me things that would happen in the future. He was murdered by his step-father and buried in a field. I saw it like I ...
A Haunting in Jackson by PaulDaleRoberts
This is my first time experiencing a true paranormal investigation. Call us ghost hunters, ghost busters, ghost tracers, but to be more formal, we can be called paranormal investigators. The outfit is called H.P.I. (Haunted and Paranormal Investigations) of Northern California. The president is the ...
Do Children See What We Don't? by winny_whit
Hi I'm whitney dampier. I'm 14 years old and this true story happened when I was 3-4 years old. I don't know how can I remember all of this. I actually only remember very little but I do know what happened. I was at my grandma's house, sitting in her living room alone. And I was just playing with a ...
Haunted Old House by winny_whit
The house my dad and bree live in has been there since late 1920's and it is a beautiful house. In the middle of the woods with big nice pond. One weekend, I went to my dads. He told me a story that had happened the day before. He was up stairs on the computer at home alone. Feebee, our dog, started...
Reminiscence by CenterCore
Hello. To anyone who has read my other stories (The Sick Man, Call 9, Jerry III), you know what I've experienced. A spirit, whom I've named "Jerry" (sort of a joke; I'm like Tom from Tom & Jerry, he's Jerry, and I'm hunting him) has been haunting me since I was very young, and almost right after my ...
Sleepless Nights by Shadow93
A few years ago, I lived in a fairly large house in a town called "Deroche". At the time, I was living with my Mother, step dad, stepbrother and cat. From the day I moved in, I would not be able to fall asleep, I would always feel like someone was in the room with me, watching. My cat was also ac...
Unknown Voice by kathy
One morning, when I was getting dressed for school, I was about to turn on the T. V. when I heard a little girl's voice, about the age of 6-9, say "where's my mommy?". It scared the crap out of me! I was so scared that I ran out of my room, leaving my sister alone sleeping, and went to the kitchen. ...
The Dream that Led Me to an Angry Spirit by stacey smith humphreys
About two weeks ago, I had a dream. Me, my daughter and my husband were in this house that we apparently purchased. Might I add, we are not looking to buy. I was on the back patio talking to this old lady. In my dream, I knew she was a spirit but a nice one. When I explained I was moving in, she no ...
Do You See What I See? by Nix
Hi, my name isn't John, that's my best friends name. Almost everyone has a best friend but the thing is most people's best friend are still alive. My friend John isn't alive though. He passed away at the age of 2-4, in a car explosion with his mother and father. His mom died too but his dad still li...
Can a Living Person Create a Ghost? by highindesert
A few years ago, I lost my spouse in an accident, at christmas. I was pregnant with our baby. The police came and told me my husband was killed instantly in a car accident. For a few years, I paced our home at night crying, holding my stomach because it was painful, a lot of times at our kitchen sin...
My Encounters With an Unseen Force by Brad C.
Other than one other soul, I have never discussed this before. I have researched sleep paralysis in depth and for a while I believed it to be the cause of my experiences. These experiences have only happened in my parents house. On numerous occasions I would wake up in bed, totally incapable of mov...
The East Window by interested_amateur
I am sixteen years old and before I can remember, my family have always insisted on weekend trips with friends into the country or to the coast. So when the October holidays (two years ago) came, we were off to the Woodhouse homestead in the Adelaide Hills. I've love old buildings ever since I was l...
Grandfather's Ghost by Nikki
3 years ago, I was in school at our annual school picnic and my grandpa had been sick with cancer for about 2 years. He's been in 4 different hospitals and wasn't getting any better. The doctors finally told him that they couldn't do anything, so they just sent him home. He lived in my aunt's house ...
Mavi Kasirgo - Spirit of the Black Cat by Da Mewster
Mavi Kasirgo means Blue Tornadoe in the Turkish language. Mavi was one of my beloved cats, a beautiful black Turkish Ann. But his life was coming to an end: On December 23 2003, he got terribly sick; He got paralyzed, and could only switch his tail around, and therefore couldn't eat. We took him to ...
Stranger in the Hallway by Deco1082
Since I was small, I have encountered different awkward situations that have no apparent explanations. For instance, I remember in one occasion where I was 5 years of age. I used to live in a 2 room apartment with my family and my grandfather. At that time my father used to work early in the morning...
Winchester Mansion Tour by Bob G
I took the behind the scenes tour which brought us to the basement of the winchester mansion last march, 2006. I was with a group of 10 or so people. In the room, where the coal bin was, I was in the back of the group standing and just listening to the tour guide. I had my backpack on and my hands o...
The Man in the Mirror by jessica ridgway
One cold night, as the rain was lashing down my windows and the darkness was upon me, I was laying in my bed. I could not sleep because the rain was so heavy. I lived with only my mother and my father and at the time, I was only 10 years old. I was not sure if it was only my imagination but I starte...
Visitor in my Bedroom by Traci
I had just gotten out of prison a couple of months earlier and had a hard time adjusting to my sleep routine. I had a full time job at a factory working the day shift. I would wake up at about 3:00 am every morning, therefore I usually was crashed out by 6 or 7:00 pm every night. One night, I was...
Dream of my Great Great Grandfather by cphares
When I was a young child, my mother hung a couple of really old pictures in my room. They were of my great great grandparents (in the Civil War era). My great great grandfather was in his Civil War garb. Later that night, I "dreamed", or so I THINK it was a dream, that I encountered the ghost of ...
Held Down on Bed by crazgirl
Last night when I was sleeping, I thought I was having a dream, but now I'm not so sure, it felt so real. It was like I was above myself. I was laying on my bed and I was being held down by my wrists and ankles, something very heavy was on me top of me. I tried to move and I tried to yell but I coul...
My House is Haunted by Ramiro Romero
I have been living in this house for 6 years now and when I first moved here I was 6. Ever since we lived there, I always saw shadows. I told my parents and they said they have been seeing them too so they asked the people who used to live there if they knew anything about this. They said an old man...
White Lady Trespassing by sounder
A few months ago, I was in my bed in early morning, the door was closed, and suddenly a white shape, in form of a woman, passed through the door and floated toward me, trespassing my body, soul and senses. I am very disturbed by that, if someone can help explaining me what it is? It happened at a ti...
Haunted House in Maine by sandy
Once I lived in this house in a small town in Maine, it was an older house. I do not know any history behind it and I most likely never will, but it was an older house. We had a basement and 4 rooms, the usual old house style. The kitchen is where most of the "abnormal" activities would take place. ...
Haunting from a Stranger or Family Member? by Chelsea
I have so many stories to tell in here. Let's start with when it first happened. Me and my family have this clock, it's not a grandfather clock, but it has a pendulum and it hangs up on the wall and for years the pendulum didn't move, however the clock part of it worked. One day the batteries died, ...
Once Hit by lshaffer
This happened just last night. It started at around 8:00 or 8:30 pm, my other half had just dozed off and started snoring while laying on the couch asleep. My 13 years old son and I had just began watching a show called The Hallow. All a sudden, we began hearing knocks that were like someone hitting...
The Unknown Presence by Adriana
Getting home from my cousin's house, I went straight to my room to talk on the phone. I was cleaning out my closet when I felt this weird presence. So I turned around and I found one of my collectibles, my little pony dolls, floating up in the air. Then it floated across the room and smashes itself ...
Voices in a Plane by serenity14
I work at air canada and I am a groomer, I spend a lot of time in planes and I have never experienced something like this. I was in a plane alone, the last person had gone out for a break so I was left alone, it was late at night and I was tired, and I had this feeling that I was being watched so I ...
An Imaginary Friend by treanibean
When I was a little girl, I had an imaginary friend, like most little kids do. I called her Gena. We would play together and such. My mother never thought anything about it, as her friends children had them too. But as I got into kindergarten and started getting more friends, I decided I didn't need...
Children & Spirits by Lena
My daughter just turned 3 last week. I think she sees spirits. At night, when I put her in her crib, she will start talking. Like she is speaking to someone. And during the day, while she is in her play-pen, she will spin around with her hands up in the air just giggling the whole time. It has just ...
Jerry IV by CenterCore
I've had many weird encounters in my life, the strangest of which has been with this annoying ghost that I've nicknamed Jerry... Hallucinations, premonitions, nightmares, all of them have been caused by him. Most of these times I have ignored him and done nothing about it. I'm not sure exactly WHAT ...
I Have a Ghost in my House by Sandy B.
My husband and I have been in our house for 8 months now, and we have a ghost; or at least we are convinced we do. I am a skeptical person and do not believe in these sort of things, but now I am starting to. It seems to be happening to my husband more than me. There have been a few times where I...
Demons Among Us by chicano457
When I was 17 years old, I was attacked by an evil spirit, or, as some call them, demons. Me and my family lived in a three bedroom home, in Danville Ill. One day, when I got home around 5:30 pm from work, my mom was still cooking dinner and I walked up to her saying Hi and looked at what she was co...
My Cat's Ghost by jessy
I was sleeping in my bed one night, and all of a sudden, I woke up and could not move. My 2 year old cat died about 6 months ago, she had a heart attack on the living room floor. While I was sleeping, I woke up and I felt like she was crawling on my bed, just like she used to do when she was alive. ...
Oak Island by kaitlynshand2006
This story took place at the Oak Island hotel. I was staying there for March Break with my family. It happened when I was swimming and the water started to bubble. I went under and saw someone. I was terrified. They say people haunt that hotel and the Island but I guess I never really thought about ...
First Real Fright by lovable_outcast
I was only about 4 or 5 when this happened. My mom had tucked me into bed and went back down to the basement where they were fixing it up a bit. I believe they were putting carpet down that day. I'm almost asleep when I feel a hand rest on my shoulder. I turn around expecting to see one of my parent...
The Curly Haired Man with Sunglasses by Sly M.
When I was 10 years old, I was at a family party at my aunt's house, just a few streets away from my house. A few of my close cousins and I walked back to my house to escape our crazy aunts and annoying little cousins. When we turned onto our street, my cousin said to me "Is your dad home?" "No," I ...
My Boyfriend Was Attacked by a Demon by jessy
This is my ex-boyfriend's story. The same story that got me interested in the other world. I wasn't there when this happened, but here is the story he told me; Apparently, one night while he was laying in his bed, not quite asleep yet, he felt as if a hand were going through his chest, and grabbi...
Old Man in the House by Bliss006
I live and work in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. But this took place in Goa, India, where I went down for a vacation with my 2 daughters, my younger sister and her boyfriend. It was July 2006, when we have the rainy season in India. We left from Mumbai at 5:30am in the morning and by the time we r...
The Unloved One by Tammy1
In 1989 I used to live in a huge house that had four stories to it and it had ten rooms in it. One night, after my twentieth birthday, we were cleaning up after most of the guests were gone. I really had to go and change my white dress, so I went to my room and there, on my bed, sat a young man of ...
Good Friday by saura
I was around 10 years old. It was good Friday in Brooklyn NY and my mother woke up, listening to music. My mother went in to take a shower and right there, I felt a little nervous. Why? I don't know. I was sitting on the sofa and heard footsteps thinking it was my mother. I didn't bother to turn aro...
The Moaning by Ant Harrow
For the past 10 years I have lived in St. Anns in Nottingham, England. Our area is called Stonebridge Park. I may have lived here for 10 years, but this ghost story has only been happening for the past 2 & half years. The street I live on is directly next to Nottingham's famous Stonebridge City Farm...
Playful Ghost by BloodAngel
I've been living in this house for about four years and just recently, there has been evidences of a ghost. I'm not sure if it is friendly or not though. But there's the usual stuff happening, like footsteps. It usually happens upstairs, when no one else is even up there. And the radio station chang...
Presence in my Room by evilolivia
Since I was a kid, I've had weird visions and encounters. My parents always listened, but I was never scared so they were never overly concerned. Though my mother always believed me, I think she chalked it up to my creative nature. As I got older, I noticed more and more, specifically at night. Rega...
Grandmother's Prediction by itssusanna
My grandmother passed away 12 years ago and I think she predicted her own death. Here's the story: My grandmother's health was deteriorating and she was bed ridden for about 2 years. I was sleeping over that night and she kept a mattress in her closet which I went to get. When I entered her room, I ...
The Woods by BloodAngel
This encounter isn't like the most recent one, actually it's not very recent either. Last February, my friend moved to Vermont. During the summer she invited me there and her mom suggested to go on a hike to Hamilton Falls. It was Rose (my friend), her mom, her mom's boyfriend, his next door neighb...
Christmas Eve Ghost by Katy
It was Christmas Eve of 2006, I had just said goodnight to everyone and gone upstairs to go to bed. I was watching "A Christmas Story" for a while and decided to go to bed. My sister stays with us on Christmas Eve, so I had to share my room with her. I let her take my bed and I made a bed for me on ...
Who's Presence? by lovable_outcast
Lately, I've been feeling watched when no one is there (a bit more so than usual). Just yesterday, I was looking for something in my closet and the door was opened all the way so it'd stay put. I was looking in the lower section of the closet and the door starts to close on me. I can feel someone/t...
Good and Evil by Melinda
I was 16 and I had just met this really cool girl. We became instant friends. As time went on we got closer and closer. One night, she let me in on the little secret that her mother and her practiced witchcraft. At first I was skeptical because my faith runs deep. They explained that white magic was...
The Face of Jerry by CenterCore
I was walking home the other day when I had this weird feeling I was being followed. Normally I just dismiss this as my friend Caleb playing a prank on me, but this time it seemed different. I walk along an alley that leads from my school parking lot, to my neighborhood parking lot, and there are ba...
Boy in the Pool by lolzerz
When I was about seven years old, my family and I were at the pool. We were about to eat so I went to the indoor pool for a quick swim. This kid, who was probably around 12, started to talk to me. He said "I know your name." and I asked "What is it?". He said "Tyler", which is my name. I have never ...
The Knocking Door by sweetascandy9264
Every night, at around 8:30pm, there are door sounds, like it is being opened. My two dogs won't bark at just anything, and they rarely bark at all, but for the past six nights, the door sounds like it is being opened. My two dogs start barking, and run to the door. When me and my dad get there, the...
The Shadow People by brady
All my life, I have had these things following me in the shadows. They only came to bother me about 2 years ago. I recently saw 2 or 3 swiftly moving across the wall, for a moment I thought that I was seeing things, about 2 minutes later I saw about 10 of them closing in on me. This really creeped m...
Clear Creek by lukehorder
About three years ago my mate (peter) and I decided to go stay out at my nan and pop's farm, which is located just outside of Bathurst, NSW, about a twenty minute drive. The farms name is clear creek. Now there are quite a few ghost stories out there, considering my distant relatives built the farm ...
Father's Day by HannahE
About 2 years ago, the day before Father's Day, I picked up a picture of my grandfather, who I have not met before. And I said to the picture, "I wish I could have met you." That night I was sleeping next to my grandmother. I woke up around 3:00 in the mooring to get a glass of water. When I turned ...
Footsteps by HannahE
About a month ago, I was home alone. My brother and dad were out buying a guitar, and my mom was at work. I was working on an essay when I heard somebody calling my name. I was scared, I looked outside of my door and walked around the house with a knife. Every creek of the wooden floors made me scre...
Visitor in the Dark by Heather
My mother divorced my father in 2000, and by 2001 we were living with her boyfriend and soon to be husband Eric. I was new to his home and city. I quickly made friends with a superstitious girl who was not afraid to try something at least once. We were both raised LDS (mormons) and we were both doub...
Was George Really My Father? by Ann
After 25 plus years of not seeing my father (his choice, my parents divorced), I was notified of his passing. Myself and 3 of my 4 siblings attended his funeral. While there, we were upset and talking the funeral director and the lights started flickering. We were mad at our Father and felt he was t...
My Grandma Comes to Visit by Jess
My grandmother died about 3 or 4 years ago. But I believe that she is still here, in my house, because we have her earn. My friends always come over to my house, and they each say that they feel like they're being watched. One time, one of my friends came over to watch a movie, and during it, I woul...
Cracking Noise by HannahE
This story happened during the day, when I was home alone. The date was Monday February, 19th. Around 10:00am. My brother was out at his friend's house and my parents were out at work. On this particular day, it was President's Day, so I didn't have any school. I was making some food in the kitchen ...
My Father's Friend, our Enemy by Heather
I have lived, in my opinion, an unordinary life. If you have read my other story Visitor in the Dark, you know that I have bounced from place to place. I can't stand the ordinary! After I moved in with my father at the age of 17, he and his family had just moved from a home in Tremoton Utah to my fa...
The Voice by Alex
Here are the two encounters I've had with ghosts. In the first house I lived in, I was there from when I was born until I was about 8. My first experience with ghosts was on Easter morning, when I was 7. Me and my brother had both awoken early (as you do when your excited), we made our way down the ...
It Runs in the Family by Heather
In my life, I have had many experiences that I can not explain. I began to think that there was something wrong with me. I was hearing things and feeling things that scared me. I felt alone, I tried to tell my mom but she just kept telling me that I was trying to get attention and was scaring my lit...
Unknown Children that Won't Go Home by sarah
I moved into what seemed like a lovely house in Missisauga, ON. I rented the basement with my spouse Jaysin. It started roughly a month after we moved in, with sounds we could not place and things being moved, entire cabinets being rearranged within minutes. Then a small child-like hand-prints star...
Three Classmates by stormygirlpdx
I heard this story from my Lola (grandmother), along time ago when I was only 14 years old. The story started when my Lola was in High School. It was after school, when she met her 2 friends, Myrna & Xuchilt by the school gate, where they always meet to walk home. She said that all three of them...
Bleeding Apparition by Cathy Gippers
I was downstairs getting ready to go to sleep, when I heard something coming down the stairs, at first I waited to see if I could hear it again... but it had stopped. Or, at least, I thought it did. I went upstairs to get a glass of water before I went to sleep, after I got my water, I finished it a...
The Series of Events that Made Me Believe by Kreen
Early last year, some friends and I moved from our home city of Melbourne to a country town named Shepparton. I had to move because I had a place in the university there, and as such, we were pressed for time in finding a house to live in before first term started. It was very difficult for four yo...
Friend Saying Goodbye by Darlene
My boyfriend Eddie had a best friend named Jeffrey. They had been friends for over 20 years. I met Jeffrey about 6 months after Eddie and I got together. They were nearly inseparable. Jeffrey was always at our house, spending the night and helping Eddie around the house with repairs and such. Jeffre...
Diane's House by missvzla
I met my best friend Diane during our Freshman year in high school (1980). We both lived in Whittier. Diane lived on Mar Vista Street near Colima Road and if any of you know that area, then you know there is a lot of spooky stuff that goes on there. Just recently, you might have heard our local news...
Duwende by stormygirlpdx
I was born and raised in the Philippines. We moved to the U.S. when I was 11-years old. This story took place in the Philippines when I was 7-years old. I can recall some of the stuff that happened to me, but not to the fullest. My uncle retold the story again to me later on when I got a little...
Demons and Sleep Paralysis by missvzla
Back in the 80's, I was a bit of a party girl. Hey nothing wrong with that, I was in my early twenties and liked to dance and live it up on the weekends. At that particular time, I lived with my sister Lucille in Whittier near Washington Blvd & Broadway. I would often come home pretty buzzed and wou...
Amazing Flaming Light by Elizabeth Romero
It's so difficult to tell this story to people you just meet because you never know what their reaction will be, "oh she's insane". I love this web site, where I know I'm not the only one that experienced something supernatural. This is real... it's so real. I was about 15 years old (I'm now 30 ...
Why Can't We See What They See? by stephanopoulos
One time my friend asked me and our other friend to go to the local cemetery and place flowers on her father's grave for her, since she was in Kansas City, Ks. We were already here in Garden City, Ks. After picking up some flowers, we headed to the cemetery. I brought my 3 years old daughter along w...
The Piano Room by Alex
In my town, there is a huge mansion on the edge of the park, it's open to visitors and people who want to walk through its many rooms, there are tours etc. When I was about 10, my class in school went to look around it one day. As with most big houses, there are ghost stories surrounding it. The sto...
Scary Fingers at 3:00am by Bobs lover
When I was young, about 11-12 years old, I had just moved into a new house. The first night we spent the night, I had to sleep on the couch because my bed was not in my new room, yet. I was laying there on the couch, trying to get some sleep, but I couldn't, so I got up and got some water. I looked ...
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- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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