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Ghost stories from Ohio, United States: Page 1
The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase by Jasperfinch21
Last fall, two of my friends (I will not disclose the real names, but I will call Andrea, and Matthew to protect their identity) decided to do something that ended up changing all our lives completely. We three decided to take a trip to a small town named Port Washington, it's in Ohio and it has bee...
Haunted Historic Mansion In Akron by Linjahaha
Last year in 2023, when a lot of the pandemic restrictions were lifted, my two friends, and I went to the beautiful Hower House in Akron, Ohio that sits not too far from Akron University with a Sorority house nearby. I feel I should supply you with some significant background (I know, I know. Here...
Historic Haunt by Linjahaha
Way back in 1972, I was involved in a Summer Co-ed Work/Job Training Program that was set up through the High School, Willoughby South High, that I attended. I secured a position at the historic Garfield Home Museum in Mentor, Ohio, as a tour guide. I had been to that museum a couple times growing ...
Two Fiascos, Two Unusual Rescues by Linjahaha
This date of infamy took place in 1972 just two weeks after I turned 18 years old. I became engaged to Bill, my former first husband, and biggest mistake of my life. Unfortunately, that misfortune was not known to me at the time. It took some years to learn. I was dating him for close to a year whe...
New House For Rent-the Ghost Is Free by Linjahaha
This incident happened back in 1982. My sister, J told me about it just recently. Matter of fact. She told me about it last week. She 'thought' she told me years ago, but forgot to. Instead her 3 friends know about it. J and one of her friends-call her Lori-were there when it happened. It took place...
My Amazing Mother-in-law by Linjahaha
Not too many people have good things to say about their mother-in-laws, but mine was wonderful. Actually, Mary was like another Mother to me in many respects. She was so thrilled when John met me, and he introduced me to her about four days after we met on our first date. Like I said in previous po...
Fascinated And Shook by Linjahaha
I just 'had' to submit this as it happened this past Tuesday on 2/6/2024. I was driving to the credit union early in the morning. I had just gotten off of work, and wanted to take care of a bill, and draw a little money out. The road I take is called Rocky River Drive. It takes me to Brookpark roa...
The Senior Nursing Facility by Linjahaha
This particular incident happened within the last year, and it just occurred to me to post it. I worked for eighteen years as a Medic. After that time period it was beginning to take a toll on my back (there are more back injuries in the EMS field than 'any' other occupation.). After I withdrew from...
The Old Maternity Hospital Part 2 by Linjahaha
This is a continuation of my last post regarding a very old maternity hospital, built in 1902, and was operated by the Salvation Army named after their founder, William Booth. The hospital operated until it closed in 1991. I worked there as a housekeeper in 1977. They, apparently, had a female gho...
The Old Maternity Hospital by Linjahaha
This particular account took place in the mid to late 1970's. I was still a relatively newlywed to my first husband, Bill. Bill worked on and off, but 'mostly' off. Therefore, I 'had' to work. I found employment as a Nurse Aide in a fairly large hospital (leaving out the name) in Willoughby, Ohio. I...
Our Haunted First Apartment by Linjahaha
Way back in 1972 I was a newlywed to my first husband; Bill, the bum (Feel the love here). We ran away to Kentucky to get married because you could get married there at 16 years old without parental consent. It was 2 weeks after I turned 18 and I could leave Ohio at 18 as 'that' was, then, considere...
Larry, Looking For Trouble And Finding It by Linjahaha
Here is another account that happened to my late husband, John, when he was between 16-18 years old. He had this friend named Larry. He thought Larry was a bit of a lamebrain, but they shared an interest in working on cars back when you 'could' work on a car before they became so computerized. They ...
The Slumber Party Incident by Linjahaha
This happened a long time ago in my teen years. You know. The years when you're daring and reckless! However, I was the one who 'knew' better during this particular incident. My two best friends-call them Dee and Val-wanted to have a slumber party. We had a previous one at Dee's house and had a lot...
The Old Parma Train Station Secretary by Linjahaha
This event didn't happen to me, but to my late husband, John, back when he was 15 years old, and I have no reason to doubt the validity of his account. He and I have, both, had paranormal encounters throughout our lives. He was quite psychic himself, having gotten that ability from his mother's side...
Little Gifts Out Of Nowhere by Linjahaha
Those of you whom have read my accounts are aware of the fact that I am a widow that was married to a truly wonderful man. The love of my life. However, I realize that I'm not the first, nor will I be the last widow on this planet, but on with this account. It was only a couple months after my dear...
Esther's Boarding House by Linjahaha
Back in 1972 about 2 weeks after I turned 18, I eloped with Bill, my first husband, to Catlettsburg, KY. My parents didn't approve of him to begin with. I have to 'agree' many years after the fact that 'they' were 'right'. I 'thought' I knew everything at that young age, but most 18-year olds 'think...
The Haunted Mantel Clock by Linjahaha
This didn't happen to me, but to my late husband, John, back when he was 16 years old. In 1962 his Mother, Mary, was recently widowed for a couple years when she remarried Tom. They moved into a house in Eastlake, Ohio. Your average, normal-sized house with 3 bedrooms. Of course, Mary had a lot of p...
Get Frightened-learn A Lesson by Linjahaha
This happened many years ago when I was a dumb kid, & messed with something I shouldn't have only to regret it later. My cousins, C., & K. (Just using the initials for privacy reasons.) lived in Cleveland. My folks would take us to visit with them quite frequently through the years when we were grow...
The Little Girl's Doll by prettypittiemama
I was 7 years old, and just about to go into the 1st grade. I had just moved and knew no one. When I was younger I was obsessed with dolls, and for my 6th birthday, my grandma had gifted me a doll she had found at Goodwill. This doll was OLD, they no longer make dolls like her anymore, and I was thr...
Hospital Haunt In Cleveland by Linjahaha
It was around 1994-95 when I got hired at one of the major hospitals in Cleveland, Ohio (leaving the name out, but there are several). I had a medical background & was hired for the Radiology department. Most of my experience was in patient care and secretarial work. However, I adjusted quickly to...
Grandma's Visits by Linjahaha
This occurred back in 1975 when I was married to Bill, my first husband. The marriage stunk, and that was probably the reason all this happened. We had just moved into a nice 3-story apartment complex on Euclid Avenue in Euclid, Ohio. It was a spacious, and beautiful 1-bedroom apartment. It contain...
Spiritual Visitations Do Happen by Linjahaha
We have all lost loved ones, let's face it. I lost my wonderful spouse, John, almost 8 years ago and it was the hardest thing I've 'ever' faced in my entire life. It was far worse than 'any' physical pain you can imagine. Someone could have stuck me in the gut with a Bowie knife, and I'd have pulled...
Skull Scare by Cornflower
This took place in the mid-80s when I was eleven or twelve. My mom was an art teacher back then, and my best friend's mom was an artist, so there were a lot of "artsy" things floating around our two households: cracked pottery, sculptures, fancy drapes, costume jewelry, you name it... But the one th...
Quasi-ouija Prediction by Cornflower
When I was in my early teens I used to spend a few weeks each summer at my grandma's farmhouse out in the country. The house was very old, complete with a root cellar under the kitchen, and a rickety staircase. The front part of the house was bright and airy and happy, but the back part was gloomy a...
House On Erie Road, Willoughby, Ohio by Linjahaha
It took me over 40 years to write about this account with a calm, & analytical frame of mind. Initially, every time my husband, & I 'tried' to write about it we'd get rattled & discontinue it. We wanted to send this account to the well-known parapsychologist, Hans Holzer to add to his files, but we ...
My Mom Said The Next World Was Amazing With A Single Word by Zander
My mother passed in 2001. She had always been interested in paranormal phenomena, like me. I had quite a few dreams after her death and they continue to this day, although increasingly rarely. An old dream dictionary I have says that the departed can reach us in dreams for up to 50 years following t...
Table Tapping In Gifted Science Class After School by Zander
In 1976, I had been placed in a science class in middle school for gifted students. Our teacher presented a unit about the psychic sciences! As it turned out, he was a gifted automatic writer. I remember that various students in the class who studied foreign languages tested his automatic writing ab...
Saw A Ghost, Alarm Going Off, Flickering Lights by littleluv
I am just looking for some answers or just some help with these few things I have experienced. So I would really appreciate any feedback that you guys have. I just moved out of my old house less than a week ago. I had a few things happen in that house. I had a lamp in my bedroom that was constantl...
Across The Miles by Miracles51031
It's been awhile since I've submitted anything. Not that there hasn't been activity in my home or experiences that I could share, it's just YGS and my paranormal life had to take a backseat to my real life. The following is one experience I have been meaning to share for a while. Saturday morning,...
"imaginary" Friend by Courtney22
I am a lover of all things paranormal. It has interested me my whole life. However, I have not had many first-hand experiences or encounters with the paranormal... Besides one. I was young, maybe about 5 years old at the most. I lived in a two-story apartment in Dayton, Ohio with my mother and f...
Possible Ghost Of My Cat Widget That Passed Away by Lilcat21310
Hey guys, I feel the need to share this story so I'll give you details about Widget before I start. She was a really old cat that my mother got around a year before she found out she pregnant with me. She was a all black cat that we sadly had to put down at age 20 around a year ago (my sister and I ...
We Call Him Steven by Mel-D72
We moved into my husband's house a little over 3 years ago. He's always had cats and I've always had dogs and cats. He had a cat many years ago who passed (we miss Thumbs. He was a sleek black and white tuxedo). I've seen a cat sitting in the back window before when my cat was outside and before we ...
The Strange Twin Taping On The Door At 2am by Lilcat21310
Hey guys! I'm new here, you can call me Lillie, please don't be rude if I don't have it exactly in detail, I sometimes forget little details after a while, sorry😅. Summer,2020 It was around 2:00am, I'm not sure exactly what time it was but it was around that time. I wasn't asleep, I was in t...
The Strange Night by Jb66
Before I go into the story, hello to everyone! I haven't posted a story in a very long time, the reason behind this is things have settled down a lot in our house. But as you will figure out in this story, there's still the occasional odd experience, or more like A LOT of them. Things have decided t...
A Different Kind Of Work Experience by Baikeru
It's been five years since I last posted an update on here. Quite a bit has happened in that time. I'll start with a brief update to my last post. As I said in the last post, in 2014 I moved from Texas to Ohio. I'd said that a room in our house was feeling odd to us and was cold and we felt uneasy i...
The Victorian Home Part 4 by Jb66
I'm back once again with another story in my house, this time it's a much more creepy story, and I'm pretty concerned just thinking about it. Last night, me and my parents decided to have a bonfire in our yard. We were all just having fun as a family! My mom was taking pictures of me and my dad....
That's Not My Dog by t_bev
I was hesitant to share this story at first. I've always believed it was a paranormal experience; but when telling the story to others, it's hard not to brush it off as "just a dog" or "just my imagination". But I wasn't the only one to experience this and I've seen so many others have similar stori...
At Gigi's House by t_bev
When I was between 4 and 6 my sister and I were babysat by my Grandma, who we called GiGi. GiGi lived in a Victorian style house built in 1896 (just looked that up to verify). If you've read my previous story, this house is actually less than a block away from the theater. GiGi was a stern, smal...
Strange Occurrences At A Haunted Theatre by t_bev
Small town in Ohio. I began working for a local non-profit that was restoring an historic theater/cinema and all of these events took place there. I was not the only one to witness some of these events, but because the building was bought by a local church and donated to the non-profit; as well as f...
The Victorian Home Part 3 by Jb66
Sorry if it seems like I am bombarding you guys with my stories, but every time I think that nothing else is going to happen in my house, more and more happens. It seems like it's never ending. It's also nice to be able to share these incidents each time they happen. Though I "just" posted part 2 of...
The Victorian Home Part 2 by Jb66
For those of you who read my previous experiences in my Victorian home, this is a continual to that. I have had more experiences since then that I would like to share. This was one of our most recent experiences. I, and my family were removing a large tree that was growing up our fence. My mom was...
The Giggling Girls by Jb66
This is a personal experience that me and my family had in a hotel in Ohio. I was only about 5 years old at this time. When we first arrived at the hotel it seemed nice. It had a giant hallway, a large staircase, decent rooms as well as an indoor pool. I believe it was sometime in the afternoon when...
The Victorian Home by Jb66
I live in a large brick victorian home that was built in the 1800s. I, and my family have had numerous occasions where unexplainable things have happened. Here are my stories. I had been in my room all alone, I was very young at this time! I was just standing there in front of my mirror with my fa...
The Non Believer by Crazy4Tulips
My brother-in-law came home from work last night and described that he saw something strange moving quickly across the road up ahead but when he got there, there wasn't anything there. He kind of believes in aliens but not ghosts so he told us he thought he saw an alien or "something". He knows that...
The Face In The Camera Screen by NorthCoastie19
This isn't a big story, but it still has me rattled and I felt worth sharing. I am an investigating consultant for insurance companies. Basically, I get hired to go out and look at property insurance (building/homeowners, etc) claims when the insurance company is having a hard time figuring it ou...
Confused And Bruised 10/30/2019 by DazedConfusedNowBruised
I am in my mid 40s and until now never gave much thought to paranormal experiences. And I certainly never experienced any. I moved into my house April 2019 and the evening of Wednesday October 30, 2019 I laid in bed watching tv, after a couple hours I turned off my television & I tried to fall aslee...
A Ghost I Can't Escape by edvance37
Early this year, three friends and I decided to go on a late night adventure and explore a nearby abandoned house. The previous owner of the house was purportedly an abuser, and lived there with his wife and some children. The house was brimming with stuff- the floors were covered in left-behind i...
Great-grandma Visiting Toddler At Night? by NorthCoastie19
This isn't a very "exiting" story, but nonetheless has my wife and I a little freaked out at the moment, and I thought was worth sharing. Back in April of this year (2019), my wife's grandmother passed away on our daughter's 2nd birthday. Our daughter had met her great-grandmother only a handful...
Grandma's Visit? by DragonLuvrD
It has been a while since I last posted on here, and as bad as I feel about that, I haven't had many experiences lately. However, I did have a visit not long ago. My grandmother, who was more like a mother, passed away in May. This is a woman who was open to the paranormal, and if something was t...
My Step-mom Says Goodbye by Mel-D72
It seems that most of my experiences throughout my life have been with family members and close friends. I honestly can't say why these are the only type of experiences I have. I wish I knew, honestly, because I am very open to the idea of spirits. But I shall get on with my story. This happened ...
The "boogieman" by Po5itive_vibe5
My name is Savannah. I have been dealing with many paranormal encounters at my workplace. I work at an Assisted Living Facility. I have been here for four years. I started back in high school, and am now almost 21. Our facility has 2 different units. The 1st unit, "AL", is in the front of the buil...
My Grandmother's Ghosts by TheFaeFolk
My grandmother's house had quite a few spirits that hung around, most of which were benevolent. I was a very sensitive and easily frightened child and so my mother had built a psychic wall for my mind against spiritual manifestations. I don't remember any of the direct encounters I've had with gho...
Sleeping Terror by Tori-Frost
This took place when I was a child, living with my grandparents home was also with my mother and uncle all under one roof. Now mind you, when I was a kid I was used to the feelings and seeing of entities as long as they were nice. Most where thankfully kind and understanding. When I was young I...
My Friend's Message? by Mel-D72
This just happened to me last night. (3/25/19) I thought it strange and wanted to share to get your impressions. (I'll explain my thinking at the end.) A little over 40 years ago, I met a little girl on the playground at school. We were both 8 years old. She was new to the school and I was one of ...
The Play Room At Gramma's House by Mel-D72
I have been debating for quite some time about posting this. But in reading other similar stories, I thought I would go ahead. This happened not only to me, but also my older sister at the same time. Way too freaky to be coincidence or childhood imagination. My sister and I spent the night at ou...
The Shadowman From Hell by paranormalnut
In the old days, we spent our evenings as a family parked in front of our old black and white TV set. There were only four channels back then: 3, 13, 8, and PBS. Being down in the hills, we could only pick up two: 3 and 13. If atmospheric conditions were just right, and they seldom were, we could pu...
The Disembodied Whistle by CrypticSerpent
This is a story that happened about 7 months ago. I had recently moved out of my old home to move into my own home. It is the first time I've lived on my own, besides my significant other. Well we had been moving in and out of this house, (my mother was moving too) and I had decided I still needed s...
In My Bed by Ashharp1
I'm a female and the youngest out of me and my brother. I have lived in the same house for about 18 years now. I would like to say that I'm a pretty religious person, I go to church and even go to a Catholic school. But I'm not the kind to shove my religion or beliefs down your throat. So naturally ...
Unexplained Event In My Grandfather's House by kentucky_believer
One the day before my twenty-fifth birthday my Maternal Grandmother passed away. She had been incredibly sick for several years, and on December Twentieth of 2017, she finally lost her fight, leaving our whole family devastated. For several days after my Grandmother's death, I stayed with my Aunt ...
Evp Session by TamaraMcKinstry
Since 9/11 I have been one of those that seek the truth on what really happened that day. I am always looking for any new information on the subject and watched pretty much all the videos out there on 9/11. So, last night, I have a ghost app downloaded on my phone that speaks words as energy from th...
Prophetic Dreams And Attachment? by MMMobear
I've had a few encounters over the short time I've been alive. I've always been sensitive to people's emotions, or I'll have prophetic dreams. They're nothing too spectacular, just a snapshot into the future and when I encounter what I dreamed about (usually a week to about a month after I have the ...
Nana Loves by SparksWife2018
My Nana was my father's mom. Nana was always the light of our family. She was a mean cook, had a beautiful voice in the church's choir, and was one of the best grandparents around. Having her and her long time boyfriend Robert was amazing. Although Papa, my father's father, passed away years befo...
Pillow Talk by Miracles51031
Occasionally I am introduced to something that is different than the paranormal I am used to, such as the music I mentioned in my most recent story. (Thank you to those who helped me understand that one is probably not paranormal in nature.) This is another one of those different things and all insi...
The Apartment Off Wilmington by SparksWife2018
(*For personal reasons and at request, I have changed names) 2011 was a tough year for me. My boyfriend of 5 years had suddenly dumped me at New Years, my grandmother grew very ill and died soon after, and I was back in a relationship after my break up with an ex. It wasn't easy but I found a j...
Ghost House From My Childhood by Alspaugh99109
I use to live in this house when I was a kid, until I was 14. Strange things would happen in the house and I rarely wanted to go upstairs by myself. One time my niece, who was 4 at the time, described a figure she was seeing that was in mother's closet. "He's funny looking," and described him like a...
My Musical Home by Miracles51031
In July of 2009, I bought a previously owned mobile home and relocated it onto my parents' property where my kids and I have lived since, and where most of our paranormal experiences have taken place. The following are music-related. The first time I heard music in my home and couldn't find the s...
The Discord Spirit by Krom1987
Krom once again, and it's been awhile since I've needed to come on here for answers (previous comments were very helpful with my last submission like a year ago so thank you to everyone who had helpful information). As previous readers will remember, my wife had recently been bequeathed an old antiq...
Haunted House, Sleep Paralysis, Shadow People by rachelgrace7798
I remember being on this website when I was in middle school. I started to write a post back then but I didn't know if anyone would take me seriously because I was young. I am 19 now and recently have had more things happen so I thought it was a good time to write this. I will try to sum it up as be...
Adam's Shadow by nofxroxx
Here's a little back story: I had a very good friend by the name of Adam for many, many years. We had probably been friends since elementary school up until he passed away in 2007. I am 29 now (2018)... First of all, Adam always said that he would die in a car accident at 19 years old. Well, g...
Encounter With The Past by MJames77
The year was 1983. It was winter in Ohio. We'd had a lot of snow by this point but the weather hadn't been too terrible for a northeast Ohio winter. It was late in the year. If memory serves, November. It was a very cold Friday or Saturday night. I had met a friend in a local restaurant named Bill. ...
Voices And Movement by Source
This is a true story and I have believed in ghosts, afterlife, and haunting as long as I can remember. My wife, son and I lived in a one story house several years ago that was built in the early 50's.This was in the central Ohio area and from the moment we moved in, we heard voices. Mumbling...
Am I Being Haunted In My Sleep? by _bxbyfaith
I am 20 years old & I've been playing with spirit boards since about the 8th grade. I woke up a few times when I was younger locked in fear feeling as if someone was standing at the foot of my bed watching me, but I couldn't see. After that I stopped sleeping in the dark. I've had what I thought was...
What's Going In The Attic? by Dooktar
I'm just an average 16 year old boy, picked up a job at a local hardware store to make my dad semi-proud of me. He thinks me working there is "teaching me life lessons," when in reality I'm just hosing out carpet cleaners and vacuuming carpets. Anyway, today, December 3, one of my managers told me t...
Someone Comes Home by aurora2017
Last year my niece rented a remote farmhouse near a state park in Southeastern Ohio. There were no visible neighbors and the house was over 100 years old. The owners had renovated the inside but had left the outside shabby to deter people from breaking in when it wasn't occupied. So this house had p...
A Sign From My Best Friend by BuskyBolder
About three years ago in April my best friend Bill died of a drug overdose in a Taco Bell bathroom in Newport, KY. Best friend is really an understatement. He was more like a brother to me. Everybody loved Bill and the kid was a real genius. Just a one of a kind guy you maybe meet maybe once or twic...
Won't Let Me Sleep by TheCynic
In my other story, I implied that this would happen again and... It's happening, again. Unlike last time though, this hasn't been an isolated event that happens for a brief period of time. About three weeks ago, I noticed that the cat toys in my room started to jingle in the middle of the night. Thi...
It Wasn't Supernatural... Or Was It? by Ann4shadow
The year was 1970. I know this because this happened when I was in kindergarten. My family Mum, Dad, two brothers had all moved in to a brand new 4 bedroom ranch style home in Huber Heights Ohio. We had an acre of land that had once been farmland. Our home was built on a single street with homes on ...
I'm Sorry I Died by Miracles51031
Sherm784 submitted a story a couple of days ago that made me want to share my experience. Close friends and family, as well as those friends I have made on Facebook, know Paul Walker was my favorite actor and his death was devastating to me. It left a hole in me, as if I lost a very dear and clos...
Hair Getting Tugged by msecrose
For about 2 or 3 years is how long I've really noticed this happening. It will start and then it will stop for a while but I haven't really noticed a pattern. Today I felt my hair being pulled again. I normally experience this only in my house. It especially happens in my room, home office, and kitc...
That Voice by Miracles51031
Brown_eyed_girl submitted a story that made a deep connection with me so I decided to submit my own experience about the voice. This experience takes place in the same house as "I Need My Mommy" ( and "I Need My Mommy 2" (
Go Away! You Can't Have Him! by Miracles51031
I always hesitate before sharing something that is out of the norm, at least for me. This is another one of those moments. A few years ago, the teenage son of a family I know was in the hospital. One night during his stay, as I was meditating, I placed a shield around Zane, asking that he be kept...
What Do Ghosts Need Money For Anyway? Part 2 by Miracles51031
The comments on my previous story about ghosts and money have prompted me to submit these two experiences. Both are taken from my Journal, with minor editing where clarification is needed. Thursday 3/08/12 I just walked next door to a convenience store at lunch time to get some snacks to supplem...
What Do Ghosts Need Money For Anyway? by Miracles51031
I've debated for several years about submitting this but decided since there have been several other stories relating to the same thing, I may as well go ahead and submit it. As with most of my shared experiences, I am relying on my Journal entries for accuracy (getting old 👵) Easter 2012: My...
Ouija Board Gone Wrong by Slewis88
Myself and two friends decided to play an Ouija board. The first time we played with it it claimed to be my great great aunt (whom I never met but was told she supposedly killed 3 out of her 4 husbands) then after I got a bad feeling and stopped playing, it claimed to be my friend's dad. After she...
The Chair by Krom1987
It's been awhile since I've had to submit a story for this page, but recently things have been happening in my family's lives. Now, in other posts I've talked about how I've been haunted in the past, and you'd think by now I'd be used to it, until my grandmother decides to go to a garage sale tha...
Following The Fog & The Mysterious Man by RaveyHope
One day my boyfriend and myself were out for a walk and I wasn't too far from home, maybe three or more blocks, but we were by a hospital area crossing an open field when all of a sudden we notice the field is now full of fog, no where else just this field, it also hadn't rained recently and had bee...
Pink by Miracles51031
This experience is dedicated to Macknorton. The following is taken from my Journal. "September 1, 2012 I was just standing at the sink, literally, getting ready to run water in the sink. I heard a little girl say what I thought to be "pink." I turned and said, "I heard you. I heard what you j...
Time - Is It Really Relevant? by Miracles51031
Do you ever wonder if time matters, or is the same, when we die? Years ago I submitted a story called "My Ghost Who Cussed" and this sparked an interest, for me at least, about the difference between time while we are living versus time after we die. It also created conversation in the comments sect...
I Once Saw The Ghost Of My Dog by Theghostsightinggirl01
When I was 13 (year was 2014), I once saw the ghost of my 12 year old corgi dog. Her name was Abbey. I grew up with Abbey but in 2013, she passed away of a heart attack. One night, I was just about to go to bed. I was walking to my light switch in my room to turn off my lights. My parents were alrea...
In Over My Head by RCRuskin
Twice in my life I went on 'ghost hunts' so to speak. One was just out of curiosity and involved a member of a storm chasing team I was on. He turned out not to be a very skilled driver during storm chases, but it was an interesting experience because of his driving. But that is not why I'm submitti...
Visitations And Astral Projection by Kittahkatt
I began having these strange experiences at a young age but I've only began to understand them in the past few years. It started before I could remember, I would talk to what I called an "angel" and described as having one arm. My sister would ask me what she would say but I would just stare at her ...
Childhood Experiences On The Farm by roccermom85
I have had quite a few experiences growing up at our old farmhouse in Ohio. What better place to start than at the beginning of our time at the house! My parents divorced when I was around three months old and my mom very quickly met and married my step dad. Prior to my mom and step dad getting m...
Playing In The Pantry by Gingerlo70
My story begins in the small town of Gnadenhutten Ohio. I usually fly to Ohio usually at least twice a year to see my friend. It was May 8th 2016. My friend had always told me the story of the little boy that's been seen haunting their house on several occasions and I knew it wasn't made up mostly b...
Visitors From The Other Side by melomelo
What would you do if you woke up in the middle of the night and saw a spirit? The first time I saw a spirit, I didn't know who they were or how they got in our house, so it was a little eerie. They visit so frequently now that it no longer surprises me. My mother had a great interest in the ...
Ghost Diary #1 by ChippyCho
I want to say first and foremost, this is completely true, but whether you believe me is up to you. On July 5, 2016 I used a Ouija board while home alone. I had it set up with an incense, a bandanna as an altar cloth, and 4 crystals: a quartz, a tigers eye, a snowflake obsidian, and an amethyst. ...
My Gramma Returns To Visit by mommaoftwo
Since this is my first story I'll start off with a little information of myself. I am currently 24 years old and not living in Ohio anymore. I am a mom of 2 beautiful children. My gramma died January 3rd of 2001 of a terrible accident that I won't get in detail about. We had her cremated and she sit...
Oh...excuse Me! by Miracles51031
I am so annoyed with myself. I try so very hard to record everything in my Journal, but this one I have only the date and four words: Tuttle guy in kitchen. A couple of months ago, yomomma submitted "Do Your Ears Hang Low" which made me remember this incident, and I fully intended to submit this ...
A Visit From Something Evil by Mark101
Growing up, I lived in a house I'm sure was haunted by at least one benevolent ghost. I know such things aren't the norm, and I can't explain them, but I do know hauntings are quite real. It was not uncommon for things to vanish one day only to turn up in an obvious location a few days later. On...
Strange Activity In My Family Home by rescueblonde
I've been reading stories on this website on and off for years. I've now decided to join and share my story in hopes that maybe someone else has had the same experiences or can help shed some light on what's happening. I'll provide some background information first. I'm currently 17 years old. I...
The Singing Girl by popcornrox
When I was in third grade, I was invited to a sleep-over at my (then) best friend's house. Spending the night there was normal to me. I spent the night almost every weekend, so going there wasn't a big deal. Looking back though, I have to admit that that house was kind of creepy. It was small, but I...
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- Henrique, We Miss You
- The Third Player
- The Ghosts Of The Winding Staircase
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- Return Of The Dead
- The Bingham Light Continued Pt 2
- A Series Of Passings, Visitations & Terminal Lucidity
- Our Family Entity
- Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home
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