This story takes place about 2 months ago in November, before I had this dream I was feeling a presence of a female spirit (subbucus). I felt like I was being followed around my house and have has a few encounters when I was in the bathroom things had fallen off the shelves above the bath and toilet.
One night (I think it was the 18th) I had a dream in which I was sitting down on a chair and everything around me was white. I saw a nice looking 22 year old woman with long black hair tied back with a blue ribbon. She approached me and sat down and started to caress (sp?) my leg, she untied her ribbon letting down her hair and dropped it on the floor, she started massaging my back for a few minutes then faded out. Suddenly I woke up and I found a blue ribbon on my pillow, it was about 50 centimetres long and it wasn't there when I fell asleep
Since this dream I have had increasingly sexual dreams and encounters, I believe this ribbon may be a bond between me and her that keeps drawing her back to me. I also noticed that this ribbon have played a part in many of my sexual dreams (the woman would always be wearing it or make a reference) and now I'm confused on if this really happened or it was a dream.
What do you think?
Or lacking energy if shes not present.
As free spirits demons do not need to bind to objects, and its possible that it was simply a token so you knew she was real.
Its also possible she is another form of spirit, such as a spirit guide or another type of demonic entity without being a succubus.
As for her watching tv with you, if she doesn't know much about human lifestyle or lifestyle in this century it stands to reason she might be facinated.
Just make sure you treat her like a person, not like a specimen or an inferior.