This is another tale of my mother's, and two of my aunts as well! When she was young she lived in a pretty small house with two of her sisters, one of her brothers and her parents - in a three bedroom house this naturally meant that people were going to have to share. So, the parents had one room, the girls had another, and the boy had the third. It become a tradition whilst the other children were growing up that the eldest got the room to themselves; to promote the idea of independence, give them privacy, and so on.
Well, the boy grew into a man and moved out, and the first of the sisters - my aunt, who ended up getting very involved in the occult - moved into the third bedroom. She lasted about a week before refusing point blank to enter the room again. She was quite high-strung, and obstinate, so she got her way. She told my mom, the second eldest, that someone was watching her whenever she was in there, and that they had moved her stuff around whilst she was still in the room behind her back.
Now, my mom was very impressionable, but very practical. She couldn't get out of staying in the room - her parents barely tolerated the intelligent superstar that was her sister refusing to obey and they would have just told her she was being ridiculous. So, she moved into the room despite being terrified of the ghost, or demon as she thought it, and got ready for her first night there.
She did, however, apologize to the empty air for moving in, and said that she hoped not to be a nuisance. After all, she reasoned, it didn't seem to be able to move rooms and having someone rattle around might get irritating. So, sensing the same feeling of being watched as her sister, she carried on, more afraid of her parents reaction if she ran out that the ghost. Lying down in the bed, she closed her eyes tight shut and said goodnight to the ghost, and refused to open them until morning.
She says that she felt someone brush her hair back, very very gently, and that they didn't seem mean or cruel at all despite what her elder sister said. It was the only time that she ever felt them touch her in any way, but she often felt their presence.
She moved out years later after getting married, having had no problem with the ghost. The elder sister did some research into the house, and found out that the previous owners had a son who was born with Downs Syndrome, and that was his room and he had died there (which had resulted in the parents selling the house). She thinks it was this boy who was the ghost.
The youngest sister, by the way, never moved into the room as she was the youngest child as well, taking away the "eldest moves in" reason - she also got married and moved out before my mom did. She tells me that she hated that room, and was sure there was someone in there; she didn't go in unless ordered. The uncle also says that there might have been someone there, but he ignored it.