All of these accounts are true and it was the worst seven months of my life. I was living in my own nightmares...
When I was 18 my mom got me an apartment an hour away from home. I was excited growing up in a very small town I was so ready for the life away from home. I got a small one bedroom apartment next to an abandoned car wash. The apartments were on the scary side of town so I had to take extra precautions and keep an eye out for anything strange. I just didn't know I would be running from what was inside my own home.
Now these apartments were old and I don't know any of the history behind them so it had been about 3 months and I had not really heard anything strange. My friends would come over and we would always here things coming from the bathroom. I did not think it was anything to worry about since the apartments were old.
It was about my fourth month living there and I was sleeping alone. I have to sleep with the TV on I can't sleep in the dark. Since I did not have cable I would watch friends on the disc. I happened to be watching there was a song that came on in the end. Singing in the rain well when I was little I remember having sleep paralysis I know it is a very common thing. Well I was sleeping and I heard singing in the rain playing on repeat I was so groggy I didn't feel like looking for the remote, but it was getting annoying. Whilst I was waking up I realized I could not move or breath I knew exactly what was going on, but this time it felt different angry. I looked at the swivel chair I had in the living room and it was turning on its own. As I watched it spinning I was terrified everything started to get blurry I could feel whatever was there. I was finally able to move and breathe again. I could not sleep for the rest of the night. I knew it was just an episode of sleep paralysis but I had never had one like that.
The apartment continued to freak me out I worked late at a bar like until four am and I was so sleepy when I got out I ignored whatever was going on. A few nights later my good friend was staying over and was in the bathroom fixing her hair. I went outside to smoke a cigarette and wait for her. I could hear her talking to me but she sounded like she was talking to herself. I thought she was just being silly so I just didn't pay attention. She walked outside and asked why I ignored her. When I was inside I told her I had been outside the whole time, and she told me she saw me a couple of seconds ago walking out of the room and to the living room. She would barley stay over after that.
I have a lot of stories from those apartments and it still gives me the shivers when I think about it.