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My Sexual Demon 2


Continuing my story.

After seeing this female being sitting in the chair, I froze but I saw enough to describe her. Black long silky hair, big blue eyes, bat like wings, black netted ribcage, normal human breasts, black arms and hands and horse like feet and a long skirt green in colour. I saw her for about 10 seconds then she disappeared. I felt special, don't know why. Anyway this started getting out of hand.

I would be visiting relatives and she starts feeling me up or shopping or driving my car. I started thinking how is she travelling with me everywhere and waking me during the night just to have sex and I mean real sex no different to feeling a real woman. Ever since starting to have sex with this thing I kept away from my wife and felt I didn't need to be married and other thoughts about divorcing my wife of ten years. I used to pray every day but when I tried to start praying again I would feel sharp pain in my neck. It would stop when I stopped praying. I started worrying and one night I cuddled up to my wife and had sex and went to sleep. A few hours later all hell broke loose, door knocking, lights off and on, drum sounds, banging noises, screaming noise. My wife was terrified and I knew it was my fault for accepting this demon.

The next day I rang my uncle who knows plenty about these things and told him everything, he said that the demon was in love with me and if I don't get rid of it she will harm my wife. I panicked and went to see him; he gave me these certain names to recite to remove the demon from my body. I said what from my body he said yes that's how she gets around with you. Anyway I recited these names over and over and I felt hard vibrations going down my leg until a type of shockwave explosion next to my leg. I saw a 2 foot high monkey looking thing in a bubble fleeing fast out the glass door. I rang my uncle, he said she left and for her not to return he made me an amulet and said I must wear silver rings on all my fingers and toes for 30 days.

It's been 6 months now and all is quiet. I'm praying regularly again and still feel the guilt of sin.

Thank you for reading and if anyone has been through this I will gladly pass on the names to recite to vanish demons.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, outsider, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Please be advised that this site is for the general public. Even though this category is about experiences of sexual nature with ghosts, no explicit content is allowed and comments that are deemed inappropriate will be deleted.

sublimy99 (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-27)
I don't get evil and love. Demons falling in love? I also don't get them following us in the day time. Yeah, I said us. I thought demons hate the sun. I also thought demons hated the concept of love. What is up with that? I still think they are Djinn and not demons. You can classify the Djinn in the demon classification, but I don't think it is accurate.
Vermillion625 (1 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-09)
george_gr_63 to utter such a request, sexual demons like incubus/succubus are horrid creatures that only wish for harm to come to people that accept these demons into their lives! Please don't do something so foolish!
outsider (guest)
14 years ago (2011-04-29)
[at] george_gr_63 what a stupid reckless request, are you for real, I came to this site to help others rid themselves of demons and here you are asking to summon a demon, grow up and steer right away from these entities.
george_gr_63 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-28)
If anyone knows how to summon a succubus could you please mail me at this addres;gvembos [at]

Sorry for my english I am young.
outsider (guest)
14 years ago (2011-04-22)
[at] str8rippin, hi, the name of the succubus I encounted was ASHREETAH, what are you up to, try not to play with other dimensions, I have recently started writing a long blog on posterous website, its very detailed and I'm not finished yet, in it I have tried to write everything I have learnt about demons since my experience, you might find some help there, if your trying to summon an entity please let me know beforehand, its a very dangerous venture, anyway on posterous my username is outsider1. Cheers.
Str8Rippin (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-21)
Hey I like this story could you give me the name of the demon I'm trying somthing out and I need some one to tell me a real name of an incubis or sucubus and I think you would be great help thanks
Peacemaker (21 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-01)
Wait it's first of april now that I remember, happy April's day 😆
Peacemaker (21 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-01)
lol even minor words it change a lot big red nose, hope this get fix soon
Peacemaker (21 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-01)
Ok good to know I was not the only one who saw it purple pants lol 😁
outsider (guest)
14 years ago (2011-04-01)
[at] peacemaker, yes your right, someone obviously has hacked this site and changed some of the words around.
Peacemaker (21 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-01)
Hey why had many of my messeage been edit to something I haven't wrote like I hunt clowns? 😕
aya22 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-31)
granny, I will never think of the song in the same way again!...LOL! 😆 ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-03-31)
I wonder if that's what Nirvana's song is about:

I smell sex and candy here,
Who's that loungin' in my chair?
Who's that castin' devious stares in my direction?
Mama, this surely is a dream, yeah...
Yeah mama, this surely is a dream... Dig it?

Lou, see what you've started? 😆 ❤
looney85 (3 stories) (188 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-31)
Outsider! Thank you for your response and for the update on the smell... The way you put it does make it seem very unique. I hope this thing never comes back and I wish you the best on the future.

outsider (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-31)
[at] looney85, hello friend, thank you for the your kind comment and may God bless you and your family. As for the smell coming after the sexuall encounters, I can describe that it was like an off or currupt perfume with a tinge of slimy odour, very unique. In all my life I have never smelt the whole odour together especially on my personal self. I said to myself that how can they produce odours and then leave the scene and the odours remain, I know one symptom I used to get was a strong stench and cool breeze just before these encounters but they would go right after the sex sessions but this odour would remain until I washed, I hope that helps, cheers.
Peacemaker (21 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-30)
No I'm no native in english

Hunts that what had happen to my, so I go around whit this every day I could had take a samurie sword and kill myself but m too strong to let that take me down, and as for my love she allways try to make a gentel push in the right dicrtion
looney85 (3 stories) (188 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-30)
outsider! Your story was quite interesting!

Im glad you are offering others your help with this kinds of entities. I hope everything is well with you and your wife, let this be a learning experience. May god bless you and your family that this will never happen again.

Thanks for sharing.

Looney 😊
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-30)
[at] peacemaker okie, forgive me, but is english your first lang? I mean no disrespect, but reading your posts the gramatical errors caught my eye, you say the chruch "hunts" you, as in physically chases you down? Or did you mean "haunts" as in, it stays in your mind and brings a negative perspective? Not going to say anything aboit your...deamoness, just an outlandish statment like the "church hunts" you is open to vast amounts of skeptizum... And in my own oppinion, again no disrespect intended, sounds like a cry for attention.
Peacemaker (21 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-30)
ha what's good about lying Fame Money Glory? I won't none of those
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-03-30)
Okay Peacemaker, you've got me curious now. What did your church do to you that something hunts you every day? I'm asking you in a serious manner. What the hell kind of church were you involved in?
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-30)
I think you are "faking something up" for attention. Congratulations, you've got it.
Or had it. Anyone who would make up such an outlandish and obvious lie is unworthy of further attention.

This comment from Peacemaker is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-30)
Peacemaker, clearly you have never been, and never met, a victim of sexual assault. Guess what? It stays with you. You don't get over it. Sexual assault is actually real, it HAPPENS! Unlike your little fantasy that the Church is hunting you (wtf are you smoking anyway?) People get victimized by sexual predators every day. Either apologize to the real people with real problems that you have belittled with your anime-plot line fantasy, or shut up, get off this board, and go screw your pet demon. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Peacemaker (21 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-30)
yes something like that, it does have something to do whit consult one for Heresy
Khannie (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-30)
Something that goes around hunting you every day? Did they send out Vatican warlock assassins in an attempt to make your soul weep, and forfeit?
Peacemaker (21 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-30)
Well what had happen that the christian chuch did to me was not sexual, but something much much worse.
Something that goes around hunting me every day
outsider (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-30)
[at] peacemaker, sorry to hear about your bad experiences with the church, but there is a saying " judge not a religion by mans actions". It seems to me that your defending your entity (which I believe is a bad demon),blindly. Also its like you want everyone to feel sorry for you and take your word for it that's its a good spirit and not a demon and for no-one to critisize your entity, maybe some here feel for you and not want you to be deceived and lost.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-03-29)
Karma points are irrelevant. If you're that worried about the points, maybe try the psychic sister site. They seem to care about points over there.
Peacemaker (21 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-29)
Why do I get keeping bad karma I don't go around flameing anyone 😕
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-29)
[at] Peacemaker - sorry about hearing that you have bad memories from the Christian Church. I just was wanting to say what I felt was needed to say from my view point and what my opinion was of it.


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