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Real Ghost Stories by chronological order: Page 22
What my Roommate Brought In by Jennifer40
In 2003 I moved into a brand new house southwest of Phoenix in a small farming community that stands in the shadows of the Estrella Mountains. It is a beautiful area and many times I am still overwhelmed by it's beauty. It was a tough adjust for this city slicker at first, where the only noises I wo...
Day Spa Spirit by Jennifer40
In the earlier part of this decade I worked as a Licensed Massage Therapist at a Day Spa in N. Phoenix. The Day Spa offered tanning, nail and skin care, and other run of the mill Spa amenities. It was housed in a very nondescript stucco strip mall that was probably fewer than 15 years old. One of th...
Elderly Wartime Map-readers by Forest
In the small town where I go to uni, there are quite a few stories of hauntings hither and thither, but I've never stumbled across any myself. However, the other day when I was walking back through some narrow residential streets, lined with pretty little cottages, I noticed an elderly couple standi...
Harmless Haunting Just Got Scary by taffi74
My family consists of myself (I am 34), my husband, and our 3 sons. We have lived in our house for 12 years now. We knew almost right after we moved in that there were "other people" here. My husband sees things all the time and my 11 year old son has seen ghosts since he was very small. Sometime...
Gardenways Cry for Help by skeeter32
When I lived with my dad at Gardenways holiday flats, a lot of strange things would happen. Our house used to be where the monks lived, there is a church located at the end of the street. One night when my dad and I were in the kitchen we both hear a child's voice. I obviously looked at my dad, he...
My Childhood Ghost Stories by chinchai
Here are two of my ghost stories that happened during my childhood days in our province. I actually have several stories but I have to post it several times so you won't get bored reading my long stories. But first, pardon me if I will commit syntax errors, I'm not that good writing in English. ...
Young Girl Appears When I Bathe my Son by Suprised
I myself do not believe in ghosts, I don't know why, I just think some things aren't possible. To my surprise one day, my Mum asked me if I would like her to take my daughter away on holiday with her for a week. I asked my husband and we decided yes, as we wouldn't be able to afford a holiday, I had...
Paralyzed in Bed While my Father Sees Me in His Room by leo
I have had many experiences but this by far was the most scary and real. I was in bed sleeping on a hot summers night - suddenly I woke for no apparent reason, I could hear this creaking going around my bed then slowly but surely, it felt as if something was sitting on my chest, it felt as if my sou...
Lady of the Lake by Jennifer40
My maternal grandfather grew up in a remote area of Nova Scotia, Canada in the 1930s. His mother passed away of a severe ear infection when he was quite young. In the area they lived in, there were no real doctors to prescribe antibiotics, which quite possibly could have saved her life. My grandfath...
Angel of Death by chelleck
Living in the ever present sense of being watched from afar by unseen forces, I was at my parents' home on a cold winter day, when the doorbell rang. Mom came in with a few packages from shopping, took them in her room as usual and closed the door behind her. This house was arranged with a long corr...
Glowing Nurse Apparition by chelleck
I was in the hospital after the birth of my first child. In the wee hours, just before sunrise, I opened my eyes just a little and saw about five inches of an almost glowing white dress. Assuming it was a nurse's uniform, I laid there waiting on her to attend to me with either taking my temperature,...
Mexican Woman Ghost in my Bed by jojo06
My story takes place in puerto penasco aka rocky point in mexico. Me and my friends decided to take a trip to rocky point for spring break in 08. It was just kind of a spur of the moment kind of thing, so we didn't set no reservations at any hotels. Well when we got there, we decided to stay in a sm...
Daring Spirits with a Ouija Board by bigred101
My experience happened about six months ago and after it happened, I stopped using a Ouija board immediately and this story is true. I'm sixteen just so you know and my friend Britney is seventeen. We were at her house one night, she lives about two minutes away, I could walk if I wanted too. It was...
The Gray Woman Is Still Here! by KimSouthO
My mother and I returned home on New Years night. My sister arrived just as we did, being dropped off by her friends parents. When we entered the apartment, the Christmas tree once again laid on its side with the lights on. I had turned them off the day before when my mom and sister had left the apa...
Go to Sleep by Nightgoddess
This happened just this morning. I woke up early this morning and felt like something was watching me. I knew it was him (him being my beastly friend). I ignored the feeling and closed my eyes again hoping that it would just leave. I was wrong. I like to sleep against the wall so I was on that si...
The Old Lady by Astral184
This story takes place many years ago, where I was born and raised in Spanish Harlem, in New York City. I was a child of about 4-5 when before me, I saw an old lady or hag, she never said say anything to me, she stared at me in a creepy kind of way. According to an older sister who is now deceased, ...
Out of Body Experience by HauteCouture
I was 16 years old when I experienced what I think was an out of body experience. I was sleeping on the floor of my bedroom and all of a sudden I felt like I needed to wake up. The thing was, I was already "awake" but I was watching myself from above my body. I don't know how to put what it was like...
Presence in EMU Dorms Dislikes Unmade Beds? by owlsong
I have an hour gap between my two classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and usually I go back to my dorm during that hour and take a nap, since I rarely get to bed at a decent hour. I could use the whole 'college kid, gotta study into the wee hours of the morning' excuse, but usually I'm just farting a...
Encounters in my House by SapphireWings
Hello everyone, this is my first ghost story so please go easy on me. The encounters I'm about to tell you is totally true, but it's possible that I might of imagined some of them. Anyway, it's up to you to decide! I was in my room one time, and I was getting ready for bed when all of a sudden I ...
Sister Turned Mean Because of a Ghost by bigred101
I heard this story from my mother how she encountered a ghost. A long time ago my mom who was my age (16) and her two older siblings just moved into this really small house. My mom made new friends quickly at school and one of them was named Ashley. She told my mom how everyone thought that the hous...
The Joey Doll by mrmr
I was 11 years old living in Santa Rosa, CA. We rented a small duplex in an old neighborhood. It was always cold and damp, and smelled like mold. My room was in the back of the duplex, it had large sliding glass doors that would go out into the weed infested back yard. One night in the wintertime...
My Mom by marijun
August 12th 2000. It was evening, and we were waiting for bad news to ring on our phone. It was something that we were expecting, from the time it was first diagnosed, earlier that year. The phone rang at about 9pm that night. She had passed away quietly with a nurse aid by her side. At least she wa...
Sleep Possession, Demons, Ouija Board by erigais
I understand as you read this you will be skeptical, but keep in mind, I am writing this to help anyone suffering from night possession, bad dreams or spiritual harassment. First I would like to start my story by saying for many years I have been a very bad sleep walker. I sleep walk a lot, and I...
Heavy Angry Breathing by blackettle
I was fairly young at the time, but it was frightening enough that I did not forget. My mother was in the kitchen, perhaps doing dishes or cleaning something, and my brother and I were in the living room. I was playing in the living room with some toys, and decided I wanted to get something from my ...
The Mist of Ward Essex by JPing
Those of you who are familiar with my posts may know me to be a somewhat skeptical person of the supernatural, especially when it comes to supposed photographic evidence. So you will appreciate the irony of what I am about to show you. Some weeks before my encounter I was informed by a friend an...
The Black Shape in the Dark by marine556
I would like to start this story off by explaining a little bit about myself and my background. I was born and raised in Tucson, AZ and spent my entire childhood in one house until middle school when my family moved into an older but nicer house. My parents are very religious and I was raised to be ...
A Feeling of Sadness by mrsfrawin
First let me give some history. My family has always had what you would call psychic abilities, we feel others emotions or know things that most people would never pick up on. I guess it has something to do with our heritage, my Grandmother on my dad's side is Cherokee with some Scottish thrown in, ...
Forsyth in Shadows by Vannarra
When I was 7 I lived in Forsyth Ga with my older sister Sarah and my Mother Jan. Being the youngest of four (and now youngest of 5) no one much listened to me much or believed any of my strange stories. Ever since I was young, strange things would happen to me, no matter where I was. My mother saw t...
Uncle Roy's House by Jennifer40
In the mid-1970s my Uncle and his family purchased an old house located outside of Boston in a town called Newtonville. Although I don't remember the exact date the house was built, I know it was around the late 1700s. The date had been painted in black on the chimney as most of the houses in this h...
Are You Ready? by Vannarra
I was laying in bed one night when I was 7 (which seemed to be the peek of when I experienced paranormal phenomena) tossing and turning, completely unable to sleep. I rolled onto my stomach, covers half off my little body. Just as I was beginning to doze off, I felt someone sitting on the end of...
A Collection of Strange Encounters by jimmyboy92
Although this collection is small, the events happened and I thought it would be pointless to publish them separately, so I put them into one post. The first encounter that I had was at my grandparents house in Birchington, Kent, England. I was about 9/10 years old at the time. It was a party, I can...
Memories of Brian by Jennifer40
Brian was the son of my Godmother. Although we weren't related by blood, we considered each other cousins. He was three years younger than myself and was one of the most wonderful people I have met in this lifetime. I was 21 years old in the late 1980s and I was visiting my younger sister who was at...
Soda Can Whacked Off the Cabinet by aimstah
I live in my grandmother's old house. It's an older house, though not terribly old. My grandfather bought it unfinished, and finished it on his own. My uncle swears up and down the house is haunted. He's spoken of kitchen cabinets opening and closing, and things of that nature. I am a skeptic, so I ...
Trailer #350 by Flutterofwings
This took place in the 1980's in the run down trailer court my sons and I lived in. Cheryl my friend from the park, her and I would often walk around the trailer court at night time. Usually it was in the summer time and was too hot in our trailers and cooler outside. We walked pass trailer 350 many...
Skeleton Apparition by coco31
My first ghostly encounter I can remember was when I was about 6 or 7 years old. My mom, her boyfriend, my sister, and me had just moved into a house in Pleasantville, NJ. In the room me and my sister slept, there was an attic door. I felt very uneasy living in the house and especially uneasy sleepi...
Creepy Closet by coco31
When I was 13, I lived in my grandmother's house with my mom and my sister. The house was old (I'm not sure how old), and there was a furnace door across from my room. I came home from school one day and no one was there. I did my homework and laid on my bed to watch t.v. It was around 7 or 7:30, be...
Man in a Trench Coat Staring at Me by Josh
After being considerably bored at work one day, I decided to google ghost stories (as I have personally seen and dealt with them before) and came across this site. I love reading the stories and it got me all jazzed up to tell mine. It probably all started when I was 14 (I am now 24). My family ...
Creepy Green House that Made Me a Bad Girl by Renny97
This story takes place in little Ozona, Texas. We lived in this house in Aug. 2004 for only two weeks. The first time I set foot in that house, I got that strange feeling but just didn't think anything about it. Finally, we moved in. We set up everything in the house, and had our first supper of Fri...
Unseen Danger? by bigred101
You might have read my other story about using a ouija board and nothing really big happened except my basketball goal disappearing. Well ever since I've stopped using the ouija board, every time I get out of the shower I feel dizzy like my eyes black out and I see darkness for a couple of seconds, ...
My Neighbours Haunted House by meetch1515
To start off I'd like to thank everyone who has been responding to my experiences! I really appreciate it. Lately not too too much has happened in this house of mine, I've been hearing a women speaking, and also her speaking with another presence (I don't know if its a man or women but I know she is...
Dark Shadows and Light Shadows by Krysteen
For the past couple of weeks, I've noticed an increase of shadows around me. I've been seeing those fleeting black shadows out of the corner of my eye, and on occasion, the ones that linger to let you get a better grasp on their shape. These have been ranging from tall, human shapes to small cat-siz...
My Dad Appeared to my Friends by Believer
My dad passed away in 1993 in a helicopter accident in Malelane, South Africa. We were very close and I still miss him dearly. In the year 2000, me and a few friends went away for a week to a secluded place on a game farm. It was raining outside on the 3rd evening, so we all decided to stay indoo...
Lady in Blue at the Train Station by GhostBreakers
The photos were taken close to the time of the incident but not by me. It's weird but TRUE! Here is the story of The Lady in Blue. I was born and raised in Pleasant Plains on Staten Island, NYC. In the mid 1960's when I was around 15, I like all the other kids in NY neighborhood, hung out downtown i...
The Cross and the Car by GhostBreakers
During my younger days in NY during the 60's. My friends and I used to take turns borrowing our fathers cars on a rotating basis (without their knowledge) but, not unlike many other guys. We would all get together and one guy would sneak his dads keys. Then the guys would push it out of the driveway...
An Old Lady's Voice by SnowClaw
I live in a nice sized town that is very historic, but not very often do you hear of a place being haunted. I never thought my new house was haunted, maybe the one we used to live in because it was old but the current house we live in is only about 20 years old. Not old at all! I think we're only th...
I Broke the First Rule of Ouija Boards by Kahla
I'm beginning to believe that my house has a demon. I was stupid, and broke the first rule of ouija boards, and played alone. Nothing responded, but something was there. The air thickened, and my room became colder. Later on that night, my dad asked if I had heard something, and I had, but I wasn't ...
Beam of Light by Chrono
I go to a boarding school, and apparently it's haunted, by many things. I have yet to encounter anything, but my friends have. Even though I have maybe seen things out of the corner of my eye, I'm not quite sure I believe it yet, but one thing that really weirded me out was this: My friend and I wer...
We Saw our Friend as a Spirit by SnowClaw
At the time I was about 9 years old and my best friend Celia had just had her birthday the day before and turned 9. Me and my other friend Greta stayed the night at her house. We had a normal fun night like any kid that would stay at their friends house. The next morning we got up and we played o...
The Haunted Catfish Plantation by tellingstories_xo
Last year, during the summer in July to be exact, I visited the Catfish Plantation restaurant in Waxahatchie. It was known for notable hauntings, and paranormal phenomenon. Basically, its an old haunted house turned into a theme restaurant. Me, being very interesting in paranormal incidents, I had t...
White Lady and Fire Swirling at 2am by babyfranz
This story actually happened to my cousin. One night, he and his friends decided to have a sleep over. My cousin's room has a double-decked bed. There were actually 4 of them. Two of his friends were sleeping on the floor, he was sleeping on the top bunk, and his best friend was sleeping at the lowe...
Weird Voice by HauteCouture
I was a senior in high school when I experienced something I can't explain and have only told one person (my mom) about. I was getting ready for my prom and I had a great time doing so, I had an even greater time once I was there. After the prom, me and my friends went to a party. There wasn't anyo...
Making His Presence Known by Laxe
This "haunting" took place in an apartment that my Mom and Dad were sharing in Hampton, VA. My dad had died back in October 1994 after developing complications after heart bypass surgery. I arrived from Colorado the next day to attend his upcoming funeral. That night, I stayed in a small bedroom in ...
I Asked Him What Heaven Was Like by whitehorse
I was in the USAF stationed at Grand Forks N.D. in the early 80's. I had a friend who worked with my husband. His name was Scott, but we called him "Lurch". He worked on the airplanes. That morning, him and four others were working on a plane that had just come back in. It was business as usual. The...
A Sudden Appearance in the Road by Laxe
This episode occurred in South Carolina in a very rural (wooded) area called Poston, which is where I grew up. There are a lot of dirt roads in this area and a few sets of railroad tracks running through it, and we would get the occasional freight train rolling by. One evening when I was about 11...
Ghost of Eastern State Penitentary by ghostcaller1
Hi, my name is Ana and I went on March 21 to philly with my fiance and his aunt, I had seen the penitentiary first mentioned on America's Creepiest destinations, so I thought "oh cool my fiance is into mobsters and all and I like a good scare". We took the 12:00 pm day tour and proceeded to see all ...
We Feel a Presence in our Apartment by vickifigueroa
I have always loved anything that involves the paranormal. I always thought it was cool to have a haunted house, until now that I actually live in one. I moved to Redlands, CA to be closer to work. Many people know that the city itself is very old and spooky. Lots of ghost activity and many cults. ...
Ghost Copying People and Other Things by Patch
I haven't been around as of much lately, mainly because I've been busy with school and work and I've been lurking on paranormal forums around the web. I've decided to come here again because I like the general atmosphere and how people here can actually have a serious discussion about the paranormal...
The Eye and Other Unwordly Beings by t3h_h0bbitz
My first demonic experience happened when I was only five-years-old. The year was 1995 in Sykesville, Md. I was sleeping in our guest room because my little bed had broken recently. Because I was little, I think the demonic beings I saw were presented to me in a way I could understand. Still, at the...
Angry Grandmother? by Harperllen82
Hi. This is my first story and I'm going to try and be as detailed as possible so forgive me if I go overboard. My family is from a small mill town just outside Charlotte NC. Both my parents were born and raised there, but when I was five my dad got transferred and we moved to SC. The house that thi...
A Whisper in my Ear by mauzie
I have to begin by saying that I am, I guess, confused, on the whole issue of the existence of ghosts or spirits. I am not necessarily a "believer" but I also am not narrow-minded, and who understands everything about life, while we are living or dead? It seems possible if not probable that when we ...
I Think a Ghost Was in my Room by promghost07
I was asleep in my room at about 2:00 AM. I had my T.V. on so that it would shine brightly on my wall, because sometimes I can get scared when I have just watched ghost mysteries or Horror Movies. I opened my eyes to the wall that the T.V. was shining on, and I saw a figure go across the wall, as if...
Ghostly Bedroom in Mayfair by SigTauGrr
This one happened while we were living in Philadelphia. At that point, I was about 2 and my parents and I were living in a townhouse on Bleigh St. In the Mayfair section of Philadelphia. Although I was too young to remember living there, my mom swears that the house was haunted and she is a pretty l...
Just Passing Through by Jennifer40
Prior to moving into my home in 2003, I had lived in an apartment in the Phoenix neighborhood of Ahwatukee. I lived there alone with my three ferrets. There was no other strange activity that had happened before or after the incident I am about to relay, but I will say that the area had been inhabit...
Hands, Voices and Haunted Objects by Upsideout
I don't know where to begin. My mother and I both had similar encounters when I was about seven, but I only learned about hers last year. Now that I've put the pieces together, its even stranger than I thought. I always figured that my seven-year-old brain was just showing me what I wanted to see, y...
My Grandpa Knew by Chinka
Grandpa: "when am I going back home?" Mom: "July 15" Grandpa: "No, find an earlier flight, that's too late" Mom:"How do you know?" Grandpa: "Albert told me". This conversation is the first time we noticed that my grandpa was able to see and communicate with his deceased brother. My grandpa was diagn...
Grandpa Always Has The Last Word by Jennifer40
My paternal grandfather was as cantankerous and ornery as they come; however he was fiercely loyal to his family and friends. He built the house my Dad was born and grew up in, always had grease under his nails from his job calibrating heavy machinery, and drove a 1966 Chevelle that most of my high ...
Trailer Spirit by jennifertorres
I lived in a trailer with my dad after my parents divorced. One night, as I was making dinner, I heard a knock at the door and when I looked out, there was no one was there, it kept happening all night long. I just ignored it, I thought that maybe it was some sort of echoing since the trailers were ...
The Occult Adventurer: Why I Do What I Do by PaulDaleRoberts
The home at Brougham Way is a strange home. When HPI (Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International) got wind of it, Shannon sent out two teams of seasoned investigators that retrieved 8 EVPs from this home. Shannon also sent me to do a second preliminary with two other seasoned investigators....
Shaking With the Ouija Board Pointer by Pakman555
My life is weird. I have the ability to see spirits, and communicate with them. I know how to access the spirit realm, using meditation, and I am very fond of the spirits I see regularly. Apparently, it is a gift. I have many spirit encounters that would frighten the average person quite a bit every...
Unusual Ghost in my Sister's House by chunkygut1
Just to clarify, my sister has moved out and now lives with her boyfriend about 10 minutes drive away. She's pathetic when she's on her own at night and every time her boyfriend goes out I have to sleep over in the spare room. At roughly midnight I was watching TV when I heard a strange noise, ki...
Shadow Baby by ScottRuiz
A few months ago, my wife and kids and I were staying the night at my mothers house. In a room that was added on later on after building it. My mom was renting the house from this couple. This room was always kind of freaky. On night my wife said she saw this Cylinder shaped object floating in the r...
Haunted Squad Bay by marine556
As everyone can tell from my user name, I am a Marine. These stories occurred while I was going through Boot Camp in sunny California. And in case your wondering, I didn't get to enjoy any of it! While in boot camp we lived in long open squad bays that had an entrance to the head and and shower room...
Bumps in the Night by Snowcaps01
I was in my room when all of a sudden I hear this thumping noise over my head that sounded like a cane hitting the floor, but we don't have an attic so there shouldn't be a noise above my head. I called my mom to come into the hall, she was in her room, but when she did, the noise would stop (this h...
Final Goodbye from Grandpa by megalie
I really have enjoyed this site, and has inspired me to write about my experiences. I have many stories, but this one is my favorite. It happened in Phoenix, AZ. I'll give a bit of background first. My grandpa was an amazing man. He was born in 1912 in Grand Junction, Colorado. He met my Grandma th...
Haunted House and Doppelgangers on Hancock Street by faerielike
When I was 11 my family decided to move to move to an old house in Oxford, NC. My parents were stumped as whether to buy this house or another, so they had us kids kind of make the final decision. We loved the place. It was huge... Well, compared to other places we lived. It was constructed in the e...
Ghost Cottages in Belfast by Niall
My mother experienced this event when she was 14 years of age and she wrote it in her diary the same day as it occurred so this is an accurate account. On St James' street in Belfast, N.Ireland on 14th June 1970 at approximately 2pm my mother and her sister boarded a bus which followed a route from ...
Family Hauntings Around my Home by Kevan
I'm about to tell you two things that have happened in or around my home, the first one being when I was seven years old. It's about my uncle Eugene. Eugen was always my hero from when I was two, until I was seven. My mother passed away when I was two years old, so I moved in with my grandparents an...
Mommy Ego by Warblaze
I grew up in a town called Austin, when I was a kid my aunt used to watch me after school along with her son and my little brother. We were the typical trouble making kids who always went out on our little adventures but there was something horribly wrong with not just my aunts house, but the whole ...
Seeing Is Believing by truthfulwon124
I was recently taking pictures of myself for my boyfriend. And I was using my web cam. I am not the greatest picture taker. The lighting in the room wasn't very good, the sun was streaming in through the curtains and the room was also dark. So as usual I had to adjust the picture. You know the d...
Someone on the Other Side of the Door by Suprised
I am writing this on behalf of my 18 year old sister as she doesn't feel comfortable joining the site. It is only because I told her my story and where she could read it that she has come forward with her own experience. About 3 week ago she was home alone at 2pm in her bedroom watching televisio...
My Shoes on Top in a Straight Line by MOTHERPANN
I have recently written about happenings in my home and on two occasions now a "funny" thing has happened with my shoes. One day during the week of March 17th, my sister was over and we were watching a show on the Paranormal and the host was showing how to use a pendulum. He held a coin in his hand ...
Feeling a Presence Around Me by Chrono
You may have read my other story Beam Of Light, in it I say that I have not experienced or seen anything really weird, but that does not mean that I don't feel weird presences, or hear things. I've said before that I go to a boarding school, which is apparently very haunted. I'm starting to belie...
Imp Shaped Shadowy Figure by chelleck
At the time I was searching for an apartment, my daughter also needed to move out of her apartment. I found the perfect place, in a big house that was converted into several apartments. We took the tour of the one at the lower right side of the house. We parked in the back, and used the back door to...
The Popular Classmate's Spirit by sparkle25
In October of 2002, I moved into my very own townhouse. I was 19, and a single mother of a 1 year old. Well, when we first moved into the town home, my son was always afraid to sleep in his room as if he seen something. I decided to search through his room, cleaning out any junk from the boxes I had...
The Apartment Man by warmoctobernights
Up until this past summer, my boyfriend has lived in an apartment in Allentown, PA. We started to date over two years ago, recently after he had moved in. I was a second semester sophomore at a college that was an hour away. My roommate and I did not get along, and we were going through an especiall...
A Gift from the Other Side by karaonline199326
This literally just happened today 1st april 2008, and no it is not an april fools joke. I was talking to my dad on the phone and he told me that the most amazing thing had just happened to him. He had been out with his friends and arrived home at about 5 in the morning when he found that the statue...
Pepe's Unfortunate Fate by Lalat
As a little girl I loved hearing ghost stories (I still do). This tragic story I'm about to tell is of my dad's. I have always thought that my dad just made it all up, until I heard it from another relative. So on to the story. This happened way back when my dad was still in grade school. I think...
Foul Smelling Thing by metalhed16
It was Easter of 2006 and I went to Calgary Canada to visit my parents and little brother. I used to live in Calgary, but moved to Los Angeles with my girlfriend when I turned 19. A month before my girlfriend and I drove up to Calgary for the Easter weekend, my parents and brother moved to a new pla...
Ghost From a Former Life by mmeibos
Let's start with some background information. I am Merwin Meibos, I'm 17 years old and I live in Holland. I have lived in a place called Mildam my whole life until we moved to Heerenveen two years ago. In Mildam I had never encountered any paranormal sightings or anything, so as you can guess I was ...
Ghost of a Boy by Setion
This is another tale of my mother's, and two of my aunts as well! When she was young she lived in a pretty small house with two of her sisters, one of her brothers and her parents - in a three bedroom house this naturally meant that people were going to have to share. So, the parents had one room, t...
Ghosts are Stalking Me by vampira
Just to get this straight, me being followed by ghost 99% of the time is completely my fault. Ghosts have always been something interesting to study about and I have always believed in. But lately the feeling of them being around me has gotten stronger. Sure its fun to read about them and talk to th...
He Saw his Father Leave his Body by Oglegen
I'm writing this on behalf of a close friend of mine and I think it's a really beautiful story. My friend Fran's father was diagnosed with cancer two years ago and got to a point in February 2007 where he was told by his Doctors that he had one month left to live. All his family gathered around him:...
Uncle Johnny Came Back? by GhostBreakers
Uncle Johnny was my favorite Uncle. So too was his sister my favorite Aunt. As was things in the old days children often lived with their parents when not married, even when they were older. I grew up next door in a small (actually tiny) house on their property. We were all very clo...
Bob's Back by ok
It would seem that Bob is getting a bit restless as of lately. It been awhile since anything memorable has happened in our apartment (Our new apartment and Bob's at it again). Now all of a sudden in the last 3 weeks things have been going a bit on the weird side. Two Saturdays ago, I was washi...
Spirit with a Motherly Attitude in County Sligo by Niall
This account is taken from my mother's diary where she recorded many paranormal experiences through her life. This is an accurate account. On the 11th May 1971 my mother was staying at her aunt's house in County Sligo with her toddler sister. This was my mother's birthday. Before I begin to narrate ...
Strange Whispers Calling my Name by DarkKnight
This is my fist post and I am quite excited. I have had this problem for as long as I can remember and MAYBE some of you can help me out with it. I keep experiencing these strange whispers, strange because they are calling my name. I would think it is my subconscious mind playing tricks but last nig...
First Encounter With a Little Blue Orb by Pandaotaku
Before I tell you the story, just let me tell you: If you think that ghosts aren't real, please don't post rude comments. No comment will change my mind about what I saw and hear with my own eyes and ears. Call me crazy and stupid, but I will not change my mind. Also, I'm not one to lie to my friend...
Frightening Happenings in the Basement by discodevil
I have always believed in ghosts but never thought that my house was haunted. But one night, I had a vivid dream that took place in my house. I dreamt I was another person running from something. The furniture in my dream was different and looked older than the furniture that was in my house at the ...
Sex with a Ghost by Seriously123
My boyfriend and I have been going out for maybe 2 years now. We haven't had sexual intercourse in awhile. But, just the other night, something strange happened. We moved into a new apartment a couple of days ago. A young man use to live there but he passed away fro drug overdose. He died maybe 5-6 ...
The Touch by BabyBoo
I've written before about how I believe my condo is haunted. The ghost likes to turn water on, turn off and on lights, and in general do things that are never really scary but seem to be a way to say "Hey, I'm here too..." There have been a couple of incidents lately that have been unusual that I th...
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- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
- Spiritual Disturbances In Apartment
- Tha Phra Chan, The Amulet Market
- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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